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2016届高三英语二轮复习高考压轴冲刺练 二 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。高考压轴冲刺练 二限时30分钟. 单项填空1. Are we going to be late for the movie? _. We still have half an hour before the movie begins. A. Hurry upB. Enjoy your timeC. Good luckD. Take your time【解析】选D。考查情景交际。句意: 我们看电影要晚了吗? 别急。电影开始前我们还有半个小时。Hurry up快点; Enjo

2、y your time玩得高兴; Good luck祝你好运; Take your time慢慢来, 别急。根据题干下面的half an hour before the movie begins判断选D。2. For_cancer patients, there may not be_bright future; today has to count. A. /; /B. /; aC. the; /D. /; the【解析】选B。考查冠词。句意: 对于癌症患者来说, 可能没有一个光明的未来; 必须重视今天。第一个空后是复数形式, 不特指, 不用冠词; 第二个空所在句的名词中心词是future,

3、 一个光明的未来, 应用不定冠词a。【知识拓展】不定冠词的特殊用法(1)用于序数词之前, 表示“又, 再, 还”。例如: Soon I saw a second plane. 不久我又看到了一架飞机。(2)用于表示“非常”“很”等意义的most前。例如: This is a most interesting story. 这是一个非常有趣的故事。(3)用于物质名词前, 使之转化为具体名词, 表示“一种”“一杯之量”等。例如: A coffee, please. 请给我来杯咖啡。(4)用于抽象名词前, 使之具体化, 表示与之相关的具体的人或事。例如: He was a success in bu

4、siness. 他事业有成。(5)用于指人的专有名词前, 指某人、某人的作品或艺术品、似(式)的人等。例如: A Mr Smith wants to see you. 一位姓史密斯的先生想见你。(6)用于某些由动词转化来或具有动作意味的名词前, 表示一次、一番等意义(通常与have, take, make, give等动词连用)。例如: Do you care for a smoke? 抽烟吗? (7)有的不可数名词或本来带有定冠词the的名词, 由于受定语的修饰, 其前可用不定冠词, 表示某种状态。此时的不定冠词含有类似a kind of的意思。例如: have breakfast吃早餐ha

5、ve a quick breakfast快速地吃早餐(8)构成短语表示数量。例如: a few apples几个苹果; a little money一点点钱3. With the loss of her husband in the earthquake, the two children mean_to the young mother. A. everythingB. anythingC. nothingD. something【解析】选A。考查不定代词。句意: 地震中她失去了丈夫, 对于这位年轻的母亲来说两个孩子就是她的一切。everything一切; anything任何东西; not

6、hing什么也没有; something某事。4. The boss is an_personrespected even by those who disagree with him. A. abnormalB. honorableC. ordinaryD. energetic【解析】选B。考查形容词辨析。句意: 这位老板是一个受人尊敬的人甚至受到与他有不同意见的人的尊重。abnormal不正常的; honorable受人尊敬的; ordinary普通的, 平凡的; energetic精力充沛的。5. _you are travelling near or far, weve got tip

7、s on saving money and packing. A. WhenB. WhereC. WhetherD. If【解析】选C。考查状语从句。句意: 不管你去近处还是远处旅游, 我们已有省钱和打包行李的方法。根据主从句之间的关系判断选C。6. Twenty percent of the people on the earth have no_to clean drinking water. A. rightB. supplyC. experienceD. access【解析】选D。考查名词辨析。句意: 地球上20%的人无法饮用到清洁的饮用水。right权利, 右边; supply供应;

8、 experience经验, 经历; access通路, (使用或见到的)机会、权利。have no access to没有(使用或见到的)机会。故选D。7. I was bored staying here for years, _whether I should try someplace different. A. wonderedB. to wonderC. wonderingD. wonder【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。句意: 我厌烦多年待在这里, 怀疑自己是否应该尝试某个不同的地方。wondering. . . 作伴随状语, 句子的主语是动作执行者, 故用现在分词形式。故选C。8

