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06-07年上学期同步测控优化训练高一英语同步检测十八 UNIT9(A卷)(附答案).doc

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06-07年上学期同步测控优化训练高一英语同步检测十八 UNIT9(A卷)(附答案).doc_第1页
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06-07年上学期同步测控优化训练高一英语同步检测十八 UNIT9(A卷)(附答案).doc_第6页
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1、0607年上学期同步测控优化训练高一英语同步检测十八 Unit9(A卷)(附答案).单词拼写1.My brother is now studying in the English D of Shandong University.答案:Department2.In modern society,good (行为) is a symbol of good education.答案:behaviour3.The teacher criticized him because he didnt come to school for no p reason.答案:particular4.He faile

2、d in such an easy examination (出人意料地).答案:unexpectedly5.I thank you very much indeed for this (接见).答案:interview6.A child usually has a trust in its mother.答案:absolute7.We will be paid a to the amount of work we do.答案:according8.The manager has made an a with him.答案:appointment9.They are now ready for

3、 e at any time.答案:emergency10.E plays an important part in our everyday life.答案:Electricity.句型转换1.A:Scientists are adding new functions to the phones.B:New functions are the phones.答案:being added to2.A:Please tell me to remember the important appointment.B:Please me the important appointment.答案:remi

4、nd;of/about3.A:They are interviewing the famous singer outside the cinema.B:The famous singer outside the cinema.答案:are being interviewed4.A:She spent too much money on phone calls.B:Phone calls too much money.答案:cost her5.A:You must be careful wherever you drive.B: matter you drive,you must be care

5、ful.答案:No;where.用适当的介词或副词填空1.New functions are being added the phones,one of which will remind you appointments and important dates.答案:to;about/of2.Cell phones are so popular teenagers because they need to stay touch with friends and family.答案:among;in3.If we have a cell phone,we can call help case

6、an emergency.答案:for;in;of4.If we are full confidence and united one,we can certainly defeat SARS.答案:of;as5.We can move something from one place to another a bike, a car or plane.答案:on;in;by6.We must findthe truththe matter.答案:out;of7.The wastefood should not be allowed.答案:of8.Five pounds is a good e

7、nough pricethe hat.答案:for9.Keep a recordall the mistakes which have been madethe composition and thinkthem.答案:of;in;of10.A numbersmall power stations have been setthere1995.答案:of;up;since.用所给单词的适当形填空learn read wait rebuild dial listen plant build repeat use1.Why dont you lend me the interesting book

8、?Because it (read) at the moment.答案:is being read2.Catherine wants to work in Italy,so Italian (learn) by her now.答案:is being learnt3.Some friends of mine rent(租) some houses because their own houses (rebuild).答案:are being rebuilt4. the radio (listen) to or can I turn it off?答案:Is;being listened5.Th

9、is is a newly-built garden and some trees and flowers (plant).答案:are being planted6.Hurry up!What are you doing?You (wait) for by some friends downstairs.答案:are being waited7.Are the two computers (use)?I want to use them at present.答案:being used8.Look!There are so many construction workers.A square

10、 (build).答案:is being built9.Look at the screen!The number (be not dial).答案:is not being dialled10.Listen carefully!The words (repeat) by our teacher.答案:are being repeated.单句改错1.Youd better take a raincoat along with you in case of it rains.答案:去掉of2.Now,the leader has asked a group of students to do

11、all what they can to save the Earth.答案:去掉all或whatthat或去掉what3.The answer seems to be in that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family.答案:去掉in4.Cell phones make it is possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere.答案:去掉is5.Some parents worry about that their children will spend too mu

12、ch time and money on phone calls.答案:去掉about6.AXL is a computer that doesnt understand what human beings feel and what human life is like.答案:第一个whathow7.As soon as he arrived in America,he stayed in touch with his friends in New York.答案:stayedgot8.Why didnt go to my birthday party last night?答案:didnt

13、not或didnt之后加you9.The teacher wanted to teach the students all that he knows in the last lesson.答案:knowsknew10.Having a cell phone makes us to feel safer in case of an emergency.答案:去掉to.单项选择1.How often do you eat out?,but usually,once a week.A.Have no ideaB.It dependsC.As usualD.Generally speaking答案:

14、B提示:It depends.要根据情况而定。句意为“你多长时间出去吃一次?”“要看情况而定。”Have no idea指“不知道”;As usual意为“与平时一样”;Generally speaking指“一般来说”。2.I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some .A.at lastB.in caseC.once againD.in time答案:B提示:句意为“我认为我不需要钱,但我带些以防万一”。at last最后;once again再次;in time及时,它们都与句意不吻合。3.John may phone me ton

