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北京市平谷中学2015-2016学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题 WORD版无答案.doc

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1、平谷中学高一年级第一次月考英语试题 (2015-10)第I卷(共85分)第一部分:听力理解(共三节)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍。1.What time is it now?A. 7:15 B. 8:00 C. 8:152.Which is the best way to get to the Water Cube at the moment?A. Taking a subway B. Taki

2、ng a bus C. Taking a taxi3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Husband and wifeB. Teacher and studentC.Employer and employee4. What is the man doing there?A. He is living there B. He is on holiday there C. He is working there5. What is the mans problem? A. He is very hungr

3、yB. He dialed the wrong number C. He doesnt want a room facing the sea.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. Where does the man want to go?A. To the library B. To the post office C. To the tea

4、ching building7. What is the color of the main teaching building?A. Grey B. Green C. Red听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. How many rooms does the man book?A. 5 B. 6 C. 79. When will the man stay in the hotel?A. From next Thursday to Friday B. From next Tuesday to Friday C. From this Saturday to Sunday听第8段材料,回答第10至1

5、2题。10. How long has the woman lived there?A. For twelve years B. For twenty years C. For two years11. How much is the house?A. $200,000 B. $20,000 C. $2,000,00012. Why does the woman want to sell the house?A. She needs money to buy a small bookstoreB. She wants to move to SydneyC. She is tired of li

6、ving there听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。13. What is the festival of Holi about?A. Bonfire B. Colors C. Powder14. What is the main purpose of Holi?A. To celebrate a new beginning B. To celebrate a good harvest C. To remember fairy tale events15. How long does the festival of Holi last?A. Four days B. Three days C

7、. Two days第三节 (共5小题;每小题1分,共5分)听下面一段独白,完成第16至第20五道小题,每小题仅填写一个词。听独白前,你将有20秒钟的时间阅读试题,听完后你将有60秒钟的作答时间。这段独白你将听两遍。Places to Stay on HolidayBefore a vacationBook a(n) 16 in advanceHotel requirementsNice hotel: equipped with facilities, such as a swimming pool, 17 room or small kitchen with a microwave oven

8、 and small 18 19 hotel / motel: provide the basic necessitiesYouth hostel: just book a(n) 20 to save money第二部分:知识运用(共两节,35分)(注意:试题题号和机读卡号保持一致)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)21. The old woman lives _, but she doesnt feel _.A. alone, lonelyB. lonely, lonelyC. lonely, aloneD. alone, alone22. The father told

9、 his daughter_ out of the house when he was not in. A. not goB. go not toC. not to goD. not go to23. The villagers _ serious pollutions. The local government should do something about it.A. suffer fromB. set down C. clean upD. get over24. Would you like to go shopping with me? -Sorry, Im very busy n

10、ow. Why not _ someone else?A. askingB. ask C. to askD. asked25. Do you want to talk with your boss _ to solve the problem?A. hand in handB. face to faceC. shoulder to shoulderD. side by side26. Since Margot found it difficult to settle in a new place, she felt _ that the family had to move.A. upsetB

11、. crazyC. happyD. easy27. _improve her English, Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself. A. So as toB. In order thatC. So thatD. In order to28. Our teachers made us _a lot of homework after school.A. to doB. doingC. doD. to have done 29. What he had said our trouble.A. added up toB. added toC. added

12、 upD. were added to30. She is so _ about Korean soaps that recently she has begun to study Korean.A. addictedB. fondC. crazyD. interested31. This was the first time _ I _ face to face with the president. A.when; had comeB. that; have comeC. when; cameD. that; had come32. -I will have an important ma

13、tch tomorrow. I hope I will win. -_. A. Good luckB. No ideaC. Thats such a pityD. Its all right33. Its seven thirty. I_ go to school.A. have gotB. have got toC. got toD. had got to34. -So you didnt say hello to him last night?-Well, I stopped and smiled when I saw him, but he_ me and walked on. A. i