9、. The classical book is still worth it_it doesnt sell well. A. as ifB. except thatC. even ifD. now that【解析】选C。考查连词辨析。句意: 古典书仍然物有所值, 即使它销量不好。as if好像; except that除了; even if即使; now that既然。9. The best way to encourage your kids to enjoy meals is to_them in the planning and preparing. A. involveB. devot

10、eC. equipD. prepare【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意: 鼓励孩子享受三餐的最好方法就是让他们参与计划和准备三餐。involve参与; devote献身; equip装备; prepare准备。10. _money for school fees, I had to take another part-time job. A. In case ofB. In need ofC. In spite ofD. In charge of【解析】选B。考查介词短语辨析。句意: (由于)急需学费, 我不得不再做一份兼职工作。in case of以免, 万一; in need of需要;

11、in spite of尽管; in charge of掌管。11. Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it_and is beyond our control. A. has passedB. will passC. passedD. had passed【解析】选A。考查时态。句意: 生活教给我们不要为昨天后悔, 因为昨天已经过去了, 我们无法控制。昨天已经过去, 故用现在完成时。12. The pollution in Beijing is expected to improve, _a series of air poll

12、ution control measures. A. regardless ofB. but forC. thanks toD. such as【解析】选C。考查介词短语辨析。句意: 北京的污染期待改善, 多亏了一系列的空气污染控制措施。regardless of不管; but for要不是; thanks to幸亏; such as例如。13. You havent changed at allyou still look_the same as before. A. actuallyB. hardlyC. properlyD. exactly【解析】选D。考查副词词义辨析。句意: 你一点都

13、没有变看上去完全是老样子。actually真实地; hardly几乎不, 简直不; properly合适地; exactly精确地, 确切地。14. This drug is less likely to cause side effects when_late in the day. A. takingB. takenC. to takeD. takes【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意: 这种药白天晚些服用不太可能有副作用。句子的主语drug是take的动作承受者, 应用过去分词。15. It sounds like a wonderful match. How I wish I_it l

14、ike you. A. watchB. have watchedC. would watchD. had watched【解析】选D。考查虚拟语气。句意: 听起来这是一场精彩的比赛, 我多希望像你一样观看过这场比赛了。根据语境, 这句话是说话人在后悔以前的事情, wish的宾语从句在表示与过去事实相反的愿望时用过去完成时。故选D。16. _left before the deadline, it doesnt seem likely that John will finish the job. A. Though such a short timeB. Because such a short

15、 timeC. With such a short timeD. As such a short time【解析】选C。考查with的复合结构。句意: 在截止日期前只有很短的时间了, 似乎约翰不可能完成这项工作。因为time和leave是被动关系, 所以这里left是过去分词, A, B和D三个选项都不能构成句子, C项构成with复合结构, 作状语。所以选C。17. How did you make contact with the travel agent, Susan? Oh, thats easy. I surfed the Internet and then called one_t

16、he telephone number is provided. A. thatB. in whichC. of whichD. whose【解析】选C。考查定语从句。句意: 你怎么和旅行社取得联系的, 苏珊? 哦, 那很容易。我先上网搜索, 然后打电话给一个提供电话号码的(旅行社)。先行词是one(the travel agent), 定语从句中缺少的是(the telephone number)of the travel agent, 所以用of which引导定语从句。如果横线后面没有the, 就用whose。18. Dont you feel surprised to see Bruc

17、e at the meeting? Yes, I really didnt think_here. A. he has beenB. he had beenC. he would beD. he would have【解析】选C。考查动词的时态。句意: 你看到Bruce出席会议不感到吃惊吗? 是的, 我真没想到他会在这儿。根据上下文语境可知, 这个动作已在过去发生或完成。但根据I really didnt think可以判断出从句中的动作是从过去某时间看将来要发生的事, 故应选过去将来时。19. I want to learn about your holidays. Could you te

18、ll me how you usually _ Thanksgiving Day in your country? A. congratulateB. remindC. rememberD. observe【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意: 我想了解一下你的假期。你能告诉我在你们国家你们通常如何庆祝感恩节吗? 根据句意选D项。congratulate祝贺; congratulate sb. on sth. 庆祝某人某事。remind提醒; remember记得; observe观察, 庆祝。observe Thanksgiving Day庆祝感恩节。20. Dont sigh over the

