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1、高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题 本站投稿专用信箱:,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优 共 14 页 第 1 页20062007 学年度江苏省扬州中学 第二学期高一英语月考试题 高 一 英 语 试 卷2007.4第一部分:听力第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.Why was the woman late?A.Because of heavy traffic.

2、B.Because of missing the bus.C.Because of car trouble.2.When is the train leaving?A.9:30.B.9:15.C.9:40.3.What does the woman mean?A.She doesnt like picnicking at all.B.She went on a picnic yesterday.C.She is very busy today.4.Which season was it when the conversation took place?A.Spring.B.Winter.C.S

3、ummer.5.How does the man usually go to his office?A.By taxi.B.By bus.C.On foot.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答 68 题。6.What is the dialogue about?A.The man speakers new

4、 story B.The man speakers daughterC.A movie star7.What is the relationship between the two speakers?A.They are husband and wife.B.They are friends.C.They are strangers.8.What does the woman tell the man to do?A.To talk to his daughter.B.Stop giving his daughter too much burden.C.To tell his daughter

5、 to study.听第 7 段材料,回答 911 题。9.Where will Mr.Black stay after his arrival?A.At a hotel.B.At the mans house.C.At the womans house.高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题 本站投稿专用信箱:,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优 共 14 页 第 2 页10.What will take place that evening?A.Mr.Blacks arrival.B.A hotel reception.C.A business meeting.11.Why d

6、oes the man want to make a good impression?A.To pay back Mr.Blacks kindness.B.To get invited back to Tokyo.C.To increase the hotels business.听第 8 段材料,回答 1214 题。12.What does the woman ask the man to do?A.To work at home.B.To explain the word“SOHO”.C.To learn more.13.Which of the following is the bad

7、result of using computers?A.People will be much lazier than before.B.People will become more foolish than before.C.More people will lose their jobs.14.What does the woman think we should do in order not to fall behind?A.We should make more money.B.We should learn more.C.We should run faster.听第 9 段材料

8、,回答 1517 题。15.What does the woman want to do?A.She wants a short tour in London.B.She wants to go to the Hyde Park Hotel.C.She wants to ask the way to the British Museum.16.How much will the woman pay for her tour?A.9.5.B.5.3.C.15.17.When can the woman visit London Tower?A.In the afternoon.B.Right a

9、fter lunch.C.In the morning.听第 10 段材料,回答 1820 题。18.What special food did Mrs.Wilson cook that day?A.Some beef.B.Some meat.C.Some fish.19.What was Mrs.Wilson worried about?A.The food.B.The visitors lives.C.Her neighbors cat.20.How did Mrs.Wilson feel that day?A.She was happy but lonely.B.She was tire

10、d and unhappy.C.She was tired but happy.第二部分:语法与词汇(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.The committee _ two lawyers,three journalists and four teachers and now they are having a meeting with some of the representatives.Which has the same meaning as the underlined word?A.is consisted

11、 of B.comprisesC.composes of D.makes up22.One way to avoid _ by sharks is to keep calm and _.高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题 本站投稿专用信箱:,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优 共 14 页 第 3 页A.attacks;dont be afraid B.bites;dont be frightenedC.being attacked;not be scared D.being bitten;not to panic23.It doesnt make any sense for

12、us to _ foreigners on public occasions which will in turn make them _ you.A.stare at;glare at B.look at;gaze at C.observe;glance at D.glare at;watch24.Perhaps _ most separates the successful people from others is _ they live on purpose.A.what;that B.that;what C.that;that D.what;what25._ she was sick

13、,I was expected to replace her greatly surprised me,for I didnt have much work experience.A.That if B.That C.If that D.If26.Please _ all the figures to see how much they _.A.add;add up to B.add up;add up to C.add up;add up D.add;add to27.The guide _ was very grateful to the doctors who had done what

14、 they could to save his life in _ weather.A.had his hand transplanted;freezing cold B.had transplanted his hand;frozen coldC.with his hand transplanted;freezing cold D.his hand transplanting;coldly frozen28.The weather forecast said that in the next few days we would have drizzles,showers and then t

15、hunderstorms _ the sudden burst of lightning.A.being followed B.followed by C.to be followed D.following29.My suggestion is that the information referred to in my report _ to Mr.Brown without delay.A.to be e-mailed B.e-mailed C.be e-mailed d.being e-mailed30.Of the two _ pieces of news the _ is more

