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2019-2020学年人教版英语必修一课件:UNIT 3 单元要点回扣 .ppt

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1、 重点单词重点词汇夯实练1.persuade vt.说服;劝说He is sure to come.Ive persuaded him _(join)in our conversation.Dont let yourself _(persuade)into buying things you dont need.2.attitude n态度;看法It was your bad attitude _ your work that made your parents upset.to joinbe persuadedtowards/to3.disadvantage n不利条件;不便之处If you

2、 dont have a good command of English,you will be at a _(advantage).Everybody has his own _(advantage),so dont laugh at others.Your good knowledge of computer gave you an advantage _ others.disadvantagedisadvantagesover4.prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)Talking about the future,I prefer _(be)a businessma

3、n rather than _(be)an official.He prefers _(read)in the library to _(kill)his spare time at home.to bebereadingkilling5.graduate vi.毕业 n大学毕业生Many boys and girls go to college after their _(graduate)from high school.Nowadays many _(graduate)are determined to work in the countryside to gain some exper

4、iences.My brother is a _ in physics and he _ from Beijing University.He has been working in a famous company after _(graduate)graduationgraduatesgraduategraduatedgraduation6.determine vt.决定;确定;下定决心Encouraged by a famous dancer,the little girl is _(determine)to do what she is interested in.We shouldn

5、t be discouraged after failures.Instead,we should keep trying with _(determine)._(determine)never to come back before he could make a lot of money,he left home without saying a word.determineddeterminationDetermined7.schedule n时间表;进度表 vt.为某事安排时间The train _(schedule)to arrive at 8:45,but its running

6、twenty minutes late.The sports meeting is scheduled _tomorrow morning.The building was completed three months _(提前).is scheduledforahead of schedule8.view n风景;视野;观点;见解 vt.观看;注视;考虑When we climbed to the top of the mountain,we _(看得清)the whole city._(依我看来),you should follow your teachers advice.9.organ

7、ize vt.组织;成立Those activities _(organize)by our school,whichreally provided us with much pleasure.Mr.Black,who is a very _ person,works as the president of a large international _.(organize)had/got aIn my viewwere organizedorganizedorganizationgood view of阅读词汇排查练1.journal n_2.fare n._3.route n._4.par

8、cel n._5.source n._6.temple n_7.altitude n._日记;杂志;定期刊物费用路线;路途小包;包裹来源;水源庙宇;寺庙海拔高度;高处8.valley n._9.waterfall n._10.insurance n._11.pillow n _12.flame n._13.cave n._14.detail n._15.glacier n._(山)谷;流域瀑布保险枕头;枕垫火焰;光芒;热情洞穴;地窖细节;详情冰河;冰川 重点短语会书写1._自从;自以后2._喜爱;喜欢3._关心;忧虑;惦念4._毕业于5._下决心;决定ever sincebe fond ofc

9、are aboutgraduate from.make up ones mind6._投降;屈服;让步7._照常8._在午夜9._张贴;搭建;供给住宿10._梦想give inas usualat midnightput updream about/of会应用1._ I graduated from college,I have dreamed about travelling around the world.2.On weekends,they always drive to the seaside,where they _ their tents to enjoy the sunligh

10、t.3.My brother_ playing chess,while I enjoy playingfootball and basketball.Ever sinceput upis fond of4.Once he _ do something he is interested in,Mr.Wang seldom changes his mind.5.Yuan Longping is quite satisfied with his life.However,he doesnt _ being famous.6.It took me two hours to persuade him,a

11、nd finally he _and agreed to help us.makes up his mindcare aboutgave in 重点句型1insist that.(should)do sth.坚持主张做某事(2017天津卷)老师坚持主张要充分利用每一分钟来做好这项工作。The teacher insisted that _ to do the work well.2主语beadj.to do 结构尽管这个问题很难解决,但我并没有放弃。Even though the problem _,I didnt give up.every minute(should)be made ful

12、l use ofwas difficult to solve3can hardly/cant wait to do sth.迫不及待地要做某事经过这次漫长而又疲惫的旅行,玛丽迫不及待地想回到家里。Mary _ after such a long and tiring journey.4once 引导状语从句(2018全国卷 I)一旦你很好地了解了中国餐桌礼仪,你就知道在晚宴上做什么了。_,you will know what to do at the dinner party.Once you have a better understanding of the Chinese table m

13、annerscan hardly wait to get home5soadj./adv.that.如此以至于他是如此善良,每个人都喜欢跟他说话。He is _ everyone likes to talk with him.6no matter how 引导让步状语从句,意为“不管怎样”无论有多么困难,我都不会放弃。I will never give up _so kind thatno matter how hard it is 单元语法1Betty _(leave)for Guangzhou by plane tomorrow.2Bob _(go)to the airport by ta

14、xi next week.3When she _(come),Ill tell her about it.4As soon as he _(come)back,I will tell you.5Usually the new term _(start)on August 29th.is leavingis goingcomescomesstarts 话题写作根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文,并背诵成文。1我弟弟非常喜欢狗,以至于他说服妈妈给他买了一只。(so.that.;persuade sb.to do sth.)2我弟弟很关心他的宠物狗。(care about)3他坚持每天带它出去

15、散步。(insist)4是这只宠物狗使他更有责任心。(It is.that.)5一天他像往常一样很早就起床了。(as usual)6他决定给狗狗洗个澡。(determine/make up ones mind to do sth.)7但狗狗不愿意,所以我弟弟改变了主意,并向它屈服了。(change ones mind;give in)8这件事使他相信强迫它做它不想做的事情不好。(persuade)9自那以后,他再也不强迫小狗做任何它不喜欢做的事情了。(ever since)_One possible version:My little brother loves dogs so much th

16、at he persuades my mother to buy one for him.He cares much about his pet dog and insists that he should take it out for a walk every day.It is the pet dog that has made him more responsible.One day,he got up early as usual and determined/made up his mind to give the dog a bath,but the dog wouldnt do it,so my little brother changed his mind and gave in to it.It persuaded him that it was not good to force it to do what it didnt want to.Ever since then,he hasnt forced the dog to do anything it doesnt like to.按ESC键退出全屏播放本部分内容讲解结束


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