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1、20092010学年度高二第二学期第四次阶段性测试英语试题第I卷(选择题 共95分)第一部分: 听力(共两节, 满分20分)第一节 听下面5段对话, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman mean?A. He has dialed the wrong number. B. John Smith is not in. C. Nobody is called John Smith.2. Why isnt the man going to work?A. He is sick. B. His boss has fired him

2、. C. He wants to play tennis.3. What will the man have?A. Bread. B. Milk. C. Eggs.4. Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In an office. B. In a street. C. In a shop.5. Whats the mans job?A. He is a lawyer. B. He is a shop assistant. C. He works for lawyers.第二节 听下面5段对话或独白, 从题中所给的A、B、C三

3、个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. Where did this dialogue happen?A. At the station. B. In the hospital. C. In the shop.7. What is the woman going to buy?A. Bag. B. Shoes. C. Trousers.8. What color does her daughter like? A. White B. Blue. C. Red.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. Why did Jack call Mary?A. To

4、offer his help with her new flat. B. To invite her out for an evening. C. To ask if shes got the tickets.10. What will Mary be doing next Saturday afternoon? A. Cleaning up the new flat. B. Watching a tennis match. C. Visiting a friend with Jane.11. What has Mary agreed to do with Jack next Saturday

5、/ A. To buy concert tickets. B. To see a play. C. To attend a concert.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. Where does this conversation take place?A. In a hotel. B. In a hospital. C. In a shopping centre.13. On which floor is the Exhibition Centre?A. The ninth floor. B. The third floor. C. The second floor.14. Why

6、does the man come to Hong Kong?A. He is on holiday. B. He comes for the computer exhibition. C. He comes to meet Peter Smith from Greece.听第9段材料,回答第15至16题。15. Where does the woman learn Chinese?A. In England. B. In France. C. In China.16. How is the womans French?A. She can just speak a little. B. Sh

7、e speaks it very well. C. She learned it in Peking University.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Why did the guard call loudly?A. He wanted people to be careful. B. He wanted people to know the train was leaving. C. He wanted people to know the train was coming.18. Why was Dr. Wang sad?A. He couldnt see his frie

8、nds again. B. B. His friends didnt say goodbye to him. C. He should be on the train, not his friends.19. Why did the guard tell Dr. Wang not to feel sad?A. He thought Dr. Wangs friends would come soon.B. He didnt think Dr. Wangs friends would get lost. C. He knew the next train would come soon.20. W

9、hich one is correct? A. Mr Li and Mr Chen jumped onto the train without thinking. B. Mr Li and Mr Chen went home by train. C. Dr. Wang came to say goodbye to Mr Li and Mr Chen.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满35分)第一节:单选(共15小题)20. -_ leave at the end of this month.- I dont think you should do that until _ another jo

10、b.A. Im going to; youd found B. Im going to; youve found C. Ill; youll find D. Ill; youd find21. The room _ white last year is my study.A. to be painted B. being painted C. painted D. having been painted23. When we heard the gun fire, we all stood still and shook with _. A. fear B. a fear C. fears D

11、. the fear24. Their plan was _. With it we had little trouble in finishing the work. A. success B. succeed C. a success D. a successful25. Ive won a holiday for two days to Florida. I _ my mum. A. am taking B. have taken C. take D. will have taken26. Though he is ill, he has not quit _. A. smoke B.

12、to smoke C. smoked D. smoking27. If you dont go, _. A. So do I B. So will I C. nor do I D. nor will I 28. He left his hometown, _ never to come back again.A. was determined B. being determined C. determined D. and determined 29. He told us that the desk wanted _. A. repair B. to repair C. repairing

13、D. repaired30. _ from his accent, he must be from Britain. A. Judged B. To judge C. Being judged D. Judging31. My mobile phone has broken. I must _. A. get down to repair it B. have it repair C. get down to repairing it D. have it to be repaired32. _ it is to go for a camp on such a fine day! A. Wha

14、t a fun B. What fun C. How funny D. How a fun33. Excuse _ you, but I have an important message for you. A. me to interrupt B. for my being interrupted C. my interrupting D. me of interrupting34. - Why hasnt Jenny turned up? - Oh! She called me just now and said that she was _ the way. A. by B. in C.

