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2022届高考统考英语外研版一轮复习教师用书:板块5 第4讲 特殊句式 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、第4讲特殊句式前沿最新动态题型高考典题试做命题角度解读语法填空1(2018全国卷)Chinas approach to protecting its environment while feeding (feed) its citizens “offers useful lessons for agriculture and food policymakers worldwide,”.2(2016全国卷)It could be anythinggardening,cooking,music,sportsbut whatever it is,make(make) sure its a relie

2、f from daily stress rather than another thing to worry about.状语从句中的省略、祈使句等。短文改错(2019全国卷) They were two reasons for the decision.TheyTherethere be句型中there与they的混淆。考点一倒装句.单句语法填空1(2020营口模拟)Into the dark apartment walked (walk) David,who was quite surprised when everyone shouted “Happy birthday!”2(2020商

3、丘模拟)Strange as/though it might sound, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.3(2020崇州模拟)Hardly had(have) she gone out when a student came to visit her.单句改错4(2020洛阳高三月考)Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen! Present at the meeting is the parents and teachers from our school.isare5(2020湖北八市联考)No

4、t until then I know my senior high school life had really begun.then后加did1完全倒装表示地点、时间或方位的副词或介词短语here,there,now,then,up,down,away,off,in,out,in the room,on the wall等置于句首,且主语为名词时。At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River lies Chongqing,one of the ten largest cities in China.在长江和嘉

5、陵江的交汇处,坐落着中国十大城市之一的重庆。2部分倒装(1)否定副词(never,neither,nor,hardly,little,seldom,rarely等)或表示否定意义的介词短语(at no time,by no means,on no condition,in no case等)置于句首时。(2)only修饰介词短语、副词或状语从句,且置于句首时。(3)so/neither 助动词/be动词/情态动词主语,意为“也是如此/也不”。(4)在not only.but (also).句型中,若not only置于句首时,需将not only所在的句子部分倒装。(5)not until.置

6、于句首时,主句需部分倒装。(6)so.that.和such.that.句式中,so或such及其所修饰的成分置于句首时,主句需部分倒装。Not until recently did they encourage the development of touristrelated activities in the rural areas.直到近期,他们才鼓励在农村地区开展与旅游业有关的活动。Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours did they reach a decision.他们讨论了那个问题几个小时之后才做出

7、决定。考点二强调句.单句语法填空1(2020吉林省梅河口市联考)It was only when we took him to the vets on Saturday morning and got his chip scanned that we found out for sure.2(2020大同市模拟)“An awful accident did, however, occur the other day,” the old man repeated, trembling all over.单句改错3(2020郑州模拟)It was at that time when I reali

8、zed how important it was to master a certain skill.whenthat4(2020湖南衡阳市八中、永州市四中一联)It is working in teams instead of on my own which has freed me from trouble and made my work more efficient.whichthat1陈述句式:It is/was.that/who.(强调人时可用that或who,强调物时只用that)一般疑问句:Is/Was it.that/who.?特殊疑问句:疑问词is/was it that.

9、?It was when I got back to my apartment that I first came across my new neighbors.正是当我回到公寓的时候,我第一次遇到我的新邻居们。Was it on a lonely island that he was saved one month after the boat went down?他是在船沉了一个月之后在一个荒岛上被救的吗?2“not.until.”的强调句:It is/was not until.that.(注意时态)It was not until I came here that I realize

10、d this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.直到我来到这儿,我才知道这个地方出名不仅仅因为它的美,还因为它的天气。易错提醒强调谓语动词,用do/does/did动词原形。该结构只用于肯定句,并且只有一般现在时和一般过去时。考点三其他常考特殊句式.单句语法填空1(2020招远月考)I hope youll visit China next month. If so, Id like to be your tour guide.2(2020天水二模)When watching (watch) the fi

11、lm in the theatre, the audience burst out laughing.3(2020会宁一中月考)It is highly likely that the remains that are found in Siberia these days have been preserved.4(2020日照联考)Generally speaking, it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows.5(2020山东菏泽一模)As is known to us all, so

12、me students have breakfast regularly while others dont. There are(be) several reasons.6(2020河北衡水中学第三次调研)Once upon a time, there was a boy whose parents named him Odd.单句改错7(2020洛阳三校联考)Is there anything else I can do for you, Jeff?No. Thanks. I really appreciate when you lent all your notes to me befo

13、re the exam.appreciate后加it8(2020湖南长沙一模)Doing as well as you can today, and perhaps you may be able to do better tomorrow. DoingDo 9(2020湖南长郡中学等四校联考)There has a big library in our school.hasis一、省略1状语从句的省略当时间、条件、让步、方式等状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致或从句的主语是it且从句中含be动词时,可以省略状语从句中的主语和be动词,构成下列结构:连词形容词/介词短语/现在分词/过去分词/不定式

