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1、广东省深圳市光明区2021年中考英语二模试题注意事项:1. 答题前,请将学校、姓名、考号和座位号用规定的笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,将条 形码粘贴好。2. 本试卷共6页,46题,满分75分,考试时间为70分钟。全卷分两部分,第一部分 为选择题,125小题答案为A、B、C、D四个选项,2635小题答案为A、B、C、D、E、F六个选项;第二部分为非选择题。3. 考生必须在答题卡上按规定作答;凡在答题卡规定区域以外的地方作答的,其答案 一律无效。答题卡必须保持清洁,不能折叠。4. 本卷选择题135,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔在答题卡选择题答题区内将相应题 目的答案编号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,

2、再选涂其它答案;非选择题3645 及书面表达,必须用规定的笔在答题卡非选择题答题区内按相应的序号作答。5 .考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分选择题(50分)I .完形填空(10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选岀能填入相应空白处的最 佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共10小题,每小题1分)In February, 2021, a young man in Italy posted a video on Tik Tok about his new neighborand their unbelievable piano talent! They

3、1 their friendship by two pianos separated by one wall.One day in January, the young man 2 an idea when he heard the music from his neighbor. He wrote a note to his neighbor and 3 him to play a song together: the classic “My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion.The next day, hearing the music from the ne

4、ighbor, the young man was both 4 and moved. Their communication soon 5 piano duets (二重奏)through the wall, where each of them would create great music together.Later, the young man 6 that his neighbors name was Emil and he was 78 years old. His wife had passed away in December from COVIEM9. Emil felt

5、 so sad and the only7 thing left to him was playing the piano. He played it for his wife at 2 pm every weekend.8 , Emil passed away in his sleep a few weeks later. When the young man learned the news, he felt so sad. To express his feeling, the young man wrote a letter to Emil, Dear Emil, I knew ver

6、y little about you, 9 you changed my life. You gave me back my passion (激情),and we shared that with the world. Youll be in my 10 . IH keep playing, thinking of how powerful music can be. You said I was your light, but youve been mine, too. Bye, Emil.1.A. heardB. chatigedC. builtD. cut2. A. came up w

7、ithB. looked forward toC. stayed awayfrom D got out of3. A. allowedB. invitedC. tookD. taught4. A. boredB. tiredC. excitedD. worried5. A. turned intoB. broke intoC. looked intoD. ran into6. A.learnedB. saidC. hopedD. doubted7. A. famousB, correctC. strangeD, happy8. A. UnluckilyB. HopefullyC. Perfec

8、tlyD. Probably9. A. andB. butC. soD.or10. A. wayB. houseC. bagD. heartn .阅读理解(4o分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B. C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共15小题,每小题2分)AThe idea that knowledge is wealth is not a new one. However9 this idea is being put into use in a creative way in public libraries across Japan.

9、In 2010, the country s public library, Shimonoseki City Library in Yamaguchi Prefecture first carried out u reading bankbooks (存折)” in order to encourage people to read more.In each reading bankbook, the titles of the books that people have read are listed. The dates when the books are borrowed and

10、are supposed to return are also included. Besides, the price of each book readers have read is also listed. This emphasizes (强调)the idea that knowledge is valuable. It also gives readers a sense of achievement for what they have read for free.The Shimonoseki City Library developed reading bankbooks

11、with Uchida Yoko, a company that sells teaching tools. Since it first came out in 2010, the idea has become very popular. Today, it is also used in some primary and junior high schools as well. With reading bankbooks, people can put a price on knowledge.11. Where was the idea of reading bankbooks, f

12、irst carried out in Japan?A. In a school.B. In a bank.C. In a library. D. In a company.12. Which of the following are listed in each reading bankbook? The dates when the books are borrowed. The titles of the books that people have read.(3) The price that people should pay for the book. The dates whe

13、n the books are supposed to return.A. B.C.D.13. What can we know about Uchida Yoko?A. It is a public library.B. It is a primary school.C. It sells teaching tools.D. It sells valuable books.14. Whats probably the final purpose of reading bankbooks*?A. To advise people to work in the bank.B. To help p

14、eople to write their own books.C. To encourage people to buy more books,D. To make people realize the value of knowledge.15. On which page of a newspaper can we find the passage?A. Culture.B. Science.C. Travel.D. Nature.BBorn in Shenzhen, Luo Yis idea on life was shaped by the time she spent in the

15、countryside.The 28-ycar-old girls studies and work have seen her life in major cities around the world, such as London, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing. But her interest remains in the countryside. This interest was developed by her father who loves outdoor activities. By the age of 4, she was travel

16、ling with her father and taking 10-kilometer bicycle rides in the countryside.In 2011, Luo went to the US to study history and environment. During vacations, she returned to China and studied the projects in the countryside. When she worked as an intern (实习生)in Wenchuan, Sichuan province in 2012, sh

