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2021届高考英语一轮复习阅读理解分类练习:专题09阅读理解之七选五过渡句与其他练习 WORD版含答案.doc

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2021届高考英语一轮复习阅读理解分类练习:专题09阅读理解之七选五过渡句与其他练习 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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2021届高考英语一轮复习阅读理解分类练习:专题09阅读理解之七选五过渡句与其他练习 WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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2021届高考英语一轮复习阅读理解分类练习:专题09阅读理解之七选五过渡句与其他练习 WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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2021届高考英语一轮复习阅读理解分类练习:专题09阅读理解之七选五过渡句与其他练习 WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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2021届高考英语一轮复习阅读理解分类练习:专题09阅读理解之七选五过渡句与其他练习 WORD版含答案.doc_第6页
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1、专题09阅读理解七选五过渡句与其他练习-备战2021高考英语复习阅读理解分类练习第五讲AThe COVID-19 continues to be a health threat around the world. Governments, communities and individuals are looking for ways to teach children how to protect themselves. 1 They might want to follow the advice of imaginative creatures that are adorable, col

2、orful and furry!Muppets(提线木偶)are puppets from the childrens show Sesame Street created by Sesame Workshop. Sesame Workshop started a campaign called Caring for Each Other. 2 The project includes messages for children and caregivers. It offers reading, math and science activities along with songs and

3、 fun, educational videos.Elmo, Grover and other Sesame Street Muppets star in new public service advertisements (PSAs)from the Sesame Workshop. These PSAs teach children about the importance of hand washing and safe ways to sneeze, limiting the spread of germs. 3 Elmo is probably one of the most fam

4、ous Muppets. He is known for a video of a song about brushing teeth called Brushy Brush. He reminds children to wash between the fingers and the tops of the hands. 4 This silly blue Muppet teaches children how to safely cough and sneeze. He even uses a checklist that includes breakfast, brushing his

5、 teeth and exercise. 5 A set of things children normally do can help them stay healthy. Even though things may be a little different right now, health experts recommend having a regular procedure every day while isolated(隔离). By doing so, parents and caregivers can give their children and themselves

6、 a sense of stability in this new normal.A. Another video in the campaign features Grover.B. No doubt parents are experiencing a tough period.C. The song has been updated to teach good hand washing.D. The campaign highlights the importance of a daily routine.E. Children, however, often do not want t

7、o listen to grownups.F. It aims to help families stay physically and mentally healthy.G. They also educate children that these actions show care for others.BThe World Water Day has been celebrated annually on 22 March since1992. Each year has a different theme, looking at things like the role of cle

8、an water in the world of work, ways to stop wasting water, finding ways to supply water to underprivileged groups and so on._6_But it is also vital for sanitation(卫生). It is estimated that more than 700 children under the age of seven die every day from illnesses linked to unsafe water and poor sani

9、tation. The right to water and sanitation was recognized as a human right. _7_ These include rural communities, people who have been displaced due to war and local conflicts and areas where climate change is making water more and more scarcer.Apart from the obvious health issues, a lack of accessibl

10、e clean water means that people often women and children spend hours every day walking to and from distant water supplies. This means they dont have time to dedicate to work, studies and other domestic duties. _8_And people who are not able to walk to get their own water are particularly vulnerable.

11、There are many charities working on creating sustainable supplies of clean water for different communities around the world. _9_But the fundamental problem of increasing demand for a limited resource can only be addressed by more efficient use of water, especially in industry and agriculture. Waste-

12、water recycling, capturing rainwater, more efficient irrigation techniques and reforestation are all examples of how water can be used more efficiently._10_We should support charities, raise awareness, take part in the World Water Day events that are happening all around the world and, of course, be

13、 careful with how we use water in our own lives. Visit the UN World Water Day website to find out about an event near us. Follow world water day on social media and help spread the word about this incredibly important issue.A. Clean drinking water is fundamental.B. As individuals, what can we do to

14、help the issue?C. The search for water becomes their main occupation.D. This important work needs to continue and to expand.E. Every living cell in the body needs water to keep functioning.F. In normal conditions, the human body can only survive three or four days without water.G. However, there are

15、 still at least 2.1 billion people around the world living without safe water.CNot everyone deals with their feelings as an open book for others to read._11_Learn to open up in order to improve your mental health._12_Accept this and move on. Give yourself some time to have sweaty palms or a shaky vo

16、ice, since it will get better with practice.Ask people open-ended questions. To begin practicing opening up, you need to engage in honest, open conversation. Try a question like, How are things going at work? instead of Hows it going? to get an open answer. Then, in turn answer open-ended questions

17、with honest answers, instead of Fine or OK._13_However,in most cases people are flattered that you are listening to them and interested in their life.Try emulating(效仿)someone who is very open. Observe them in a social situation. Then, try to act as if you are them occasionally. Many open behaviors a

18、re learned, and not a natural part of personality._14_Avoid being a know it all. Some people think advice is opening up, but it is unlikely to help you more open. When you want to give advice, listen and try to learn something new from the situation._15_Schedule at least one long conversation per we

19、ek. In the conversation you tell someone about the emotional and difficult part of your life. Get into the practice of opening up about whats good and bad in your life.A. In this case, practice can make perfect.B. Call close friends and family members more often.C. Asking people personal questions i

20、s not always proper.D. Try connecting about hobbies, interests, vacations or books.E. Listening patiently is a great way to overcome fear of sharing emotions in public.F. Understand that there is usually some fear with opening up to other people.G. However, closing yourself o圩from new people can sto

