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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高一册 Unit 11 .单词拼写1You should always _(履行) what you promise.2He had a _(种类) of interests which made him an agreeable companion.3The scientist explained the chemical _(过程) to the students.4Leadership and honesty are the _(特点) of a good manager.5The performing people all play different

2、_(器械) and three of them sing, too.6Most of the old people in China prefer _(传统的) Chinese medicine to the Western medicine.7People can develop their childrens _(智力) in many good ways.8The government did all they could to stop that unknown disease from _(传播) to other places.9I guess that this bottle c

3、an _(容纳) at least 2 kilos of water.10We should learn to _(表达) ourselves in proper English.答案1perform2.variety3.process4.characteristics5instruments6.traditional7.intelligence8spreading9.contain10.express.完成句子(湖北专用)1_(交通阻塞) by an accident when I was on the way to my school.(hold)2When I arrive there,

4、 _(我会尽快同你联系)(contact)3After World War , _(德国被分成两个独立的国家)(divide; separate)4_(我能完成更多工作) when Im on my own.(get)5Helen wrote me a letter, _(希望知道更多关于我们学校的情况)(hope)6He _(冒着生命危险救) the child from the fire.(risk)7_(房子里一切都井然有序), which makes him happy.(order)8The man _(最终得到了他想要的) after he worked hard.(manage)

5、9_(她没有想到) that he would refuse her invitation.(occur)10He is trying to _(逃避警方的追捕)(avoid)答案1The traffic was held up2I will contact you as soon as possible(I will make contact with you as soon as possible)3Germany was divided into two separate countries4I can get through a lot more work5hoping to know

6、 more about our school6risked his life to save7Everything in the house is in order8managed to get what he had wanted9It didnt occur to her10avoid being caught by the police.单项填空1She _ Japanese when she was in Japan, now she can speak it freely.A. picked outB. made outC. made up D. picked up2My grand

7、father is a very humorous person, and he often _ us for hours with funny stories.A. encourages B. entertainsC. educates D. directs3The type of music has become very famous in Britain and is very good music _.A. to dance B. to dance toC. danced D. danced to4It seems that he is _ our village.He spent

8、_ of his childhood here.A. new to; most B. familiar with; partC. similar to; a part D. like; much5While working in the country, the students _ a great deal of knowledge on plant life.A. looked up B. picked upC. put up D. called up6I felt my heart _ wildly when I got to the top of the mountain.A. bea

9、t B. beatingC. beaten D. being beaten7Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. _, our minds are developed by learning.A. Probably B. LikelyC. Similarly D. Generally8He made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to science.A. which I think is B. which I think it isC. which I think

10、 it D. I think is9Someone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely to _ a good researcher.A. make B. turnC. get D. grow10In my opinion, life in the twentyfirst century is much easier than _.A. that used to be B. it is used toC. it was used to D. it used to be11He was worried, because he

11、lost his bag _ his passport, ID card and a lot of money.A. included B. includingC. contained D. containing12From his _ voice on the phone I know everything is going under way.A. satisfactory B. satisfyingC. satisfied D. satisfaction13When he was there, he _ go to that coffee shop at the corner after

12、 work every day.A. would B. shouldC. had better D. might14I thought her nice and honest _ I met her.A. first time B. for the first timeC. the first time D. by the first time15(2010山东济南质量检测)_ I cant understand is _ he wants to change his mind.A. That, what B. That, whyC. What, what D. What, why答案1D。考

13、查动词短语辨析。pick out“挑出”;make out“辨认出,理解”;make up“编造,构成,化妆”;pick up“(偶然间)学到,拾起,搭车,接收”等。本题考查pick up“学到”之意。2B。考查词义辨析。句意:我爷爷非常幽默,经常会给我们讲几个小时的有趣故事来使我们快乐。encourage“鼓舞”;entertain“使快乐;招待”;educate“教育”;direct“指导”。3B。dance to music“合着音乐起舞”,用不定式to dance to作定语。4B。be familiar with“对熟悉”,句意:好像他对我们村子很熟悉。他在这里度过了他的部分童年时光

