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《2017参考》金版教程2016高考英语二轮复习训练:1-1-4 词义猜测题 B WORD版含解析.doc

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1、建议用时:50分钟.完形填空2015江西九江一模Once upon a time there was a thief in the Ruby (红宝石) Palace. No one knew who he was. People only knew that he _1_ in the palace, and that they should always_2_ their jewels in the palace.The King decided to_3_who he was, and he asked for help from a dwarf (小矮人) who was famous

2、 for his_4_. The dwarf spent some days there, watching and listening,_5_ there was another stealing. The following morning the dwarf made all the palace people gather together in the same _6_. After inspecting them for the whole morning, without_7_ a word, during lunch, the dwarf started asking them

3、 what they knew about the _8_jewels one by one. Once again, it seemed that no one had been the thief. But then, suddenly one of the_9_began coughing, rolling with pain, and finally he_10_the floor. The dwarf, with a smile, explained that the food they had just eaten was_11_,and the only antidote (解药

4、) for this poison was hidden inside the ruby that had been stolen the previous_12_ before yesterday. And he explained that he himself had exchanged some_13_rubies for the genuine ones. He expected that only the thief would be able to_14_ his life since the poison was particularly quickworking. The c

5、oughs and groans (呻吟声) spread around the room, and terror took hold of all people _15_ except one servant. He quickly ran to the place where he had hidden the_16_and from where he took the ruby. _17_,he was able to open it and drink the strange liquid inside to save his life. In fact, the gardener w

6、as one of the dwarfs assistants, and the poison could do_18_cause a few strong pains for a short while. And the servant then was found out and_19_ by the guards and taken immediately to_20_. He was soon given a heavy punishment there.本文是一则故事,主要讲述的是一个小矮人智破珠宝失窃案。1A.lived Bstudied Ctravelled Dplayed答案:

7、A人们不知道他是谁,只知道他住在宫中。根据语境可知,此处选A项。2A.make BdigChide Dsell答案:C根据语境可知,宫中有贼,人们就要把珠宝藏好,故选C项,hide“隐藏”。3A.find out Bpick outCwork out Dtake out答案:A国王决定弄清楚这个贼是谁。find out“查明,弄清”,符合语境。pick out“挑选”;work out“制订出”;take out“带出去”。第19空所在句中的“was found out”也是提示。4A.patience BdifferenceCconfidence Dintelligence答案:D根据语境可

8、知,此处表示国王向一个以才智著称的小矮人求助。patience“耐心”;difference“差异”;confidence“信心”;intelligence“智慧,才智”。5A.since Bwhile Cafter Duntil答案:D小矮人在宫中花了几天时间观察和倾听直到又有一起失窃案。故选D项,until“直到为止”。6A.palace Bwoods Croom Dstreet答案:C第二天早上小矮人把宫中所有的人召集到一间屋子里。下文第15空所在句中的“around the room”是提示。7A.telling BsayingCwriting Dreading答案:B审视了人们一上午

9、,小矮人一句话也没说。故选B项。8A.forgotten BvaluedCstolen Dleft答案:C午饭时小矮人开始逐个问他们对失窃的(stolen)珠宝都知道什么。9A.gardeners Bdrivers Cguards Dsecretaries答案:A突然其中的一个园丁开始咳嗽,痛苦地打滚,最后躺在了地板上。最后一段第一句中的“the gardener”是提示。10A.fell to Bsat onCstood on Djumped onto答案:A参见上题解析。11A.prepared BendangeredCcooked Dpoisoned答案:D小矮人微笑着解释说他们刚刚吃的

10、食物被下毒了。prepare“使做好准备”;endanger“危及”;cook“烹饪”;poison“下毒”。本句后面的“for this poison”是提示。12A.day BweekCmonth Dyear答案:A这种毒药唯一的解药就藏在前天被偷走的红宝石中。13A.true BfalseCvaluable Dexpensive答案:B小矮人解释说他已经用一些假的红宝石把真正的红宝石换下来了。此题解题的关键是理解句中的genuine“真正的”的含义,不然就会误选A。短语exchange.for.“把换成”。14A.protect BsurviveCsave Dkeep答案:C毒药很快就要

