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1、听力重点预测与押题-推理、判断和归纳类押中指数【押题依据】 推理、判断校园之星科技有限公司和归纳类听力试题是历年考试大纲中突出强调的考查内容。这类试题在整个听力试题中占了很大的比例,是考查的重点和难点。2004年全国高考听力试题20题中就有12小题为该类试题。该类试题材料主要涉及文章的主题,材料中说话人的态度、看法,属于深层理解题。这类试题能测试出考生在听力方面的综合素质。押题1 What do we learn from the conversation?A. Not all the people enjoyed themselves at the birthday party.B. The

2、 boss of the mans wife didnt enjoy himself at the birthday party.C. The man regretted inviting his wifes boss to the birthday party.录音原文:校园之星科技有限公司W: How was your birthday party?M: I think it went pretty well. People really seemed to enjoy themselves.W: Thats good.M: Yeah, but we shouldnt have invit

3、ed my wifes boss again. We can never get him to leave.【解题关键】解答该题关键要理清所给三个选项内容,理清说话人所使用的表示推测的言外之意。高考听力材料中,常会出现要求考生听懂说话人所使用的表示推测或虚拟语气的话语,这就要求考生不仅能看懂这些语法现象,而且还要听懂并理解它们。这就给我们考生提出了较高的要求。【答案解析】根据听力材料,选项A正好与所听内容People really seemed to enjoy themselves.相反。选项B不正确,可以从People really seemed to enjoy themselves.和

4、We can never get him to leave. 判断the boss also enjoyed himself;根据说话人but we shouldnt have invited my wifes boss again.用推测的语气表示说话人后悔邀请the boss之意。故选C。押题2 What will the woman have to do?A. Keep the tape for another week. B. Borrow the tape for another week.C. Return the tape to the man right now.录音原文:W:

5、 I really enjoy the tape you lent me a week ago.M: Im glad you like it.W: Not only me. All my classmates enjoy it, too. Would you mind if I keep it for another week?M: Sorry, I have to use it myself.【解题关键】解答该题关键要弄清所提问题与选项之间的间接关系。这种设题方式是近几年高考听力试题的命题趋势。一般情况下,问题涉及woman即可从woman 的讲话中听出答案,但该题必须根据两个人所讲内容作出

6、正确判断。这就要求考生不能仅仅根据问题中所提及人的说话内容进行答题,而是要进行全面把握。【答案解析】根据听力材料,尽管不能从 woman的讲话中找到答案,但从 man的答句中 Sorry, I have to use it myself.可知The woman has to return the tape to the man right now.故答案为C。押题3 How does the woman feel when the man says sorry?A. She forgets it.B. She forgives him.C. She is still angry.录音原文:M:

7、 Joan, I really want to make an apology to you.W: For what?M: For what I said to you the other day.W: Oh, forget it.【解题关键】解答该题的关键在于不能受所听材料中的直接信息forget it的迷惑。而要通过说话人的语调、语气等表明的意思和态度进行判断。这就要求考生解答时不能用说话人的原话来答所设问题,要能够听懂说话人的弦外之音。【答案解析】根据听力材料,选项A迷惑性、干扰性较强,考生极易根据woman所说Oh, forget it.而误选A;选项C,根据woman所说话语无ang

8、ry之意可排除。根据woman所说For what? Oh, forget it. 可推断出原谅宽恕之意。故选B。押题4 What can we conclude about the conversation?A. The womans husband doesnt sleep well. B. The woman doesnt need much sleep.C. The woman wants to have more sleep.录音原文:W: What are you doing here?M: Im reading. Look here, darling. The paper say

9、s people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day.W: That may be true for you, but it certainly isnt true for me.【解题关键】解答该题的关键在于要准确把握说话人所说的中心话题。该题的中心在于男士所讲的内容,故必须根据男士所讲内容作出判断。解题时,切勿根据次要话语作出偏离中心的选择。【答案解析】选项B是极具迷惑性的选项,但根据woman所说What are you doing here?以及以下内容可知,它不是话题中心内容,故应排除;选项C与说话内

10、容相反;选项A,尽管考生不能直接听到原句,但从男士说话内容可知,男士在阅读有关缺少睡眠对身体不好的文章,而女士说这一点对男士来说是true,但并非适合自己,故可推测男士睡眠状况不好。答案A。押题5 What does the man mean?A. He will get his ticket soon. B. He has dropped his hope to buy the ticket.C. He has waited for a long time.录音原文:W: Excuse me. Are you waiting to buy concert tickets?M: Yes, I

11、am. So are all these people in front of me.W: Have you been here long?M: About 45 minutes. Ive moved forward a total of about 3 feet in that time.【解题关键】解答该题的关键在于从男士讲话时的语气、语调中辨别说话人的态度和观点。不能仅按讲话内容,凭主观想象进行推断。【答案解析】选项B是干扰性较强的选项,但根据说话人已经等了45分钟,但还在继续等待可知,说话人对买到票并没有失去希望,否则就不可能再等了,故应排除选项B。根据男士的答语About 45 minutes. Ive moved.可知,并非马上就能买到票,只是说明已经等了好久。 故应排除A,选C。


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