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2019届高三英语一轮(浙江专用)复习考点强化练 1(必修1 UNIT 1) WORD版含解析.docx

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2019届高三英语一轮(浙江专用)复习考点强化练 1(必修1 UNIT 1) WORD版含解析.docx_第1页
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1、考点强化练1(必修1Unit 1)考点强化练第1页.阅读理解(2017浙江)Cassandra Feeley finds it hard to manage on her husbands income.So this year she did something more than a hobby:She planted vegetables in her yard.For her first garden,Ms.Feeley has put in 15 tomato plants,and five rows of a variety of vegetables.The familys ol

2、d farm house has become a chicken house,its residents arriving next month.Last year,Ms.Rita Gartin kept a small garden.This year she has made it much larger because,she said,“The cost of everything is going up and I am looking to lose a few pounds,too;so its a win-win situation all around.”They are

3、among the growing number of Americans who,driven by higher living costs and a falling economy(经济),have taken up vegetable gardening for the first time.Others have increased the size of their existing gardens.Seed companies and garden shops say that not since the 1970s has there been such an increase

4、 in interest in growing food at home.Now many gardens across the country have been sold out for several months.In Austin,Tex.,some of the gardens have a three-year waiting list.George C.Ball Jr.,owner of a company,says sales of vegetable seeds and plants are up by 40% over last year,double the avera

5、ge growth of the last five years.Mr.Ball argues that some of the reasons have been building for the last few years.The big one is the striking rise in the cost of food like bread and milk,together with the increases in the price of fruits and vegetables.Food prices have increased because of higher o

6、il prices.People are now driving less,taking fewer vacations,so there is more time to garden.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了在生活成本日益上涨的情况下,人们为了降低自己的生活成本而种植蔬菜的情形。1.What does the word “residents” in Paragraph 1 probably refer to? A.Chickens.B.Tomatoes.C.Gardens.D.People.答案A解析词义猜测题。根据文章第一段第四句“The familys old far

7、m house has become a chicken house,its residents arriving next month.”可知,residents指chickens。故选A项。2.Why is vegetable gardening becoming increasingly popular?A.More Americans are doing it for fun.B.The price of oil is lower than before.C.Theres a growing need for fruits.D.The cost of living is on the

8、rise.答案D解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句“They are among the growing number of Americans who,driven by higher living costs and a falling economy(经济),have taken up vegetable gardening for the first time.”可知,种植蔬菜正变得越来越受欢迎的原因是日益上升的生活成本。故选D项。A项和C项在文中均未提及;由文章最后一段倒数第二句可知,油价在上涨,故B项错误。3.Which of the following might be the

9、 best title for the text?A.Family Food PlanningB.Banking on GardeningC.A Belt-tightening MoveD.Gardening as a Hobby答案B解析主旨大意题。文章讲的是为节约生活成本,人们纷纷种植蔬菜。故选B项“指望种菜”。A项“家庭食物计划”和C项“勒紧裤腰带的行动”在文中均未提及;D项“把园艺作为爱好”是对文章第一段第二句的曲解。导学号29402034.完形填空I am a practicing surgeon in a western state.Several years ago,I perf

10、ormed a highrisk surgery on an 1 gentleman.I believe he was in his mid-seventies.The operation appeared to be a 2,but three days later,the patient developed an arrhythmia(心律失常),and his heart stopped 3.I performed CPR(心肺复苏术) on him for three hours and,4,we were able to resuscitate(复苏) him.In the proc

11、ess,however,the man suffered a 5 injury.The symptoms were altogether 6.He now thought he was fifty years old.During the three hours when I was 7 CPR on him,he had 8 more than twenty years of his life.I 9 the patient for a couple of months,and during that time he seemed to regain about 10 of these ye

12、ars.When I lost 11 of him,he was convinced that he was sixty years old.He had the strength and energy of a man twenty years 12 than his actual age.About a year and a half 13,I was playing golf with a good friend of mine.He brought along a friend of his,and that man 14 to be the patients son-in-law.H

13、e pulled me 15 and told me that his father-in-law had died earlier that month.I expressed my 16.At that point,the man proceeded to tell me a story that I would never forget.Prior to his heart surgery,my patient had been an 17 and a wife-abuser for about twenty years.After his cardiac arrest and resu

14、scitate and the 18 of twenty years of memory he had forgotten all these things about himself.He 19 drinking.He began sleeping with his wife again and became a loving husband.This 20 for more than a year,and then,one night,he passed away in his sleep.【语篇导读】“浪子回头金不换”,一次手术的意外后果让一个虐待妻子的酒鬼终于浪子回头。1.A.elde


16、azingly。5.A.noseB.mouthC.legD.brain答案D解析下文提到记忆缺失,因此是脑部受伤。故选brain。6.A.strangeB.normalC.usualD.common答案A解析从下文“He now thought he was fifty years old.”可知手术后病人的症状很奇特。故选strange。7.A.claimingB.diagnosingC.performingD.checking答案C解析此处指进行心肺复苏手术的那3个小时,故选C项。8.A.lostB.gainedC.rememberedD.got答案A解析从上文“He now though