14、gnoredB. refusedC. askedD. missed35. When I spoke to my boyfriend last weekend he said that he would send me a bunch of roses _.A. the following dayB. two days earlierC. tomorrowD. the day before第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,共20分) There was a boy who was sent by his parents to a boarding school (寄宿学校). 36 be

15、ing sent away, this boy was the 37 student in his class. He was at the top in every 38 always with high marks.But the boy changed after 39 home and attending the boarding school. His grades started 40 . He hated being in a 41 . He was lonely all the time. And there were especially dark times when he

16、 42 committing suicide (自杀). All of this was because he felt 43 and no one loved him.His parents started 44 about the boy. But they even did not know what was 45 with him. So his dad decided to travel to the boarding school and 46 him.They sat on the bank of the lake near the school. The father star

17、ted asking him some casual questions about his classes, teachers and 47 . After some time his dad said, “Do you know, son, why I am here today?”The boy answered back, “To 48 my grades?” “No, no,” his dad replied. “I am here to tell you that you are the most 49 person for me. I want to see you 50 . I

18、 dont care about grades. I care about you. I care about your happiness. YOU ARE MY LIFE.”These words 51 the boys eyes to be filled with tears. He 52 his dad. They didnt say anything to each other for a long time.Now the boy had 53 he wanted. He knew there was someone on this earth who cared for him

19、deeply. He 54 the world to someone. And today this young man is in college at the top of his class and no one has ever seen him 55 ! 36. A. AfterB. Before C. WhenD. While37. A. hardestB. naughtiestC. brightestD. dullest38. A. examB. activity C. gameD. class39. A. comingB. returning C. leavingD. reac

20、hing40. A. risingB. increasingC. reducingD. dropping41. A. groupB. termC. companyD. party42. A. led toB. felt likeC. thought back D. looked for43. A. worthlessB. carelessC. concernedD. annoyed44. A. caring B. turningC. worryingD. speaking45. A. crazyB. trueC. possibleD. wrong46. A. talk withB. liste

21、n toC. tell toD. care about47. A. familyB. friends C. studyD. grades48. A. realizeB. analyzeC. checkD. test49. A. outstanding B. importantC. famousD. familiar50. A. happyB. excellentC. interestedD. satisfied51. A. causedB. wantedC. encouragedD. forced52. A. answered B. ignoredC. hatedD. hugged53. A.

22、 nothing B. somethingC. everythingD. anything54. A. showed B. meantC. intendedD. expressed55. A. sad B. angryC. pleasantD. joyful第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)AWhen Christopher Columbus landed on the then unnamed Costa Rica in 1502, he saw many Indians wearing gold earrings. So he thought the land mu

23、st be rich in gold. He named the place Costa Rica, which means “rich coast” in Spanish.Though little gold was found, Costa Rica today is indeed rich with coffee and bananas. Coffee is the most important product in Costa Rica and most of it is exported (出口) to other countries like America and West Ge

24、rmany. Bananas are the countrys second most important export.Costa Ricans also grow many other crops such as fruits, corn and beans for their own use. Costa Ricans love colors and their houses are painted in bright colors. Education is very important to the Costa Ricans. Almost every village has a s

25、chool and education is a must for children between seven and fourteen years of age. Boys and girls go to separate (单独的) schools. Classes begin in March and end in November. The other three months of the year are harvest time and the children have to help their parents to pick coffee beans.56. Whats

26、the main idea of the first paragraph?A. How Columbus found Costa Rica B. How Costa Rica got its nameC. What the Costa Ricans wore D. What language the Costa Ricans spoke57. The Costa Ricans may NOT paint their houses _.A. pink and red B. grey and black C. blue and green D. yellow and orange58. In Co

27、sta Rica, boys and girls between seven and fourteen _.A. must go to school B. study in the same schoolC. do not have to go to school at all D. can choose to stop schooling at any time59. From December to February, school children in Costa Rica _.A. have lessons every day B. have their examinationsC.