15、ight.I dont want to go out .A.as long asB.in order thatC.in caseD.so that答案:C提示:as long as意为“只要”;in order that(so that)指“目的为了”,它们与句意不吻合。4.Travellers that they should bring their ID cards with them.A.have remindedB.are remindedC.were remindingD.had been reminded答案:B提示:remind同travellers之间存在被动关系。选项D的时态

16、不对。5.The pictures me of the days we spent in Beijing.A.remember;thatB.warn;thatC.remind;whenD.remind;that答案:D提示:sth. remind sb. of sth.某东西使某人想到某事;the days是先行词,在定语从句中作spent的宾语。6.These wild flowers are so special that I would do I can to save them.A.whateverB.thatC.whichD.whichever答案:A提示:句中I can 后省略了d

17、o,即应为I can do to save them,do后没有宾语,所以应用whatever,意为“任何事情,不论什么”。7.If the examples the article,they will make it sound more reasonable.A.add toB.are added toC.addD.add up to答案:B提示:add.to.指“把加到上”;add同examples之间存在被动关系。8.The wall was built along the river the floods(洪水).A.instead ofB.in order toC.in case

18、ofD.in touch with答案:C提示:句意为“沿江建起墙以防洪水”。in case of “以防”。9.He in touch with his maths teacher since graduation.A.stayedB.keptC.has stayedD.has got答案:C提示:“since+时间”,它常与动词的完成时连用,表“毕业到现在”的动作,空白处应用延续性动作动词。10.We all knew she was wrong,but none of us tell her.A.dareB.does dare toC.dared toD.didnt dare to答案:

19、C提示:dare可作情态动词用,没有数的变化,但有时态的变化,因句中时态为过去时,故可用dared;dare也可作行为动词用;none已表达否定意义,故可用dared to。选项D意义不对。11.If you this button,the machine will start.A.pushB.putC.pressD.hit答案:C提示:句意为“如果你按这按钮的话,机器就会发动”。push 推;put 放;hit 打,撞击;它们都不合题意。12.When climbing the hill John was knocked unconscious by an rolling stone.A.u

20、ntouchedB.unexpectedC.unfamiliarD.unbelievable答案:B提示:句意为“爬山时约翰被突然滚下的石头击昏了”。untouched .adj.没有触摸的;unfamiliar .adj.不熟悉的;unbelievable .adj. 不可信的。它们都同句子意义不吻合。13.News reports say peace talks between the two countries with no agreement reached.A.have broken downB.have broken outC.have broken inD.have broke

21、n up答案:A提示:break down 指“破裂”;句意为“据新闻报道两国之间的和平谈判破裂了”。break out指“爆发”;break in 指“闯入”;break up指“分裂”。它们都不合句意。14.You watch them until ten oclock,and then Ill .A.take care ofB.look afterC.take overD.take place答案:C提示:take over指“接手;接任;接管”。15.The police have finally the mystery(疑案).A.succeeded to solveB.succee

22、ded in solvingC.succeeded solvingD.succeeded on solving答案:B提示:succeed in doing sth.指“成功地做某事”,为固定搭配。16.Works and images throughout the world.A.are being sentB.are being sendingC.are having sentD.are been sending答案:A提示:send与主语之间为被动关系。17How many parks in our country at present?A.are buildingB.have bein

23、g builtC.are being builtD.are been building答案:C提示:由at present可知用现在进行时,且parks与build之间为被动关系。18Money for the broadband project.A.are collectedB.is been collectingC.has collectedD.is being collected答案:D提示:句意为“宽带工程的钱正在筹集”。money为不可数名词,并且与谓语的关系为被动。19What by George to his friends phone?A.is sendingB.is bein

24、g sendedC.is been sendingD.is being sent答案:D提示:what与send之间为被动关系。20A lot of rivers by factories.A.are pollutingB.have been pollutingC.are been pollutingD.are being polluted答案:D提示:句意为“许多河流正被工厂的废物所污染”。.汉译英1.在阅读时,你能不在词典里查新单词就知道文章的意思吗?答案:While (you are) reading,can you get the meaning of the text without

25、 looking up the new words in a dictionary?2.到了会见记者的时候了。答案:Its time to interview the journalists.3.你能说出我们现在的生活方怎么不同于过去的生活吗?答案:Can you tell us how the way we live today is different from life in the past?4.明天你去参加英语晚会吧?噢,那要视情况而定。答案:Will you go to the English evening tomorrow?Well,it/that depends.5.对许多青少年来说,手机不仅是有用的工具,而且还是娱乐的手段。答案:To many teenagers,the cellphone is not only a useful tool but also a way to have fun.或To many teenagers,the cellphone is more than a useful tool,and it is a way to have fun as well.


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