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-学业水平考试2016-2017高中英语必修二(浙江专用人教版)课件 UNIT 2 PERIOD ONE .ppt

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1、Period One Warming Up&Reading.课文理解 1.Who can be admitted to the present Olympic Games?课 文 预 读 A.All the athletes from all over the world.B.Athletes from the Greek world.C.Athletes who can reach the required standard.D.Athletes from the developed countries.2.Who could take part in the ancient Olympic

2、 Games?A.Greek nobles.B.Greek slaves.C.Greek women.D.English nobles.3.Which word can best describe Pausanias feeling?A.Disappointed.B.Angry.C.Sad.D.Surprised.4.What amazes Pausanias about the present-day Olympic Games?A.Men are allowed to take part in the Games.B.Its expensive to host the Olympic Ga

3、mes.C.All the sports events and all the countries as well as women cantake part in it.D.No country wants to host the Olympic Games.5.Why does Pausanias think people may be competing for money inthe modern Olympic Games?A.Because so many things have changed in the Olympics that hefears the spirit of

4、Olympic may change.B.Because the olive wreath has been replaced.C.Because the winners will become very rich.D.Because Beijing will host the Olympic Games in 2008.答案 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A.课文语法填空 Pausanias and Li Yan are talking about the similarities anddifferences_1_theancientandmodernOlympics.Theanci

5、entOlympic Games were first held in Athens,in _2_ only men from theGreece had the honour to compete.The champions_3_(award)oliverwreaths as prizes.The modern Olympics started in 1896.From then_4_,athletes from all over the world have come to take part in theGames_5_four years.There are two main sets

6、 of GamestheSummer and the Winter Olympics.All countries can take part _6_their athletes reach the standard to be admitted to the games.There are over 250 sports.To host all the competitors,_7_special village isusually built,with a stadium,a very large_8_(swim)pool,agymnasium as well as seats for th

7、ose who watch the games.Thewinners of the first three places are awarded gold,silver andbronze_9_(medal).The motto of the Olympic Games is“Swifter,Higher and_10_(strong).”答案 1.between 2.which 3.were awarded 4.on 5.every 6.if 7.a 8.swimming 9.medals 10.stronger.核心单词 一、单词拼写 1.He won the first prize in

8、 the poetry _(比赛).2.This is her _(常规的)route to her school.3.The child _(承认)that he had broken the glass.4.Its not a good idea to miss meals and_(取代)them withsnacks.5.My husband took full _(责任)for organizing the trip to theUnited States.答 案 petition 2.regular 3.admitted 4.replace 5.responsibility 知 识

9、 梳 理 二、单句语法填空 1.Any student who is interested in English can compete_theEnglish contest.2.In order to lead a regular life,he goes to the tennis club _(regular).3.It is known to all that tourists are not _(admit)into the parkafter 5 p.m.4.Generally speaking,the teacher hopes that each of us takes an

10、activepart _ sports.5.It is well-known to us that the pigeon stands _ peace.6.We cant compete _ other countries in trade if we dontdevelop our national economy.7.In the end,he had to admit _(take)my electronic dictionaryby mistake.8.A new material of which water pipes are made has already _(replace)

11、steel or iron in industry.9.We invited her to join us _ the discussion,but she would nottake part.10.What does NASA stand _?It means“National Aeronautics and Space Administration”.答 案 1.in 2.regularly 3.admitted 4.in 5.for 6.against 7.taking 8.replaced 9.in 10.for.重点短语 一、补全短语 1.take part_参加 2.stand_

12、代表;象征;表示;容忍 3.as _也 4._ charge主管;看管 pete _ sb与某人竞争 答案 1.in 2.for 3.well 4.in 5.with stand for;compete against;take part in;play an important rolein;make a bargain with;be admitted as;as well 1.Every four years athletes who have reached the agreed standardfrom all over the world _ competitors.2.In th

13、is secret code each number _ a letter of thealphabet.3.We are very happy to have the chance _ thecompetition on behalf of our school.4.Soccer is about teams _ each other.二、用所给短语的适当形式填空 5.He _ his wife,“You do the shopping and I will cook.”6.He told me that his discipline has made him happy in other

14、areas ofhis life _.7.As a parent,you can _ helping your child build up hisconfidence.答案 1.are admitted as 2.stands for 3.to take part in petingagainst 5.made a bargain with 6.as well 7.play an important role in.写作句式 句式运用(完成句子)1.The boss seems not satisfied with _(我们所做的事).2.He comes to see his parent

15、s _(每三天).3._(是我的同学)that I met in the railway station onMonday.4.Not only _(她工作努力)but also she is verycharming.5.I dont know,_(也不关心).答案 1.what we have done 2.every three days/every third day 3.It was my classmate 4.does she work hard 5.nor do I care【话题语篇导读】The Olympic Games The Olympic Games began ov

16、er 2,700 years ago in Olympia,in southwest Greece.The Games were part of a religious festival.TheGreek Olympics,thought to have begun in 776 BC,inspired themodern Olympic Games(begun in 1896).The Games were held inhonour of Zeus,king of the gods,and were staged every four years atOlympia,a valley ne

17、ar a city called Elis.People from all over theGreek world came to watch and take part.Events at the Games At the first one-day Olympic Games,the only event was a shortsprint from one end of the stadium to the other.Gradually more eventswere added to make four days of competitions.They includedwrestl

18、ing,boxing,long jump,throwing the javelin and discus,andchariot racing.In the pentathlon,there were five events:running,wrestling,javelin,discus and long jump.One of the toughest eventswas the race for hoplites,men wearing armour and carrying shields.Winners were given a wreath of leaves,and a heros

19、 welcomeback home.Winners might marry rich women,enjoy free meals,invitations to parties,and the best seats in the theatre.The running track was much wider than a modern one.Twentypeople could run at once.Women at Olympia Only men,boys and unmarried girls were allowed to attend theOlympic Games.Marr

20、ied women were not allowed into the OlympicGames.Any women caught sneaking in were punished!Women couldown horses in the chariot race though.Unmarried women had their own festival at Olympia every fouryears.This was the Heraia,held in honour of Hera,wife ofZeus.Women could compete in running races,t

21、hough only unmarriedgirls took part.Winners were awarded crowns of sacred olive branches,the same as men.As a rule Greek women did not go in for sport,unlessthey were Spartans.归纳拓展 competition n.比赛;竞争 competitive adj.有竞争力的 competitor n.比赛者;对手;竞争者 compete in参加比赛 compete against/with与比赛/竞争 compete for

22、为争取/得到而比赛【知识链接】pete vi.比赛;竞争 用适当的介词填空 No one can compete _ them on price.The two companies are competing_a bigger market.Women were first allowed to compete _ the Olympicshooting in 1968.答案 with/against for in 2.admit v.容许;承认;接纳;容纳 归纳拓展 admission n.承认;供认 admit sb to/into.允许某人进入;准许某人加入 admit sth/doin

23、g sth承认某事/做过某事 admitthatclause承认 admit sb/sth to beadj./n.承认为单句语法填空 You may not like the newcomer,but you have to admit_sheis good at her job.Lu Xun was admitted _ a great writer.He wasnt admitted _(join)the club because he was notold enough.I admitted _(break)the window.答案 that as to join breaking/having broken


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