11、起作用了,只有那个贼能够救(save)他自己的命。15A.nearby BpresentCdangerous Dfaraway答案:B咳嗽声和呻吟声在屋子里传播开来,恐惧抓住了在场所有的人,除了一个仆人。present“在场的”,符合语境。16A.food BjewelsCproperties Dbelongings答案:B这位仆人立即跑到他藏珠宝(jewels)的地方,拿出那颗红宝石。17A.Especially BParticularlyCDeliberately DFortunately答案:D对于这个贼来说,他能打开红宝石并喝里面奇怪的液体救他自己的命是幸运的,所以选D。fortuna

12、tely“幸运地”。especially“尤其”;particularly“特别”;deliberately“故意地”。18A.anything but Bnothing butCeverything but Dall but答案:B实际上那位咳嗽的园丁是小矮人的一个助手,毒药只是能引起短时间的剧痛。nothing but“只是”。19A.blamed BwatchedCbeaten Darrested答案:D那个仆人被查出来然后被卫兵逮捕了,并迅速被送往法庭(court),在那儿他将得到严惩。根据语境可知选D项。 arrest“逮捕”;blame“责怪”;watch“注视”;beat“打败”

13、。20A.temple BmarketCcourt Dhospital答案:C参见上题解析。.阅读理解A2015河南洛阳统考二One winter, my cousin and I were playing toy blocks in the yard. My mom was out for shopping to get groceries and my dad was asleep upstairs in his room. Suddenly, it started to snow. First it was just a little. But then it started to po

14、ur heavily.Then, we put the finishing touches to our blocks and headed back inside. Right when I opened the sliding glass door, my cousin fell down on the slippery wooden stairs. I let go of the door, my worst mistake, you see. The door locks automatically but I had put a rock, right next to the doo

15、r so it wouldnt close. But while I was running to my cousins aid Id accidentally kicked the rock.Now, my cousin and I were locked outside. And unfortunately it started to get really windy. It was really freezing with the snow. First we started to call my dad,but he was sleeping soundly. I mean sleep

16、throughatornado soundly. It was of no use.Then I tried to climb over the fence but it didnt work because the fence was iced by snow and wind, and the fence is six feet high. So, I climbed up to my tree house and brainstormed some ideas on ways to get out. At one point, I was seriously considering ju

17、mping out of the tree house and use the trampoline (蹦床) to jump over the fence. So, we got to work. First, I took out the trampoline. Then I started to jump. First tryI almost cracked my head. Second trythis time I convinced my cousin to do it but at the last second, he chickened_out. Third tryI jum

18、ped and missed but at the last second, my hand caught the fence, and with a lot of pushing I finally climbed over the fence and luckily, I fell on a big snow drift. Finally, my mom came back. Then I got inside and unlocked the door for my cousin to get in. Then we shared this story to my mom and dad

19、.本文是一篇记叙文,讲述的是作者与表弟在后院玩耍时突遇风雪天气,因意外他们被锁在门外的经历。1When the author wanted to jump out, the main problem was that_.Athe fence was icyBthe fence was slippery and highCthe trampoline couldnt bear the weightDthe trampoline was too small答案:B考查细节理解。根据第四段的“Then I tried to climb over the fence but it didnt work

20、 because the fence was iced by snow and wind, and the fence is six feet high”可知,作者之所以跳不过去是因为篱笆又高又滑,即B项正确。2The attitude of the authors cousin towards jumping on trampoline seems_.Apassive BpositiveCindifferent Dobjective答案:A考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段的“this time I convinced my cousin to do it but at the last seco

