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2019-2020学年同步人教版(新课改适用)高中英语必修四培优练习:UNIT 1 WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 单元加餐练 WORD版含解析.doc

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2019-2020学年同步人教版(新课改适用)高中英语必修四培优练习:UNIT 1 WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 单元加餐练 WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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2019-2020学年同步人教版(新课改适用)高中英语必修四培优练习:UNIT 1 WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 单元加餐练 WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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2019-2020学年同步人教版(新课改适用)高中英语必修四培优练习:UNIT 1 WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 单元加餐练 WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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2019-2020学年同步人教版(新课改适用)高中英语必修四培优练习:UNIT 1 WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 单元加餐练 WORD版含解析.doc_第4页
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2019-2020学年同步人教版(新课改适用)高中英语必修四培优练习:UNIT 1 WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 单元加餐练 WORD版含解析.doc_第5页
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2019-2020学年同步人教版(新课改适用)高中英语必修四培优练习:UNIT 1 WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 单元加餐练 WORD版含解析.doc_第6页
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2019-2020学年同步人教版(新课改适用)高中英语必修四培优练习:UNIT 1 WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 单元加餐练 WORD版含解析.doc_第7页
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2019-2020学年同步人教版(新课改适用)高中英语必修四培优练习:UNIT 1 WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 单元加餐练 WORD版含解析.doc_第8页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家Unit 1 单元加餐练.阅读理解Marjorie grew up with a sense of worthlessness. Again and again her father said she would never complete anything in life. He told her she was a loser and that anything she did was sure to end in failure. With these words continually ringing in her ears she grew up l

2、ooking for someone who would love her and see her as a person of worth. This led her into relationships that disappointed her, ending in pain again, which was another proof that she was worthless and unlovable. Where does our sense of selfworth come from?It is true that the foundation of a persons s

3、elfworth is laid in the home. Words that we hear in our home can build or tear down our worth. Encouraging words are words of life to us while words of criticism are words of death. Other people like teachers, friends and employers can add to the collection of death words in a persons heart. Over ti

4、me a person begins to see themselves in the light of these words. In this situation can one develop a sense of worth?Feeling worthless is possibly the most obvious sign of low selfesteem (自尊心). But its easy to overcome. However tough your childhood is, you can still choose to enrich the world every

5、day simply by the way you communicate with others and make caring decisions. Whether we contribute anything or not is a choice. Feeling worthless means that youre not doing well in the areas that matter to you and therefore you need to try to increase your selfesteem. To feel valued, youll have to r

6、eally work at it and never give up on yourself.All human beings are able to add value to society, including you. Thus there are no excuses for saying things like “Im worthless and stupid” because you have the choice not to be any of these things.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了如何获得自我价值感,增强自尊心。1What can we know from Par

7、agraph 1?AMarjorie was born to a poor family.BFathers decide childrens future development.CFamily education affects childrens growth.DChildren shouldnt follow their parents advice.解析:选C推理判断题。第一段主要讲了Marjorie在成长过程中,父亲对她的否定使得她丧失信心,觉得自己一无是处。这说明家庭的教育对孩子的影响很大。故C项正确。2What does the third paragraph mainly sh

8、ow us?AWhat is selfesteem.BWhy we feel worthless.CWhen we should make a choice.DHow we should change ourselves.解析:选D段落大意题。由本段内容,尤其是最后一句“To feel valued, youll have to really work at it and never give up on yourself”可知,本段主要讲我们应该怎样改变自己,获得自我价值感。故D项正确。3What can be inferred from the last paragraph?AAll of

9、 us can make contributions to our society.BSocial activities can help a person feel confident.CIt is common to think of oneself as worthless.DIt is not a good way to find excuses for ones action.解析:选A推理判断题。由最后一段中的“All human beings are able to add value to society, including you”可知,我们所有的人都能对社会有所贡献。故A

10、项正确。4Which of the following is the best title of this text?AThe reasons for worthlessnessBTake action to become usefulCThe importance of family educationDStudy to get selfesteem解析:选B标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了如何获得自我价值感,增强自尊心。故B项正确。.阅读七选五Schools out for the day.But what should you do with the kids?_1_ Publi

11、c school teacher and blogger Chelly Wood believes that “its important for kids to get at least one hour of playtime after school, regardless of age.Thats real playtime, but not for video games or TV programs.”Here are some creative afterschool activities for kids.Design a comic strip (连环漫画)This is a

12、 great indoor activity for kids of all ages and is sure to get the creative juices flowing as children invent characters and story lines._2_ Measuring the strip boxes can also add an educational element to the activity.Become a scientist.Grab a notebook and a pencil and head outside.Whether in your

