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2016年高中英语外研版必修2 教案MODULE 2 NO DRUGS 说课稿 .doc

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2016年高中英语外研版必修2 教案MODULE 2 NO DRUGS 说课稿 .doc_第1页
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2016年高中英语外研版必修2 教案MODULE 2 NO DRUGS 说课稿 .doc_第2页
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2016年高中英语外研版必修2 教案MODULE 2 NO DRUGS 说课稿 .doc_第3页
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2016年高中英语外研版必修2 教案MODULE 2 NO DRUGS 说课稿 .doc_第4页
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2016年高中英语外研版必修2 教案MODULE 2 NO DRUGS 说课稿 .doc_第5页
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1、Module 2 No Drugs 说课稿一、教材分析1. 教材的内容及地位:本册书由六个单元组成,第一单元教育学生养成良好的饮食习惯,保持身体健康;第二单元教育学生养成良好的生活习惯,戒烟、远离毒品;第三、四、五、六四个单元分别从音乐、美术、报刊、杂志、影视作品几个方面培养学生的文化素养。因此,本单元在本册书中起承上启下的作用.本单元的中心话题是“远离毒品”, 阅读材料是两篇短文,一篇介绍的是一个吸毒者艾伦的经历,另一篇文章介绍的是吸食可卡因的危害。通过谈论有关吸毒,吸烟及其危害的话题,教育学生养成良好生活习惯,培养学生关爱社会关爱他人的情感价值观。2. 教学目标:根据国家教育部新课程标准(

2、英语实验稿)关于三维目标的定位及其实现途径和目标具体描述,结合高一学生实际和教材内容,我把本节阅读课的教学目标定为:英语课程标准教学目标三维目标领域语言知识Knowledge Cognition理解含有表达毒品危害的词、短语和句型;理解有关抽烟、吸毒及其危害的材料并获取信息;找出段落和文章的所属关系。Knowledge aims: 1 Get some information about taking drugs.2 Let the students keep off the drugs and value their lives. Process and ways: 1.Promote th

3、e ability of vocabulary understanding.2. Develop the reading skills.Emotional aims: 1. Realize the dangers of drugs.2. Improve the ability of cooperation via team work.知识与技能领域语言技能Language Competence1. 让学生运用略读、寻读、详读等 技能获取文章信息。2. 使学生能够谈论毒品危害。3. 帮助学生运用本课所学表达个人观点、态度。a, To let Ss learn to get information

4、 through reading (skimming, scanning, and careful-reading)b, To enable Ss to talk about the harm of drugs.c, To help Ss to learn how to express their feelings and opinions.d, To let Ss gain more information about the use of drugs by reading one more essay. 学习策略Learning Strategy学生在阅读的过程中,借助情景和上下文猜测词义

5、并推测段落大意。过程与方法领域情感态度Emotion &Value Cultivation学会关爱他人,关爱社会,热情参与公益活动。情感、态度与价值观领域文化意识Culture awareness提高自我保护意识,养成良好生活习惯。3、教学重、难点分析重点:通过主题句和段落大意的概括总结,帮助学生从整体把握文章脉络,从而缩短阅读时间、提高阅读效率。根据上下文的语境、猜测词义,并能获取语篇重要信息,并加以分析、处理,然后应用到交际用语中。帮助学生在阅读过程中正确地理解课文,并掌握与毒品相关的信息难点: 获取语篇重要信息,并加以分析、处理,然后应用到交际用语中。 How to find topic

6、 sentences and get the main ideas of the mixed paragraphs.重点:1.单词、短语的学习与掌握addictive, cannabis, cocaine, danger, addict, inject, needle, powerful, reduce, nearbyrelated to, break into, belong to, become addicted to, take ones advice, in order to, so as to, give up2.获取语篇重要信息,并加以分析、处理,然后应用到交际用语中。难点:获取语

7、篇重要信息,并加以分析、处理,然后应用到交际用语中在pair work 中引导学生用学到的知识,自己组织语言概括出毒品的危害,并提出建议,我们个人、家庭和社会能做些什么来帮助远离毒品。这一难点的突破也应是本堂课的亮点之一,可通过讨论达成共识,利用综合语言运用能力解决实际问题。突破这一难点的关键是处理好老师的主导地位与学生的主体地位之间的关系。引导到位的话,课堂将精彩纷呈,亮点凸现。二、学情分析:1学情分析:教学对象为高一学生,通过半学期的学习,学生对英语课的各种活动已经有了一定的了解。大部分学生已掌握一定的语言技能,具有一定的语言学习基础,语言学习兴趣较浓,表现欲较强。因此,教师要通过创设语境

