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2022届高考人教版英语一轮课时规范练(五) 题型组合练——练准度 WORD版含解析.doc

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2022届高考人教版英语一轮课时规范练(五) 题型组合练——练准度 WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家课时规范练(五)题型组合练练准度(完形填空语法填空)限时:35分钟单独成册:对应学生用书第305页.完形填空Recently I met a guy named Leonard Gilbert on a trip.Leonard is the kind of person you could pass on the street and never 1 , but he is, in my view,a very special person who 2 recognition.Leonard lives in a 3 rural area.So when hi

2、s wife had cancer several years ago, Leonard was faced with a fourandahalfhour drive to where she could be treated. That 4 lots of expenses for meals, fuel, hotels and so on. But in the end the cancer took his wifes life 5 .Evidently Leonard was very 6 by his wifes passing, but he was also very angr

3、y, for he realized other people were facing the same sort of 7 . Rather than giving money to charities, what he did was start to throw 8 Every other Saturday evening, there is a party in Leonards garage. Neighbors, friends and relatives come and bring snacks and drinks; many bring 9 . There are musi

4、c and dancing, and at some point during the evening Leonard 10 a family he has found who are having difficulty 11 the cost of supporting a cancer patient undergoing 12 far from home. Then a honeyjar is passed around and the money 13 , every cent of it, goes 14 to that family. The people at the party

5、 have a good time. The family 15 that someone, probably someone they have never met knows what they are going through and 16 enough to help.Leonards 17 to help the families was born out of his grief,but from the perspective of those who have received the money, it is an act of love. His personal 18

6、has resulted in an act of kindness that honors the 19 of the wife he has lost. Wouldnt it be nice if we had more people in the world like Leonard Gilbert? Im glad I met Leonard.He makes the world a 20 place.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了伦纳德在失去患癌症的妻子之后,默默地做着善举,努力帮助那些正在经受痛苦的家庭的故事。1AknowBnoticeCforget Dlove解析:根据

7、空后的“but he is,in my view,a very special person”中的special可知,伦纳德是那种你在街上经过都不会注意到的人,但在我看来,他是一个特别的人,值得被认可。notice“注意到”,符合语境。答案:B2Arequires BneedsCdeserves Davoids解析:根据语境可知,他对我来说很特别,值得关注和认可。deserve“值得”,符合语境。 答案:C3Aconvenient BpeacefulCremote Dnearby解析:根据下文中伦纳德需要开车4.5个小时才能到医院可知,他住在一个比较偏远的地方。remote“偏远的”。答案:C

8、4Ameant BspentCshowed Dreduced解析:他要开很久的车才能到医院,那就意味着大量的开支。mean“意味着”。答案:A5Aotherwise BinsteadCsomehow Danyway解析:根据But可知前后是转折关系,虽然付出了巨大的代价,但是不管怎样癌症还是夺走了他妻子的生命。otherwise“否则”;instead “相反”;somehow“以某种方法”;anyway“不管怎样,总之”。答案:D6Astricken BshockedCpleased Dmourned解析:妻子去世了,伦纳德为此受尽折磨,十分难过。be stricken by表示“遭受”。答

9、案:A7Ahappiness BhardshipsCcancers Dexpenses解析:本句的关键提示词是the same,伦纳德一方面因为妻子的离世而痛心,但同时也因为知道还有很多人跟他面临着一样的苦难而感到愤怒。hardship“艰难”。答案:B8Acoins BhoneyCmedicine Dparties解析:根据下一段可知,伦纳德没有选择向慈善机构捐款,而是举办聚会。throw parties“举办聚会”。答案:D9Ajars BcardsCinstruments Dflowers解析:既然是聚会,大家载歌载舞,所以他们带来的应该是乐器。instrument“乐器”。答案:C10

10、Atells about Bargues aboutCcomments on Dchats about解析:聚会不是单纯为了玩,在适当的时候伦纳德会告诉大家他最近了解到的需要帮助的家庭的事,组织大家捐款。tell about“告诉”;argue about“争论”;comment on“评论”;chat about“闲聊”。答案:A11Acutting BmeetingCincreasing Dcalculating解析:第三段提到伦纳德要帮助那些跟他处境一样的人,因此他要帮的就是那些付不起开支的人。meet the cost表示“支付费用”。答案:B12Acharities Bdepress

