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1、2011高一英语下学期期末复习(M3 U3)基础检测一牛津版必修3单词检测1.文明_ 2.毒药,下毒药_3.听众,观众_ 4.不幸的,幸运的_5.火山_ 6.灾难_7.商业的,贸易的_ 8.物质,材料_9.研究所_ 10.典礼_11.逐渐地,渐渐地_ 12极端的,极度的_13.爆炸_v _n 14.富有的,富裕的_15.强有力的_ 16.纪念碑,纪念馆_17.解决办法,解答_ 18.与历史相关的,历史的_19.水手_ 20.薪水,薪金_21.毁坏,摧毁_v_n22.文献,文件_23.共和国,共和政体_24.文化的_adj 文化n_25.倾倒,倾泻_26.逃跑_ _(过去式)_(过去分词)27.

2、雕塑,雕像_ 28.港口_29.学者_ 30.抱怨_v_n31.前进,进发,游行_32审讯,试验_33.兴建,创建_ _(过去式,过去分词)34.堕落,腐化v贪污的,腐败的_基础检测二词组检测1接管,夺取_ 2.预先,提前_3.纪念_ 4.阻碍某人_5.起义,反抗_ 6.对日宣战_7.意识到,觉察到_ 8.患上感冒_9.把- -告上法庭_ 10.失落的文明_11.在政府的保护之下_12.砍倒,削减_ 13.创作出逼真的形象_14.参加一个讲座_ 15.分解,垮掉,出故障_16.使- -发疯_ 17.状况良好的_18.有很大的文化价值_ 19.毫无疑问_20.对- - 有深远的影响 _21.受够

3、某人,受不了_22.向- -抱怨- -_23逐渐厌烦了无休止的战争_24.拒绝_ 25在历史上起关键作用_26.贯彻,执行,实施_27.中华人民共和国开国大典_28.With so much work _ _ _ _(有待于完成),I cant spare you a minute.29.I happened to see several houses _ _ wall paintings有壁画装饰的房间)30.The moment he arrived home,he found his house _ _(被人闯进过)31._ _ his accent,he coms from the n

4、orth of the country.(据他的口音判断)32.He discovered the _(废墟) of the old city in the _(周围的,附近的)countryside.基础检测三.根据句意和首字母提示完成下列句子1.The bomb e,but fortunately nobody was injured.2.The box didnt s at once;it floated for a little while.3.The terrible earthquake d most of the buildings within 10 minutes.4.Fat

5、her was very attentive(专心的)with his head b in a book.5.She hasnt been seen for four days and we are c for her safety.6.I have used the computer for nearly five years,but it is still in good c.7.What parents do has a great i on their children.8.The old government was o and a new one replaced it.9.Thi

6、ngs _ (逐渐)improved.10.With so many things r_ to be settled,the manager feel worried.11.Who is the first one to have d_ the continent of America?12When giving a talk, youre supposed to explain the why you are talking to the _(观众) at the beginning.13.Seven found the r_of building buried under he sand,

7、together with a lot of treasures.14. Its good to get back to _(文明)after living in a tent in the remote area for two years.15. The time bomb e_ but nobody was injured.16 The _(历史的)place of interest receives millions of tourists every year.17. The terrible earthquake d_ most of the buildings within 20

8、 minutes.18. The _(残留物) of lunch were still on the table.19. After the meeting, they _(宣布)to us all what had been decided.20.U_,the old commercial centre was buried in the sand.从方框中选择正确的短语填空take overdrive sb.madcarry outbe concerned aboutin return forno more in usein good conditionin memory ofon boa

9、rd1.The farmer was _ by his cattle along the road.2.Although the house was built many years ago,it is still _.3.They _ experiments and finally find the solution to the problem.4.Titanic sank with many people _ after it banged into an iceberg.5.You should act like a man.Anyway,youre _ a child.6.We ga

10、ve Peter a nice present _ his cooperation.7.After his father retired,Mark _ the restaurant.8.Bill fell down from his back and hurt himself,all of us _ his health.9.The monument was built _ the great navigator(航海家)Zheng He.10.The boy likes playing games too much.His computer was always _ during the w