16、 of interest than the former.A.last;latest B.latest;later C.latest;latter D.latter;last31.Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _ a cure for AIDS will be found.A.which B.what C.that D.whether32.I think he is very _ to finish the work ahead of time.A.possible B.likely C.perhaps D.probable33

17、.His hard work _ the success of his passing the final exam.A.contributed to B.was contributed to C.resulted from D.was resulted from34.Kathy _ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.A.took up B.picked up C.made up D.turned up35.-Come on,Peter.I want to show you something.-Oh,how

18、nice of you!I _ you _ to bring me a gift.A.dont think;are goingB.never thought;were goingC.didnt think;are goingD.hadnt thought;were going高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题 本站投稿专用信箱:,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优 共 14 页 第 4 页第三部分:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后面所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Most p

19、arents,I suppose,have had the experience of reading a bedtime story to their children.And they must have _36_ how difficult it is to write a _37_ childrens book.Either the author has aimed too _38_,so that the children cant follow what is in his(or more often,her)story,_39_ the story seems to be tal

20、king to the readers.The best childrens books are _40_ very difficult nor very simple,and satisfy both the _41_ who hears the story and the adult who _42_ it.Unfortunately,there are in fact _43_ books like this,_44_ the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not _45_ to solve.This may be why m

21、any of the books regarded as _46_ of childrens literature were in fact written for _47_.“Alices Adventure in Wonderland”is perhaps the most _48_ of this.Children,left for themselves,often _49_ the worst possible interest in literature.Just leave a child in bookshop or _50_ and he will _51_ willingly

22、 choose the books written in an imaginative way,or have a look at most childrens comics,full of the stories and jokes which are the _52_ of teachers and right-thinking parents.Perhaps we parents should stop trying to brainwash children into _53_ our taste in literature.After all,children and adults

23、are so _54_ that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the _55_ books.So I suppose well just have to compromise(折衷)over that bedtime story.36.A.hoped B.realized C.told D.said 37.A.short B.long C.badD.good 38.A.easy B.short C.high D.difficult 39.A.and B.but C.or D.so 40.A.both B.neither C

24、.either D.very 41.A.child B.father C.mother D.teacher 42.A.hears B.buys C.understands D.reads 43.A.few B.many C.a great deal of D.a great number of 44.A.but B.however C.so D.because 45.A.hard B.easy C.enough D.fast 46.A.articles B.work C.arts D.works 47.A.grown-ups B.girls C.boys D.children 48.A.dif

25、ficult B.hidden C.obvious D.easy 49.A.are B.show C.find D.add 50.A.school B.home C.office D.library 51.A.more B.less C.able D.be 52.A.lovingness B.interests C.objections D.readings高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题 本站投稿专用信箱:,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优 共 14 页 第 5 页 53.A.receiving B.accepting C.having D.refusing 54.A.s

26、ame B.friendly C.different D.common55.A.common B.average C.different D.same第四部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。AAthens Olympic 110m hurdle champion Liu Xiang felt so relieved to return to racetrack after getting out of the great number of social activities.Liu arriv

27、ed in hometown Shanghai Wednesday night and was about to resume training shortly after.“I am so exhaustedfrom so many social activities,which made me even more tired than training,”said the 21-year-old Liu,who wrote a new chapter in Chinas Olympic history by winning the countrys first ever athletics

28、 short-distance running title in the mens 110m hurdles in Athens in August.“I am happy that I will resume my training soon back in Shanghai,”said the Shanghai native.He turned into an instant national hero with the Olympic glory and one of the most popular Olympic gold medalists,taking part in score

29、s of celebration activities since he returned to China early September.“My regular training has been interrupted for such a long time that I think I can only run at about 13.5 seconds now,”said Liu,who clocked a world record-tying time of 12.91 to clinch the title.“I would rather forget what I have

30、achieved in the past and try my best to realize a higher goal,”he said.Liu already missed the Berlin Golden League Series on Sunday and wont be able to catch the IAAF Grand Prix final slated for September 18-19 in Monaco.He plans on attending an IAAF all-star tournament in Japan at the end of this m