11、ionCtreatment Dsupport解析:结合空前的a cancer patient可知,此处是指远离家去医院进行治疗的人。 treatment“治疗”。答案:C13Asaved BpaidCowed Dcollected解析:一个蜂蜜罐子在大家当中传递让大家捐款,所筹集的每一分钱都直接送给刚刚提到的需要帮助的家庭。collect“募捐”。答案:D14Apartly BexactlyCproperly Ddirectly解析:见上题解析。directly“直接地”。答案:D15Aunderstands BpretendsCignores Dconfirms解析:这个受帮助的家庭明白,甚

12、至一些不认识的人也理解他们现在的难处,也很尽力帮助他们。understand“理解,明白”;pretend“假装”;ignore“忽视”;confirm“确认”。答案:A16Aearns BcaresCstruggles Dhates解析:见上题解析。care to do sth.表示“努力做某事”。答案:B17Ademand BmotivationCexpectation Dconsideration解析:伦纳德帮助其他家庭的动机源于他的悲痛。demand“要求”;motivation“动机”;expectation“期望”;consideration“考虑”。答案:B18Adonation

13、 BopinionCloss Dbelief解析:对他个人来说失去妻子是一个巨大的损失,但他因此做出了善意的行为。loss“损失,失去”。答案:C19Acancer BmemoryCwish Drecovery解析:他用善意的行为纪念他逝去的妻子。 honor the memory of表示“纪念”。答案:B20Abetter BworseCmore peaceful Dmore terrible解析:根据伦纳德的行为可知他是个好人,他让这个世界变得更美好。答案:A.语法填空(2021青岛诊断性训练)Located on the island of Pemba, Vanta Resort is

14、 a remote and luxurious hotel, famed for its unique underwater room that allows guests to enjoy the 1. (beauty) marine life of the Indian Ocean from the comfort of their bed!The unusual room floats almost 250 meters away from the coast and 2. (hold) in place by several anchor lines (锚索) leading to t

15、he ocean floor. The top two floors of the underwater room are above the surface of the water. At sea level, the landing deck (甲板) in 3. middle contains an area for resting and dining as well as the bathroom facilities.4. (guest) can also climb a ladder onto the top deck to lie out 5. the sun or gaze

16、 up at the stars during the night.Of course, the real attraction is the bedroom on the bottom level, 6. sits four meters beneath the surface of the water. Besides a double bed 7. (lie) on, the room also has two large windows on each wall, 8. (give) almost a total 360degree view of the water around i

17、t. Each window even has underwater spotlights on the outside that attract and illuminate (照明) nearby sea creatures at night, so guests can watch them as they drift off to sleep.As you can 9. (probable) guess, the cost of enjoying such a hotel room isnt cheap. Spending one night in the underwater roo

18、m costs $1,500 for two people on top of the regular cost of the resort, which 10. (vary) depending on the time of year and duration of your stay.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了坐落在印度洋Pemba岛上的水下宾馆客房。1解析:考查形容词。根据空格后的marine life可知,此处需要用形容词修饰名词,故填beauty的形容词形式beautiful。答案:beautiful2解析:考查动词的时态和语态。根据上文的floats可知,此处用一般现

19、在时,同时The unusual room与hold之间是动宾关系,故需要用被动语态。答案:is held3解析:考查冠词。根据语境可知,此处表示“中间部分的甲板”,故用定冠词the。in the middle“在中间”,是固定用法。答案:the4解析:考查名词单复数。空前无限定词,所以需要用guest的复数形式。答案:Guests5解析:考查介词。客人们可以爬上梯子到顶层甲板上去晒晒太阳。in the sun表示“在阳光下”。答案:in6解析:考查定语从句。空处引导非限制性定语从句,此处的先行词是前面的the bedroom,且空处在非限制性定语从句中充当主语,所以填which。答案:whi

20、ch7解析:考查非谓语动词。根据语境可知,此处表示“除了一张可以躺在上面的双人床之外”,故应用不定式作后置定语,来修饰a double bed。答案:to lie8解析:考查非谓语动词。two large windows on each wall与give构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故用动词的ing形式作结果状语。答案:giving9解析:考查副词。根据空后的guess可知,此处需填副词修饰谓语动词,故用probable的副词形式probably。答案:probably10解析:考查时态和主谓一致。根据主句的costs可知此处应用一般现在时,which指代the regular cost of the resort,所以需要用vary的第三人称单数形式varies。答案:varies- 4 - 版权所有高考资源网


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