28、 help their parents pick coffee beans D. help their parents decorate their houses60. This passage is mainly about _.A. Christopher Columbus B. Costa Rica C. some products from Costa Rica D. the education of Costa RicaB Christian Eijkman, a Dutch doctor, left the Netherlands for the island of Java. M

29、any people on the island had a disease called beri-beri. He was going there to try and find a cure.At first, Eijkman thought some kind of germ (细菌) caused beri-beri. He raised some chickens. He didnt eat them, but made experiments on them. The local people were quite surprised at that. One day he no

30、ticed that his chickens became sick when they were fed the food most Javanese ate refined white rice (精炼米). When he fed them with unrefined rice, also known as brown rice, they recovered. Eijkman realized that he had made an important discovery that some things in food could prevent disease. These t

31、hings were named vitamins (维生素). The Javanese were not getting enough vitamins because they had actually removed the part that contains vitamins. Later, other diseases were also found to be caused by the lack of vitamins in a persons food. Today many people know the importance of vitamins and they m

32、ake sure they have enough vitamins from the food they eat. If they dont, they can also take vitamin pills.61. The underlined word “cure” in Paragragh 1 probably means _.A. a medical treatment B. a kind of vitamin C. a kind of germ(细菌) D. a kind of rice62. Christian Eijkman went to the island of Java

33、 to _.A. spend his holiday B. find ways to grow better crops C. do some research about the island D. help the Javanese with their illness63. Why did Christian Eijkman raise some chickens?A. To eat them. B. To carry out his experiments.C. To give the Javanese a surprise. D. To make money by selling t

34、hem.64. If a person doesnt get enough vitamins in his diet, hed better _.A. eat more rice B. eat more meat C. eat some chicken D. eat vitamin pills65. We can learn from the passage that _.A. beri-beri was caused by chickens B. the Javanese didnt like vitaminsC. Christian Eijkmans experiment was succ

35、essfulD. the Javaneses disease was caused by a kind of germC America is a mobile society. Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon if situations change. Neither side feels hurt by this. Both may exchange Christmas greetings for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for

36、a while then no more. If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship. This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand, because friendships between us flower more slowly but then may become lifelong feelings, extending (延伸) sometimes deeply into bo

37、th families.Americans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and their home life. They will enjoy welcoming us and be pleased if we accept their hospitality (好客) easily.Another difficult point for us Chinese to understand Americans is that although they include us w

38、armly in their personal everyday lives, they dont show their politeness to us if it requires a great deal of time. This is usually the opposite of the practice in our country where we may be generous with our time. Sometimes, we, as hosts, will appear at airports even in the middle of the night to m

39、eet a friend. We may take days off to act as guides to our foreign friends. The Americans, however, express their welcome usually at homes, but truly can not manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily routine. They will probably expect us to get ourselves from the airport

40、to our own hotel by bus. And they expect that we will phone them from there. Once we arrive at their homes, the welcome will be full, warm and real. We will find ourselves treated hospitably.For the Americans, it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend to their homes than to go to resta

41、urants, except for purely business matters. So accept their hospitality at home!66. The writer of this passage must be _.A. an American B. a Chinese C. a professor D. a student67. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Friendships between Americans usually extend deepl

42、y into their families.B. Friendships between Americans usually last for all their lives.C. Americans always show their warmth even if they are very busy.D. Americans will continue their friendships again even after a long break.68. From the last two paragraphs we can learn that when we arrive in Ame

43、rica to visit an American friend, we will probably be _.A. warmly welcomed at the airport B. offered a ride to his homeC. treated hospitably at his home D. treated to dinner in a restaurant69. The underlined words “generous with our time” in Paragraph 3 probably mean _. A. strict with time B. seriou

44、s with timeC. careful with time D. willing to spend time70. A suitable title for this passage would probably be “_”. A. Friendships between Chinese B. Friendships between AmericansC. Americans hospitality D. Americans and Chineses views of friendshipsD The other day I heard a few local musicians tal

