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2020秋新教材高中英语 课时作业18 Unit 6 At one with nature Developing ideas(含解析)外研版必修第一册.doc

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1、Unit 6 At one with nature.完形填空This morning, as I was getting close to the supermarket, I saw a small_1_ gathering around an elderly woman with blood under her face.I stopped and asked if I could_2_.I told her I was certified(授予证书的)in first aid.Then I_3_ someone for a first aid kit(工具箱)But she didnt

2、want help, saying she was fine.But she wasnt fine.I asked her to_4_ with me and we_5_ about her routine of getting groceries.People brought out ice packs, water and paper towels from the_6_ nearby.I put on the gloves from the first aid kit, and cleaned her up a bit, but_7_ I just talked to her and h

3、eld her hand.Two_8_ happened to be passing by and_9_ to help check her out a bit.Finally, after ten minutes the_10_ arrived and I talked to the emergency medical team and they_11_.I was certified in first aid years back, and I got recertified a month ago, but I never_12_ it once.However, I realized

4、being certified isnt_13_ about providing the aid.I didnt stop the bleeding.I didnt_14_ to examine her.Mostly it was about providing comfort for people in a difficult_15_.The certification gave me the_16_ to do that: to kneel on the sidewalk,holding an old womans hand, and to help make those_17_ few

5、minutes just a little bit better.If youre not certified in first aid, I cant_18_ it strongly enough.It takes four hours of your time at your_19_ Red Cross.With what youll_20_, maybe youll be able to help someone like the old lady one day.本文通过作者帮助一个生命有危险的老妇人的故事,劝告人们学习急救知识来帮助那些需要救助的病人。其实急救并不是很难学的,我们只需

6、要在他人最困难的时候给予安慰和陪伴。1A.peopleBcrowdC. trafficDpublic答案:B解析:作者看到一小堆人聚集在一个满脸是血的年迈的老妇人周围。2A.help out Blook outCwatch out Dmake out答案:A解析:作者停下来问是否能帮帮忙。help out帮忙;look out注意;watch out当心;make out辨认出,理解。在这里应该是看到有病人,主动提出帮忙,而且下文也出现了短语help out,故选A。3A.paid Bscolded Capplied Dsent答案:D解析:然后作者派人去拿急救箱。根据句意判断,应该是派人去取

7、。故选D。4A.accompany BwalkCstay Dshop答案:C解析:但是她的情况很不好。作者请她和自己待在一起。5A.talked Bcared Clooked Dquarreled答案:A解析:根据句意和本段最后一句talk判断是谈论。故选A。6A.hotel Boffice Cstation Dsupermarket答案:D解析:人们从附近的超市买来冰块、水和纸巾。根据前面所列举的东西判断应该是超市里物品齐全,最合适。故选D。7A.simply Bmaybe Cmostly Dextremely答案:C解析:作者戴上从急救箱里带来的手套,然后给她清理干净,但是主要是和她说话,

8、握着她的手。8A.policemen Bdoctors Cclerks Dvolunteers答案:B解析:根据上下文判断这里只有医生有救死扶伤的职责和能力。故选B。9A.refused Bwoke Clay Dstopped答案:D解析:两名医生碰巧路过并停下来帮忙给她做检查。根据上下文判断,应该是医生停下来帮助救病人。故选D。10A.driver Bfamily Cambulance Dofficer答案:C解析:终于,十分钟后,救护车到了,作者向急救医疗队员交代了情况。根据常识和后面的紧急医疗队可知对应的应该是救护车。故选C。11A.operated on Btook overCran

9、away Dturned up答案:B解析:结合语境判断急救队员在了解情况后进行专业的护理治疗。故选B。12A.used Bnoticed Cliked Dmet答案:A解析:结合语境判断可知作者虽然有急救资格证但是从来不曾用过。故选A。13A.hopefully Bpossibly Cnecessarily Dcommonly答案:C解析:作者认识到有资格证不是说必须要提供必要的医疗帮助。14A.want Btry Cpermit Dteach答案:B解析:作者没有止住血,也没给她检查身体。15A.place Bposition Clife Dsituation答案:D解析:急救主要是给处于

10、困难处境的人们提供安慰。16A.harm Bwish Clesson Dconfidence答案:D解析:证书给了作者做这事的信心:跪在人行道上,握着一个老妇人的手。根据常识和上下文的理解分析可知四个选项只有信心最佳。故选D。17A.scary Bmoving Cconfusing Dfriendly答案:A解析:帮助使那些可怕的几分钟变得稍稍好一些。根据常识可知,需要急救的人都是处于会引起围观者和当事人的恐惧的情况下。故选A。18A.support BdemandCrecommend Dexplain答案:C解析:如果你还没有急救方面的资格证,我向你极力推荐它。19A.local Bnati

11、onal Cformal Dprivate答案:A解析:它仅需你四个小时的时间在你们当地的红十字会参加培训。根据对红十字会的理解和做的急救措施看,选择当地的最合适,说明训练急救知识不需要你花费很长时间和走很远的距离就能做到。故选A。20A.recognize Blearn Callow Doffer答案:B解析:用你所学,也许你在将来的某一天就能帮助像老妇人那样的人。故选B。.语法填空The lion is a special animal to Chinese people. A pair of stone lions, a male and a female, are_1_(common)

12、 seen in front of the gates of Chinese traditional buildings.The lion _2_(regard) as the king in the animal world so it represents power. The stone lions are also used to indicate the ranks of _3_(official)It is interesting to note that China had no lions originally. The earliest stone lions were sc

13、ulpted _4_ the beginning of the Eastern Han (25220 AD) with _5_ introduction of Buddhism into ancient China. In the Buddhist faith, the lion,_6_ can protect the truth and keep off evils, is considered a holy animal of nobleness and dignity. In Chinese folk tales, the lion has become a symbol of _7_(

14、brave), power and good luck.It was also popular _8_(decorate) bridges with sculpted stone lions for the same reason. The _9_(well) known of all is the Lugou Bridge(also as Marco Polo Bridge),_10_(build) from 1189 to 1192. A famous proverb says,“The stone lions on the Lugou Bridge are countless.”狮子对中

15、国人来说是一种特殊的动物。本文主要介绍了中国的石狮。1commonly解析:考查副词。修饰动词应用副词,故用commonly。2is regarded解析:考查动词时态和语态。此处介绍的是一般情况,故用一般现在时;又因lion与regard是被动关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态。3officials解析:考查名词复数。根据空前的“ranks of”可知,用可数名词official的复数形式。4at解析:考查介词。at the beginning of“在的开始”是固定搭配。5the解析:考查冠词。根据句中的“of Buddhism”可知此处是特指,应该用定冠词the。6which解析:考查非限制

16、性定语从句。the lion是先行词,空处引导非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作主语。7bravery解析:考查名词。根据空前的介词of和下文的power and good luck可知,此处用名词。8to decorate解析:考查非谓语动词。It isadj.to do sth.为固定用法,句中的It为形式主语,后面的不定式是真正的主语。9best解析:考查最高级。根据常识,其中有石狮的最出名的桥是卢沟桥。此处为“the最高级in/of”结构,用于三个或三个以上的人或物之间的比较。10built解析:考查非谓语动词。the Lugou Bridge与build是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作定语,相当于非限制性定语从句which was built from 1189 to 1192。


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