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2020-2021学年新教材人教版英语必修第三册课时分层作业 7 UNIT 3 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、课时分层作业(七).单词拼写根据首字母或汉语提示写出下列单词1I was more than glad to be admitted into the key university after years of hard work.2He felt definitely proud when he knew his son got the first in the competition.3A terrible accident occurred at the crossing of the road last weekend.4Many Chinese immigrants rebuilt

2、the city after the 1906 earthquake.5The museum did a really good job of showing the historical changes in the town.6He sought(追求) his fortune in the city after graduating from the college.7He made a diagram(图表) to introduce his plan about the project.8He escaped(逃跑) to Japan from Guangdong in 1910.9

3、He was selected(挑选) to take part in the game held in our school last month.10He described some beautiful scenery in his travel journal(日记).阅读理解AYear in year out, many high school graduates go to college to continue their education and pursue (追求) their lifelong dreams. College has many advantages fo

4、r the later life.When I look back on the years I spent in college, I dont regret even a bit. As a matter of fact, I believe they were the most important years of my life.I came out of Saint Martins College being a bright graduate, ready to take charge of my life and pursue all my dreams with a clear

5、 focus. Besides education, the kind of life I experience in college teaches me a lot about life outside school.There are many differences between my precollege years and the postcollege years. To start with, I grew up in the countryside, so I was not used to talking with strangers. I was comfortable

6、 with my small world and could not see its changing.However, all this changed the day I stepped into Saint Martins College.Though shy at first, I was amazed by my new surroundings; I met and communicated with people from all over the world.I made friends with students from other states and other cou

7、ntries. After four years in college, I was inclined to embrace (拥抱) the world.I didnt mind working in Asia or Africa for I was prepared.College also prepared me well for employment, but I didnt even know what to pursue when in high school.Later I pursued a degree in business and I am working my way

8、to being a CEO at the moment. The college really improved my chances of getting a job and my earning potential(潜力)I want to encourage everyone out there to pursue a higher education. Anyway, higher education helps us increase knowledge about life; it provides us with an insight into various opportun

9、ities in life and thus makes one achieve his/her goals.【语篇解读】本文语篇类型是议论文,主题语境是学校生活。文章介绍了作者上大学的经历如何改变了他的一生。1What does the author mainly want to tell us in the first paragraph?AHe really wanted to go to college.BHis college life was busy and happy.CThe college education benefited him a lot.DThe college

10、 education helped realize his dreams.C段落大意题。第一段中的“College has many advantages for the later life.”是本文的主旨,而本段重在强调上大学让作者更加掌控了自己的人生,有了明确的生活目标,而且上大学也教会了作者如何应对学校外面的生活。2What does the underlined word “inclined” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?AFree.BCurious.CProud.DWilling.D词义猜测题。根据第二段可知,作者上大学前满足于自己的小世界而不愿改变;

11、上大学后一切都变了,他跟来自世界各地的人交流并成了朋友;四年大学生活的历练之后,他愿意拥抱这个世界了。3According to the text, which of the following is the advantage of college?AIt contributes to ones success.BIt makes one an expert in his field.CIt helps reduce the unemployment rate.DIt lets one no longer fear the new surroundings.A推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,上

12、大学可以增长知识,提供更多的机会,可以帮助人们实现目标,对一个人的成功有促进作用。4What is the authors purpose in writing the text?ATo introduce his college life.BTo encourage people to go to college.CTo explain how college changed his life.DTo show what to expect from college life.B写作意图题。根据最后一段中的“I want to encourage everyone out there to

13、pursue education to the highest level.”可知,作者意在鼓励人们上大学。BMary Anyango, a young mother and health worker from Migori, Kenya, walks for about 20 minutes each way to get clean water from the river. Pregnant (怀孕的) with her third child, she must carefully keep her balance.The lack of clean water has threat

14、ened her young childrens health.In Oaxaca, Mexico, mother of two young children, Ramirez Negrete, takes a 40minute walk each way to the neighbouring town to get water. Her eldest daughter dreams of becoming a doctor some day, and Negrete says that making sure her children are drinking clean water is

15、 one way to help them realize their dreams.The lives of these two women are featured in the documentary (纪录片), The Power of Clean Water, produced by Procter & Gamble (P&G) and National Geographic and screened in Singapore on World Water Day. The documentary shows the power of clean water to move peo

