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2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:UNIT 20 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ)(LESSON 2 & LESSON 3) WORD版含答案.doc

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2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:UNIT 20 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ)(LESSON 2 & LESSON 3) WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:UNIT 20 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ)(LESSON 2 & LESSON 3) WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:UNIT 20 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ)(LESSON 2 & LESSON 3) WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:UNIT 20 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ)(LESSON 2 & LESSON 3) WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:UNIT 20 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ)(LESSON 2 & LESSON 3) WORD版含答案.doc_第5页
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2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:UNIT 20 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ)(LESSON 2 & LESSON 3) WORD版含答案.doc_第6页
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2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:UNIT 20 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ)(LESSON 2 & LESSON 3) WORD版含答案.doc_第7页
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2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:UNIT 20 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ)(LESSON 2 & LESSON 3) WORD版含答案.doc_第8页
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2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:UNIT 20 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ)(LESSON 2 & LESSON 3) WORD版含答案.doc_第9页
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2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:UNIT 20 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ)(LESSON 2 & LESSON 3) WORD版含答案.doc_第10页
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2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:UNIT 20 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ)(LESSON 2 & LESSON 3) WORD版含答案.doc_第11页
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2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:UNIT 20 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ)(LESSON 2 & LESSON 3) WORD版含答案.doc_第12页
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2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:UNIT 20 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ)(LESSON 2 & LESSON 3) WORD版含答案.doc_第13页
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1、Section Language Points()(Lesson 2 & Lesson 3).单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1Poor though they are,the woman still donates(捐送) a lot of money to the Red Cross every year.2The Indians were the original(最早的)inhabitants of North America.3Weve corresponded for years but Ive never actually met him.4I went to coll

2、ege.Meanwhile/Meantime, some of my friends got wellpaid jobs.5They presented(把交给) flowers to their teachers.6The 20th century witnessed those breakthroughs(突破) in science and technology.7When I left the hospital I was completely cured8He dived from the bridge and rescued(营救)the drowning child.9She w

3、as in a dilemma(困境,窘境) whether to stay at school or get a job.10She is an outspoken(直言不讳的)critic of the countrys human rights policies.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1create v. 创造creator n创造者creative adj.创造性2origin n起源original adj.起初的;最早的originate v起源;发生3donate vt. 捐赠;赠送donation n捐赠;捐献物;捐款4rescue vt.拯救,救援rescu

4、er n救援者;救助者5cure vt. 治愈curable adj.可治愈的6instruct v指导;通知;命令instructor n指导者;教练instruction n指令;教导;用法说明.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1in advance预先2give away泄露(秘密)3take over接管,接收4make up for弥补,补偿5get across被理解;被传达;把讲清楚6figure out算出;弄明白7not to mention更不用说;且不说8range from.to.在范围内变化9wrestle with sth.努力解决难以处理的问题10come out出来

5、,长出;显露;出版;发芽11go out(火或灯光)熄灭12by mistake错误地;无意地.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1The little boy gave away his hiding place when he coughed.2The bedroom light went out after a moment.3His intelligence made up for his lack of personal charm.4He can speak French, German and Spanish,not to mention English.5Have you fi

6、gured out why the dog lives so long?v.orn.v.across 复合短语visitor 参观者director 导演governor统治者cut across抄近路come across偶然遇到go across穿过;度过背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.I was so angry that I walked out,leaving him sitting there shocked and whitefaced.我气得出去了,留他坐在那里,一脸惊愕,面色苍白。leave宾语宾补。形容词(短语)作状语。In space a small push will

7、 leave you floating away. 在太空中,轻轻一推就会让你飘走。He was struggling to walk in the wind and snow,cold and hungry.他在风雪中挣扎着走着,又冷又饿。2.In the summer of 1905,this outspoken young man was rocking his one yearold baby when he was suddenly inspired.1905年夏天,这位直率的年轻人正在摇着他一岁的孩子时,突然产生了灵感。be doing.when.意为“正这时/那时突然”。We w

8、ere having a party when a man broke in,gun in hand. 我们正在开晚会,这时突然闯进来一个人,手里拿着枪。3.There is no doubt about it.有一点是毫无疑问的。There is no doubt.。There is no doube that youll find happiness and success if you persevere. 毫无疑问,你会找到幸福和成功,只要你坚持。续表背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实4.Without the breakthroughs of these pioneers in scie

9、nce and technology, whether lucky or planned, the world as we know it today would have been a completely different place.无论是靠碰运气还是刻意努力的结果,如果没有这些先锋们在科技上的突破,我们今天所了解的世界就会是一个完全不同的地方。含蓄虚拟条件句,without短语为含蓄虚拟条件。Without my English teachers help,I wouldnt have made such rapid progress. 如果没有英语老师的帮助,我就不会取得这么快的进

10、步。 get across使被理解,把讲清楚;通过(教材P23)We must get across the simple fact that drugs are dangerous.我们必须明白一个简单的事实毒品很危险。get in进入;收获get into进入;陷入;染上(习惯)get off下车;脱下;动身;起飞get to到达;开始;着手处理get back回来;要回;收回get through用完,耗尽;完成,顺利通过(考试); (用电话)接通get away from离开;逃脱;摆脱get down(to)下来;开始/着手(做某事)get over克服;恢复;熬过;原谅She go

