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2020-2021学年新教材高中英语 课时分层作业6 Unit 2 Wildlife protection(含解析)新人教版必修第二册.doc

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2020-2021学年新教材高中英语 课时分层作业6 Unit 2 Wildlife protection(含解析)新人教版必修第二册.doc_第1页
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1、课时分层作业(六).阅读理解AA new report shows that there are just 7,100 of the worlds fastest land animals now left in the wild.Cheetahs(猎豹)are in trouble now.According to the study,more than half the worlds surviving cheetahs live in one population that ranges across six countries in southern Africa.Cheetahs i

2、n Asia have been nearly wiped out.Its thought that a group with fewer than 50 cheetahs lives on in Iran.Because the cheetah is one of the widestranging animals,it runs across lands far outside protected areas.Some 77% of their habitat falls outside these protected areas.As a result,the animal strugg

3、les because these lands are increasingly being developed by farmers and the cheetahs food is decreasing because of human hunting.In Zimbabwe,the cheetah population has fallen from around 1,200 to just 170 animals in 16 years,with the main cause being major changes in land tenure.Researchers say that

4、 the threats facing the worlds fastest animals have gone unnoticed for far too long.“Given the secret nature of the cheetah,it has been difficult to gather hard information on them.” said Dr. Sarah Durant,the reports leader.“Our findings show that the large space requirements for cheetahs and variou

5、s threats faced by them in the wild mean that they are likely to be in danger of dying out.”Another of the big concerns about cheetahs has been the illegal trafficking(非法交易)of young cheetahs.The young cheetath can fetch up to $10,000 on the black market.Some 1,200 young cheetahs are known to have be

6、en trafficked out of Africa over the past 10 years but around 85% of them died during the journey.If the cheetah is to survive long term,then urgent efforts must be made to solve the question of protected areas and ranges.【语篇解读】人类活动造成猎豹活动范围的缩小、猎物的减少都是导致猎豹灭绝的原因,另外,猎豹幼兽的非法交易也是原因之一。1Where do most of th

7、e cheetahs live now?AIn Asia.BIn Africa.CIn Europe. DIn America.B细节理解题。根据第二段中的“more than half the worlds surviving cheetahs live in one population that ranges across six countries in southern Africa”可知,世界上现存的猎豹中,超过一半遍布非洲南部的六个国家。2What is the main reason of cheetahs in trouble?ASerious illnesses. BPoo

8、r health.CClimate changes. DHuman activities.D推理判断题。根据第三段可知,土地越来越多地被农民开发利用,同时猎豹的猎物由于被人类捕杀而数量急剧减少。由此可判断出是人类活动导致猎豹处于灭绝的危险中。3What has happened to young cheetahs?ATheir population has increased in Zimbabwe.BThey are getting along very well with people.CMany of them are sold on the black market.DThey hav

9、e survived longer term than before.C细节判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,猎豹幼兽的非法交易非常严重,在黑市上猎豹幼崽价值高达10 000美金,许多幼崽在运送过程中死亡。故正确答案为C。4Whats the best title for the text?ACheetahs are dying out.BCheetahs protected areas.CThe secret nature of the cheetah.DCheetahs mostly live in Africa.A标题归纳题。文章第一段点明文章的主旨:在野外的猎豹只有7 100只,它们处于灭绝

10、的危险中。故正确答案为A。BWhen I took Amy home from the animal shelter,she was scared.I believed she had been abused(虐待)because she was afraid of anything my husband,Bill,or I held in our hands.With a lot of care and attention,she became a great dog that surprised us every day.About three years ago,Amy and I jo

11、ined a volunteer project called Canines with Class.At our first school visit,Officer Lisa called Amy and asked her to show how to shake hands and give a high five.The students clapped(拍手)in joy and Amy received a reward.Then the students got to touch the dog.One by one they came up to meet Amy.Some

12、of them started talking to me about their own pets.I didnt feel worried any more.I thought the children liked staying with us.On our next school visit,I put a big chain(链条)on Amys neck and walked away from her.You could see that Amy was not happy.When I took the chain off her neck,Amy shook her tail