31、onth.56.This passage mainly talks about _.A.victory of Liu XiangB.Liu Xiangs resumption to the racetrackC.dream of Liu XiangD.Liu Xiangs high aim57.From the passage we can see _.A.Liu Xiang is content to go back to trainingB.Liu Xiang will win Golden League Series on SundayC.Liu Xiang wasnt good at

32、social activitiesD.Liu Xiang was refreshed after so many social activities58.The underlined word“relieved”means _.A.sadB.gladC.worriedD.disappointed高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题 本站投稿专用信箱:,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优 共 14 页 第 6 页59.Which of the following is NOT wrong?A.Liu Xiang has had a quiet life for as long as

33、 half a month.B.Liu Xiang has missed two races because of his social activities.C.Liu Xiang has made up his mind to stop his social activities.D.Liu Xiang has deserted his present career.BBlogs(博客)are the place where young people go to reveal their souls,to vent(发泄),and even to gossip.Many people en

34、joy the freedom in blogging.Some,however,find that putting ones life online can have a price.Some students in America got suspensions(暂停)because on their blogs they posted threatening words to their teachers.Recent surveys found that nearly a fifth of teens who have access to the Web have their own

35、blogs.And 38%of teens say they read other peoples blogs.By comparison,about a tenth of adults have their own blogs and a quarter say they read other peoples online journals.With the development of the Internet,more and more people will be engaged in blogging.In another survey,79%of teens agreed that

36、 people at their age arent careful enough when giving out information about themselves online.Besides,careless blogging can also affect blog viewers.When you are angry or frustrated,your blog is the first place you turn to.The words you post then may not be rational which you may regret later.To min

37、imize(减少)the negative effect,change the permission setting and make such posts“private”so that only you can read them.As long as you are careful with what you post,blogging is a great means of staying in touch with friends and displaying ones creative works.60.Blogs are the place where people _.A.go

38、 online to have a chat B.go online to enjoy freedom C.go online to express themselves freely D.exchange their views online 61.The fact that some American students got suspensions is used to show that _.A.people should be careful with what they write B.people should not put their life online C.Americ

39、an students are limited in blogging D.anyone who has access to the Web has his blog 62.The underline word“rational”in the fifth paragraph probably means _.A.strangeB.perfectC.helpfulD.reasonable 高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题 本站投稿专用信箱:,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优 共 14 页 第 7 页63.The passage is mainly about _.A.the

40、number of people who have blogs B.the use people make of blogs C.advantages and disadvantages of blogs D.the authors suggestions about blogging CRead a whole book in English?Me?Yes,you.Believe it or not,that may be easier than you think.Not all classics are too difficult or complicated.So youre not

41、limited to the simplified versions(版本).And the easier books are not all for children.Books in their original versions may send you to the dictionary.And you might not understand everything you read.But reading one from cover to cover will give you a real sense of accomplishment(成就).The key is to fin

42、d the right books.Lets take a look at these.The Lion,the witch and the wardrobe(C.S.Lewis)Stepping into an old wardrobe,four English schoolchildren find themselves in the magical world of Narnia.On this delightful land,they find friends among the many talking creatures.The children soon discover,how

43、ever,that Narnia is ruled by the White Witch.Edmund,one of the children,fails under her power.Who can free Narnia?Only Asian,the great and noble lion.He alone knows the Deeper Magic.But the children themselves must help fight the battle against the White Witch and those who serve her.The Old Man and

44、 the Sea(Ernest Hemingway)Santiago,an old Cuban fisherman,hasnt caught any fish in more than 80 days.Sailing far out from land,the old man hooks an enormous fish.That begins an agonizing(痛苦的)three-day battle.First he struggles against the great fish.Then he must fight off the sharks that circle the

45、little boat and threaten to eat his fish.Exhausted and bleeding,the old man arrives back at shore.But his fish,his beautiful fishHemingway won the Nobel Prize for this superb(高质量的;极好的)story of strength and courage,of victory and regret.A Wrinkle in Time(Madeleing Lingle)Megs father,a U.S.government

46、scientist,has been missing for many months.He had been experimenting with time travel when he mysteriously disappeared.Now Meg,her little brother Charles Wallace and her friend Calvin will try to rescue him.But first they must outwit the forces of evil they encounter on their journey through time an

47、d space.Can they find Megs father before its too late?This novel is more than just a science-fiction adventure.Its an exploration of the nature of our 高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题 本站投稿专用信箱:,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优 共 14 页 第 8 页universe.The Pearl(John Steinbeck)One day Kino,a poor Mexican pearl diver,finds a m