21、nd, he chickened out”可知作者的表弟对作者的提议持消极态度,即A项正确。3The words“chickened out”(Line 4, Paragraph 5) most probably means_.Afell down Bcried outCjumped up Dbacked out答案:D考查词义猜测。根据倒数第二段的“this time I convinced my cousin to do it but at the last second, he chickened out”中的convinced和but可知,作者说服了表弟,但在最后一秒钟表弟又打退堂鼓了

22、,即D项正确。4Which would be the best title of the text?AClimbing Fence in the SnowBAn Adventure in YardCFriendship Produces PleasureDWe Are Independent答案:B考查标题归纳。文章讲述的是作者与表弟在后院玩积木时突遇风雪天气,因意外他们被锁在门外时所采取的冒险行动,因此B项正确。1grocery n. 杂货店;杂货2slippery adj. 滑的;不稳定的3automatically adv. 自动地;机械地4accidentally adv. 意外地;偶

23、然地5freezing adj. 冰冻的;严寒的1fall down 跌倒;倒塌;失败2let go of 释放;松手,放开3of no use 没有用的(useless)原文:I tried to climb over the fence but it didnt work because the fence was iced by snow and wind, and the fence is six feet high.(原因状语从句)译文:我尽力爬上围栏,但没有成功因为围栏由于风雪变得很滑,而且围栏有6英尺高。仿写:This boy was always late because_it

24、_took_him_ too_long_to_get_dressed.这个男孩总因花太长时间穿衣服而迟到。B2015北京石景山区一模Hearing Voices点击观看解答视频Would you like to be an actor, but arent the right age or physical type for the part? Dont give up: there may be a place for you in the world of voiceacting.Twentyyearold_Rickey_Collins_brings_Tucker_Foley_to_lik

25、e_in_the_cartoon_Danny_Phantom. In addition to many appearances on television and in movies, Rickey is a voiceover actor, someone we hear but dont see. Rickey has acted since he was 6, both on and off camera. After school, his grandmothera manager and acting coachhelped him develop his skills by doi

26、ng voice exercises and reading aloud.Voiceover actors do many kinds of acting. They are the voices of cartoon characters on television, in movies and video games, and for communicating toys. In films, they replace the foreign language conversation with English version. They create crowd noises, make

27、 commercials, act in radio plays, and record telephone instructions and public announcements. They read books on tape and even record museum tours. Like other actors, voiceover actors need to understand scripts, interpret characters, and breathe correctly. They have to master voice techniques,such a

28、s pacing, volume, and range. Sometimes they use their normal voices; other times they change their voices to create different characters or noises. Rickey receives his Danny Phantom scripts only a few days before he tapes each episode (集). He writes helpful notes on the script to guide himself on sp

29、eaking his part.Rickey practices, then tapes at the recording studio. He and the other cast members sit in a soundproof booth, acting out their characters as they read their lines into the microphones. “The cartoon gets created after we record the words, so we have to imagine everything in our mind,

30、” says Rickey. Later, the recorded words, music, and sound effects are combined with the cartoon art to create the cartoon we enjoy on TV. Sound interesting? Maybe you can have a “voice” in acting after all!本文讲述了主人公Rickey担任配音演员的故事。5The sentence underlined in Paragraph 2 means_.ARickey draws the char

31、acterBRickey names Tucker FoleyCRickey makes the character seem realDRickey decides the future of Tucker Foley答案:C考查句意猜测。回归本句所在的文中第二段内容可知Rickey的配音工作使得卡通中的人物Tucker Foley活灵活现。6From the passage we can infer that_.Aits very complex to become a cartoon film voiceover actorBRickey has been involved with a

32、cting most of his lifeCRickey was an actor when he was sixDmany people have nice voices答案:B考查推理判断。由文中第二段Rickey has acted since he was 6, both on and off camera.可推断出他大部分时间都在表演。而C则是文中的具体事实,不能选。A、D未提到文中事实,故更不可能推断出此答案,不能选。7Paragraph 4 mainly tells us that_.Aa voiceover actor works very hardBbeing a voic