16、ple, women especially, beyond basic survival.Claude Zukowski, manager of P&G Childrens Safe Drinking Water Program, said that the problem of lacking clean water affects 844 million people worldwide daily. This program provides their Singaporeproduced Purifier of Water product for communities through

17、out the world.It has delivered over 13 billion litres of clean water since 2004. The small P&G water purifier (净化器) can purify 10 litres of possibly deadly water in only 30 minutes, enough drinking water for a family of five for one day.Jill Cress, chief marketing officer for National Geographic, sa

18、id the documentary reflects the very real and powerful stories of people whose lives have been influenced by programs that provide access (途径) to clean drinking water. “At National Geographic, we believe that great storytelling can arouse curiosity and help solve big problems,” she said.【语篇解读】本文语篇类型

19、是说明文,主题语境是自然生态。饮用水的缺乏是一个普遍存在的问题,一部纪录片为我们讲述了与饮用水有关的故事,引发了广泛关注。5What is the same when it comes to Anyangos and Negretes lives?AThe source of their income.BThe number of their children.CThe cause of their difficulties.DThe health of their young families.C推理判断题。根据第一段首句和第二段首句可知,这两位女性在生活上的困难是一样的,都是缺乏安全的饮用

20、水。6Why does the author tell the stories of the two women?ATo show the power of clean water.BTo show the cause of water shortage.CTo show the content of the documentary.DTo show the problem of lacking clean water.D推理判断题。这两位女性生活上都缺乏饮用水,作者讲述她们的故事就是为了抛出饮用水缺乏这一问题。7What is the P&Gs program mainly about?AP

21、roviding purifiers.BDelivering purified water.CTeaching people to purify water.DOffering tools for collecting water.A细节理解题。根据第四段中的“This program provides their Singaporeproduced Purifier of Water product for communities throughout the world.”可知,宝洁公司的这一项目主要是向缺饮用水的社区提供净水器。“It has delivered over 13 bill

22、ion litres of clean water since 2004”这是这一项目的成果。8What does Jill Cress mainly tell us in the last paragraph?AThe advantages of P&Gs program.BThe promising future of clean water.CPeoples attitudes to the documentary.DThe importance of the documentary.D推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“.the documentary reflects the very r

23、eal and powerful stories.we believe that great storytelling can arouse curiosity and help solve big problems”可知,Jill Cress旨在强调该纪录片的重要性。.阅读七选五阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。It takes time to really get to know someone, but first impressions often determine whether someone is willing to spen

24、d more time learning about you.In fact, peoples first impressions are made within seven seconds of meeting someone new. 1 Show respect. People want to feel respected before they show you the same respect. 2 Be sure to treat everyone around you well, because it shows a lot about who you are.Be enthus

25、iastic. 3 Dont be afraid to show that you are interested in someone.In fact, people often see passion (激情) as a charming sign of strength and inspiration. Showing your enthusiasm by smiling or using friendly humor will make you seem easygoing. 4 Body language is as important as your words to first i

26、mpressions. Make sure your posture is good, make strong eye contact (眼神接触) and try to express your interest in others.Try to avoid the bad days. If something unfortunate happens, you dont have to follow a scheduled meeting on the day. 5 Let them know you dont want unfavorable things to affect them.

27、Itll show your ability to communicate effectively.AMake others comfortable.BInstead, you can set another time.CPay attention to your body language.DShow interest in the person you meet.EWhen you go out for dinner, be polite to waiters.FBe polite and show manners with “please” and “thank you”GHere ar

28、e some tips on how to make a good first impression.【语篇解读】本文语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是人际沟通。本文介绍了如何给对方留下好的第一印象的方法。1G空白处前引出第一印象这个话题,空白处后列举了几种方法,判断该空为主旨句,引出下文,G项符合逻辑。2F根据空白处前内容“只有别人感觉到受尊重了,他才会尊重你”可知,要有礼貌。3D该段主旨为要热情。D项“要对你见到的人表示有兴趣”与本段主旨吻合。4C空后提到肢体语言对第一印象的重要性可知,C项与本段主旨吻合。5B本段主要讲了当有不好的事发生时,你没必要非要在同一天赴约,可以约另一个时间,从而避免让自己的消极情绪影响自己要见的人,故选B。


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