17、e noticed that some local traditions and culture were disappearing even though some historical buildings were rebuilt. Also, the younger generations seemed to have no interest in their own culture.In 2015, Luo graduated (毕业)from the University of Chicago. She set up Laotu in 2016. It helps develop t

18、he countryside and youth education.Laotu also educates young people in cities about rural (乡下的)lives and culture. Its Course in the Mountain program takes them to rural areas. There they can learn the villagers* work and life. The program is designed to improve their understanding of the relationshi

19、p between people and nature.Rural areas are part of our culture,Luo said. We, as the new generation, should play a role in bringing rural China a better future.16. Which of the following is TRUE about Luos father?A. He loves outdoor activities.B. He cares about the environment.C. He advised Luo to s

20、tudy abroad.D. He has lived in many major cities.17. What did Luo find in Wenchuan?A. Wild animals were in danger.B. There were no historical buildings there.C. The young generations loved their own culture.D. Some local traditions and culture were disappearing.18. When did Luo set up Laotu?A. In 20

21、11.B. In 2012.C. In 2015.D. In 2016.19. What does the word they refer to in Paragraph 5?A. Big cities.B. The courses.C. Young people in cities.D. The villagers.20. What can we learn from Luos story?A. We should help develop rural areas.B. The people in rural areas are in need of help.C. The younger

22、generations enjoy the life in rural areas.D. People should visit the rural areas as much as possible.cMore than 1. 3 billion tons of food nrc wasted around the world each year, with much of this food waste often ending up in rubbish bins. The worst part is that a lot of this food is still eatable* w

23、hen it*s thrown out. Its a wnstc of the many resources used in food production, including land, water* energy* and transportation (运输).What if there is a way to cut down on food waste?In fact, many food products can be eaten long after the 44use-byM date that producers print on them. A UK company ca

24、lled Mimica has developed high-tech food labels (标签) that can clearly show whether foods are fresh. .The labels can be placed on products or as bottle caps for drinks. A customer just needs to run a finger over the label or cap. If it is smooth, the product is fresh. If not, the product spoils.To st

25、op food waste, people even invented an award-winning label called the Barcodiscount. It can change color to show increased discounts (折扣).For example, 48 hours before a products tise-by date, the labeKs color can change to show the words “20% off”, and then 24 hours before, the words 40% off.Of cour

26、se, the most important thing in the fight against food waste is education. But perhaps smart labels can take some of the guesswork out of food freshness.21. What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?A. It costs a lot to produce food.B. Food waste is a serious problem.C. There is not enough foo

27、d for human.D. There are many ways to cut down on food waste.22. What is special about Mimicas food labels?A. They are very cheap to produce.B. They are friendly to the environment.C. They show whether the food is fresh or not.D. They can be placed on any kinds of products.23. What is the meaning of

28、 the underlined word wspoilsw in Paragraph 2?A. goes badB. tastes betterC. feels softD. smells sweetproducts useby” date?A. 10% off.B. 20% off.C. 40% off. D. 50% off.24. What does the Barcodiscount possibly show 12 hours before a25. What is the best title for the passage?A. A More User-friendly AppB

29、. Food Waste around the WorldC. Smart Labels Fighting Food WasteD. Famous Inventions Changing the World第二节 以下是一篇短文,清阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择沉个还原 到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贝,并任答题I:上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共5小谕, 每小题1分)A. In a word, museums arc grent plnccs to visit.B. There arc many articles about different types of museums.C.

30、And visiting museums is n more convenient and easier way.D. Museums also give us chances to learn about the local people.E. In the museums works of art and objects have stories to tell about the past.F At the same time, we will be able to learn more different ideas and think more.Every new place tha

31、t we visit has different history and culture. We can get to know about a new place by either asking the local people or visiting museums. 26We can learn the history of a place in museums. 27 All of them provide us with a vast (大虽h勺)knowledge of how people did things in the past and how that has chan

32、ged over time.28 For example, what their tradition was like or is like and even about their lifestyle and food.Some museums may offer us a chance to explore a topic we dont understand before and open our minds. 29 In this way, museums make us smarter.30 When you go on a trip next time, make sure not

33、 to miss the local museums. 第三节信息匹配下面的材料AF分别介绍了六项活动内容。请根据David, Bob, Kitty, Tina和 Erica五人的需求,向他们推荐适合的活动,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共5 小题,每小题1分)A. Our club offers various music classes. Here you will have a chance to play music with famous musicians.B. We will have a 13-day trip along the silk road next month

34、. It is surely an exciting experience, and we will visit some places of historical interest.C. Mr. Wang is a famous educator in China. He will give a free lecture about the education development in China. All people are welcomed.D. Our program provides students with a chance to develop their soccer