13、backyard, a park or a playground, spot a bird of other animals and pretend your kids are scientists._3_Recycle objects._4_ Transform a cereal (麦片) box into something that flies or into a mask.Use the cereal box as a prompt to think through where the box came from and how it was made.This activity is

14、 great for understanding the world in which we live, how things are made, etc._5_Are your neighbors celebrating a victory or have they been sick or out of town?No reason is really necessary to have your kids give a hand to someone else.Bake cookies, make a card or plant some flowers in a pot.The pos

15、sibilities are endless.ADo something nice.BKeep positive people around.CIt is really important for children to learn disappointment.DTrack an animal and note what it does from minute to minute.EArtistic drawing skills can be improved by coloring these characters.FTime to come up with some creative w

16、ays to keep the kids entertained.GTake something from the recycling bin and make it into something else.语篇解读:本文为说明文,题材为日常生活类。怎样帮助孩子们拥有一个快乐的校外生活?本文给出了几条建议。1选F由本空后的内容可知,放学后有至少一个小时的玩耍时间对孩子们是很重要的,这里的玩耍时间并不是指玩视频游戏或者看电视的时间,之后文章列举了一些有创意的校外活动;由此可推知选F项。2选E本空前提及孩子们虚构一些人物角色和故事台词,本空承接上文,通过给这些人物上色可以提高画画技巧。3选D本空承

17、接上文,假装孩子们是科学家,追踪一种动物并记录它的动作变化。4选G由本段话的小标题“回收物品”可推知选G项。5选A由本段中的“No reason is really necessary to have your kids give a hand to someone else”可知作者建议孩子们做一些好事。.完形填空Over the past few months, my kids have both returned home.My daughter, having _1_ graduated from college, started her dream job, and my son h

18、as spent this semester at home _2_ a local junior college, sorting out his _3_ courses.This is all good, _4_ as all moms know, its incredibly difficult no matter their ages to let our kids go about their business without _5_ our opinions.I see this all around me.We all try to put some _6_ distance b

19、etween us and our adult children.We _7_ as often as we can, wanting to let our kids make their own choices and _8_.These choices and mistakes are so much _9_ than those they made when they were small, like forgetting to turn in their homework.Some decisions as a(n) _10_ can be lifechanging, such as

20、marriage, jobs and having children.This distance is part of how they become _11_ of us.Its perhaps the most _12_ part of parenting.Because as our kids grow independent, our roles as mothers change.I have felt everything from guilt to _13_, from loss to relief, as my children have grown up and away,

21、as we have _14_ and pulled against each other through this time in their lives.So we _15_, alongside our children.We grow from new parents, _16_ to learn everything, that is, to know about our babies, our toddlers, our gradeschoolers, and especially our _17_.The learning about our children has _18_

22、our understanding of them more or less during the years we spent raising them.Now we have to learn to be parents of adults and _19_ them.They are no longer children, but the men and women we have _20_ them to be.语篇解读:本文为夹叙夹议文,题材为社会文化类。当孩子一天天长大,将要离开父母时,父母有一种难以言表的心情。父母在抚养孩子时,也在学习和成熟。现在孩子们长大了,该放手了,让他们独

23、立。这才是“成人父母”的大度。1A.instantlyBfreshlyCgradually Deffectively解析:选B“我”的女儿,刚大学毕业,开始了她梦寐以求的工作。2A.attending BteachingCselecting Dleading解析:选A儿子这学期待在家里,在一家地方专科院校上课。3A.similar BprofessionalCparttime Doptional解析:选D根据本空前“sorting out”可知,儿子面临选修课的选择。4A.or BandCbut Dso解析:选C根据本空前后语境可知,此处表转折。尽管孩子们待在身边很好,但是所有当妈妈的都知道,

24、无论孩子们年纪多大,让他们自己去做事情而没有妈妈意见的参与是相当困难的。5A.sharing BpromotingCgiving Dchanging解析:选A参见上题解析。6A.careful BrespectfulCmeaningful Dhelpful解析:选B我们都试图与自己的孩子保持一定的距离,以示尊重。7A.take back Bhold backCfall back Dlook back解析:选B根据本空后内容可知,为了让孩子们自己做选择,我们尽可能退到一边。8A.decisions BclothesCmeals Dmistakes解析:选D根据本空后“These choices

25、and mistakes .”可知答案。9A.wiser BsimplerCbigger Dharder解析:选C根据本空后“.than those they made when they were small, like forgetting to turn in their homework”可知,此时这些选择和错误会更大。10A.student BgraduateCadult Dteacher解析:选C此处与本空前“.when they were small”构成对比,表示成年人的决定。11A.aware BindependentCclear Dafraid解析:选B根据本空后“Beca

