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1、单元整合训练(三)语言知识再落实.单句语法填空1Im glad to hear that.Many congratulations(congratulate)on you.2He could not account for his foolish mistake.3Are you studying at a middle school attached(attach)to Beijing University?4This made top news in the surrounding(surround)countryside.5Some scarecrows in the fields ca

2、n scare away birds,and animals.6In general,the present economic situation is good.7It takes time and patience(patient)to photograph wildlife.8She passed away in Shanghai on June 11,at the advanced age of 101.9He rushed into the room,excited(excite)10Can you give a description(describe)of your hometo

3、wn?.完成句子1他一开门,一条狗就跑了进来。The instant he opened the door,a dog ran in.2乒乓球是一项很有趣的运动,以致全世界的人都参加这项运动。Table tennis is such an interesting game that people all over the world play it.3他们决定更换使用的材料。They decided to change the material used.4他现在工作得多么努力呀!How hard he is working now!5他虽然年轻,却很有经验。Young in year,he

4、is old in experience.微写作用本单元词汇或句式完成写作任务1重要的时刻来了。2家庭聚会对我们来说非常重要。3汉字福被贴到门上。我们搭建装饰品和燃放烟花来吓走怪物“年”。4就我而言,我不能够平静下来。5节日的高兴难以描述。 【参考范文】The important occasion came at last.Family gathering was important for all of us.The Chinese character Fu was attached to the door.We put up decorations and let off firework

5、s to scare away monster Nian.As far as I was concerned,I couldnt calm down.And the joy on the festival was beyond description.高考语篇再强化.阅读理解February has long been a month of romance.With the sweet smell of roses in the air,romantic films hit cinemas and love stories fill newspapers and magazines.On th

6、e 14th day,it is customary for a boy to take his girlfriend out to dinner,buy her flowers and chocolates,write poems,sing to her or even spell out her name with rose petals!This is the scene that greets you on Valentines Day,named after Valentine who was a priest in third century Rome.When the emper

7、or decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives,he banned marriage.But Valentine continued to perform marriage ceremonies for young lovers in secret.When his actions were discovered,the emperor had him put to death.While in prison,it is said that Valentine fell in love with the

8、 daughter of his prison guard.Before his death,he wrote her a letter,which he signed “From your Valentine”, an expression that is still in use today.Valentine died for what he believed in and so was made a Saint,as well as becoming one of historys most romantic figures.Nowadays,Valentines Day wins t

9、he same popularity among Chinese young people.It is a time when students “dont want to be alone” according to Gao Shunjie,a student reporter for 21st Century Teens in Jinling High School,Nanjing.Some of her classmates are planning to make Valentines cards for parents,teachers and friends.Others want

10、 to hold parties at which they will exchange small gifts and eat heartshaped cakes.The idea is to have fun and encourage people to share in the spirit of St Valentine.【语篇解读】二月作为浪漫的月份由来已久。在这个时节,空气中弥漫着玫瑰花的芳香,影院里放映浪漫的电影,而爱情故事在各种报刊上令人目不睱接。2月14日是情人节,你们了解情人节的由来吗?1Why is February a month of romance?ABecaus

11、e people will enjoy the pleasant feeling that the sweet smell roses bring them.BBecause a lot of romantic films will be on show in February.CBecause people can read a lot of love stories in newspapers or magazines.DBecause Valentines Day is on the 14th February,when many romantic things will happen.

12、D细节理解题。根据第二段可知,在2月14日这一天,男孩通常都要邀请女朋友共赴晚餐,还要为女朋友买花和巧克力,为她写诗,为她歌唱,所以二月份会有许多浪漫的事情发生。2The emperor banned marriage,because he .Awas not satisfied with the marriage ceremonies held by priestsBthought a single man was better than a married man as a soliderCenvied men marrying womenDthought marriage was evi

13、lB细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,罗马皇帝认为单身男人比有妻子的男人更适合当兵打仗,于是他下令禁止结婚。3If a girl receives a letter at the end of which “From your Valentine” is signed,the letter is written by .Aa man also called ValentineBher pet called ValentineCher boyfriend who is also called ValentineDher loverD推理判断题。根据第五段可知,瓦伦丁给狱卒的女儿写了一封信,信中

14、他签上了“来自你的瓦伦丁”。这一措辞沿用至今。据此可以推断,在信尾签有“来自你的瓦伦丁”的应当是女孩子的爱人。4The purpose of the passage is to tell us .Aa love story happening between Valentine and a daughter of a guardBthe history of Valentines Day and it wins popularity among Chinese young peopleCa priest who loved bravely facing pressure from the em

