蝶恋花送春楼外垂杨千万缕,欲系青春,少住春还去。犹自风前飘柳絮,随春且看归何处。绿满山川闻杜宇,便作无情,莫也愁人苦。把酒送春春不语,黄昏欲下潇潇雨。Outside the lodge the weeping willow twigs hang numerous,To tie down tender spring.But spring,briefly held,goes on its way.The catkins float around on the windTo follow in springs footsteps to see where it may stay.Green fills up the streams and hillsAnd one hears the cuckoo bird.Even if unfeeling,Is not one tormented by the sadness?I hold up my wine cup to see off spring;Spring nevertheless has no word for me.By dusk time a silent rain is falling.