17、t he was fifty years old”,可知是他的记忆丢失了。lose“丢失”。9.A.searchedB.forgotC.caredD.followed答案D解析此处指我对病人跟踪检查了几个月。故选follow。10.A.seventyB.sixtyC.tenD.twenty答案C解析根据上文“He now thought he was fifty years old.”以及下文“.he was convinced that he was sixty years old.”可知一段时间后他的记忆恢复了10年的时间。11.A.patienceB.trackC.sightD.cont

18、rol答案B解析根据语境可知:当我停止跟踪检查他时,他确信他是一个60岁的老人。track“踪迹”。12.A.youngerB.olderC.earlierD.less答案A解析此处指他有着比他实际年龄年轻20岁左右的人的力气和精力。故A项符合语境。13.A.agoB.beforeC.laterD.late答案C解析此处指大约1年半后。故选later。14.A.decidedB.dreamedC.wantedD.happened答案D解析此处指那个人碰巧是我的病人的女婿。happen to“碰巧;偶然”。15.A.throughB.outC.awayD.aside答案D解析根据语境可知,他把我

19、拉到一边。pull sb.aside“把某人拉到一边”。16.A.sympathyB.gratitudeC.angerD.delight答案A解析根据上文“told me that his father-in-law had died earlier that month”可知,此处应表达了我的同情之意。sympathy“同情”。17.A.agentB.educatorC.inventorD.alcoholic答案D解析根据下文可知,我的病人在手术之前是一个酒鬼,一个虐待老婆的家伙。alcoholic“酒鬼,酗酒者”。18.A.recallingB.surgeryC.lossD.regaini

20、ng答案C解析从上文可知,他丢失了记忆。故选C项。19.A.startedB.stoppedC.likedD.continued答案B解析从上下文的表达可知,他变好了,所以他戒酒了。故B项符合语境。20.A.lookedB.waitedC.wentD.lasted答案D解析这种情况持续了一年多。last“维持,持续”。导学号29402035.语法填空(20179月浙江宁波十校联考)Comparing with other people is necessary as well as 1.(benefit) to us.Firstly,our society needs competition,

21、and only through comparison can we find the distance between us,2. surely encourages us 3.(make) more efforts to catch up with others.Secondly,4. is known to all,everyone has his own weaknesses and 5.(strong).If we are blind 6. it,we are like a snail crawling slowly alone without knowing what 7.(hap

22、pen) around us.Thus,we are more likely to be left behind and 8.(rule) out of the fierce competition.Finally,it is a world of 9.(diverse),which guarantees us a colorful life.It is a blessing to expose 10. to such a world so that we can enjoy our life as well as our work.答案与解析【语篇导读】本文是一篇议论文。与他人对比对我们来说

23、是有必要的,也是很有益的,它会让我们发现自己的不足,学会正确面对自己,并激励我们勇往直前。1.beneficial考查形容词。根据语境可知,与他人对比对我们来说是有必要的,也是很有益的。beneficial为benefit的形容词形式。2.which考查非限制性定语从句。关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中做主语,指代主句的内容。3.to make考查非谓语动词。encourage sb.to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“鼓励某人做某事”。4.as考查非限制性定语从句。as is known to all为固定用法,意为“众所周知”,as为关系代词,在从句中做主语,as指代主句

24、的内容。5.strengths考查名词复数。根据语境可知,每个人都有自己的优缺点。strength为可数名词,意为“优点”。根据常识可知,每个人的优缺点不止一处,所以用复数形式。6.to考查介词。根据语境可知,如果我们对自己的缺点视而不见,那么我们就像孤独爬行的蜗牛一样。be blind to为固定搭配,意为“对视而不见”。7.is happening考查时态。根据语境可知,我们就像孤独爬行的蜗牛一样,不知道周围正在发生的事情。此处表示正在发生的事情,所以用现在进行时。8.ruled考查动词。根据语境可知,如果那样的话,我们就会被别人甩在后面,被排除在激烈的竞争之外。rule out意为“无法

25、参加比赛,排除在外”,此处表示被动,用过去分词形式。9.diversity考查名词。根据语境可知,世界充满了多样性。diversity为diverse的名词形式,意为“多样性,差异”。10.ourselves考查反身代词。根据语境可知,我们能在这样多彩的世界里生活和工作真是一种幸运。expose oneself to为固定搭配,意为“处在状况下,在影响下”。导学号29402036.应用文写作假设你是李华,你负责通过电子邮件告知芝加哥某中学的Tom 7名中国中学生将于11月27日利用1天时间参观他们的学校。活动内容包括:1.参观学生上课情况;2.参观学生课外活动情况和实验室;3.与教师和学生交流

26、;4.合影留念以留下美好回忆。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.参考词汇:实验室 lab;交流 exchange;回忆 recallDear Tom,Looking forward to meeting you at your school.Yours,Li Hua参考范文Dear Tom,Im glad to tell you that 7 Chinese middle school students will pay a visit to your school on November 27th.First,theyd prefer to sit in cla

27、sses of Senior 2 to know about what you students do in class.Then,please show them around the school labs and the out-of-class activities.After that,theyd love to have a discussion with students and teachers to exchange ideas about study.The last but not least,theyd take photos to leave something worth recalling.Looking forward to meeting you at your school.Yours,Li Hua导学号29402037


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