14、。5B。本题考查动词短语辨析。look up“查阅”;put up“搭起”;call up“给某人打电话”;pick up“学到”。句意:同学们学到许多植物方面的知识。6B。空格前出现heart一词,空格处填入表达“跳动”之意的beat,而且heart与beat之间是逻辑上的主动关系,所以使用feel sb. doing结构。7C。句中是将our minds与our bodies相类比。因此,应用similarly“相似地,类似地”。8A。这里I think是插入语,which引导非限制性定语从句,故选A。9A。句意:缺乏耐力和意志力的人不大可能成为一名优秀研究人才。make系动词,意为:to

15、 become or develop into something, be suitable for sth.“成为,适合”,又如:This room would make a nice office.这间屋子作办公室不错。turn系动词,后加单数名词时,需用零冠词;get, grow系动词,“变成”,后常与形容词等连用,不与名词连用。综上所述,A为正确答案。10D。句意:依我看,21世纪的生活比过去的生活轻松多了。used to do“过去常常”,it指代前面出现的名词life。因此选D。11D。contain“装有”,与bag构成逻辑上的主动关系,因此用containing。句意:他很担心

16、,因为他丢了装有护照、身份证和一大笔钱的包。12C。声音voice能体现人的情感。satisfied“满意的,满足的,欣慰的”,符合题意。satisfying“令人感到满意的”,多说明某物或某事。13A。“would动词原形”表示过去习惯性的动作。其他各项皆不符合该题情景。14C。句意:我第一次遇到她的时候认为她既漂亮又诚实。the first time引导时间状语从句,表示“第一次的时候”。15D.完形填空(2009福建永定一中测试)What would life be like without television? Would you spend more time _1_, readi

17、ng, or studying? Well, now its your chance to turn off your TV and _2_! TVTurnoff Week is here.The goal of TVTurnoff Week is to let people leave their TV sets _3_ and participate in activities _4_ drawing to biking. The event was founded by TVTurnoff Network, a nonprofit organization which started t

18、he event in 1995. In the _5_, only a few thousand people took part. Last year more than 7.6 million people participated, _6_ people in every state in America and in more than 12 other countries! This is the 14th year in which _7_ are asking people to “turn off the TV and turn on _8_.”According to th

19、e TVTurnoff Network, the average _9_ in the US spend _10_ time in front of the TV(about 1,023 hours per year) than they do in school(about 900 hours per year). Too much TV _11_ has made many kids grow fat. _12_, in 2001s TVTurnoff Week, US Surgeon General David Satcher said, “We are raising the most

20、 _13_ generation of youngsters in American history. This week is about saving lives.”Over the years, studies have shown that watching a lot of TV _14_ poor eating habits, too little exercise, and violence. Frank Vespe of the TVTurnoff Network said that turning off the TV “is or _15_, part of a healt

21、hy lifestyle”“One of the great lessons of _16_ TVTurnoff Week is the realization that _17_ I turn on the TV, Im deciding not to do something else,” Vespe said.TVTurnoff Week seems to be making a _18_. Recent US Census(人口普查) data _19_ that about 72 percent of kids under 12 have a limit on their TV ti

22、me. Thats _20_ about 63 percent ten years ago.1 A. drinking B. sleepingC. washing D. playing outside2 A. find out B. go outC. look out D. keep out3 A. away B. offC. on D. beside4 A. like B. asC. from D. such as5 A. end B. eventC. beginning D. total6A. besides B. except forC. including D. except7A. g

23、overnments B. parentsC. organizers D. businessmen8A. the light B. the radioC. life D. the Internet9A. grownups B. kidsC. clerks D. parents10A. less B. enoughC. little D. more11A. programmes B. screenC. hours D. watching12A. However B. On the contraryC. In fact D. As a result13A. overweight B. overea

24、tenC. overgrown D. overseen14A. leads to B. results fromC. develops D. keeps away15A. will be B. should beC. may be D. could be16A. organizing B. taking part inC. participating D. asking for17A. wherever B. every dayC. every time D. this time18A. living B. choiceC. difference D. sense19A. shows B. s

