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1、冠词、名词专练50题从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1I dont like talking ontelephone;I prefer writingletters Aa; the Bthe; 不填 Cthe; the Da; 不填2a wonderful sense of humour AThe English have BThe English has CEnglish have DEnglish has3The young oftenthe old in our town Ahelps Bwants to help Chelp Dhelping He had n

2、ever envied the richmoney Ahis Btheir Cones Dher4The more you listen to English, youll feel in speaking English Athe well Beasily Cthe more easily Dthe easier5In China,bicycle ispopular means of transportation(交通) Athe; a Ba; 不填 Cthe; the Da; the6page of the book is torn andcover looks very old AThe

3、; the BA; a CA; the DThe; a7He isteacher that all of us like him Aa such good Bsuch good a Ca so good Dso good a8Father went to his doctor forabout his heart trouble Aan advice Badvice Cadvices Dthe advices9danger man is often much wiser than usual AIn a time of BIn the times of CIn the time of DIn

4、time of10Alice is fond of playingpiano while Henry is interested in listening tomusic A; the B; Cthe; Dthe; the11Beyondstars, the astronaut saw nothing butspace Athe; B; the C; Dthe; the12Alexander Graham Bell inventedtelephone in1876 A Ba Cthe Done13Which iscountry, Canada or Australia? (NMET93) Aa

5、 large Blarger Ca larger Dthe larger14 Wheres Jack? I think hes still inbed, but he might just be inbathroom A; Bthe; the Cthe; D; the15 She isnew comer tochemistry but she has already made some important discoveries Athe; the Bthe; Ca; Da; the16If there were no examinations,we should haveat school

6、Athe happiest time Ba more happier time Cmuch happiest time Da much happier time17 Id likeinformation about the management of your hotel, please Well, you could have word with the manager He might be helpful Asome; a Ban; some Csome; some Dan; a18How beautifully she sings! I have never heard Athe be

7、tter voice Ba good voice Cthe best voice Da better voice19Many people agree thatknowledge of English is a must ininternational trade today Aa; Bthe; an Cthe; the D; the20 Have you seenpen? I left it here this morning Is itblack one? I think I saw it somewhere Aa; the Bthe; the Cthe; a Da; a21Profess

8、or White has written some short stories, but he isknown for his plays Athe best Bmore Cbetter Dthe most22Paper money was inuse in China when Marco Polo visited the country inthirteenth century Athe; Bthe; the C; the D; 23The warmth ofsweater will of course be determined by the sort ofwool used Athe;

9、 the Bthe; C; the D; 24Jumping out ofairplane at ten thousand feet is quiteexciting experience A不填; the B不填; an Can; an Dthe; the25Boris has brains In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class hasIQ Aa high Ba higher Cthe higher Dthe highest26Mr Wang gave uson how to improve our English Aso good an

10、advice Ba good advice Csome good advices Da piece of good advice27The suggestion has been madethe basketball matchput off Afor; to Bthat; be Cwhich; should be Dto; being28Toms and Johnscame to London last week Afather-in-law Bfathers-in-law Cfathers-in-laws Dfather-in-laws29His “Selected Stories”fir

11、st published in 1990 Awere Bwas Chas been Dhave been30These tables and desks are all made of Aa wood Bsome wood Cthe wood Dwood31 Did you find your pen this afternoon? No, I didnt find, but Ive bought Ait; it Bone; one Cit; one Done; it32If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller Aset Bone Ccopy D

12、pair33Three-fourths of the surface of the earthsea Ais Bare Cwere Dhas been34We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into Afact Breality Cpractice Ddeed35Heres my card Lets keep in Atouch Brelation Cconnection Dfriendship36He gained hisby printingof famous writers Awealth; work Bwealths;

13、works Cwealths; work Dwealth; works37 Hello Is Laura there, please? Im sorry, she is not here right nowCan I take a? Amessage Bletter Csentence Dnotice38The city government decided to keep the old temple for its historical Aprice Bcost Cvalue Dusefulness39Shortly after the accident, twopolice were s

14、ent to the spot to keep order Adozen of Bdozens Cdozen Ddozens of40Come along now and sit down Tom,can you makefor Mary? Aa face Broom Csome difference Dspace41Four years had passed, and I found Mary had Alittle white hair Bsome white hair Cmuch white hairs Da few white hairs42Although the city had

15、been attacked by the stormseveral times, was done Aa few damages Bfew destroy Clittle hurt Dlittle damage43Sometimes I have a cup of coffee after lunch, but I dont make a habitit Afor Bof Cabout Dfrom44The price of vegetables isthan before Amuch cheaper Beven higher Cstill dearer Da lot more expensi

16、ve45 Such a magazine hasexcept when you have time to kill Alittle value Bmuch value Ca lot of values Dgreat value46Im sorry Im forgetting your name for Aa moment Bmoments Cthe moment Dthe moments47Opinions of that kind are best kept to yourself, and not voice Aby public Bin public Cin a public Din t

17、he public 48Such men have madeby developing oil businesses Agreat fortunes Ba huge fortune Csome huge fortune Da great fortune49There are tenteachers and two hundredstudents in the school Awomen; girl Bwoman; girls Cwomen; girls Dwoman; girl50The boy wrotelast week Aa two-thousand-words article Btwo

18、 two-thousand-words article Ca two-thousand-word article Dtwo two-thousand-words articles 参考答案及简析1.B。on the telephone 的意思是“(在)打电话”,可作状语或表语,表示正在进行的动作,其中的 the 不可省略。2.A。指“全体国民”时,常用“定冠词表示国民的单词”。这一结构作主语时,谓语用复数形式。3.C;B。英语中, 有些形容词或分词(如 old, young, poor, rich, injured, wounded, dead, living, deaf 等)与 the 连用

