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1、四川省2012届高三英语二轮复习专题训练:单项选择(49)从A、B、C 、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1Playing basketball is great fun; it also provides us with a chance to develop our sense of team spirit.Aa;不填B不填;aCa; theD不填;不填2Scientists are convinced the positive effect of laughter physical and mental health.Aof; atBby; inCof; onDon; at3

2、You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had her children.Abrought upBto bring upCbringing upDto have brought up4Thank goodness, you are here! What you?Traffic jam.AkeepsBis keepingChad keptDkept5Did on time make the teacher angry?Ashe not comeBshe didnt comeCnot her comingDher not coming6How

3、 long do you suppose it is he arrived here?No more than half a week.AsinceBbeforeCthatDwhen7The number 2008 is a special number, I think, that will be remembered by the Chinese forever.AwhichBwhatConeDit8Are you going to the concert?Im not sure. I stay inside and watch it live on TV instead.AcanBmig

4、htCshouldDmust9Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better. .AIm with you on thatBId love toCIts up to youDIts my pleasure10The city of Nanchong has grown so fast that its at least what it used to be.Afive times the size ofBfive times the size as large asCfiv

5、e times largerDfive times size as11How did you like Nicks performance last night?To be honest, his singing didnt me much.Aappeal toBattach toCrefer toDoccur to12Betty shows great interest in this poem now, but she thought it boring she read it.Aat the first timeBthe first timeCfor the first timeDat

6、first13So hard in the past few years that he has made great progress in English.I can see that, only a few mistakes in this exam.Ahas he worked; did he makeBhe has worked; he madeChe has worked; has he madeDhas he worked; he made14I had been puzzled over t he problem for over an hour without any res

7、ult, all at once a solution flashed across my mind.AwhileBwhenCthenDas15The couple walked together as far as the second crossing of the street they waved goodbye to each other.AwhenBwhichCwhyDwhere16Professor Li and his wife are now at work on a novel next year.Ato publishBbeing publishedCpublishedD

8、to be published17You are telling me Im lazy. Look what a mess your room is! AThats a no brainer!BDont be a wet blanket!CThat is like the pot calling the kettle black!DDont pull my leg!18Im sorry, I shouldnt have been so rude to you.You something not very nice to me, but thats OK.Ahave saidBhad saidC

9、were sayingDdid say19In all kinds of competitions, Jackie a most excellent athlete. He has won so many gold medals.ApractisesBconductsCbehavesDproves20Only one of the places is .Aworth to visitBworth visitingCworth of visitingDworth being visited15 DCCDD 610 ACBAA 1115 ABDBD 1620 DCDDB高考资源网独家精品资源,欢迎下载!高考资源网Ks5uK&S%5#UKs5uKs%U高考资源网高考资源网高考资源网


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