33、eover actor needs talentsCbeing a voiceover actor requires skillsDa voiceover actor has many techniques答案:C考查主旨大意。由本段中词汇“need to understand; have to master; change their voices to create等确定答案。8The information in this article would be most valuable to people_.Awho want to build a career around their

34、voicesBwho need to develop their stageacting skillsCwho want to understand scriptwritingDwho need to practice voice exercises答案:A考查主旨大意。由文章题目及整个内容可判断出答案。1character n. 角色;人物;性格2.replace vt. 取代;代替3technique n. 技巧;技能 4.normal adj. 正常的5combine vt. 联合;结合1give up 放弃2in addition to 除此之外(还)3after all 最终;毕竟;

35、终究原文:Rickey receives his Danny Phantom scripts only a few days before he tapes each episode.(before的用法)译文:Rickey收到幻影丹尼的手稿只有几天后他便要录制每一集了。仿写:The meaning of the word “nice” changed a few times before_it_finally_came_to_conclude_the_sense_“pleasant”“nice”这个单词的含义在最终被确定包含“令人愉快的”含义之前经过了多次变化。.七选五根据短文内容,从短文后

36、的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。2015河北唐山统考_1_. Unlike student loans, scholarships do not have to be repaid. Hundreds of thousands of scholarships from several thousand sponsors are awarded each year.点击观看解答视频 Generally, scholarships are reserved for students with special qualifications._2_. Awards are

37、also available for students who are interested in particular fields of study, who live in certain areas of the country or who demonstrate financial needs._3_. Fastweb is such a search. It compares your background with a database of awards. Only those awards that fit your profile are identified as ma

38、tches. There are several free scholarship databases available online. The Fastweb scholarship search is the largest, most accurate and most frequentlyupdated scholarship database. If you supply an email address, they will inform you when new awards that match your profile are added to the database._

39、4_. Scholarships come in all shapes and sizes. Knowing and searching the types of scholarships that are out there will ensure that you find any and every scholarship for which you qualify. Students who are awarded scholarships often need additional financial assistance. _5_. To find out about grants

40、 and other aid types, visit the section discussing Other Types of Aid. For businessmen and philanthropists (慈善家)who are thinking about sponsoring a new scholarship,find the Scholarship Design & Management section.AStudents can apply for scholarships from their teachersBSee the Loans section for info

41、rmation on student and parent loansCThe best way to search for scholarships is to use a personalized searchDScholarships are a form of aid that helps students pay for their educationEHowever, it is very difficult for students to get the special qualificationsFThose who have academic, athletic or art

42、istic talent are likely to be awardedGFastweb also includes a college search and numerous other student resources1D “unlike”转折句,引入文中谈论的主要对象“scholarships”,故选D。2F本段主要讲奖学金发放的对象多为有特殊资格或条件的学生。另外根据关键词“award, in particular fields of study等”。3C本段主要讲Fastweb是一个实用的搜索网站关键词“search”。4G由上题解析,本句详细介绍了这个网络的其他功能。5B由“a

43、dditional financial assistance”及本段的内容可看出有经济负担的学生还可寻求其他经济上的支持方式,选B。.书面表达2015贵州七校联盟联考假如你是新华中学的学生李华。最近你在英语课的某个单元中学习了一些关于急救的知识,感觉很有用,想建议学校提供专门的急救课程,以便学生了解更多相关知识。于是,你给校长写了一封信。要点如下:1急救课程有用;2需要开课的原因;3你的建议。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数。Dear Mr. President,Our class has been studying a uni

44、t on first aid._Yours sincerely,Li HuaOne possible version:Dear_Mr._President,Our_class_has_been_studying_a_unit_on_first_aid. It has been very useful because we have learnt about what to do to help someone who has had an accident.Even though the unit is very interesting and useful, we would like to

45、 be able to do a first aid course. Because it would give information about many more situations. It would also give us the chance to practice first aid treatments.I suggest that school should organize a first aid course. We think such a course at school is a necessary part of our education and will make us more useful members of our society. Perhaps we will even save someones life one day.Best regards!Yours_sincerely,Li_Hua


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