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2014-2015学年高中英语同步精练:选修8 UNIT 2 PERIOD 2(人教版重庆专用).doc

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2014-2015学年高中英语同步精练:选修8 UNIT 2 PERIOD 2(人教版重庆专用).doc_第9页
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1、Unit 2 Cloning Period 2 Learning about Language & Using Language 同步精练(人教版选修8,重庆专用).短语填空be bound to;in good condition;pass on.to.;in vain;from time to time;strike .into ones heart;bring back to life;lead to;look back on;end in1He_ the course of struggle in his book.2Too much work and too little rest

2、often_illness.3The city was burnt down. It could hardly be_ life.4Now,lets_the next question.5Keepers said the pandas were _.6I telephoned to my parents_during I studied in college.7The word “cancer” still_terror_many peoples_.8The bad habit_affect your health.9The football game_a tie. 10We tried_to

3、 make him change his mind.答案1.looked back on2.lead to3.brought back to 4pass on to5.in good condition6.from time to time 7strikes;into;hearts8.is bound to9.ended in 10in vain.完成句子1不必为这封信操心,这不是急信。(bother about)_ _ _the letter, its not urgent. 2采收劳动果实的喜悦不时流露在他们的脸上。(from time to time)The joy of harvest

4、ing can be seen on their face_ _ _ _.3你越努力,进步就越快。(the比较级,the比较级)_ _you work,_ _progress you will get. 4即使太阳从西边出,我对你的爱也不会变。(虚拟语气)If the sun_ _ _in the west,my love for you_ _ _. 5这是因为有许多粗心大意之人。(表语从句)_ _ _there are many careless and thoughtless people.答案1.Dont bother about2.from time to time3.The hard

5、er;the more4.were to rise;would not change5.This is because.单项填空1We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party.Yes,_? Ill give them a call right now.Awhy not Bwhat forCwhy Dwhat解析考查情景交际。根据Ill give them a call right now.可知第二个说话者同意第一个人的提议。why not?“为什么不呢”可表示同意他人的建议。故选A。答案A2A terrible flood

6、_the areas along the Changjiang River this summer.Astrike BstrictCstruck Dstick解析句意:今年夏天,一场可怕的洪灾袭击了长江沿岸地区。由句意知该句用一般过去式,strike的过去式为struck。答案C3His girlfriend couldnt resist_him about his family background.Ato ask BaskingCask Dabout asking解析cant resist doing sth禁不住做某事。句意:他的女朋友禁不住问到他的家庭背景。答案B4You dont h

7、ave to be angry. He_wanted to know the truth.Ahardly BsuccessfullyCmerely Dawfully解析句意:你不必生气,他仅仅想知道真相。故选C。答案C5_, the more it makes them cry. AThe more they like the bookBMore they like the book CThey like the book moreDThey like more the book 解析考查“the 比较级,the 比较级”句型。句意:他们越喜欢这本书,它就让他们越想哭。答案A6Good mor

8、ning,sir. Can I help you?I d like a barbecue together with a cup of orange juice. How much do you_?Apay Boffer Ccharge Dowe解析考查动词辨析。pay“付钱”;offer“提供”;charge“要价;控告;充电”;owe“欠(债)”。根据句意可知C项正确。答案C7Havent you heard the news?What news?Some of the workers are_while others are_.Aon the march; on strikeBon ma

9、rch; on strikeCon the march; on the strikeDon the strike; on march解析考查短语搭配。句意:你听到这个消息了吗?什么消息?一些工人在游行,另一些工人在罢工。on march游行;on strike罢工。选B。答案B8Why are you going to_from that company.Dont forget its a highpaid job?Because I dont like the way they_me.Aleave;think Bretire;regardCresign;treat Ddesign;behav

10、e解析resign 辞职; treat 对待; retire 退休。答案C9. In Scotland, as in the rest of the United Kingdom,_schooling begins at age 5 and ends at age 16.Acompelling BforcedCobliged Dcompulsory解析句意:苏格兰跟英国其他地方一样,义务教育从5岁开始,16岁结束。compelling,forced和obliged均含有“强制”之意,因此不符合题意;compulsory意为“必修的,规定的,强迫的”,强调根据法律或命令必须执行的事。答案D10F

11、itness is important in sport, but of at least_importance are skills.Afair BreasonableCequal Dproper解析考查形容词词语辨析。句意:虽然健康的体格是从事体育运动的重要条件,而掌握技能至少也是同等重要的。fair 公正的;reasonable 合理的;equal 平等的,同样的;proper 合适的,适当的。注意此句中but后面的分句为倒装句,of importance等于important作表语,作者实际上是拿skills和fitness作对照,强调二者同等重要。根据语境判断,此处用equal最为合

12、适。答案C11. They failed to pass the exam last time; I regretted_.Ato be not able to helpBbeing unable to helpCbeing not able to helpingDnot be able to help解析句意:上次他们没有通过考试, 我后悔没能帮他们一把。考查动词regret的用法。regretto do sth对尚未做的或正在做的事表示遗憾。答案B12. The truck driver was fined for exceeding the speed_.Arange Blimit Cr

13、ule Dregulation解析句意:卡车司机因超速而被罚款。limit意为“限制; 界限”; range意为“(知识、知觉、听觉等的)范围”; regulation意为“规定, 规则”; rule和regulation是近义词, 意为“规定, 规章”。答案B13Many pure metals have little use because they are too soft, rust too easily, or have some other_.Adrawbacks BstrengthCadvantages Derrors解析句意:许多纯金属几乎没用,因为它们太软,容易生锈,或者有一