11、eekend.完成句子1.The volcano erupted and lava,ash and locks _ _of it onto the _countryside 火山爆发了,岩浆,火山灰喷射到周围的村庄.2 ._all the people_ _ _,and _ _ _ _不幸的是,所有的人都被活埋了,城市也是.3.Today I saw the ancient city of Pompeii_ _ _ 2000 years ago。 今天我看到和2000年前样子一样的古庞贝城4 He was poor but proud and _every offer of help.拒绝接受

12、5.At last,they arived at the house _ _ wall paintins.装饰有壁画的房子6. News reports say peace talks between the two countries have _ _with no agreement reached.据报道,这两国间的和谈破裂了,没有达成任何协议 7._ _ _the Americans who died in the attack,a national memorial was built in pearl harbor just above the_ _ _ _ _ _.为了纪念在战斗

13、中死去的美国人,一座国家纪念馆在珍珠港沉船遗址上方被建立8. 他意识到一些士兵将会起来反抗他们残忍的主人 He _ _ _many soldiers _ _ _ _their cruel masters.9. They want to _a large forest in this area砍倒10. 有些古代文明遗址消失了,而有的现在已处于政府的保护之下some of the ancient civilizations have disappeared, while otheres are_ _ _ _ _ _IV.翻译句子1. 能够代表我们班全体同学在这里讲话,我感到非常幸运。(feel

14、lucky to)2. 他是公认的大歌唱家。(be known as)3. 他每星期去听两次关于外太空物理方面的讲座。(go to a lecture)4. 不幸的是,全城的人都被活埋了,整座城市也被掩埋了。(be buried alive)5. 我发现要和像他这样的一个人相处融洽不是件容易的事。(find it hard to do sth.)6. 我们应该尽快采取行动来阻止这条河流受到污染。(prevent from)7. 这辆旧车给我添了不少麻烦。(cause + n. + n.)8. 很难想象她一个人照顾五个孩子的艰辛。(Its hard to imagine)V.单项填空1.Not

15、only you but also your sister _ to cut the grass though you may hate doing it.A.wantsB.is wanted C.wantD.are wanted2.Not he but I _ wanted to do the job.A.areB.am C.wereD.is3.Neither you nor I,nor anybody else _ content to live in such a lonely village.4.Id like to do something for you _ everything

16、youve done for me.A.in exchangeB.in turn C.in return forD.in terms of5.Its a good idea.But whos going to _ the plan?I think Tom and Grey will.A.set asideB.carry out C.take inD.get through6.After he graduated from college,he _ his fathers business.A.took inB.took up C.took overD.took on7.Is the patie

17、nts health getting any better?Yes,his _ has _ improved.A.situation;more thanB.condition;more or less C.case;no more D.health;no longer8.Jane is one of the students in the class who _ by their teacher.A.are praisedB.is praised C.praisedD.praising9.What the teacher said suggested that he _ satisfied w

18、ith our spoken English.A.wasB.should be C.beingD.be10. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the .A. 20 dollars remained B. 20 dollars to remain C. remained 20 dollars D. remaining 20 dollars11.Mr.Li was made _ manager of the company to _ the duties of Mr.Zhang,who was retiring so

19、on.A.a;take upB.a;take over C./;take upD./;take over12 A clean environment can help the city bid(申办)for the Olympics,which _ will promote its economic development.A.in natureB.in return C.in turnD.in fact13.Mr.White,along with his assistants, _ on the project day and night to meet the deadline.A.wor

20、kB.working C.is workingD.are working14. A poet and artist _ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon.A.isB.are C.wasD.were15 You may drop in or just give me a call. _ will doA.EitherB.Each C.NeitherD.All16.I find the _ of buildings _ under the sand.A.remaining;b

21、uriedB.remainders;buryC.remains;buriedD.remains;burying17.These two countries have a _.They both have a high snowfall during winter.A.situationB.response C.similarityD.condition18.They will give us the money _ we pay it back within half a year.A.on no conditionB.on condition C.under the condition D.