15、 at D. on35. A large sum of money has been raised for the _ of the poorly educated children in the mountainous districts. A. profit B. favor C. advantage D. benefit第二节:完型填空 (共20小题,20分)One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive. Sudd

16、enly I 36 that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing(瞥视) in my direction , 37 he knew me . The man had a newspaper 38 in front of him , 39 he was pretending(假装) to read , but I could 40 that he was keeping an eye on me .When the waiter brought my 41 the man was clearly puzzled (困惑)

17、by the 42 way in which the waiter and I 43 each other . He seemed even more puzzled as 44 went on and it became 45 that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me. Finally he got up and went into the 46 . When he came out, he paid his bill and 47 without another glance in my direction .I called the o

18、wner of the restaurant and asked what the man had 48 . “Well,” he said , “that man was a detective (侦探) . He 49 you here because he thought you were the man he 50 .” “What?” I said, showing my 51 . The owner continued, “He came into the kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man. I 52 say he lo

19、oked very much like you! Of course, since we know you, we told him that he had made a 53 .” “Well, its really 54 that I came to a 55 where Im known,” I said. “otherwise(否则), I might have been in trouble .”36Aknew Bunderstood Cnoticed Drecognized 37Asince Beven if Cthough Das if 38Aflat Bopen Ccut Df

20、ixed 39AwhyBwhat C whichDthat 40Asee Bfind Cguess Dlearn 41Amenu Bbill Cpaper Dfood 42Adirect Bfamiliar Cstrange Dfunny 43Achatted with Blooked at Claughed at Dtalked about 44Athe waiter Btime CI Dthe dinner 45Atrue Bhopeful Cclear Dpossible 46Arestaurant Bwashroom Coffice Dkitchen 47Aleft Bacted Cs

21、at down Dcalmed down 48Awanted Btried Cordered Dwished 49Amet Bcaught Cfollowed Ddiscovered 50Awas to beat Bwas dealing with Cwas to meet Dwas looking for 51Acare Bsurprise Cworry Dregret 52Amust Bcan Cneed Dmay 53Adiscovery Bmistake Cdecision Dfortune 54Aa pity Bnatural Ca chance Dlucky 55Apost off

22、ice BcinemaCrestaurant Dbookshop第三部分:阅读理解 (40分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。AA young woman carrying a three-year-old child got on a bus. The conductor hurried to give her a warm welcome and then kindly asked the other passengers to make more room for the woman and her child. On seeing this, people began

23、 to talk. You know this conductor used to be very rude. Now suddenly he has changed his bad behavior , said a middle-aged man.Yes, he should be praised and we must write a letter to the company, said a second passenger. Thats right, another lady said, I wish a newspaper reporter were here so that mo

24、re people could learn from this conductor. Just then a gentleman who looked like a teacher turned to the conductor and said , Excuse me, but can I know your name, please? Your excellent service must be praised.Before he could open his mouth, the three-year-old child sitting on the young womans lap i

25、nterrupted, I know his name. I call him Dad.56. One passenger suggested writing a letter to the company to _.A. make a demand for more buses B. thank the conductor for his good serviceC. criticize the conductor for his rude behaviorD. invite a newspaper reporter to write about the conductor57. What

26、was the gentleman?A. A teacher. B. A newspaper reporter. C. Not known from the story. D. The conductors friend from his company.58. The word him in the last paragraph refers to _.A. the gentleman B. the conductor C. the middle-aged man D. the three-year-old child59. It is clear from the story that t

27、he conductor _.A. has changed his attitude towards his work B. has now been kind and polite to all passengersC. has not changed his rude behavior to passengersD. has now been kind and polite to women with childrenB Will it matter if you dont take your breakfast? Recently a test was given in the Unit

28、ed States. Those tested included people of different ages, from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Special tests were set up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast.

