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广东省化州市实验中学高中英语选修七:学业达标测评 UNIT 1 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家. 单项填空1. (2012龙岩高二检测)Sir, do you have anything _ this afternoon? If there is nothing to do, I wonder if I may ask for a leave. A. typingB. typedC. to typeD. to be typed2. Though he had often made his little sister _, today he was made _ by his little sister. A. cry;to cryB. crying;cr

2、yingC. cry;cryD. to cry;cry3. (2012北京高二检测)The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _ it more difficult. A. not makeB. not to makeC. not makingD. do not make4. Its a great pleasure _ with him. A. to talkB. talkC. talkedD. to talking5. (2012青岛高二检测)Well, a soup, a salad, and anything _,

3、sir? An apple pie, pleaseAfollowsBto followCfollowedDfollowing6. He lost all his money when traveling long distance. The only thing he could do was _ his wife for help. A. callingB. callC. calledD. calls7. (2012天津高二检测) The meeting _ next week is sure to be a great success. A. to holdB. to be heldC.

4、to have heldD. being held8. (2012安徽高考)I remembered _ the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the lights. A. lockingB. to lockC. having lockedD. to have locked9. The problem is so difficult for us _. A. work outB. to be worked outC. to work outD. to work it out10. (2010杭州高二检测)Here w

5、e found little snow, as most of it seemed _ blown off the mountain. A. that it wasB. to beC. to have beenD. that it had been. 用所给动词的适当形式填空1. _ (see) is to believe. 2. He intended _ (get) up early. 3. He showed us how _ (do) the work. 4. They went there _ (visit) their teacher. 5. He searched the roo

6、m only _ (find) nothing. 6. I am sorry _ (give) you so much trouble. 7. He pretended _ (work). 8. Let me listen to you _ (play) the violin. 9. He was seen _ (enter) the room. 10. My teacher asked us _ (work) hard at English. . 完成句子1. 谁教你踢足球的?Who taught you _? 2. 我很高兴和你在一起工作。I am very glad _. 3. 鲍勃假装

7、没听到我的话。Bob pretended _. 4. 工人们被迫长时间地工作。The workers _. 5. 我的奶奶醒来,结果发现大家都走了。My grandmother woke up _. 6. 明天将举行会议。The meeting is _ tomorrow. 7. 掌握一门外语不难。It is not difficult _. 8. 他的梦想是成为一名医生。His dream is _. 9. 石头太重, 搬不动。The stone is _. 10. 她匆匆忙忙赶到邮局,结果发现关门了。She hurried to the post office, _. . 语法填空If y

8、ou go out to the fields at night in spring or summer, you can hear frogs singing1. _ (joy) here and there. It seems as if they were performing a field symphony. The frog is a good and useful creature that benefits human beings. They can catch fast-moving insects. Each frog eats a large number of pes

9、ts that are harmful2. _ crops. This little creature is regarded 3. _ “the natural enemy of pests”4. _ now frogs are getting fewer and fewer. This is because they are killed and put on the table as a delicious dish by their chief enemy, human beings. It is 5. _ shameless and cruel act, isn t it? Anot

10、her cause responsible for the rapid reduction of frogs is that farmers use insecticides (杀虫剂)6. _ (kill) pests and frogs get killed as a result of drinking poisoned water 7. _ eating poison-killed insects. Something must be done without delay8. _ (save) frogs. If we dont punish those 9. _ sell and k

11、ill frogs to make money, then one day all of us will be punished by nature for failing 10. _ (keep)the balance of nature. 答案解析 . 1.【解析】选D。句意: 先生,今天下午你还有需要打印的东西吗?如果没有事情可做了,我想我是否可以请假。由句意可知anything与type之间为被动关系,且动作未发生,故用to be typed。2.【解析】选A。make sb. do 让某人做某事, 但若用于被动结构后,把省略的不定式符号to加上。3.【解析】选B。句意: 新科技的目的

12、是使生活更容易而不是更难。不定式的否定形式是在to 前加not,故选B。4.【解析】选A。由句子结构可知,it在句中作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语,故选A。5.【解析】选B。句意: 哦,一份汤,一份色拉,还要别的东西吗,先生?再来一份苹果馅饼。表示“还要什么东西”是将要发生的动作,故用不定式作anything的定语,故选B。6.【解析】选B。句意: 在长途旅行时,他失去了所有的钱。他所能做的惟一的事情就是给他妻子打电话寻求帮助。主语部分含有动词do, 作表语的动词不定式可省略to, 故答案为B。7.【解析】选B。句意: 下周举行的会议一定会很成功。meeting与hold之间为动宾关系,且

13、动作在next week 发生需用表示将来的时态,故选B。8.【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意为: 在离开办公室前我记住了关门,但是忘记了关灯。remember to do sth. 意为“记住要去做某事”,remember doing sth. 意为“记得以前做过某事”。本题是对发生在过去情况的客观陈述,根据but可知前后是互相对立的两件事情,即“记住了关门而忘记了关灯”,故选择B项。【知识拓展】常见的既可跟动名词又可跟不定式作宾语,意义不同的动词remember to do sth. 记住要做某事remember doing sth. 记得做过某事forget to do sth. 忘记

14、要做某事forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事regret to do sth. 对将要做的事抱歉regret doing sth. 对发生过的事后悔try to do sth. 设法做某事,试图做某事try doing sth. 试试看,试一试mean to do sth. 打算做,想要mean doing sth. 意味着,就是I remember seeing you somewhere before. 我记得以前在哪儿见过你。Please remember to turn off the light when you leave. 离开时请记得关灯。9.【解析】选C。句意:

15、这个问题对我们来说很难解决。在“be+easy/hard/difficult+不定式”结构中常用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义,故选C。10.【解析】选C。句意:我们在这儿几乎没有发现雪,因为大部分雪看上去好像已经被风从山顶上吹走了。blow off这一动作发生在seemed之前,故用不定式的完成式,故选C。. 1. To see 2. to have got 3. to do 4. to visit 5. to find 6. to have given7. to be working 8. play 9. to enter 10. to work . 1. to play football

16、2. to be working with you 3. not to have heard me 4. were made to work long hours 5. to find everyone gone 6. to be held 7. to master a foreign language 8. to be a doctor 9. too heavy to carry 10. only to find it closed . 1【解析】 joyfully 副词修饰动词。2【解析】to be harmful to “对有害”,固定搭配。3【解析】asbe regarded as “被认为是”。4【解析】But 与上文是转折关系,且后面没有逗号,故用But。5【解析】a 根据语意“这是一种不知羞耻的残忍的行为”,可知此处应用不定冠词。6.【解析】to kill 用杀虫剂的目的是杀死害虫,故用不定式作目的状语。7【解析】or (另一个原因是)青蛙喝了有毒的水或者吃了被毒死的昆虫。二者是选择关系。8【解析】to save 为了保护青蛙,要刻不容缓地采取行动。不定式表目的。9【解析】who 定语从句,由于先行词是those,指人,故用who引导。10【解析】to keepfail 后跟不定式作宾语。 - 8 - 版权所有高考资源网


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