25、aysC. reads D. writes20A. rising B. down fromC. up to D. up from答案电视机丰富了人们的生活,同时也将人们禁锢在家里,减少了户外活动。一家网络组织创办的“关闭电视周”活动至今已走过十几个年头了,它使人们明白除了看电视,我们还有许多健康的生活方式。1D。考查动名词。从文章大意可知是希望人们有健康的生活方式,参加一些活动(第二段),因此选playing outside最合适。2A。考查动词短语辨析。上文提出了一个问题,所以用find out“发现,找到(答案)”,其他选项均不符合文意。3B。考查词组搭配leave.off“关掉”。4C。

26、考查介词搭配。由后文的to可知这里只能填from。5C。考查词组搭配。这两句话说的是参与这个活动的人数的变化,因此这里是“起初,一开始”,用in the beginning。6C。考查词义辨析。这句话是对前一句话的补充说明,根据“people in every state in America and in more than 12 other countries”可知是对所有参与者的一个说明,所以用including“包括”。7C。进一步陈述组织者的目的。8C。组织者的目的就是希望人们有健康的生活方式,所以用turn on life“点亮生活”,生动、形象地阐明了中心。9B。根据空后的in

27、school可知是针对学生来说的,因此用kids。10D。根据上下文提供的数据可知,大多数孩子与在学校时相比,看电视的时间更多。11D。这里表示“看电视过多”。12D。考查上下文推理。上下文之间是因果关系,as a result“结果,因此”。13A。考查上下文推理。根据上文的grow fat可推知,这里应该是overweight“超重的”。overeaten“吃得过多”是导致肥胖的一个方面。overgrown“成长过快的”,overseen“监督”,都不符合文意。14A。考查上下文推理。从逻辑上看首先可排除result from“由于;因为”,keep away“不接触”;再根据后面的“to

28、o little exercise, and violence”,从搭配上排除develops。15B。根据中心思想,Vespe认为从道理上说这样做“应该是”健康生活的一部分。16B。从下文来看Vespe是作为一个电视观众,即本次活动的参与者来谈自己的体会,而不是一个组织者,因此用taking part in。participate后面要加in。17C。考查名词短语every time引导的时间状语从句。主句为现在进行时,因此用every time“每次”最合适。而every day后面要加when; this time“这次”,不符合文意。18C。考查固定搭配。make a differen

29、ce“产生影响”。19A。考查名词与动词搭配。下文不是列举data“数据”具体是多少,所以不能用says或reads,应该用shows“显示、说明”。20D。根据上下文考查词义。此处是在63 percent的基础上的上升,因此用up from。.短文改错When we feel sad or happily, a good cry is almost1._impossible to resist. But do you know why we cry?2._Experts have found that tear contain some chemicals3._like hormone. W

30、hen one feel stressed, tears will come4._down to set him/her free. So crying is a way of get5._rid of the stress and you will often feel better before a6._good cry. Of course sex has nothing to do to crying.7._Women cry more often just because of they have more8._of this hormone than men. But next t

31、ime you feel like9._bursting into tears, go ahead. It wont be good to your health.10._答案1happilyhappy。考查形容词构成的系表结构。feel为系动词,后接形容词作表语。23teartears。考查习惯用法。tear作“眼泪,泪水”讲时,常用复数形式。4feelfeels。考查主谓一致。主语one是单数,谓语feel应该用第三人称单数形式。5getgetting。考查介词的用法。of是介词,其后应接动词ing形式。6beforeafter。考查行文逻辑。句意:因此,哭是一种摆脱压力的方式,哭过之后你会感觉自己好多了。after符合语意。7第二个towith。考查固定搭配。have nothing to do with.“和无关”。8去掉of。考查习惯用法。because是从属代词,引导从句;because of是复合介词,后跟名词、代词和动名词。9ButSo。考查连词。根据语意判断,此处表示语意的承接,而不表示语意的转折。10wontwill或goodbad。考查行文逻辑。根据语篇暗示可知,哭对身体有好处,因此will符合语意,或把good改为bad。- 5 - 版权所有高考资源网


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