29、 The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect than if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person works with his brains. If a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more q

30、uickly and listen with more attention to class.Opposite to what many people believe, if you dont eat breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch, and end up gaining weight instead of losing. You will probably lose more weight

31、if you reduce your other meals.60. During the test, those who were tested were given _.A. no breakfast at all B. very rich breakfastC. little food for breakfast D. different breakfast or none61. The results of the test show that _.A. breakfast has great effect on work and studiesB. breakfast has lit

32、tle to do with a person s workC. a person will work better if he has a simple breakfastD. those working with brains should have much for breakfast62. The passage mentions that many people believe that if you dont eat breakfast, you will _.A. lose weight B. not lose weight C. be healthier D. gain a l

33、ot of weight63. According to the passage, if a student does not eat breakfast, _.A. he will fall ill B. he will fail to listen to his teacherC. he will not make progress in his study D. his mind will work more slowlyCEverybody has one of those days when everything goes wrong. This is what happened t

34、o Harry. He got up one morning very late because he had forgotten to wind up(旋) his alarm clock(闹钟). He tried to shave(刮脸) quickly and cut himself. When he got dressed he got blood all over his clean shirt, so he had to find another one. The only other shirt that was clean needed ironing (熨), so he

35、ironed it. While he was ironing it, there was a knock at the door. It was the man to read the electricity meter(表). He showed him where the meter was, said good-bye and found that the iron had burnt a hole in his shirt. So he had to wear the one with the blood on it after all. By this time it was ve

36、ry late, so he decided he couldnt go to work by bus. He telephoned for a taxi to take him to work. The taxi arrived and Harry got in and began to read the newspaper. In another part of the town, a man had killed a woman with a knife and was seen to run away in a taxi. When Harrys taxi stopped outsid

37、e his office, a policeman happened to be standing there. He saw the blood on Harrys shirt, and took him to the police station. He was kept till 3 oclock in the afternoon before the police were sure that he was not the man they wanted. When he finally arrived at the office at about four, his boss too

38、k a look at him and told him to go away and find another job.64. Put the following sentences into correct order according to the passage. a. The man who read the electricity meter came. b. Harry ironed his shirt. c. Harry got blood all over his clean shirt. d. There was a knock at the door. e. Harry

39、 wore the shirt with blood on it. A. a, b, c, d, e B. b, a, d, c, e C. b, a, c, d, e D. c, b, d, a, e65. Why did Harry wear the shirt with blood on it ? A. He had only one shirt. B. The only other needed ironing. C. The iron had burnt a hole in his clean shirt. D. He cut himself and got blood all ov

40、er his shirt.66. Harry was taken to the police station because_. A. his taxi stopped outside his office and a policeman happened to be there B. there was blood on his shirt and he was in a taxiC. a man killed a woman with a knife D. the murderer(杀人犯) was seen to run away in a taxi67. His boss told h

41、im to go away and find another job because_. A. he had been kept by the police B. there was blood on his shirt C. he was late for work D. he had killed a womanD The United States covers a large part of the North American continent. Its neighbors are Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. Altho

42、ugh the United States is a big country, it is not the largest in the world. In 1964, its population was over 185,000,000. When this land first became a nation, after winning its independence (独立) from England, it had thirteen states. Each of the states was represented(代表) on the American flag by a s

43、tar. All these states were in the eastern part of the continent. As the nation grew toward the west, new states were added and new stars appeared on the flag. For a long time, there were 48 stars. In 1959, however, two more stars were added to the flag, representing the new states of Alaska and Hawa

44、ii. Indians were the first people of the land which is now the United States. There are stillmany thousands of Indians now living in all parts of the country. Sometimes it is said that the Indians are the only real Americans. Most Americans come from all over the world. Those who came first in great

45、est numbers to make their homes on the eastern coast of North America were mostly from England. It is for that reason that the language of the United States is English and that its culture and customs are more like those of England than those of any other country in the world.68. The United States d