8、,设计难度适中、可操作性强的任务,并且配以清晰的指令,和简洁的示范,激发学生积极、主动地进行语言学习活动,2学法分析:新课程理念更加注重获得知识的过程。因此,我们不能把知识直接交待给学生,而是引导学生自主参与学习、交流合作,倡导体验、实践和自主探究的学习方式,注重学生实际与课文主题的结合,激发学生学习兴趣,使他们自主地寻找信息,获取信息、使用信息。激发学生的潜能,使学生在自主与合作的学习方式中获取知识,形成正确的学习方法。同时实现阅读能力与表达能力的提高。三、教法分析: 根据阅读课的教学实际,结合学生的认知规律,我主要采用以下教法:1. 师生对话: 通过漂亮的鲜花和丑陋的男人的图片对比引入本课

9、drug的话题,激发学生阅读文章的兴趣。2.问答:通过有梯度的问题设置,引发学生思考事件的起因和其导致的结果,加深对文章主题的理解3整体教学:语篇整体教学培养学生前后联系,部分联系整体的思维能力。4. 讨论:在准确理解和运用语言知识的基础上进行讨论,进一步挖掘文章的教育内涵,树立远离毒品、珍爱生命的人生价值观。五、教学过程:Teaching ProceduresSteps And Time Teaching ProceduresTeaching Purposes Step 1Lead-in3minShow the students some pictures. Picture1: a pict

10、ure of a beautiful flower-poppy罂粟花 Picture2: the fruit of poppy. Picture3: the dried fruits before made into drugs Picture3: a man who is weak, thin and is dying.Pictures 4: the product of poppys fruits-cocaineCan you connect the beautiful flower with the ugly man?What do you think the last picture

11、will be?通过鲜花和丑陋的男人的视觉对比,引入本课课题No Drugs,同时对于毒品危害给学生最直观的视觉感受。让学生猜测最后一幅图片的内容锻炼学生逻辑思维和推理能力Step 2Pre-reading2minTo check if the students have mastered some words and know some basic information about drugs.1. What does drug addict mean? What about drug dealer? 2. Do you know the meanings of cannabis and

12、cocaine?3. What are the ways of taking drugs? Which is more dangerous?检验学生的课前预习效果,是否具备了一定量的词汇知识和信息储备,为这节课的学习作好铺垫Step 3Reading3min6min10min1. Fast-reading: Read the opening paragraphs of two different articles and find the topic of each article.Article 1: A Drug Addict and His Story. Article 2: The D

13、angers of Using Cocaine.Reading skill: The theme or purpose of an article often comes in the first paragraph, usually as the first sentence.2. Skimming and scanning: Read the rest part on page 13 to answer the questions on the screen. (1) How old was Adam when he started using drugs? (2) How did Ada

14、m pay for the drugs? (3) What does “anti-social behavior” mean in part 4? (4) What did the police do? 3. Intensive reading: (1)Read again then correct the mistakes Adam used to be a drug dealer. He first began using drugs when he was 16.A man in the street sold him some crack cocaine. As the days pa

15、ssed, he wanted less crack cocaine. Though he knew the drug did great help to his health, he continued using it. If he didnt have any drugs, he was in terrible comfort. But Adam didnt have enough time. In order to get the drug, Adam walked into a house and stole a television and a video recorder. An

16、d he had to borrow something every day to pay for the drugs. One day, he was taken to the railway station.(2) Sum up the main ideas of the 6 parts on page13 and decide which article they belong to. Group competition: lets see which group get the answer in the shortest time.通过快速阅读教会学生寻找主题句的能力(通常位于文章开

17、篇段段首)帮助学生根据上下文猜测阅读中所出现的生词词义通过小组合作,以竞赛的方式使学生注意文章的细节,进一步把握内容,增进理解,关注焦点教会学生根据段首段尾句来概括段落大意,从而独立整理出文章脉络。整体把握篇章,在寻读中获取信息,前后联系了解事件的起因和其导致的结果。Step 4Discussing 8minThrough discussion, get the students to think about the bad effects of using drugs and write about how we should do to keep away from drugs. What

18、 can we learn from the passage? Who play a much more important part in using drugs (oneself, families, or society)? Why?通过小组讨论归纳总结出毒品的危害,更要学会保护自己远离毒品。同时合作学习还能增强学生的团队意识。Step5Practice8minPractice makes perfect:Read one more essay named “Everyone Takes Drugs” and answer the questions, using the skills

19、we have learnt in this class.学以致用,运用本课中所学到的阅读技巧解决阅读问题。Step 6 HomeworkWrite a passage to show how drugs affect peoples life. 巩固复习六、说教学评价:英语新课程标准强调激励、反馈与调整。通过有效评价,使学生在英语课程的学习过程中不断体验进步与成功、认识自我、建立自信。调整学习策略,促进学生综合语言能力的发展。评价也能使教师获得教学的反馈,对自己的教学行为进行反思和适当调整。本节课主要是通过以下三方面进行评价:1 通过同伴的观察,对小组成员的听说读写及参与语言活动的过程的表现,进行语言性的综合评价。同伴评价实际上是合作性学习的一种形式。2 教师贯穿整节课的对学生的及时鼓励与表扬,是极有效的评价。3 家庭作业中的写作评价


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