11、t through the final examination.她通过了这次期末考试。Ladies and gentlemen,silence,please.Now Lets get down to having (have) the meeting.女士们,先生们,请肃静。现在咱们开始开会了。 give away赠送;颁发;放弃(机会);泄露(教材P23)It is reported that the millionaire has decided to give away all his money to charities.有报道说这位百万富翁已经决定将他所有的钱都捐给慈善事业。写出下列

12、句中give away的含义The university chancellor gave away our diplomas.颁发He gave away most of his money to the homeless in the earthquake stricken area.赠送He was arrested for having given away state secrets on purpose.泄露give back归还give in投降give off发出(热、光等);散发出(气味等)give out分发;发出(气味、热等);宣布;用尽give up放弃As motor

13、vehicles burn fuel,they give off carbon monoxide as a waste.汽车在燃烧燃料时,产生废气一氧化碳。My strength gave out when I got to the top of Mount Tai.当我到达泰山山顶时,我筋疲力尽了。图形助记赠送give away泄露(秘密) take over接收;接管take up占去(时间/空间);从事;拿起;改短(衣服)take off脱(衣服);起飞;成名take in吸入;领会;包含;收留(某人)take away拿走;把带走;剥夺take back收回(说过的话)take dow

14、n写下;记下take on呈现;雇用The reporter took down every word of the speech.记者把每一句讲话都记录下来了。I could hardly take in what you said.我几乎听不懂你的话。The village has taken on a new look thanks to the good economic policies from the government.多亏了政府好的经济政策,那个村庄呈现了一派新的面貌。 make up for弥补(教材P23)The team will be anxious to make

15、 up for a disappointing start to the season.这支队伍将会急切地弥补本赛季那不尽如人意的开端。make up(be made up of)编造;化妆;组成make out 辨认出;理解make use of 利用make way (for) 让路make for 朝走去;朝前进make it 成功,达到Uncle Dick made up an interesting story for the children.迪克叔叔为孩子们编了一个有趣的故事。It took her more than an hour to make herself up她花了一

16、个多小时的时间来化妆。Six women and nineteen men make up the committee.The committee is made up of six women and nineteen men.这个委员会由6名女士和19名男士组成。 correspond vi.通信;相当;相称;相等;一致;符合(教材P24)Communications changed with the introduction of mobile phones and the way we correspond went from writing letters to emailing.通

17、讯随着移动电话的引入而改变,我们的通信方式从写信变成了发电子邮件。correspond with sb. 和某人通信correspond with/to sth. 与相符合correspond to sth. 相当于What he said correspond with/to what he did.他所说的跟他所做的相符合(言行一致)。The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.美国的国会相当于英国的议会。图形助记图解“correspond”多层含义通信 符合 相当 (教材P24)We started flying

18、 around the world and meanwhile,scientists figured out how to split the atom,previously thought to be the smallest particle of matter in the universe.我们开始在世界各地飞行,与此同时,科学家们发现了怎样分离原子,而原子以前被认为是宇宙中最小的物质微粒。(1)meanwhile adv.同时n.在此期间;与此同时(1)in the meanwhile在此期间;同时(2)meantime adv. 同时 n. 在此期间;与此同时in the mean

19、time 同时,在此期间In the meanwhile,time did not roll on without effecting his usual changes.在此期间,随着岁月的流逝,他的生活也照例跟着起了变化。The doctor will see you again next week.Meantime,you must rest as much as possible.医生下周还会给你看病。在此期间,你要尽可能地多休息。Dont eat and talk in the meantime.不要一边说话一边吃东西。(2)figure out计算出;解决;断定;理解写出下列句中f

20、igure out的含义I cant figure out why he quit his job.理解,弄明白Have you figured out how much the holiday will cost?计算出Can you figure out the truth of the news?断定figure in把考虑在内figure on 计划;打算;预料到figure sb.to be 料想某人是Have you figured in the cost of food for our holiday?你把咱们度假的食物费用计算进去了吗?I figure on being in

21、New York in January.我计划一月份在纽约。 cure v治愈;治疗 n治愈;痊愈;治疗方法(教材P25)During the Second World War,when Flemings discovery was first helping to cure people,the US Navy was looking for ways of improving the accuracy of their missiles.二战期间,当弗莱明的发明首先用来为人们治病时,这时美国海军正在寻找能提高导弹精确度的方法。cure sb.of治愈某人的a cure for (疾病的)治

22、疗方法The fresh air and exercise cured him of his headache.呼吸新鲜空气和锻炼把他的头痛病治好了。Scientists have so far failed to provide a cure for the common cold.科学家们到目前为止还没有找到一种治疗普通感冒的方法。明辨异同cure,treat,healcure“治愈;治疗”,主要指治愈疾病。搭配:cure sb.of.treat“治疗”,但不一定治愈。搭配:treat sb.for.heal“治愈”,但多指治愈外伤(wound,injury,cut,burn等)cure,

