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2020浙江新高考英语二轮复习专题强化训练:阅读提速练(一) WORD版含解析.doc

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1、阅读提速练(一) (建议用时:30分钟)阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A(2019绍兴诊断性考试)The world can be a scary place when youre young. It can be even scarier when youre a young little blue penguin(企鹅)the tiniest of the penguin species. Luckily, there are some humans willing to he

2、lp. They stepped in to protect Billy, a blue penguin that appeared on a beach in Christchurch, New Zealand.Spotted on November 29 at the slipway at Moncks Bay, near Sumner, in Christchurch, the little penguin immediately attracted a small crowd. Jeff Mein Smith saw the crowd while he was bicycling t

3、hat afternoon, and he biked home to get his camera. When he returned to the scene, he found that the penguin had received a little sign, one that read “Hi, Im waiting for my mum to come back. DOC(Department of Conservation) knows Im here. Please leave me alone. Keep your dog away. Thanks. Billythe b

4、aby blue penguin.”Billy didnt move away from the sign. The DOC arrived later that afternoon to pick up Billy, though they were surprised to see it on the beach. “Its unusual for a blue penguin to be out in the open on the beach during the day,” Anita Spencer, a DOC senior ranger, told Stuff.Billy wa

5、s taken to the Christchurch Penguin Rehabilitation Center after being retrieved from the beach. Volunteers believe the bird may actually be a female penguin, and is around 2 months old. The chick weighs a mere 550 grams, less than a standard basketball. A blue penguin should weigh around 900 grams a

6、t this age. Most little penguins grow up to weigh 1 kilogram.The center will help the little penguin gain some weight by feeding it fish juice, before its set free into the ocean.1Why can the world be frightening to a young penguin?AIt is a rare species.BIt faces potential danger.CIt is surrounded b

7、y the crowd.DIt is threatened by dogs.2Which of the following can replace the underlined word “retrieved” in paragraph 4?AIgnored.BCured.CGiven away.DBrought back.3What will happen to Billy in the center?AIt will be reported to Stuff.BIt will be visited by the locals.CIt will be taken good care of.D

8、It will be fed with fruit juice.B You cant see your sleeping pets brain waves, but its behavior can tell you when your cat might be dreaming. If you watch closely, youll see that as she falls asleep, her breathing becomes slow and regular with her body still. She has entered the first stage of sleep

9、, called slowwave sleep. After about 15 minutes youll notice a change in her breathing. Her eyes move under her closed lids, her paws twitch(抽动) and she flicks(轻拂) an ear. She has entered dreaming. Although she twitches and makes little grunting noises, messages from her brain to the large muscles i

10、n her legs are blocked, so she cant run about. She is in a state of “sleep paralysis(麻痹)”Michel Jouvet, a French scientist, interrupted their sleep paralysis. Even though they were completely asleep, the dreaming cats began to run for balls that Jouvet couldnt see and arched their backs at unseen en

11、emies. He figured he was watching them act out their dreams! Obviously, the dreaming cats seemed to be practising important cat skills: following, pouncing, and fighting.In another study, Matt Wilson recorded rats brain waves while they learned mazes. One day, her left the brainwaverecording machine

12、 on while the rats fell asleep. The pattern of brain waves in the sleeping rats matched the pattern from the maze so closely that Wilson could figure out exactly which part of the maze each rat was dreaming about!Many researchers now think that in both people and animals, one purpose of dreams is to

13、 practise important skills and figure out recent learning. This may explain why so many people dream about fighting and escaping, skills that were probably important to our ancestors, and why dreaming affects our ability to learn.Do all animals dream? From looking at the brain waves of sleeping anim

14、als, how often animals dream seems to be tied to body size. Cats dream about every 15 minutes, mice every 9 minutes, and elephants every 2 hours. And though cows and horses usually sleep standing up, they only dream when lying down.4What does Michel Jouvet find in his study?AThe dreaming cats are in

15、 a state of body paralysis.BThe dreaming cats often practise their important skills.CThe eyes of dreaming cats move while bodies are still.DThe legs of the dreaming cats cant move.5What can you know about dreaming from the passage?ADreaming a lot can help humans learn more.BLearning mazes is the bas

16、ic skill for cats to learn.CRats often dream to work out their recent learning.DFighting and escaping are not important skills for ancestors.6How does the author develop his passage?ABy making comparisons.BBy using figures.CBy telling stories.DBy showing facts.C Skyscrapers are the symbol of urban l