45、king:“I hate all the terrible pianos in this town. I hate that rubbish they play on the radio. They cant even understand a bit of music.”“Im never playing in that club again. Too many drunks and nobody listens to us.”But, one younger musician said, “There are a few clubs that book my band a few nigh

46、ts a month, and Im trying to find other places to play. Im also looking to book a few summer festivals this year.”Ive heard that you are the average of the five people whom you spend the most time with, or to put it another way, you are who your friends are.Attitudes are important. Whether theyre po

47、sitive or negative, theyre rubbing off on you. If youre around people who complain about lack of work and about other musicians, or blame (责怪) others, and you play the role of victim (受害者), chances are you will start to as well. So its time to take a look at the people you call “friends”.This is an

48、easy exercise: Make a list of the people who you hang out with, and simply stop spending time with the negative people on your list. Set a new standard (标准) for yourself and dont become friends with people who fall below that standard.Keep successful people around you and your own chances for succes

49、s will be much better. Ask them how they do it. Ask if they will help you get the work youre looking for, or maybe give you some advice to help you on your career path.71. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?A. A friend in need is a friend indeed B. How to make friendship

50、 last for everC. You are who your friends are D. Friends are the most important in ones success72. The underlined sentence “theyre rubbing off on you” in Paragraph 6 means _.A. theyll push you ahead B. theyll influence you C. theyll cover your shortcomings D. theyll help you achieve your goal73. The

51、 musicians words at the beginning are written mainly to show _.A. the musicians living conditions are quite poorB. people have poor taste in musicC. people have different attitudes towards the same thingD. young people have greater chances of succeeding74. By taking the exercise mentioned in Paragra

52、ph 7, you can _.A. improve a lot in making more friendsB. come to the right way of making friends C. develop a better relationship with your friendsD. arrange the time with your friends properly75. The passage is mainly written for _.A. musicians B. managers C. negative people D. people wanting to s

53、ucceed第II卷(共15分)一、用方框内短语的适当形式填空(每空0.5分,共2.5分)calm down put on in order to on purpose be concerned about1. Our English teacher _ _her glasses when she begins her work.2. Please _ _.The problem is not so serious. 3. Sorry, but I didnt step on your feet _ _.4. The policeman said he _ _ _ the boys safet

54、y.5. She got up early _ _ _ prepare breakfast for the family.二、把句子补充完整(每小题1分,共10分)1. 他之前患有严重的心脏病,但现在没事了。He _ _ a serious heart attack before but now he is all right.2. 昨天他把书包落在教室了。He _ _ _in the classroom yesterday.3. 自从来到这个城市我就在这家公司上班。I _ _ in the company since I _ to this city.4. 中国经历了太多的战争。China

55、_ _ _ a lot of wars.5. 旅游并不像我们想的那么愉快。The trip was _ _ _ _ we thought.6. 请往水里加些盐。Please _ some salt _ the water.7. 我们关心我们老师的健康。We are _ _ our teachers health.8. 我和班里一位男生相处得很好。I _ _ _ _ a boy in my class.9. 我尽最大努力让他平静下来。I tried my best to _ her _. 10. 这是她第一次跟英国人交谈.It is the first time _ she _ _ _ an E

56、nglish man.三、单词拼写(每小题0.5分,共2.5分)1. A recent s_ of public opinion showed that most people were worried about the increasing crimes.2. He was terribly u_ over her illness.3. Her hair was l_ and hung on her shoulders.4. The p_ of a trap(陷阱,圈套) is to catch and hold animals.5. After the lightning came th

57、e t_.姓名_ 班级_ 考号_ 机读卡号 _-密-封-线-英语答题卡请将第I卷、第II卷中各题的答案写在对应的位置,注意书写清晰、工整。第 I 卷听力 第三节(共5题,每空1分,共5分)16. _ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. _ 第II 卷一、用方框内短语的适当形式填空(共5个空,每空0.5分,共2.5分)1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _二、翻译(共10个小题,每小题1分,共10分 )1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _三、单词拼写(共5个空,每空0.5分,共2.5分)1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _


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