19、 small achievement. _, and Im sure if you keep at it, youll see the light at the end of the tunnel! A. Lookers-on see most of the gameB. Constant dropping wears away the stoneC. The world is your oysterD. Lost time is never found again【解析】选B。考查情景交际。句意: 不要不满意小的成就。滴水穿石, 我确信如果你坚持, 你会看到隧道尽头的光。Lookers-on

20、 see most of the game旁观者清。Constant dropping wears away the stone滴水穿石。The world is your oyster世界尽在掌握。Lost time is never found again光阴一去不复返。. 阅读理解体裁新闻报道话题独生子女词数445According to figures released by the Office for National Statistics(ONS), the U. K. has about 7. 8 million families with dependent children

21、, of which 3. 7 million have just one child, compared to 3 million with two and 1. 1 million with three children or more. The number of families today with just one dependent child is now 47 percent and will likely rise to more than 50 percent in a decade. As the ONS confirms, “It appears that famil

22、ies are getting smaller. ”One obvious reason for this could be that women are putting off having children until they have established careers when they are bound to be less fertile. But it could just as well be a matter of choice. Parents must consider the rising cost of living, combined with econom

23、ic uncertainty and an increasingly difficult job market. And this trend may continue growing as having an only child becomes more normal, which seems to be the mood on the mothers online forum Mumsnet, where one member announced that she“just wanted to start a positive thread about how fab it is to

24、have an only child”. She had received 231 replies, overwhelmingly in the same upbeat spirit. Parents of only children insist there are plenty of benefits. Nicola Kelly, a writer and lecturer who grew up as an only child and is now a married mother of one, says her 15-year-old son seems more grown-up

25、 in many ways than his contemporaries. Not all products of single-child families are as keen to repeat the experience. In a moving recent account journalist Janice Turner wrote about her own keenness to“squeeze out two sons just 22 months apart”as a reaction to her only-child upbringing. She was pla

26、ced on a pedestal by her doting parents, whom she punished with a “brattish, wilful” rejection of everything they stood for. Desperate for a close friend she was repeatedly shattered by rejection and referred to her childhood as being “misery”. Writer and clinician Dr Dorothy Rowe, a member of the B

27、ritish Psychological Society, says that we all interpret events in our own individual way and there are some children who no matter what their circumstances feel slighted, while other children see the advantages of their situation. However, the one part of life that is unlikely to get any easier for

28、 only children is when they grow up and find themselves looking after their own parents as they become older. 【文章大意】英国国家统计局发布的数据显示, 全英拥有未独立子女的家庭数量大约有780万。这一数据引发社会的极大讨论: 少生优生, 幸福一生? 1. The passage is written with the purpose of_. A. illustrating the strength and weakness of having an only childB. ana

29、lyzing the reasons why having an only child becomes popularC. presenting us with different opinions about having an only childD. guiding people to look at the same issue from different perspectives【解析】选C。主旨大意题。通读全文可知本文写作目的是描述关于独生子女的不同观点。故选C。2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean? A

30、. Nearly half of families intend to have just one child. B. All people dont stand for the idea of having an only child. C. Some people fail to recognize the advantage of having an only child. D. People brought up in an only child family resist downsizing the family. 【解析】选B。句意猜测题。Not all products of

31、single-child families are as keen to repeat the experience. 但并非所有来自独生子女家庭的孩子都希望重演这样的经历。All people dont stand for the idea of having an only child. 与其同义, 故选B。3. From what Dr Dorothy Rowe said, we know that_. A. journalist Janice Turner experienced a miserable childhoodB. she has a positive attitude t

32、owards Janice Turners reactionC. its necessary for us to look at the event from our own angleD. some are unable to make an objective assessment of their conditions【解析】选D。细节理解题。第六段Dr Dorothy Rowe说的话we all interpret events in our own individual way and there are some children who no matter what their

