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2012年高考英语考前30天三轮专题提分必练绝密之 二十九 动词的时态和语态(湖北专用).doc

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2012年高考英语考前30天三轮专题提分必练绝密之 二十九 动词的时态和语态(湖北专用).doc_第1页
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2012年高考英语考前30天三轮专题提分必练绝密之 二十九 动词的时态和语态(湖北专用).doc_第2页
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2012年高考英语考前30天三轮专题提分必练绝密之 二十九 动词的时态和语态(湖北专用).doc_第3页
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1、专题限时训练(二十九)动词的时态和语态(限时:10分钟)1More and more high school graduates from China _ key universities overseas nowadays.(admit)现在中国越来越多的高中毕业生被外国重点大学录取。2Over the past sixty years, about 100 Chinese people _ Mount Qomolangma successfully. (climb)在过去的60年里大约有一百个中国人成功地登上了珠穆朗玛峰。3The newest modern technology _,wh

2、ich indicates the factories will produce more advanced cars very soon.(adopt)采用了最先进的技术,这表示工厂很快会生产出更先进的车。4The chairmans speech _ on the radio when I turned it on. (broadcast)当我打开收音机时,正在播放主席讲话。5We havent got the textbook for our chemistry course yet, and we _ to get it for the last 5 weeks. (try)我们还没拿

3、到化学课本,在过去的五个星期我们一直在努力获取。6The Smith couple _ when a rescue team from the nearby town arrived.(give)史密斯夫妇正准备放弃时,来自邻近镇上的救援队到了。7The boy is a diligent student and not once _ coming late.(catch)这个男孩是个很勤奋的学生,他从来没有迟到过。8Please dont call me at 4 tomorrow afternoon. I _ then.(have)明天下午四点钟请别给我打电话,那时我正在开会。9The N

4、ational Development and Reform Commission _ the trend of the food prices recently.(follow)国家发展改革委员会最近一直在跟踪食品价格的趋势。10The other day, they _ when they heard a loud noise from downstairs.(have)有一天,他们正在聚会时听到了楼下巨大的噪音。11It was during summer breaks _ the satisfaction of work that translated into hard curren

5、cy.(taste)暑假期间,我们第一次尝到了把劳动变成货币的滋味。12Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment _.(happen)电视使我们能够在事情发生的那一瞬间就看到它们是如何发生的。13Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, her first real success _until she was twentyfive.(come)虽然她很小的时候就写了很多短篇小说和诗歌,

6、但直到25岁她才迎来第一次真正的成功。14The train _ at the present speed until it reaches the next city at about seven oclock this evening. (go)在今晚大约7点抵达下一个城市前,火车将按现速行驶。15The judge doesnt know _, but he will confirm it. (tell)法官不知道证人说的是否是真话,但他会证实它。16Dont forget itll be the first time _ in public.(speak)别忘了,这将是我第一次在公共场

7、合发言。17Our boss, Mr. Thompson, _a raise in salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet.(promise)我们的老板汤姆逊先生一直许诺给我们加薪好些年了,可到现在什么也没发生。18To meet the everincreasing demand for oilrefining equipment, the company _ of such equipment. (produce)为了满足不断提高的对炼油设备的需求,该公司将生产更多的这种设备。19By the time you graduate, we

8、_ in Australia for one year.(stay)到你毕业的时候,我们在澳大利亚居住就有一年了。20Advertising media like direct mail, radio, television and newspapers _increase the sales of industrial products.(use)像直接邮件、广播、电视和报纸这样的广告媒介已经被用来促进工业品的销售。21Despite much research, there are still certain elements in the life cycle of the insect

9、 that _. (understand)尽管做了大量的研究,在昆虫的生命周期中仍有某些因素还没有完全理解。22Japan has many topclass locations for snow sports and _ the Winter Olympic Games twice.(host)日本有着数量众多的顶级雪上运动场所,并曾主办过两届冬季奥林匹克运动会。23Our efforts will pay off if the results of this research _ the development of new technology.(apply)如果这项研究的成果能应用于新

10、技术的开发,我们的努力就会得到回报。24It is reported that _the quick development of the city, bringing in a large number of investors. (witness)据报道,最近的几年见证了该市的迅速发展,由此引进了大量的投资者。25Not _his mission did he realize that he was seriously ill. (accomplish)直到完成使命他才意识到自己生了重病。26The circulation figures _ since we introduced col

11、or photographs on the front page. (rise)自从我们在头版上采用了彩色照片后,数字就循环上升。27Scientists_ new methods of increasing the worlds food supply in the next annual meeting.(come)科学家们将会在下次年会上提出增加世界粮食供应的新方法。28The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _ and perfected now. (develop)第五代人工智能计算机正在开发和完善。

12、29He wears a pair of sunglasses _. (fear)担心别人认出他,他带了一副太阳镜。30She understood what I was talking about, even though it was the first time _.(speak) 她明白我在说什么,即使那是我们第一次说话。专题限时训练(二十九)动词的时态和语态1are admitted into/to 2have climbed 3has (already) been adopted 4was being broadcast 5have been trying 6were about

13、to give up7has he been caught8will be having a meeting9has (always) been following10were having a party11that we first tasted12they are happening13did not come14will be going15whether the witness is telling the truth16Ive spoken17has been promising18will produce more19will have stayed20have been used to21are not fully understood22has hosted23can be applied to24recent years have witnessed25until he had accomplished26have risen/have been rising27will come up with28are being developed29for fear that he should be recognized30we had spoken together


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