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2019高三英语(外研版)一轮预习案:4-1 LIFE IN THE FUTURE WORD版含解析.docx

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2、solar adj.太阳的2.urban adj.都市的;城市的3.catalogue n.目录4.concrete n.混凝土adj.具体的5.outdoors adv.户外6.online adv.联机地7.flick n.轻打;轻弹8.surgery n.外科手术9.clinic n.诊所10.colony n.殖民地构织连脉词族1.predictionn.预测predictv.预测predictableadj.可预测的predictiveadj.预言的,预兆的,预测的2.relyvi.依赖;依靠reliableadj.可靠的3.riskyadj.危险的;冒险的riskn.&v.冒险ri


4、misticadj.乐观的optimismn.乐观主义10.definitelyadv.无疑地;确定地definiteadj.确定的indefiniteadj.不确定的语用规律归纳“力量”种种powern.权力;动力strengthn.体力;力气forcen.外力;武力violencen.暴力energyn.精力potentialn.潜力“最终”表达团eventuallyadv.最后;最终finallyadv.最后ultimatelyadv.最后;最终atlast最后intime最后;终于intheend最终语境活用1.Everything can be predicted/predictab

5、le.So I can make a prediction that the earthquake will surely be predicted/predictable before it occurs.(predict)2.I would rather you didnt risk losing your life to swim in that polluted river.Thats really risky.(risk)3.At weekends,I usually get myself recreated by means of various recreations.(recr

6、eate)4.Only reliable persons can be really relied upon.(rely).课标短语从表面理解到深层延伸从拓展中抓其规律Observationisthebestteacher.1.forsure肯定地2.runoutvi.用完3.useupvt.用完4.relyon依靠5.getridof除掉;处理掉6.freeofcharge免费7.carryout执行;实施语境活用1.I can tell you forsure that there will be a heavy rain tonight.2.Youd better draw some m

7、oney from the bank before it runsout/isusedup.续表8.lookout小心;当心9.either.or.或者或者10.forastart首先etrue实现;成真12.inprogress在进行中13.onthewayout即将被淘汰14.place orders 订货15.at birth 一出生16.at the flick of 轻轻一触3.Dont relyon him to do anything.Hes just a talker.4.The fat boy went on a diet to getridof his excess wei

8、ght.5.Lookout!A car is rushing by.重点句型从教材中探求高考脉动从仿写中熟练运用Nothingisimpossibleforawillingheart.领悟教材语境1.No one knows for sure,and makingpredictions is a risky business.谁也说不准,并且猜测也是件冒险的事。(教材Page 2)要点提炼动词-ing短语做主语。动词或动词短语作主语时,常用其动词-ing形式,使得表述更生动。2.To get rid of garbage problems,the city will load huge spa

9、ceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun,preventinglandfillandenvironmentalproblems.为了摆脱垃圾问题的困扰,城市将会用巨型宇宙飞船装载废弃材料,朝太阳发射,这样做防止了垃圾填埋和环境问题。(教材Page 2)要点提炼动词-ing短语做结果状语。3.Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change nomatterwheretheylive.每个人在出生时都会领到一个电话号码,无论

10、他们生活在什么地方,这个号码都不会改变。(教材Page 2)要点提炼 no matter where引导让步状语从句表示“无论在什么地方都”。4.Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles away,witheachcityhavingitsowntelesurgeryoutpatientclinic.医生在几千英里以外为病人动手术的远程治疗成为常事,因为每个城市都有自己的远程诊所。(教材Page 2)要点提炼“with+宾语+宾语补足语”句式,常在句中做

11、状语或定语,表示伴随,原因,条件等。高考写作情景Doingthesamesports(参加相同的运动)on the playground gives us the opportunity to promote our friendship.New energy cars have come into our homes,bringing(带来)lots of convenience to us.Usually,nomatterhowfarawayorhowbusyweare(不管我们有多远,或有多忙),we will try to come home for the celebration.W

12、iththebeautifulmoonupinthesky(美丽的月亮高高悬挂在天空),we sit together and eat moon cakes and fruit,sharing our stories.语篇旧材新用探究根源Killtwobirdswithonestone.话题与语篇填空No one knows for sure what the city of the future will look like and 1.making(make) predictions is a 2.risky (risk) business.In the future,care 3.for

13、 the environment will become very important as earths natural resources run out.We will use lots of 4.recycled(recycle) materials.We will waste fewer natural 5.resources(resource) and have to rely more on alternative energy.To get rid of garbage problems,the city 6.willload(load) huge spaceships wit

14、h waste materials and send them towards the sun,7.preventing(prevent) landfill.Police will arrest criminals by 8.firing(fire) nets instead of guns.Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter 9.where they live.All cars will be powered by electricity,solar energ

15、y or wind,and 10.it will be possible to change the colour of cars at the flick of a switch.话题与短文改错Not all predictions arecome true.Here are just some of the bad predictionpredictionspeople made in the twentieth century about the twenty-first century,thatwhichturned out to be wrong.“NotNoflying machi

16、ne will ever fly from New York to Paris,”said Orville Wright in 1908.“Thirty years from now people will be wornwearingclothes made of paper.The clothes will be easyeasilythrown away after wearing itthemtwo or three times.”This is the prediction makemadeby ChangingTimesMagazine in 1957.“With the first moon colonies predictingpredictedfor the 1970s,work is now in progress on the types of building required for men to stay inwhen theyre on the moon,”predicted by Arnold B,Barach in 1962.


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