23、treat,healThe medicine and rest will soon heal your wound.Has the doctor cured the old woman of her illness?No,he treated her but didnt cure her.He is being treated for a rare skin disease. present vt.主持(电视或广播节目);呈现,赠送(1)present sb.with sth.present sth.to sb.把送给,给颁发present sth.(to sb.)(for sth.) 提交(

24、给)(以供)(2)present adj. 目前的,现在的(作前置定语);出席的,在场的(作后置定语)at the present time目前,现在be present at 出席(反义词组:be absent from.缺席)(3)present n. 礼物,礼品;现在,目前at present(at the present time) 目前,现在for the present(for the time being) 目前,当前Police searched everyone present at the scene of crime.警察搜查了在犯罪现场的每一个人。During the

25、graduation ceremony,the principal presented each graduate with a diploma.毕业典礼上,校长给每位毕业生颁发了毕业证书。No one knows what he is doing at present.没有人知道他现在在干什么。图形助记图解present多层含义 in advance预先;提前(教材P133)What Im trying to say is that we sent the questions to her programmers in advance.我想说的是我们提前把问题输入给了她的程序员。(1)in

26、advance of sth.在前,超过on the advance在上涨with the advance of随着的增加(2)advance on/towards/upon朝前进(3)advanced adj.先进的;高级的advance n.前进,进展v.前进,进步,促进His ideas were in advance of his times,and only a few people could understand him.他的思想走在时代的前列,只有少数人能理解他。Share prices are on the advance steadily these days.这几天来股票

27、价格在持续地上涨。China is advancing on/towards/upon the developed country.中国正朝着发达国家前进。 (教材P23)I was so angry that I walked out,leaving him sitting there shocked and whitefaced我气得走出去了,留他坐在那里,一脸惊愕,面色苍白。【要点提炼】leaving.为动词ing短语形式作结果状语;shocked and white faced为形容词短语在句中作状语,表示伴随。形容词短语作状语,通常表示主语所处的状态和情况,可表示时间、地点、原因、条

28、件、让步等。Last night I lay in bed,awake.昨天晚上我躺在床上,醒着。Crusoe stared at the footprint,full of fear.克鲁索两眼盯着脚印看,满心恐惧。 (教材P24)In the summer of 1905,this outspoken young man was rocking his one yearold baby when he was suddenly inspired.1905年夏天,这位直率的年轻人正在摇着他一岁的孩子时,突然产生了灵感。【要点提炼】本句采用了be doing.when.句式,意为“正这时/那时

29、突然”。when在其中作并列连词,相当于at this/that time。该句中,前句谓语动词通常为进行时态或表示状态的词。刚刚这时/那时突然We were walking along the river bank when it began to rain.我们正沿河岸漫步时天突然下起了雨。He was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the door.他正要走,这时有人敲门。I had just finished my exam paper when the bell rang,announcing the class wa

30、s over.我刚做完试卷,这时宣告下课的铃声响了。 (教材P25)There is no doubt about it.有一点是毫无疑问的。【要点提炼】There is no doubt about sth.表示“毫无疑问”。There is no doubt that.毫无疑问There is some doubt whether. 是否还不确定There is no doubt that cellphones and the Internet are the most important means of communication.毫无疑问,手机和互联网是最重要的信息交流工具。Ther

31、e is some doubt whether John will come on time.约翰会不会准时来还不太确定。名师点津doubt可以作名词也可以作动词。用于肯定句时,其同位语从句和宾语从句用whether引导,不用if或that;用于否定句和疑问句时,其同位语从句和宾语从句用that引导,不用whether或if。(教材P24)We started flying around the world and meanwhile, scientists figured out how to split the atom, previously thought to be the smal

32、lest particle of matter in the universe.【分析】【翻译】我们开始在世界各地飞行,与此同时,科学家们发现了怎样分离原子,而原子以前被认为是宇宙中最小的物质微粒。.单句语法填空1Although her relatives didnt think she could live for three months,the old doctor finally cured her of her disease.2On a rainy day I was riding my bike to pick up my son when a terrible acciden

33、t happened ahead.3During the spring festival pork is on the advance.4Lost(lose) in reading, he didnt notice someone slide into the room.5I didnt know anybody at the party, but the hostess came to my rescue.6After getting lost in a storm, a member of the navy team was rescued(rescue) four days later.

34、7He gave away all his money to charities,which earned him a good reputation.8Without your help,I would have failed(fail) the exam last week.9He was listening to music when it began to rain.10He doesnt have a gift for music,but he makes up for it with hard work.完成句子1毫无疑问,气候变化已经成为既定事实。There is no doub

35、t that climate change is a reality.2新的机器将运转得更快,因此降低了我们的成本。The new machines will work faster,thus reducing our cost3我正想着这件事时,突然听到有人叫我的名字。I was thinking of this when I heard my name called.4我们必须帮助他改掉偷窃的恶习。We must help to cure him of stealing5我希望她不会多嘴而泄露信息。I wish she wouldnt talk and give information away


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