35、skills. They can also learn together and make friends with students from other countries.E. There will be a big sale in our supermarket this weekend. Everything will be at a very good price. Welcome to our supermarket!F. Welcome to join us! Here you can learn something about how to get on well with

36、your parents. You can also share your experiences with children of the same age.31. David is a teacher. He wants to know some information about the education in China.32. Bob needs to prepare something like foods and drinks for a picnic.33. Kitty is interested in history. She is planning to visit Ch

37、ina next month.34. Tina loves playing the piano. She expects a face to face communication with a pianist.35. Erica cant get on well with her parents. She feels worried about this.第二部分 非选择题(25分)1JI.语法填空(10分)阅读下面短文,在空格处壊入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将 答案填写在答题卡规定的位置上。(共10小题,每小题1分)When I was 15, I spent a mon

38、th working in a restaurant. I was talking to one of the 36 (worker) one day during our lunch break. I 37 (ask) some kinds of getting to know youw questions, like Do you play sports? I told 38 (he), “No, I dont play any sports. I take art class. ”And he went WOW. Thats amazing! vAnd I said, Oh no, bu

39、t I can*t do 39 (good) in it. ”Then he said something that I would never forget, “I dont think being good at things is the most important. You learn a new skill. It also 40(give) you wonderfulexperiences and makes you an 41 (interest) person.I took art class just 42 I enjoyed it. However, people aro

40、und me often said, It was only worth 43 (do) things if you could win at them.I just went from a failure in 44 art competition during those days. Thanks 45 his words, I got the real meaning of doing things一not to win at them but to enjoy them. N.书面表达(15分)假设你是李华,你们学校将举行“中国传统文化节(Chinese Traditional Cul

41、ture Festival)活动。届时活动会同步进行网络直播,你打算邀请你的外国朋友Peter观看。请 你根据以下提示,用英文给他写一封电子邮件。(提示词语:表演performance 汉服秀 Hanfu show)要点.时间:4月30日下午25点;2. 直播网址:https:/www. newschool. cn/ccf;3. 活动内容:京剧表演、武术表演、汉服秀等;4. 你想告知他的其他内容。要求:1.80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数内;2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;3. 可适当增加细节,以使条理清楚、行文连贯;4. 标点正确,书面整洁。Dear Peter,How is e

42、verything going with you? I hope you will enjoy it online then.Yours, Li Hua2021年光明区初三年级第二次学业水平调研考试英语学科试题参考答案及评分标准第一部分选择题(50分)I .完形填空15 CABCA6 10 ADABD口.阅读理解第一节11 15 CBCDA1620 ADDCA 21 25 BCADC第二节2630 CEDFA第三节31 35 CEBAF评分标准:110题,每小题1分;1125题,每小题2分;2635题,每小题1分。错选、漏选 或多选不给分。第二部分非选择题(25分)ni.语法填空36. wor

43、kers37. was asked38. him39. well40. gives41. interesting评分标准:共10小题,每小题1分。完全正确给1分,大小写错误每个扣0. 5分。42. because43. doing 44. an45. toW.书面表达Dear Peter,How is everything going with you? There will be a Chinese Traditional CultureFestival” in our school on April 30th. It will last for three hours from 2:00

44、pm to 5:00 pm.There will be Beijing Opera performances. A master will be invited to play Wushu, and Iexpect it very much. Whats more, some students will put on a Hanfu show. You can findmore details from the picture below. All the activities will be put online at the same time. You can enjoy them at

45、 https :/www. newschooL cn/ccf Its a good chance for you to learnmore about Chinese culture.I hope you will enjoy it online then.Yours,Li Hua1. 评分原则:A. 釆用整体印象评分法。评分时,先根据文章内容要点表达的完整性,初步确定其所属档次,然 后在该档次内选择合理的分数。B. 注重内容表达。评分时要重点看所传达的信息是否有效,能否完成题目要求。C. 注重语言正确性、连贯性和得体性。语言正确性是基础,连贯性和得体性是更高的要求。D. 鼓励考生充分发挥。考生可以不使用参考词汇。2. 评分档次和要求第一档:1315分所列信息全写上,无语法、结构、拼写错误,语言流畅,内容衔接合理。第二档:1012分所列信息全写上,有一些语法、结构、拼写错误,语言较连贯,内容衔接较合理。第三档:79分漏写一个信息,有不少语法、结构、拼写错误,语言不连贯,内容有重复。第四档:46分漏写二个信息,有不少语法、结构、拼写错误,语言不连贯,内容有重复。第五档:03分看不出明显的信息,有较多语法、结构、拼写错误,语言不连贯,内容有重复。


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