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2014-2015高中英语云南同步教案:UNIT 1 CULTURAL RELICS第4课时(人教新课标必修2).doc

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1、2014-2015高中英语云南同步教案:Unit 1 Cultural relics第4课时(人教新课标必修2)The Fourth Period(Text analyses and language points)Knowledge:1.Words: ton, stone, heat, design, fancy, style, jewel, king, reception, light, mirror, wonder;Phrases: look into, belong to, in search of, in return, at war, take apart, think highl

2、y of;2. Sentence patterns:(1) In 1770, the room was completed the way (that) she wanted it(2) There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Kingsburg, at that times a German city on the Baltic Sea.Ability:1. Learn the usage of some difficult words and expressions.2. Train the student

3、s ability to remove the difficulties while reading.Emotion:1.Train the students ability to cooperate with others.2. Know what happened to the Amber Room3.Know the importance of protecting the cultural relics by learning the story of amber room Teaching important points:1. Train the students ability

4、to read different English names.2. Train the students ability to cooperate with others.Teaching difficulties:1. The explanation of some difficult words and expressions.2. Train the students ability to remove the difficulties while reading. Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionT: In the last period, we

5、 learned something about the Amber Room and we also know that this room has a strange history, could you tell me what happened to this room chronologically? The Ss talk it about by themselves for some minutes, and then T gives the answer:Built in Prussia- Frederick William I- Sent it to Peter the Gr

6、eat (Russian)- winter palace Czar- Catherine II Move outside St Petersburg- The war between(R&G) Nazi German Secretly stole-Sent to Konigsberg (G)mystery- Now RebuiltStep 2 Learning about the language points Difficult sentences:1.Although it feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when(it is)heated.

7、Feel here means: to give or produce the stated sensation (给人以某种感觉)2.The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days. (在句中做表语) (定语后置) 3.There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for konigsberg, at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.(同位语从句)Ask S to Check up

8、the phrases you have found in the reading text with your partner.Language points:1. 情态动词 + have done 表示对过去发生的事情的推测、批评、反悔等 意。如:You should have told him about it yesterday. could have done 可能做过;本来可以做(却未做) might have done 或许做过;本来或许会做 may have done 或许做过 would have done 本来要做(却未做) must have done 肯定已做过(表推测

9、) neednt have done 本来没必要做(却已做) should(nt) have done 本来(不)应该做(却做了) ought(nt) to have done 2.when heated 是when it is heated 的省略形式。状语从句中,若其主语和主句的主语一致,同时谓语动词含有系动词be, 或it is/was结构,可省去该从句的主语和系动词be,留下其余部分。3.once 为从属连词,意为“一旦”Once you see it, youll like it.4. be made into 被制成 由制成(能看出原材料) 由制成(看不出原材料) 由组成/构成 产

10、于,生产于(某地/某时)5. “be + of + 名词(词组)” , 表示主语的某种形状、 特性或特征。e.g. Im pleased to have been of help to you. All of the boys in the class are of the same age.6. fancy vt. 想象,推测,假想fancy + that-/ones doing sth./sb. to be/sb. as/sth./doing sth.1) Dont fancy that you can succeed without hard work.2) I cant fancy h

11、is doing such a thing.3) I fancied him to be dead.4) He fancies himself as a good writer.5) Do you fancy a glass of coffee?6) I dont fancy walking in the rain.7. in return (for): 回报,作为报酬What can we do for them in return for all the help they have given us?I gave him some books in return for his assi

12、stance.in turn 轮流地,依次; 反过来 take turns轮流地by turns 轮流地,时而时而8. serve as 担任,充当 He served as a waiter there. When you sleep in the open, old newspapers can serve as a blanket.9. addto把加进里去 He added that he was very pleased with our work. Please add some sugar to the milk. Add the score up. His being abse

13、nt added to our difficulty. The money he spent one day added up to about $100.10. she wanted it 是定语从句修饰 the way, 后面的关系代词可用that / in which / -She cooks chicken in the way I like.11.at war 处于战争状态,介词at可表示状态或动作。 at peace at breakfast at rest at table at work at school at the piano at ones best12. There

14、is no doubt= Its clear= Its beyond argumentThere is no doubt 后接名词时,需用介词 about / of ,eg. There is no doubt about / of his honesty.doubt 也可作不及物动词,“怀疑,不信”, 在肯定句中常接whether / if 从句,在否定句中常接 that 从句eg. I doubt whether we can get the first place in the competition.I dont doubt that he will tell us the truth

15、.Step 3 HomeworkIn order to master the usage of these words and expressions, please do some related exercises. 1. Translate the sentences on Page 43 into English. Write the English sentences in one of your exercise book and hand it in tomorrow. 2. Finish the Reading Task on Page 44. Record after teaching:


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