33、circumstances feel slighted, while other children see the advantages of their situation我们所有人都按个人的方式去诠释理解各种事件, 有些孩子, 不管他们的环境如何都感到被轻视, 然而其他孩子却看到他们的处境的各种好处。由此得知, 有些人不能对自己的情况作出客观的评价, some are unable to make an objective assessment of their conditions。故选D。4. What can be inferred from the passage? A. Its

34、normal to see the imperfection in character in only children. B. Mumsnet is an online forum which promotes having an only child. C. Economic development plays a determining role in the family size. D. Only children will have difficulty in attending to their parents. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。由文章最后一段可知独生子女等到自己长大了

35、才明白自己要去照顾父母不容易。这便是Only children will have difficulty in attending to their parents. 独生子女照顾父母会有点难。故选D。. 阅读填句下面文章中有5个段落需要添加首句(第15题)。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出适合各段落的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Try different new things. B. Avoid “black and white thinking”. C. Associate with optimistic people. D. Make a plan to stop t

36、hinking negatively. E. Understand the benefits of staying positive. F. Adopt the motto “everything happens for a reason”. Develop a Positive Attitude towards LifeWhen you are going through a challenging time, people will just instruct you to think positively. More often than not, thinking positively

37、 proves a strategy for interpreting everything that happens to you in a useful, constructive way. If you want to know how to think more positively, just follow these tips. 1. _. Choosing to think more positively will not only help you take control of your life and make your everyday experiences more

38、 pleasant, but it will have countless benefits on your mental and physical health as well as your ability to deal with changes. Being aware of these benefits can help you be even more motivated to think positively on a regular basis. One of the most important benefits of positive thinking is that yo

39、u are more likely to have better coping skills during times of stress. 2. _. Dont think everything you are faced with either is or it isnt. In fact, there is what we call the shades of gray in life. Therefore, if something doesnt turn out the way you want it to, make a list of all of the outcomes in

40、 between to see that things arent as serious as they seem. For example, if you get a late start on a paper and think you shouldnt bother because you wont finish it in time, consider the other possibilities. You could finish half the paper and still get a better grade than if you dont turn it in. 3.

41、_. That means deciding to overcome the negativity that is going on around youand there will always be plenty of it. Think of what you can do today that is good for you and others. Decide how you will react in ways that will make a difference to your life. Dont let other people ruin your plan. People

42、 will often make things seem more important or worrisome than they really are. Making a plan to be more positive will already be a move in the right direction. This will help you to stay positive because you will feel a greater sense of control over your life and your choices. 4. _. Experiencing a w

43、ide variety of life will do wonders. Stepping out of your comfort zone can often take you by surprise and knock those negative thoughts or black and white thoughts right back into their cave. Something as simple as trying a new food in a restaurant can lead to the discovery of new tastes and differe

44、nt feelings, along with the release of negative impressions. Visiting a new town, city, or country and see how other people view the world can help put a positive spin on your life. 5. _. Optimism is infectious. If you want to be infected by optimism, you should spend time with people who can provid

45、e something of value. Look for the positives in other people, toofinding what is good in people. Learn to praise people around you. Connect with people who have many passions and want to share them with you. Avoid seeing anyone with a negative outlook, unless you really care about that person and wa

46、nt to change his/her thoughts. If you tend to think negatively, youll be falling into a trap. 【文章大意】生活充满了挑战, 文章主要讲述了积极应对挑战的策略。1. 【解析】E。本段第二句“Being aware of these benefits can help you be even more motivated to think positively on a regular basis. ”与E项“理解保持积极的益处”一致, 故选E项。2. 【解析】B。本段第一句“Dont think eve

47、rything you are faced with either is or it isnt. ”与B项“避免非黑即白的思考方式”一致, 故选B项。3. 【解析】D。本段第六句“Making a plan to be more positive”与D项“制订一个停止消极思考的计划”一致, 故选D项。4. 【解析】A。本段第一句“Experiencing a wide variety of life will do wonders. ”与A项“尝试不同的新事物”一致, 故选A项。5. 【解析】C。本段第二句“If you want to be infected by optimism, you should spend time with people who can provide something of value. ”与C项“和乐观的人联系”一致, 故选C项。关闭Word文档返回原板块


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