22、on condition that19.The house was completely _ by fire.A.damagedB.destroyed C.causedD.beaten20.If you dont know the meaning of the word,you can _ in a dictionary.A.look it upB.look up it C.refer to itD.consult in21.In _ of the dead soldiers, _ a grand was built on the spot of the great campaign.A.me

23、mory;memory B.memorial;memorial C.memorial;memoryD.memory;memorial22.Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea. _,neither of them could swim.A.In factB.Luckily C.NaturallyD.Unfortunately23.It is wise _ you _ go there.A.of;to notB.of;not to C.for;to notD.for;not to24.The water _ cool when I jumped

24、 into the pool for morning exercise.A.feltB.is felt C.was feltD.feels25.The general manager would like to see the plan _ by the end of the year.A.carried awayB.carried on C.carried outD.carried off语法专练26.The missing boy was last seen _ near the river. A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play27

25、.I feel _ unwise to give a child whatever he or she wants. A. that B. how C. it D. what28. It is wise to have some money _ for old age. A. put away B. kept up C. given away D. laid up29. He slipped into the room, without himself _. A. seen B. being seen C. seeing D. to see30. He found the street muc

26、h _. A. crowd B. crowding C. crowded D. crowdly31. I think _ necessary to learn English well. A. its B. it C. that D. that is32. Paul doesnt have to be made _. He always works hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning33. You cant have the horse _ all the way. Its too hot. A. run B. to run C.

27、 running D. to be running34. When I came back, I found the house _ and everything _. A. was broken; took away B. broken into; taken away C. had been broken; taken D. break into; take away35.I heard that you were elected _ this time. A. monitor B. the monitor C. a monitor D. my monitor36. When I came

28、 back, I found nobody _. It was empty. A. on B. out C. in D. away37. The speaker raised his voice but still couldnt make himself _. A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard38. For a time his grandmother found _ accept his new idea. A. hard B. it hard C. it hard to D. it is hard to39. Tell him _ the wi

29、ndow. A. to shut not B. not to shut C. to not shut D. not shut40. -Theres a hole in your bag. - I know, Im going to have it _. A. mend B. mending C. mended D. to be mended41. Though he had often made his little sister _, today he was made _ by his little sister. A. cry; to cry B. crying; crying C. c

30、ry; cry D. to cry; cry42. They would not allow him _ across the enemy line. A. to risk going B. risking to go C. for risk to go D. risk going43. I found the door _ when I got home. A. opened B. close C. unlocking D. open44. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle, but his mother told him _. A. not to B.

31、not to do C. not do D. do not to45. I couldnt do my homework with all that noise_. A. going on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on46. With a lot of difficult problems_, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled47. I advised _ at once. A. hi

32、m to startingB. him to start C. to starting D. to start 48. When I put my hand on his chest, I could feel his heart still _. A. beat B. to be beatingC. beating D. was beating49. You had better get a doctor _ your bad tooth. A. pull out B. to pull out C. pulled out D. pulling out50. He managed to mak

33、e himself_ with his_ English. A. understand; breaking B. understand; broken C. understood; breaking D. understood; broken2011高一英语下学期期末复习(M3 U3)达标基础练习.根据句意和首字母提示完成下列句子1. exploded 2. sink 3. destroyed 4 buried 5concerned 6condition 7. influence 8. overthrown 9.gradually 10.remaining 11discovered 12.au

34、dience 13.ruins 14.civilization 15.exploded 16.historical 17.destroyed 18.remains 19.declared 20 Unfortunately.从方框中选择正确的短语填空1. driven mad 2. in good condition 3. carried out 4. on board 5. no more 6. in return for7. took over 8are concerned about 9. in memory of 10. in use完成句子1. poured out,surroundi

35、ng 2 Unfortunately,were buried alive 3,as it was 4.turned down 5 decorated with 6.broken down 7.In memory of 8.was aware that,would rise up against9.cut down 10.under the protection of the government 翻译句子1.I feel lucky to represent our class to speak here.2.He is known as a great singer.3.He goes to

36、 a lecture on outer space physics twice a week.4.Unfortunately, all the people were buried alive, and so was the city.5.I find it hard to live in harmony with a person like him.6.We should take action as soon as possible to prevent the river from being polluted.7.This old car has caused me a lot of trouble.8.Its hard to imagine the difficulty that she has looking after 5 children单项选择: 1-5:BBACB 6-10 CBAAD 11-15 DBCAA 16-20 CCDBA 21-25 DDBAC语法专练:2630 ACABC 3135 BBCBA 3640CDCBC 4145 AADAA 4650 CBCBD


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