48、agnificent pearl.With it he dreams of buying a better life,new clothes and schooling for his son.Instead,it brings only evil.His wife pleads with him to get rid of it.“No,”says Kino.“I will have my chance.I am a man.”But when he kills a man who is trying to steal the pearl,Kino and his wife must run

49、 for their lives.This tale of dreams,justice and the power of greed is told simply and beautifully.The Long Winter(Laura Ingalls wilder)Its winter,18801881,on Americas northern prairies(大农场).Mr.Ingalls and their four girls stay near the kitchen stove to keep warm.Heavy snowstorms cut them off even f

50、rom neighbors.With the trains stopped,no supplies can reach the town.Food and fuel are running out.Day after day the girls must grind wheat for bread and twist hay to burn.At times they nearly lose the battle to keep their spirits up.This story provides a fascinating glimpse into the life of early A

51、merican settlers.64.In the passage,the author intends to _.A.recommend a few simplified versions of classicsB.recommend a few original versions of classicsC.tell us how to read an English book from beginning to endD.tell us how to find proper English books to read65.In The Lion,the Witch and the War

52、drobe,the White Witch is probably _.A.an evil woman with magic power B.a friendly woman with magic powerC.a delightful talking creature D.a powerful lion66.The underlined word“outwit”in the passage probably means _.A.get rid of B.take advantage ofC.beat by being cleverer D.make the most of67.A Wrink

53、le in Time is different from other books mentioned in the passage in that _.A.it is not a science-fiction B.it tells a true storyC.it provides some scientific knowledge D.it tells the battle between justice and evilDNormally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate,and

54、each course which he attends gives him a credit(学分)which he may count towards a degree.In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for one semester(学期).A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks;while attending a un

55、iversity a student will probably take four or five courses during each semester.Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year.It is possible to spread the period of 高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题 本站投稿专用信箱:,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优 共 14 页 第 9 页work for the degree over a lon

56、ger period.It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course,though this is not in fact done as a regular practice.For every course that he follows,a student is given a grade,which is recorded,and the record is available for the student to show to

57、prospective(预期的)employers.All this imposes a constant pressure and strain of work,but in spite of this some students still find time for great activity in student affairs.Elections to positions in student organizations arouse much enthusiasm(热情).The effective work of maintaining discipline is usuall

58、y performed by students who advise the academic authorities(权威).Any student who is thought to have broken rules,for example,by cheating has to appear before a student court.With the enormous numbers of students,the operation of the system does involve a certain amount of activity.A student who has h

59、eld one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be of benefit to him later in his career.68.Normally a student would at least attend _ classes per week.A.36 B.12 C.20 D.1569.According to the first passage an American student is allowed _.A.to live in a different universityB.to

60、take a particular course in a different universityC.to live at home and drive to classesD.to get two degrees from two different universities70.American students are usually under pressure of work because _.A.their academic performance will affect their future careersB.they are heavily involved in st

61、udent affairsC.they have to observe university disciplineD.they want to run for positions of authoring71.Some students are enthusiastic for positions in student organizations probably because_.A.they hate the constant pressure and strain of their studyB.they will then be able to stay longer in the u

62、niversityC.such positions help them get better jobsD.such positions are usually well paidETo son,Cecil,Just a quick note preface(前言)before I start in earnest.When I wrote this,you were 8,still a little boy.In 2002,I was called to active duty in the Marine Corps in the war on Terrorism(恐怖主义).On the 1

63、1th of September 2001 when America was attacked,I knew that I would eventually have to go and I was filled with a deep sense of sadness.That night as you and Keiko were asleep,I looked at your little faces and couldnt help but fight the tears.I knew it would be hard for you because I had a similar e

64、xperience.When I was a little boy aged 6,my dad,your Grandpa Cawley,was sent to Vietnam during the war there.I remember how much I missed him,too.But now unfortunately I have come to realize 高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题 本站投稿专用信箱:,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优 共 14 页 第 10 页just how rough it must have been for Grand

65、pa to be away from his children for a year.Thinking about this,I wanted to put my thoughts and feelings down for you and your sister.I am so sorry that I had to leave for such a long time.There is no place I would rather be than with you and Keiko.You two are the lights of my life.I have known no gr