15、perorDthat February is a month of romanceB主旨大意题。通读全文内容可知,文章主要帮助我们了解情人节的历史,以及它在中国年轻人当中的普及程度。.完形填空Last summer,I began the biggest adventure of my life.I moved from a tiny city in England to one of the 1 cities in the world.As the plane 2 in Beijing,one of the first things I did was to 3 one of the cit

16、ys hutong.Walking around the 4 street,the warm air was filled with the 5 of delicious food as people played mahjong and 6 their oldfashioned bikes.This was the first moment I 7 ,“Wow,Im in China.”Beijing couldnt be more 8 to my home city,Preston,which 9 a population of just 114,000.It has one 10 str

17、eet thats around 500 meters from one end to the 11 ,on Sunday,all the shops 12 at 4:00 pm.There isnt a great deal of 13 when it comes to restaurants,either,and as a 14 of food,I couldnt wait to see what Beijing has to 15 .I still dont have a favorite dish here yet Im still happily working my way thr

18、ough the citys countless 16 to try to figure that out.Im slowly getting used 17 the fastpaced lifestyle and different 18 of life.In the future,I hope to buy a motorbike and 19 from one end to the other of this beautiful city,taking photos and 20 new people along the way.【语篇解读】这篇文章主要讲了去年夏天,我进行一次人生中最大

19、的冒险,从英国的一个小城市搬到了大都市北京。我慢慢习惯了北京快节奏的生活和不同的生活方式。未来,我希望买一辆摩托车,从一边骑到另一边,来游览这座美丽的城市,拍照,并且一路结交新的朋友。1A.oldestBlargestCbusiestDnoisiestB根据“I moved from a tiny city in England”可知这里应该填tiny的反义词,所以填largest。2A.pulled Btook offCtouched down DdroppedC根据“one of the first things I did was to one of the citys hutong.”

20、可知这里意思是当飞机在北京降落。pulled拉;took off起飞;touched down降落,买;dropped减少。所以选C。3A.visit Bstudy Clook DfindA这里意思是我做的第一件事就是参观了北京的一个胡同。所以选A。4A.broad Bpoor CemptyDnarrowD根据常识可知北京的胡同都是非常狭窄的。所以选D。5A.smell Bwind Csmoke DwarmthA句意:温暖的空气中充满着美味食物的香味。所以选A。6A.pushed Brode CtookDdroveB根据“their oldfashioned bikes.”可知这里意思是骑他们

21、的老式自行车。所以选B。7A.changed Bburst ClostDthoughtD根据下文“Wow,Im in China.” 可知这是一个想法。changed改变;burst 爆发;lost 丢失;thought想法。所以选D。8A.lovely BsimilarCdifferent DbeautifulC根据这一自然段可以看出,作者的家乡和北京完全不同。couldnt be more different完全不同。9A.has Bholds CcarriesDformsA句意:普林斯顿一个仅仅有着114 000人口的城市。has 有;holds 保留;carries 运载;forms形

22、成。所以选A。10A.walking Btrading CshoppingDparkingC根据“all the shops at 4:00 pm.”可知这里填shopping。11A.other BeitherCshop DanotherAOne.the other.是固定用法,表示两者中的一个另一个。12A.stop BcloseCopen DdesertB句意:所有的商店会在下午4点钟关门。所以选B。13A.choice Bmoney CfoodDchanceA句意:去饭馆儿吃饭时也没有很多的选择。choice选择;所以选A。14A.trainer Bstudent Ccook Dfan

23、D根据I couldnt wait to see what Beijing has to .可知我是一个美食的爱好者。所以选D。15A.value BintendCofferDkeepC句意:我等不及想要看看北京能够提供什么样的美食。offer提供;所以选C。16A.buses BrestaurantsCcrowds DhousesB根据上文“There isnt a great deal of when it comes to restaurants”,可知这里填restaurants。17A.from BofCwith DtoD句意:我慢慢习惯了快节奏的生活方式。get used to.是固定用法,意思是习惯了。18A.way Bmodel Ccolour DtasteA句意:我慢慢习惯了快节奏的生活和不同的生活方式。way 方式;model 模型;colour 颜色;taste品位。所以选A。19A.enjoy BtravelCwalk DknowB句意:我希望买一辆摩托车,从一边骑到另一边,来游览这座美丽的城市。所以选B。20A.changing BrealizingCmeeting DturningC句意:我希望买一辆摩托车,从一边骑到另一边,来游览这座美丽的城市,拍照,并且一路结交新的朋友。meeting会见;所以选C。7


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