13、 happily and wouldnt stop licking(舔)my face.That was when we talked about“breaking the chain”On our third school trip,Amy started acting poorly when it was time to show off a few tricks.The students watched to see how I would correct her mistakes.It was a good chance to explain that if your dog does

14、nt do exactly what you ask,you dont have to shout at her or hit her to make it right.I think the children have learned a lot about respect and patience.Amy loves the program and has come so far since I found her a few years ago.Amy has broken the chain,and the love she gives to those children will h

15、elp them become good pet owners.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者与自己领养的狗参加了一个志愿者项目,旨在告诉人们要善待动物。5During the first school visit,the author was most probably AnervousBencouragedCcalm DupsetB推理判断题。根据第二段的“Some of them started.staying with us.”可推断,刚开始作者也很担心,但是和孩子们交流之后发现,孩子们也喜欢他们来学校,因此作者深受鼓舞。6What was the purpose of the s

16、econd school visit?ATo show how dogs get happy.BTo encourage children to be free.CTo encourage children to save dogs.DTo show why we should stop using dog chains.D细节理解题。根据第三段的“That was when we talked aboutbreaking the chain”可知,第二次去学校交流的目的是为了告诉孩子们狗不喜欢被链子拴住,我们应该停止使用狗链。7What did the children learn from

17、 the third school trip?ADogs are stupid at times.BEveryone makes mistakes.CDog owners should be patient.DPeople should respect each other.C推理判断题。根据第四段的“It was a good chance.respect and patience.”可推断,孩子们学会了对宠物要有耐心。.读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。Michelle was eight years old whe

18、n she heard her Mom and Dad talking about her little brother,Jack,now only an infant(婴儿).He was very sick and they were completely out of money.Only a very costly operation could save Jack the baby now but there was no one to whom they could turn for the money needed.She heard Daddy say to her tearf

19、ul Mom.“Only a miracle can save him now.”At the words,Michelle went to her bedroom and took out all the coins from her little money box.After counting the coins three times,she slipped out the back door and made her way to the drug store six blocks away.She waited for a long time before the pharmaci

20、st(药剂师)turned around and asked her.“And what do you want?”“Well,its about my brother,”Michelle answered.“Hes really,really sick.and I want to buy a miracle.”“I beg your pardon?”said the pharmacist.“His name is Jack and he has something very bad growing inside his body and my Daddy says only a miracl

21、e can save him now.So how much does a miracle cost?”“We dont sell miracles here,little girl.Im sorry but I cant help you,”the pharmacist said.“Listen,I have the money to pay for it.”And with these words,Michelle poured out all the coins from her pockets.At this time,a welldressed man behind Michelle

22、 stooped down and asked the little girl.“Im selling the miracle you want.Tell me how much money you have.”“One dollar and eleven cents,”Michelle answered in a low voice.“And its all the money I have,but I can get some more if I need to.”“Well,”smiled the man.“A dollar and eleven centsthe exact price

23、 of a miracle for your little brother.Show me the place where your brother lives.”Paragraph 1:Holding the mans hand firmly,Michelle took him home. Paragraph 2:When asked why he chose to help the family,the man detailed, 参考范文Paragraph 1:Holding the mans hand firmly,Michelle took him home.The little g

24、irl walked in such a hurry that she even forgot to introduce herself to the man.Her parents were too surprised to believe their eyes.That welldressed man turned out to be a surgeon,specializing in neurosurgery.Later,the little brother was taken away.The operation was completed with payment of one do

25、llar and eleven cents and it wasnt long before Jack was home again and doing well.Michelle was very happy.Now she knew the exact price of a miracleone dollar and eleven cents plus the faith of a little child.Paragraph 2:When asked why he chose to help the family,the man detailed,“when I was young my

26、self,I was once in the same situation as the little baby.The little girl reminded me of my sister.It was she who saved my life.Deeply impressed by her innocence,I finally decided to help the family out of trouble.It doesnt matter how much money she actually had with her,what matters is her faith,a faith that miracles do exist.”


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