17、ife. City people are used to seeing tall buildings and apartments. Farms, on the other hand, are associated with rural(农村的) life. However, there are experts who think skyscrapers should become farms to meet the increasing food needs.By the middle of this century, some scientists suggest, almost 80%

18、of the Earths population could live in cities. In addition, the population could increase to 9.1 billion during that time yet the amount of land available for farming will be the same. If current farming practices dont change, we will need an area of new land to produce enough food for the planet.Ve

19、rtical farms, where urban farmers could grow crops in environmentally friendly skyscrapers, could be the solution. In spite of concerns over high costs, experts want to make it a reality and use these skyscrapers to grow crops.Vertical farms would have many advantages, supporters say. Unlike traditi

20、onal farming, vertical farming could be free of chemicals and diseases. Besides, crops would not suffer from problems like flooding. Finally, vertical farms would reduce the cost and negative effects of transporting food over long distances.Some argue that although crops growing in a tall glass buil

21、ding would get natural sunlight during the day, it wouldnt be enough. For this reason, vertical farms would need additional light sources(来源), such as artificial light.Another way of growing fresh food is to build urban farms on rooftops. This more practical approach may be more achievable than the

22、idea of farms in skyscrapers, researchers suggest. Experts agree that innovative(革新的) farming practices are needed to support the need for more food at affordable costs, both to the farmer and to the consumer, but the best ideas have yet to come.7What primary problem could vertical farming settle?AP

23、oor state of rural life.BShortage of food supply.CHigh cost of transporting crops.DEnvironmental pollution by traditional farming.8What is the advantage of vertical farming?AIt can produce organic food.BIt requires little care.CIt can benefit transport industry.DIt needs very low cost.9What is a big

24、 challenge of making vertical farming a reality?AFarmable land.BCrop diseases.CLight sources.DClimate conditions.10What can be the best title of the text?AFuture Food NeedsBSymbol of Urban LifeCFarming on RooftopsDFarms of the Future第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Can c

25、reativity be taught? Thats a question without a simple yes or no answer. Creativity may not be able to be taught directly, but what you can get better at is frequently targeting at the circumstances of life which bring up the greatest chances for true creative expression. 11._, but more like somethi

26、ng which manifests(显现) itself inside those who learn to develop it and create the right conditions for it.Limit your selection of tools to only the most vital. 12._. Youll be sharper than someone who merely fights with a larger set of tools.Learn how to be resourceful. 13._. Creativity is not just a

27、bout creating something new but making old things work better as well. Think of crazy possibilities as well as practical ones. You might find inspiration for a workable solution in one of your ideas.Dont listen to feedback(反馈) and keep following your own path. The problem of asking for feedback is t

28、hat the feedback will be given according to the persons past experience. Others will unconsciously push you in a direction that they see as the best. 14._. Just dont let criticism destroy your creativity during the creative process.15_. Routines are positive if they strengthen a healthy creative con

29、sciousness and negative if they destroy that. The key is to discover a creative routine that puts you in a more creative mindset.ACreativity is not like a lightning strikeBHaving a routine is actually not a bad ideaCYou can literally do anything you like with themDResourcefulness is about making the

30、 most of what you have to work withEThe more limited your set of tools is, the more creative the output will beFThis is done with good intentions, but it actually hurts your natural creativityGWhile breaking your routine once in a while to force new ways of thinking is good阅读提速练(一)阅读理解第一节【解题导语】本文主要讲

31、述了一只小蓝企鹅在人们的帮助下最终得救的故事。1B解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的内容,尤其是“Please leave me alone. Keep your dog away.”可知,当时有人在那只小蓝企鹅旁边竖了一个牌子警示人们不要打扰它,不要让狗靠近它。由此可推知,对于那只小蓝企鹅来讲,这个世界是可怕的,因为它面临着一些潜在的危险。故B项正确。2D解析:词义猜测题。根据第四段第一句“Billy was taken to the Christchurch Penguin Rehabilitation Center after being retrieved from the beach.”