66、eater joy than in the few years since you two were born.I hope to have many more years with you.If this doesnt happen,then know that I love you more than words can express.If for some reason I dont make it home,I will need you to take care of your little sister and your Mom.You will be the man of th

67、e Cawley family.Be good my son and God will watch over you as he has me.I will be waiting impatiently for the time when we can all be together again.72.The writer of the letter may be _.A.an American soldier in the battle field B.an American policemanC.a soldier in the Vietnam War D.a postman workin

68、g far away from home73.Keiko is the _ of the writer.A.wife B.son C.daughter D.sister74.One of the experiences the writer and his son had in common is that _.A.they both experienced the Vietnam War B.their fathers had to leave their children and fight abroad because of the warC.they used to study in

69、the same schoolD.they were both eight when the fathers had to leave them75.We can infer that _.A.the writer was a devoted son B.the writer was a brave soldierC.the writer realized he might die in the battle fieldD.the writers wife was a Japanese高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题 本站投稿专用信箱:,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优 共

70、 14 页 第 11 页第二卷(共 25 分)第五部分写作第一节 单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)根据首字母或汉语提示,在下列各句空白处填写单词,使句子语法正确、意思通顺。76.As soon as I saw her I s_ that something must have happened.76._77.Our c _ of winning the match easily were reducedbecause one of the best players had had his leg broken.77._78.Australia,the only na

71、tion to govern an entire continent and its outlying islands,has plants and animals which e _ from other parts of the world in ancient times.78._79.As they had no children,the Smiths a_ a homeless orphan.79._80.The graduate had to work in the hotel t_ before he found a better job.80._81.A little chil

72、d is afraid to walk down a(空无一人)_ street alone at night.81._82.After years of hard work,now we can say _(自信):“We can pass the entrance exam.”.82._83.He felt s_(紧张)because of his first job interview,which worried hima lot.83._84.She was so rich a woman that she was covered with_(珠宝).84._85.According

73、to the weather report,it will v_(变化)from very cold to quite mild.85._高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题 本站投稿专用信箱:,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优 共 14 页 第 12 页第二节:书面表达(满分 15 分)近年来中国中学生中出现了“出国学习热”,成千上万的中学生已经去国外学习,而许多其他学生还一直在设法出国,对此人们有不同的看法。请根据下面表格提示,以 Studying Abroad 为题给二十一世纪英文报中学生版写一篇短文。AdvantagesDisadvantages1.与不同文化背景的人交

74、友。2.学习国外先进的科学技术。3.更快地学习外语。1.年纪小、缺乏生活经验,自理能力差。2.情感孤独,思乡。3.生活和学习费用高。你 自 己 的 看 法注意:1短文须包括所有要点,内容连贯;2词数;120 左右;开头已给出(不计入总词数)。Studying AbroadIn recent years,studying abroad has been popular with Chinese high school students._高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题 本站投稿专用信箱:,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优 共 14 页 第 13 页_高一英语四月考查参考答案

75、2007.4I.听力15 CCBAB 610 BBBAB1115 ABCBA1620 CCCBCII.单项选择2125 BDAAA2630 BCDCC3135 CBABBIII.完形填空3640 BDCCB 4145 ADACB 4650 DACBD 5155 ACBCDIV.阅读理解56 59 BABB60 63 CADC6467 BACC 6871 BBAC7275 ACBCV.单词拼写76.sensed77.chances78.evolved79.adopted80.temporarily81.deserted82.confidently83.stressed84.jewellery/j

76、ewels86.varyVI.书面表达One possible versionStudying AbroadIn recent years,studying abroad has been popular with Chinese high school students.Tens of thousands of them have gone to foreign countries to study.Many more are trying their best to go abroad.As for this,different people have different opinions

77、.There are many advantages in studying abroad.First,students who study abroad can make friends with people of different cultures.Second,they can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from foreign countries.Still,they can improve their foreign languages more quickly.On the othe

78、r hand,there are some disadvantages.Most of the students are too young to live by 高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题 本站投稿专用信箱:,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优 共 14 页 第 14 页themselves without any living experience.Moreover,being far away from their motherland,they may feel lonely and homesick./miss their families.And further,the high cost is also a problem for common families.In my opinion,it is advisable to take as many things into consideration.They can ask teachers or students who have studied abroad for advice and they should try to get everything ready before attending school abroad.


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