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2021全国统考英语人教版一轮课件:阶梯二 第三讲 吸引眼球的定语从句 .ppt

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1、第三讲 吸引眼球的定语从句 定语从句的正确使用能够比较明显地反映出考生对于语言具有较高的掌握能力,所以建议考生一定要在写作中至少使用一个恰到好处的定语从句。1用 as,which 引导非限制性定语从句写句子which 和 as 引导的非限制性定语从句在高考范文中更是屡见不鲜。which 引导非限制性定语从句,意为“这”2018北京高考书面表达Last week,we took the foreign students to experience the authentic tea culture,which turned out to be extremely rewarding.上周,我们带

2、领外国学生体验了正宗的茶文化,结果证明非常值得。Our teachers encourage us to take part in some social practice in our summer holidays,which they think can help us get fully developed.老师鼓励我们暑假积极参加社会实践,他们认为这有助于我们全面发展。2as 正如,正像,既可位于句首也可位于句末As the old saying goes,.常言道,Just as the saying goes,“One tree doesnt make a forest.”,ou

3、r success is based on cooperating with others.正如谚语所言:“独木难成林。”我们的成功是建立在与别人合作的基础上的。As we all know,./As is known to us all,./It is known to us all that.“众所周知,”2020陕西质量检测书面表达As is known to us,smartphones have become an important part in our daily life.We need them to chat,to surf the Internet as well as

4、 entertain ourselves.众所周知,智能手机已成为我们生活中重要的一部分。我们用手机聊天、上网、娱乐。As is often the case.“是常有的事”As is often the case,people tend to talk loud in public places,annoying others around.人们倾向于在公共场所高声谈话干扰到周围的人,这是常有的事。As is shown in the chart.正如图表所显示的那样As is shown in the chart,the air quality of the city has become

5、 worse and worse in the past two years.正如图表所显示的那样,这个城市的空气质量在过去的两年越来越糟糕。as sb.puts it.正如某人所说的那样As our coach often puts it,everything is possible if we keep on.正如我们教练常说的那样,只要我们坚持,一切皆有可能。一、定语从句的类型1关系代词引导的定语从句关系代词 who,whom,whose,that,which 引导的定语是写作的一大重点。2017全国卷书面表达Secondly,you will make some good friend

6、s who are also interested in playing table tennis.第二,你会交到一些好朋友,他们也很喜欢打乒乓球。Our school,which is located in the northwest of Jinan,has a history of thirty-four years.我们的学校位于济南的西北角,有 34 年历史。2关系副词引导的定语从句关系副词引导的定语从句是指 when,where,why 引导的定语从句。2018北京高考书面表达Its Chinese Literature major is perfect for you where

7、 you can be completely soaked in Chinese profound history and rich culture.它的中国文学专业对你来说是适合的,在那儿你可以完全沉浸在中国深厚的历史和丰富的文化中。2014安徽高考书面表达I think the reason why you are always angry may be the high pressure of study.我认为你总是发脾气的原因可能是学习上的巨大压力。My hometown isnt what it was ten years ago,when there were old house

8、s everywhere and people could hardly feed themselves.我的家乡已不再是十年前的那个小村庄了,那时到处都是破旧房子,人们食不果腹。3“介词which/whom”引导的定语从句2017北京高考书面表达Material collecting took us a whole week,during which we interviewed our teachers and took pictures of every aspect of school life.搜集材料花了我们整整一周的时间,在此期间我们采访了老师并拍摄了学校生活的各个方面。As f

9、ar as I know,the old lady has two sons,both of whom has gone abroad for further education.据我所知,这位老太太有两个儿子,都去了国外深造。There are more than 4,000 students in our school,the majority of whom put their hearts into their studies.我们学校有四千多名学生,大多数都能用心学习。二、定语从句的写法定语从句是比较难掌握而又是考生在写作中喜欢尝试的复杂句,在写作时可采用“三步法”:示例第一步:写出

10、两个简单句。The foreigner is from Canada.He visited our class yesterday.第二步:在句中找出一处要修饰的词汇:the foreigner。第三步:用句充当定语从句,the foreigner 为先行词指人,句中的代词 he 指代 the foreigner 且在句子中作主语,故用 who 或 that 作关系词。The foreigner who/that visited our class yesterday is from Canada.应用体验 用定语从句将下列每组简单句合并为一个复合句I have a friend.Her fa

11、ther is an engineer._I will go on a trip to Sichuan.There are a great number of places of interest in Sichuan._ This is the best method.It can be used against pollution._I have a friend whose father is an engineer.I will go on a trip to Sichuan,where there are a great number of places of interest.Th

12、is is the best method that can be used against pollution.Ive always longed for the days.I will be able to be independent then._Through the course of my schooling,I met many teachers.Two of them influenced me greatly._Ive always longed for the days when I will be able to be independent.Through the co

13、urse of my schooling,I met many teachers,two of whom influenced me greatly.专题过关演练12020南宁两校第二次联考书面表达每年一度的校园书展目的是提供一个平台,在这个平台里学生有机会交换利用他们的书籍。The annual campus book fair aims to provide a platform,_.22018全国卷书面表达我们都知道,一起成长这部优秀的英文短片看起来很有趣。_,the outstanding English short film,GrowingTogether,is interestin

14、g to watch.where students can have a chance to exchange and make use of their booksAs we all know32018全国卷书面表达我想申请这个职位的原因是我想提高我的英语口语水平,并且帮助外国中学生更好地了解中国文化。_ I want to improve my spoken English and help foreign students have a better understanding of Chinese culture.42017全国卷书面表达我们将学习唐朝时期写的一些中国诗歌。We are

15、 going to learn some Chinese poems _.The reason why I want to apply for the position is thatthat/which were written in the Tang Dynasty52016全国卷书面表达六月的最后一个周日怎么样?那时考试已经结束,我们都有时间。How about the last Sunday of June,_?62016四川高考书面表达一年中有四季,每个季节都有显著的特点。There are four seasons in a year,_.when the examination is over and we are freeeach of which has distinctive features


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