46、idnt have_ states until _.A. thirteen; 1959 B. fifty; 1959 C. fifty; this land first became a nation D. fifty;1964 69. Why is English the language of America?A. English is the Indians native language. B. Most Americans come from all over the world.C. Most of the people who first settled in America w

47、ere from EnglandD. Canada is Americas nearest neighbor.70. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. The States of America B. The Language of AmericaC. The United States of America D. The Culture and Customs of America EThe invention of the electric telegraph gave birth to the com

48、munications industry. Although Samuel B. Morse succeeded in making the invention useful in 1837, it was not until 1843 that the first important telegraph line was constructed. By 1860 more than 50,000 miles of lines connected people east of the Rockies. The following year, San Francisco was added to

49、 the network. The national telegraph network strengthened the ties between East and West and contributed to the rapid expansion of the railroads by providing an efficient means to monitor schedules and routes. Furthermore, the extension of the telegraph, combined with the invention of the steam-driv

50、en rotary printing press by Richard M. Hoe in 1846, revolutionized the world of journalism. Where the business of news gathering had been dependent upon the mail and on hand-operated presses, the telegraph expanded the amount of information a newspaper could supply and allowed for more timely report

51、ing. The creating of the Associated Press as a central wire service in 1846 marked the arrival of a new era (纪元) in journalism. 71. The main topic of the passage is .A. the history of journalismB. the origin of the national telegraphC. how the telegraph network contributed to the expansion of railro

52、adsD. the contributions and development of the telegraph network72. The word gathering in line 11 refers to .A. peopleB. informationC. objectsD. substances73. The authors main purpose in this passage is to .A. compare the invention of the telegraph with the invention of the steam-driven rotary press

53、B. propose new ways to develop the communications industryC. show how the electric telegraph affected the communications industryD. criticize Samuel B. Morse74. This passage would most likely be found in a .A. U.S. history book B. book on trains C. science textbook D. computer magazine75. It can be

54、inferred from the passage that .A. Samuel Morse did not make a significant contribution to the communications industryB. Morses invention did not immediately achieve its full potential (潜力)C. the extension of the telegraph was more important than its inventionD. journalists have the Associated Press

55、 to thank for the birth of the communications industry第卷(非选择题 共25分)第一节:对话填空。(5分)Jack(J):Where have you been, Laura?Laura(L): Oh, Ive just been to a s 1 made1_ by a famous p 2 from Beijing University2_J: What is it about?L: He mentioned something c 3 the concept of “harmonious society” in his speech.

56、3_J: Oh, thats something people keep t 4 about nowadays! Then what did he say about it?4_L: He said that we should not only get a 5 well with other people, but also live in harmony with n 6 .5_6_J: Im in complete a 7 with him. While developing 7_the economy, we are i 8 with the ecology.8_L: Yes. Its

57、 high time we considered doing something to improve the environment p 9 by human beings.9_J: Hopefully, our government is taking m 10 to deal with the consequences.10_第二节:书面表达。(20分)据调查,中国城市居民电脑的拥有率达30%.很多农村居民对电脑也越来越感兴趣,有的家庭也买了电脑.请参考下表写一篇题为Computers in China的短文.词数为100词左右。五、对话填空 1. speech 2 professor

58、3.concerning 4. talking 5. along 6. nature 7. agreement 8. interfering 9. polluted 10. measures六、书面表达Computers in China According to a recent investigation, about 30% of the city families have computers. Besides, many village people are more and more interested in computers and some of them even hav

59、e bought computers. About 70% of the parents bought computers for their children to study, and some for their work. And even some people bought them for entertainment. The fact how the middle school students use the computers really surprises us. Only about 30% of them use computers to find out useful information. About 60% of them use computers to chat with other people on the Internet. What is worse, about 60% use computers to play games and 20% use computers to watch VCDs or listen to music. In my opinion, we should make better use of our best invention-computers.


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