32、可知,这只小蓝企鹅是从沙滩上被带到克赖斯特彻奇的一个企鹅康复中心的。由此可推知,画线词与brought back“带回”意思相近。故D项正确。3C解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,在这只小蓝企鹅被放回海洋之前,康复中心会帮助它增加一些体重。由此可推知,在企鹅康复中心里,这只小蓝企鹅会得到很好的照顾。故C项正确。【长难句分析】They stepped in to protect Billy, a blue penguin that appeared on a beach in Christchurch, New Zealand.分析:这是一个主从复合句。“a blue penguin”作“Bi

33、lly”的同位语;“that appeared on a beach in Christchurch, New Zealand”为that引导的定语从句,that在从句中作主语,修饰先行词“a blue penguin”。译文:他们对Billy援之以手,将它保护起来,它是一只出现在新西兰克赖斯特彻奇沙滩上的小蓝企鹅。【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。研究发现,动物和人类一样,也会经常做梦,梦的内容常常跟学习重要的技能和弄清最近学习的东西相关;体型越小的动物,做梦的频率越高。4B解析:细节理解题。根据第二段尾句“Obviously, the dreaming cats seemed to be pr

34、actising important cat skills: following, pouncing, and fighting.”可知,这些做梦的猫似乎在练习重要的猫科动物技能:跟随、猛扑和打斗。故B项正确。5C解析:推理判断题。根据第四段第一句“Many researchers now think that in both people and animals, one purpose of dreams is to practise important skills and figure out recent learning.”可知,许多研究人员现在认为,无论是人还是动物,做梦的一个目

35、的都是为了练习重要的技能,并弄清最近学习的东西。据此可推知,老鼠经常通过做梦来弄清楚最近学习的东西,故C项正确。6D解析:写作手法题。根据第一段倒数第二句“Although she twitches and makes little grunting noises, messages from her brain to the large muscles in her legs are blocked, so she cant run about.”并结合全文其他内容可知,文中列举了大量事实来说明动物做梦的现象,从而组织文章,故D项正确。【长难句分析】If you watch closely,

36、 youll see that as she falls asleep, her breathing becomes slow and regular with her body still.分析:该句为主从复合句。句中“If you watch closely”为if引导的条件状语从句;“that as she falls asleep, her breathing becomes slow and regular with her body still”为that引导的宾语从句,作及物动词“see”的宾语,其中“as she falls asleep”为as引导的时间状语从句。译文:如果你

37、仔细观察,你会发现,当她睡着时,她的呼吸变得缓慢而有规律,而她的身体却静止不动。【解题导语】本文提出传统农业所提供的食物满足不了日益增长的人口的需求,垂直农业或许可以解决这一问题。但对这一农业方式,不同的人有不同的看法。7B解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“If current farming practices dont change, we will need an area of new land to produce enough food for the planet.”及第三段中的“Vertical farms.could be the solution.”可知,如果现代的农耕方式

38、不改变,我们将需要新的土地来为地球(上的人们)生产足够的食物,而垂直农业或许可以解决食物短缺问题。故选B项。8A解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Unlike traditional farming, vertical farming could be free of chemicals and diseases.”可知,垂直农业可以远离化学物质和疾病。由此可见,垂直农业的优点之一就是可以生产有机食物。故选A项。9C解析:细节理解题。根据第五段的内容,尤其是该段最后一句“For this reason, vertical farms would need additional light so

39、urces(来源), such as artificial light.”可知,垂直农业需要额外的光源。由此可知,光源问题是实现垂直农业的一大挑战。故选C项。10D解析:标题归纳题。通读全文并根据第一段最后一句和最后一段可知,作者通过说明传统农业所提供的食物满足不了日益增长的人口的需求,提出需要创造现代垂直农业来解决这个问题。全文都是围绕着未来的垂直农业展开的,故D项(未来的农业)最适合作文章标题。第二节【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了培养创造力的一些方法。11A解析:根据空后的“but more like something which.conditions for it”可知,空处

40、和后面的句子构成一个“not.but.”句型。故选A项。12E解析:由空前一句“Limit your selection of tools to only the most vital.”可知,E项符合语境,承接上文。故选E项。13D解析:空前一句“Learn how to be resourceful.”中的“resourceful”和D项中的“Resourcefulness”相呼应。故选D项。14F解析:根据该段的主题句“Dont listen to feedback(反馈) and keep following your own path.”并结合空前一句“Others will unconsciously push you in a direction that they see as the best.”可知,其他人的反馈意图是好的,但会伤害你的创造力。故选F项。15B解析:根据文章的结构和空处所在的位置可知,空处为该段的主题句。本段主要讲的是有一个固定的程序实际上不是一个坏主意。故选B项。


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