19、时, 表示一类人。这种结构通常表示复数,应与复数动词或复数代词连用。4.D。“the比较级,the比较级”表示“越,就越”,其中的定冠词 the 不可省略。5.A。“thea(an)单数名词”可表示“类属”,故第一空的冠词用the 或 a 均可。第二空指一种交通方式,应用不定冠词。6.C。一本书是由许多“页”构成的,指其中的一页,用不定冠词。7.D。“sucha(an)形容词+单数名词等于so+形容词+a(an)单数名词”。8.B。advice 表示“意见;忠告”,为不可数名词。9.D。in time of 的意思是“在时刻”,不与冠词连用。10.C。play 后接表示球类的名词时,不用冠词(

20、如 play basketball);后接表示西洋乐器的名词时,则须用定冠词(如 play the violin)。listen to music表示“听音乐”,是固定短语。11.A。特指天上的星星,应用定冠词;space 指“太空”,一般不与冠词连用,但有形容词修饰时,应使用定冠词。12.C。特指某种事物,用定冠词。13.D。用定冠词,特指两个国家中较大的那一个。14.D。be in bed 表示“卧床”,为习惯用语,不与冠词连用;in the bathroom 特指“在(说话双方都知道的)浴室里”。15.C。表示学科的名词,不与冠词连用;comer“来者”,为可数名词,在此表示泛指。16.

21、D。have a.time 指“过得”;修饰比较级时用 much,不用 more。17.A。information 在此为不可数名词,故可排除 B、D 两个选项;have a word with sb. 为固定短语,意思是“跟说句话”。18.D。voice 指“啜音”。此处不定冠词与比较级连用,表示“(以前)从未听过比她唱得更好的”。19.A。此处knowledge 表示“知道;熟悉”,是know的名词形式,常与不定冠词连用。trade 指“某种贸易”,通常不与冠词连用。20.D。均表示泛指。21.C。此处指剧本(plays)与短篇小说(short stories)两者之间的比较。22.C。(

22、be) in use 为习惯用语,意思是“在使用中”,不与冠词连用;thirteenth 为序数词,序数词前面通常使用定冠词。23.B。wool“羊毛”,为不可数名词,在此表示泛指,不与定冠词连用,故选项A、C均不对;sweater 在此表示“羊毛衫”这一类物品,与 the 或 a均可连用。24.C。均表示泛指。25.B。此句暗指班里其他人的“智商”没有比 Boris的更高的,故用比较级。26.D。advice 表示“忠告;建议”,为不可数名词,指数量时,常与a piece of连用。27.B。suggestion,advice 等名词后面接 that 引导的名词性从句时,从句中的谓语常用“(

23、should)动词原形构成的虚拟结构。28.B。As and Bs 表示“A 和 B 各自的”,后面的可数名词要用复数形式;father-in-law 为复合名词,复合名词的复数形式通常是将其中的名词或主要的名词变为复数。29.B。书名作主语时,谓语应用单数形式。30.D。wood 指“木头”,为不可数名词,此处的 wood 指材料,是物质名词,不与 the 连用。31.C。it 指代前面的同一物品;one 则指代与前面事物同类的物品。32.D。trousers, scissors, gloves, socks, glasses等表示成双成对物品的名词,其数量单位为 pair。33.A。分数修

24、饰主语时,若主语为不可数名词,谓语用单数形式;若主语为可数名词,谓语通常用复数形式。34.C。put. intoin practice 为习惯用语,意思是“把付诸实施”。35.A。指“(与)保持联系”,应说 keep in touch (with.)。36.D。wealth 指“财富”,为不可数名词;work 指文学、艺术作品时,常用复数形式。37.A。注意这几个词的含义不同:message 指“口信”、“短信”;letter 指“信件”;sentence 指“句子”;notice 指“(书面)通知”。38.C。price 指物品在金钱上的“价格”;cost 指事物的生产“成本或费用”;val

25、ue 指事物内在的“价值”;usefulness 指事物“有用”。39.C。dozen 指数量,意思是“十二”,常用于“数词dozen 复数名词”及“dozensof复数名词”这两种结构。如:two dozen eggs二十四个鸡蛋;dozens of apples 几十个苹果。40.B。make room for“给腾出地方”,其中的 room 为不可数名词。41.D。hair 指满头“头发”,为不可数名词;指具体的某种“头发”或一根一根的“头发”,为可数名词。42.D。此处主句的含义应是否定的,故可排除选项A。destroy 为动词,不可作主语,所以也不对。hurt是对感情或身体部位的伤害

26、,在此语意不符;damage 表示“损害”,为不可数名词。43.B。habit 表示“习惯”,后面的介词常用 of。如:make a habit of, be in the habit of,have the habit of,fall into the ha猓imof 等。44.B。英语中,price“价格”只能说 high(高)或 low(低),不能说expensivedear(贵)或 cheap(便宜)。45.A。value 指事物具有的实用“价值或重要性”,为不可数名词。46.C。for a moment 的意思是“一会儿,片刻”,指动作持续的时间;for the moment 的意思

27、是“当这时候、目前、暂时”,指一时的情况。47.B。in public“当众;公然”,为习惯用语,不与冠词连用。48.A。make a fortune 的意思是“发财;致富”,其中的 a fortune 有单复数的变化。此句的主语 men 为复数,故 fortune 也用复数。49.A。名词作定语时,通常用单数。但 man 与 woman 作定语时,如果后面的名词是单数,这两个词也用单数,如果后面的名词是复数,这两个词也用复数,如:a man doctor, two men doctors 等。50.C。由“数词连字符名词”构成的合成形容词,其中的名词必须用单数。此句若选 D,应将 words 后面的“s”去掉。高考资源网 2006精品资料系列


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