14、。Metals expand when heated and contract when cooled.金属加热时就膨胀,冷却时就收缩。2不定式的省略(1)在一定的上下文中,为了避免重复,可以省去不定式中和前面句子中相同的动词(短语),只保留不定式符号to。常用在expect,hope,intend,mean,try,want,wish等词后。Firstly,people may feel forced when asked to do things that they dont want to.首先,当人们被要求去做他们不想做的事情时他们会感到是被迫的。(2)but用作介词,意为“除之外”时

15、,前面有实义动词do,后接不定式时,要省略to;但前面没有实义动词do时,后接的不定式不省略 to。If he takes on this work,he will have no choice but to meet an even greater challenge.如果他接受了这份工作,除了迎接更大的挑战之外他别无选择。3if省略结构if so如果这样的话if not如果不是这样的话if ever如果曾经有的话if necessary如果有必要的话if possible如果可能的话if any如果有的话二、感叹句1what引导的感叹句(1)Whata/an(adj.)单数可数名词主语谓语

16、! (2)What(adj.)不可数名词/复数名词主语谓语!2how引导的感叹句(1)Howadj./adv.主语谓语!(2)Howadj.a/an单数名词主语谓语!(3)How主语谓语!What a strange plant(How strange a plant)! Ive never seen it before.这种植物真奇怪!我以前从未见过。The shocking news made me realize what terrible problems we would face.这个惊人的消息使我意识到我们将面临多么严重的问题。三、祈使句祈使句常用来表达命令、请求、禁止、建议、警

17、告、劝告等。1祈使句的主语一般是第二人称you(常省略)。祈使句的否定形式一般在动词原形前加dont,也可用副词never构成。祈使句的强调形式可以在句首加do。Do your homework before you watch TV.看电视之前要先做你的家庭作业。2祈使句表示假设的情况。(1)祈使句and/or简单句(2)名词词组(多含有more,another)and简单句Call me tomorrow and Ill let you know the result.明天给我打电话,我会让你知道结果的。Start out right away,or well miss the first

18、 train.立刻出发,否则的话,我们将要错过首班车。四、there be句型1there be 句型中的be可以有不同的时态,可以和助动词或情态动词连用。并且be有时可用 live,remain,stand,lie,exist,seem to be,appear to be,happen to be,used to be等替换。There have been many great changes in our country since then.自从那时起我国发生了很大的变化。Once upon a time there lived an old fisherman in a villag

19、e by the sea.从前在海边的一个村庄里住着一位老渔夫。2there be句型的常考句型:There is no point/sense (in) doing sth.做某事没有意义There is no doubt that.毫无疑问There is no need (for sb.) to do sth.(某人)没有必要做某事There is (no) difficulty/trouble in doing/with sth.做某事(没)有困难There is (no) possibility of (doing) sth./that.(做)某事(没)有可能性五、it的特殊用法1i

20、t作形式主语或形式宾语:it作形式主语或形式宾语时, 真正的主语或宾语可以是动词不定式、动名词或由that引导的主语或宾语从句,把真正的主语或宾语移到句后。It is a good habit to do morning exercises.晨练是个好习惯。It is a pity that you didnt see such a good film.真遗憾,你没看这么一部好电影。2it用于强调句型:Itis/was被强调的部分that/who其他。It is Professor Wang that/who teaches us English every Monday afternoon.

21、是王教授每周一下午教我们英语。3it引起的几个易混时间句型。Itbe时间段since从句,“自从以来已多久了”。在该句型中,若since从句的谓语动词是终止性动词,则主句动作自该终止性动词动作开始时算起;若since从句的谓语动词是延续性动词,则主句动作或状态自该延续性动词动作结束时开始。It is three years since she left Beijing.自从她离开北京已三年了。It is three years since she lived in Beijing.她三年不在北京住了。Itbe时间段before从句,主句中的谓语动词用肯定式,意为“过多长时间才”;主句中的谓语动

22、词是否定式时,意为“没过多久就”。主句的时态可用过去时was或将来时will be;用was时,before从句的动词用一般过去时;用will be时,before从句常用一般现在时。It was not long before she learned those poems by heart.不久她就背会了那些诗歌。It was long before the police arrived.不久警察就到了。It will be hours before he makes a decision.要过几小时他才能做决定。Itbe时间when从句,主句中的谓语动词和从句中的谓语动词在时态上一般是一

23、致的,主句是will be, when从句用一般现在时代替将来时。It was already 8 oclock when we got home. 我们到家时已经八点了。It was the next morning when we finished our work.次日凌晨我们才完成工作。It will be midnight when they get there.他们要午夜到达那里。【技法点拨】在语法填空中:1注意分析句式结构,确定为何种特殊句式;2根据特殊句式的结构特点,填入适当的词。在短文改错中:遇到特殊句式,要注意倒装句、强调句、省略句、祈使句、感叹句等的构成特点,也应当注意it的特殊用法,从而确定错因。


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