21、p your personal growth.DDifficult financial times dont mean your giving shuts down. _16_ There are so many ways to give back that wont hurt your wallet and will enrich your life.1. Pick up the phoneCalling someone “for no reason” is an important opportunity to show them that you are thinking of them

22、. You are taking time out of your busy day to reach out. Everyone needs someone to just listen sometimes. They may be filled with joy or sadness._17_2. Write a note_18_ It is one thing to say it, but it can be even more meaningful to put it in writing. What if you made a commitment to write a thank-

23、you note to someone every week?3._19_You never know what someone might be going through a painful divorce, a tough college semester, or just a bad day. Opening up your home will make someone feel appreciated. In addition, it costs less than going out. The leftovers from this dinner can be packaged u

24、p for homeless people. Thats double giving!4 .Set aside money from a daily routine to donateGiving doesnt have to mean a life full of sacrifices. You can still buy a burger or get your nails done._00_ Donate the money you saves: Even $ 5 can make a difference in someones life.A. Give a gift to the s

25、tomach.B. Invite someone over for dinner.C. To take your awareness to a new level, move beyond money.D. But instead of buying much coffee every week, you can drink less.E. While some people enjoy receiving gifts, all of us appreciate a kind word.F. Instead, they allow you to examine how your time an

26、d money are spent.G. Be there to celebrate their good news, or support them with sympathy.A 1. E答案解析:第一段围绕“如何在疫情下保护孩子们”展开。本空前面谈到:政府、社区和个人都在寻找教育儿童如何保护自己的方法。后文谈到:他们可能想听从那些可爱、多姿多彩、毛茸茸的富有想象力的动物的建议!E选项中的“listen to grownups”和“Follow the advice of imaginative creatures”形成对比,由此,本空选E. 2. F 答案解析:本空前面谈到芝麻街工作室发

27、起了一项运动,空处接着谈其目的,F项符合语境。 3. G 答案解析:本空前面谈到:PSAs教导孩子们洗手的重要性和打喷嚏的安全方法,限制细菌的传播。所以本空选G。4. A 答案解析:上一段提到了两种卡通形象Elmo/Grover;空前提及Elmo在广告视频中所起的作用,A选项继续谈论另外一个提线木偶Grover,符合语境,也能承接空后对它的描述。5.D 答案解析:空后谈到:孩子们平时做的一系列事情可以帮助他们保持健康。后文也提到了健康专家的建议以及保持每日常规的好处。故D符合语境。B本文是说明文。自1992年3月22日起,每年都庆祝世界水日。【6题解析】A根据空前But it is also

28、vital for sanitation(卫生).得知但是水在卫生方面也是至关重要的,说明前面在说水在什么方面是重要的。选项A:干净的饮用水是基础的切题。故选A。【7题解析】G根据空后These include rural communities, people who have been displaced due to war and local conflicts and areas where climate change is making water more and more scarcer.包括偏远地区,由于战争和当地冲突,气候变化导致水奇缺。这里在说世界上仍然有21亿人没有干

29、净的水。故选G。【8题解析】C根据空前This means they dont have time to dedicate to work, studies and other domestic duties.得知缺水地区的人们没有时间工作学习,搜寻水是他们的主要工作。故选C。【9题解析】D根据空前There are many charities working on creating sustainable supplies of clean water for different communities around the world.有许多慈善机构致力于为世界不同社区创造清洁水的可持续

30、供应。世界有很多地方需要干净的水,得知这种工作需要持续和扩大范围。故选D。【10题解析】B根据空后We should support charities, raise awareness, take part in the World Water Day events得知我们需要慈善,提升意识,参加世界水日的活动。这是对“作为个人,我们要做些什么来帮助解决这个缺水的问题呢?”提问的回答。故选B。C【答案】11. G 12. F 13. C 14. A 15. B【解析】本文是一篇说明文,教给你如何敞开心扉和人交谈。不是每个人都把自己的感情当作一本可以让别人阅读的书。要学会开放,以改善你的心理健

31、康。11. G根据上句:不是每个人都把自己的感情当作一本可以让别人阅读的书。再根据空格下句:学会开放,以改善你的心理健康。可知此空的意思是:然而,关闭与新朋友交往可以阻止你的个人成长。open / closing/ stop/ open up是关键词,另外However,表示转折。12. F根据下文:接受这个,继续前进。给自己一些时间,让自己有出汗的手掌或颤抖的声音,因为它会随着练习而变得更好。根据句意可知此处的this应该指空格的内容,F. Understand that there is usually some fear with opening up to other people.1

32、3. C根据下文:然而,在多数情况下,人们很高兴你听到他们并对他们感兴趣。可知问别人私人问题并不总是合适的。故选C。14. A根据上文:试着模仿一个非常开放的人。在社交场合观察他们。然后,试着表现,偶尔好像你就是他们。许多开放的行为是有学问的,而不是人格的自然组成部分。可知:要是这样的话,熟能生巧。故选A。15. B根据下文:每周至少安排一次长时间的谈话。可知:经常给亲密的朋友和家人打电话。故选B。【答案】16. F 17. G 18. E 19. B 20. D【解析】16. 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。上句说经济困难不意味停止付出,与F句花钱吻合,且they与times一致。17. 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。上句提到快乐和忧伤,对应G中好消息和同情。18. 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。小标题就是写几句话,下文提到感谢信,可推内容是好话,良言一句三冬暖,谁不感激?19. 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。下文提到敞开家门和剩饭菜,正对应B中请客吃饭。20. 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。下文提到节约捐赠,不每周买咖啡就是节约。


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