26、use as our kids grow independent”可知,我们的放手与保持距离是他们开始独立的一部分。12A.difficult BpleasantCinteresting Dboring解析:选A父母对孩子难以割舍,又要让他们独立,这对父母来说是很难的。13A.pressure BsorrowCshame Dpride解析:选D作为妈妈,看到孩子长大,离开这个家庭,从内疚到骄傲,从失落到释然。14A.struggled BwarnedCpushed Dsurvived解析:选C根据本空后“pulled”可知,“我们”与孩子们磕磕碰碰地度过了他们的童年时代。15A.come up

27、 Bgrow upCtake up Dturn up解析:选B根据下文的内容可知,作者认为父母与孩子们一起成长。16A.anxious BeasyCnice Deager解析:选D初为父母时,迫切地想学会一切事情,关于婴儿、蹒跚的儿童、小学生,尤其是青少年时期。17A.teens BfriendsCparents Dneighbors解析:选A参见上题解析。18A.enriched BdelayedCslowed Dincreased解析:选C作者认为家长了解孩子状况的急迫心情阻碍了家长对孩子的理解。19A.respect BadviseCdirect Dcontrol解析:选A“我们”现在要

28、学会做成年人的家长,要尊重孩子们。20A.accompanied BexpectedCchosen Draised解析:选D他们已经不再是孩子,而是我们已经抚养大的男人和女人。.语法填空As you know, science plays _1_ very important role in our education. Do you want to keep up _2_ the latest research and discoveries in science? There are many good websites _3_ you can check out the latest i

29、n the science world.One great site is Science News for Kids. This site reports science news _4_ (cover) a wide range of subjects. The articles are intended for younger readers, but adults will find this site _5_ (suit) for them as well. Another wonderful site, one that I check out every day, _6_ (ca

30、ll) Science Daily. The site is _7_ (constant) updated with news, often about exciting _8_ (finding) that change how we view the world.These sites post the latest stories and also keep all the past articles they _9_ (post) earlier. That way you can find articles just about anything that _10_ (be) rel

31、ated to the science fields you are interested in.语篇解读:众所周知,科学在我们的教育中充当了一个很重要的角色。文章向我们介绍了几个方便查询最新科技信息的网站。1a考查冠词。play an important role in .为固定搭配,意为“在中扮演重要角色(发挥重要作用)”,因为空后有发音以辅音音素开头的very,故填冠词a。2with考查介词。你想跟上科技的最新研究和发现吗?keep up with为固定结构,意为“跟上,不落在后面”。3where考查定语从句。先行词为websites,空处在从句中作地点状语,所以用where,相当于on

32、 which。4covering考查非谓语动词。提示词为动词,该句中已经有谓语动词(reports),提示词cover和其所修饰的名词news之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用cover的v.ing 形式作后置定语,在此相当于which covers。5suitable考查形容词。这里构成“find宾语形容词(宾补)”结构,所以用suit的形容词形式。6is called考查语态和时态。另一个“我”每天查看的精彩的网站被称作Science Daily。one that I check out every day是主语Another wonderful site的同位语,且主语和call之间构成被动

33、关系,再结合全文的时态,确定此处用一般现在时的被动语态。7constantly考查副词。修饰动词updated,作状语,故用副词。8findings考查名词的数。finding为可数名词,其前无限定词修饰,且定语从句中谓语动词为“change”,为复数概念,所以应用复数形式。9posted考查动词的时态。这里指的是the past articles(以前的文章),也就是说是以前发布的,所以用一般过去时。10is考查主谓一致。关系代词that指代的是先行词anything, 并在从句中作主语,再结合全文的时态可知,应填is。.应用文写作请根据下表中的内容写一篇80词左右的短文。姓名杨振宁性别男国

34、籍美籍华人出生地安徽出生日期1922年10月1日职业物理学家教育背景清华大学研究生;美国芝加哥大学博士简介1950年在美国结婚,婚后有两子一女,均在美国安家立业1957年和李政道一起获得诺贝尔物理学奖1998年起任清华大学教授2003年年底从美国回国并定居清华园,在清华大学教授物理获得多种荣誉,是许多大学的荣誉教授注意:1.所写短文应包括所有要点,不可逐字翻译;2开头已给出,不计入总词数。Yang Zhenning, a Chinese American physicist, 参考范文:Yang Zhenning, a Chinese American physicist, was born

35、on October 1, 1922, in Anhui Province in China. After receiving his masters degree in Tsinghua University, he got his doctors degree in Americas Chicago University. He got married in 1950 and has two sons and a daughter, all of whom have built their homes in America. In 1957, he and his partner Li Z

36、hengdao won the Nobel Prize for Physics.Yang has been invited to be a professor in Tsinghua University since 1998. At the end of 2003, he returned to homeland from America and settled down in the university, beginning his teaching in Tsinghua. In all his life, he has been given lots of honours and titled as the honoured professor for many universities.- 8 - 版权所有高考资源网


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