14、些其他的缺点。drawback缺点,不利条件;strength力气,强度,力量,长处;advantage优势,有利条件;errors错误,过失,误差,谬误。答案A14_that the demand for power continues to rise at the current rate, it will not be long before traditional sources become lack.AConcerning BAssumingCRegarding DCertaining解析考查固定用法。句意:如果能源需求以目前的速度继续增长,传统能源不久就会匮乏。assuming

15、(that).假定,为固定用法。故选B。答案B15. Im sorry to have_you with so many questions on such an occasion.Aaffected BimpressedCbothered Dtaken解析句意:我对在这样一个场合就那么多问题打扰你感到十分抱歉。故选C。答案C.阅读理解AResearch advances over the past decade have told us that, with a little work, we humans can clone just about anything we want, fro

16、m frogs to monkeys and probably even ourselves!So, we can clone things, but why would we want to?Lets look at some of the reasons people give to justify cloning.1Cloning for medical purposesOf all the reasons, cloning for medical purposes most probably benefit large numbers of people. Cloning techno

17、logies might reduce the time needed to make a transgenic animal model, and the result would be a population of genetically identical animals for study.2Cloning stem cells (干细胞) for research Stem cells are the bodys bulding blocks which might be used to repair damaged or diseased organs and tissues.

18、Researchers are currently looking toward cloning as a way to create genetically defined human stem cells for research and medical purposes.3Reviving endangered or extinct speciesDinosaur was an extinct species. Could we really clone dinosaurs? In theory? Yes. What would you need to do this? A wellpr

19、eserved source of DNA from the extinct dinosaur, and a closely related species, currently living, that could serve as a surrogate(代用的 ) mother. In reality? Probably not. Its not likely that dinosaur DNA could survive undamaged for such a long time. However, scientists have tried to clone species tha

20、t became extinct more recently, using DNA from wellpreserved tissue samples.4Cloning humansWhy would anyone want to clone humans?Some reasons are to help infertile_couples have children or to replace a decreased child.However, there are the risks involved.For example,how sure can we be that a cloned

21、 baby will be healthy or what might go wrong?【语篇解读】 为什么要研究克隆技术?它对人类有利的方面是什么?1Whats the main idea of the whole passage?AWhy people use cloning.BHow to clone animals.CCloning is of great use for people and animals.DThe development of cloning.解析主旨大意题。由第一段可知。答案A2Which of the following is TRUE according

22、to the passage?ACloning is mainly used for cloning human beings.BIn the far future, we will have the live dinosaurs on earth.CCloning human beings may cause a lot of trouble.DGenetically human stem cells are used for cloning human beings.解析细节理解题。由最后一段最后两句可知。答案C3The underlined phrase “infertile coupl

23、es” in the last paragraph probably means_.Acouples who just marriedBcouples who are unable to bear childrenCcouples who dont like bearing childrenDcouples who want to bear more children解析推理判断题。没有生育能力的父母会想到用克隆的方法拥有自己的孩子。答案B4According to the passage,the reason why people want to clone humans is that_.

24、Ait can make people live longerBit can help infertile couples have childrenCit can replace a deceased child for the coupleDB and C解析细节理解题。由最后一段第二句可知。答案DBThe Human Genome(基因组) Project, a great $3 billion, 15year task aimed at drawing the genetic(遗传的) map of humans, is now more than 90 percent complet

25、ed. The scientific and medical communities(团体) are very excited about the chances genetic research provides for getting rid of diseases and prolonging(延长) human life. But those communities and policy(政策) makers also are careful about the scientific door they are opening as the project uncovers the m

26、ysteries of life.For the last few years, the genetic advances in the developing field of biotechnology(生物技术) have provides material for all kinds of work, but the developments of modern science in unlocking the secrets of the human genetic code(密码) have opened a world of possibilities for human heal

27、th, as well as for the popular imagination.While European and Japanese researchers are making rapid progress in decoding(解码) human DNA, the leading organization for genetic research is in the United States, which began in 1990, is “unlocking the code” of the human body to learn how to defeat fatal(致

28、命的)diseases. Already, the Human Genome Project has become widely known and praised for finding the genes(基因) connected with terrible diseases as yet(迄今), and making progress toward separating the genes that show a sign of breast cancer or AIDS.Once these genes are found and studied, researchers can

29、develop new ways to attack infections(传染), and genetic diseases. Medical companies are very interested in mapping the human genome, as they expect to develop a lot of new drugs for these illnesses.【语篇解读】 绘制人类基因组图,这将意味着人类消灭癌症、艾滋病的危害,延长人类寿命将成为现实。5Why did the scientists work hard at mapping the human g

30、enome?ABecause the human genome can destroy many illnesses.BBecause the human genomes completion can help them get rid of many diseases.CBecause they wanted to be better known than others.DBecause the human genome can provide a lot of chances of work.解析语义理解题。从文章最后一段第一句话Once these genes are found and

31、 studied, researchers can develop new ways to attack infections(传染), and genetic diseases 可以看出科学家们完成人类基因组图的目的。答案B6Which country studied the genes most rapidly in the world?AJapan. BGermany.CThe United States. DChina.解析细节理解题。因为.the leading organization for genetic research is in the United States,所以选

32、C。答案C7Which of the following is NOT true?AIf the genes can be found, scientists can study many new ways to cure illnesses.BThe scientists have made great progress in connecting the genes with the cancers.CMany medical companies show great interest in drawing the human genome map.DThe United States b

33、egan the Genes Study early in the 19th century.解析推理判断题。美国是在 1990 年,即 20 世纪末开始绘制人类基因组图的,所以选D。答案D8The author suggests that the Human Genome Project can cause_.Athe policy makers to feel very worried and carefulBthe scientists to work harderCmany people to find work easilyDa lot of companies to produce many new drugs解析推理判断题。从文章内容可知,人类基因组图的完成将有助于科学家们攻克一系列难关。所以,他们在更努力地探究。答案B


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