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2018版高考英语二轮(浙江专用)专题限时集训(四) 训练4 推理判断题(Ⅰ) WORD版含解析.doc

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2018版高考英语二轮(浙江专用)专题限时集训(四) 训练4 推理判断题(Ⅰ) WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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2018版高考英语二轮(浙江专用)专题限时集训(四) 训练4 推理判断题(Ⅰ) WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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2018版高考英语二轮(浙江专用)专题限时集训(四) 训练4 推理判断题(Ⅰ) WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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2018版高考英语二轮(浙江专用)专题限时集训(四) 训练4 推理判断题(Ⅰ) WORD版含解析.doc_第4页
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2018版高考英语二轮(浙江专用)专题限时集训(四) 训练4 推理判断题(Ⅰ) WORD版含解析.doc_第5页
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2018版高考英语二轮(浙江专用)专题限时集训(四) 训练4 推理判断题(Ⅰ) WORD版含解析.doc_第6页
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1、专题限时集训(四)阅读理解训练4推理判断题()(对应学生用书第141页)A 【导学号:38144027】(2017浙江金丽衢十二校联考二)I had prided myself on being unattached to any device before I got a smartphone.Its not a very fancy smartphone,but I was lost.It was used during commercial breaks,the line at the bank,the three minutes it takes for the popcorn to

2、pop.I broke the most sacred technology rule I had with my kids not in the bedroom.I didnt just take my smartphone in the bedroom.I charged it there.Soon,that device was the first thing that I grabbed after waking checking the weather,the news,my emails,my messages,all before going to the bedroom or

3、letting out the dog.Eventually,it moved from my purse to my pocket.I knew its weight and I knew when it was missing.There is a lot of downtime as a parent.I used to keep a book with me for these times; now I keep the smartphone.I opened apps without conscious thoughttap,tap,refresh,refresh.Even look

4、ing up when I was watching a game on a sports field became a challenge.Recently,I was waiting for my younger childs soccer game to start,trying to answer emails,text my husband,and update a website.The phone lost its signals before my updating the website.I drove home and made a beeline for the lapt

5、op.My oldest child sat across from me.I asked the standard Momquestion halfheartedly,halflistening as she responded.She was talking about some music opportunity,something she was excited about.I glanced up from my screen and saw her looking right at me.I started apologizing,but she smiled:“My friend

6、s are much better at multitasking online.”Ouch !The next morning,I did something that was more painful than Id like to admit.I deleted all the apps.When I finished,my smartphone was just a phone again,something I could forget in the car,or in the bedroom.Hopefully,I still remember how to live.【语篇解读】

7、作者通过自己的亲身经历告诉我们,手机上瘾会带来不良后果。但幸运的是,作者最后摆脱了手机上瘾。1When did the writer find she should break away from the smartphone?A. Not until her opening apps became a challenge.BNot until her phone lost signals on the sports field.CNot until she left the smartphone in the car again.DNot until her daughter reminde

8、d her in a humorous way.D考查推理判断。根据倒数第四段的“My friends are much better at multitasking online”,并结合倒数第二段的”The next morning,I did something.just a phone again”可知,女儿那句略带幽默的话让作者醒悟过来,使她发现她应该摆脱手机上瘾。干扰项分析第六段第三句提到“I opened apps without conscious thought”,故排除A项;根据第六段最后一句“Even looking up when I was watching a ga

9、me on a sports field became a challenge”可知,作者在运动场上看比赛的时候也在专注于手机,故排除B项;文章没有提到作者把手机遗漏在汽车上,故排除C项。2What is the writers purpose of writing the story?A. To share with readers an exciting experience.BTo encourage herself to make good use of apps.CTo remind people to learn to use devices properly.DTo persua

10、de teenagers to get away from smartphones.C考查写作意图。根据全文可知,作者以自己的亲身经历来阐述手机上瘾带来的后果,提醒人们要合理使用现代化设备。3To support her idea,the author develops the text mainly by.Ausing idiomsBmaking comparisonsClisting reasons Dpresenting statisticsB考查推理判断。根据全文可知,作者通过对比使用智能手机前后的生活状况,阐述了手机上瘾带来的后果。B(2017浙江宁波十校模拟)We live in

11、a society where many people tend to have “black and white thinking” and extreme thinking.Every day a new headline announces a certain food is bad and ruining our health and praises another food of its amazing benefits.Each year,new studies in nutrition science come out,many of which are against earl

12、ier findings.Additionally,we are sold the lie that if we eat the “correct foods” and follow a set of rules,we will gain health and happiness.Weve all heard someone saying,“I ate a brownie(巧克力蛋糕) and I am so bad today.”Someone feels that what he eats determines whether he is a “good”or“bad”person.For

13、 instance,someone might also say,“I am a good parent if I feed my child this.”However,food isnt good or bad.What you choose to eat does not determine your value or worth as a human being.The only reason to feel guilty for eating a brownie is that you stole it from the store.Besides,the idea that you

14、 shouldnt eat late in the evening is a nutrition myth.Our metabolism (新陈代谢) keeps running 24 hours a day.Rules (like telling yourself when to stop eating) create fear and a sense that you cannot trust with food.Consistently fueling your body every few hours especially when you are hungry will allow

15、you to feel your best.So when you feel hungry before heading to bed,eat some cheese and crackers.In my opinion,mental health is an important part of ones overall health.I think we can all agree that being terrified to eat some food is not mentally healthy.Rather than focusing on food rules,aim for b

16、alance variety and flexibility.【语篇解读】本文主要讨论人们对于饮食的一些误解,并阐述了作者自己的看法。4We can judge whether a person is “good” or“bad”by Athe source of the foodBthe time when they eat their foodCthe persons preference for foodDthe things they put in their foodA考查推理判断。根据第二段最后一句“The only reason to feel guilty for eating

17、 a brownie is that you stole it from the store”可推知,判断一个人的好与坏主要看食物的来源,而非食物本身,故选A。5Which of the following can be inferred from the text?A. Its wrong for people to eat anything late in the evening.BIts important to keep a balanced diet for peoples health.CFear of some food is an important reflection of

18、 mental health.DParents who give children bad food are bad parents.B考查推理判断。根据最后一段最后一句“Rather than focusing on food rules,aim for balance variety and flexibility”和本段的整体内容可推知,平衡饮食对健康很重要。干扰项分析A项表示“对于人们来说晚上吃任何东西都是错误的”,根据文章第三段可知这只是人们的误解,故A项错误;C项错在害怕某种食物是一种精神健康的重要反映,根据最后一段第二句“I think we can all agree that

19、 being terrified to eat some food is not mentally healthy”可知,作者认为害怕某种食物是精神不健康的表现,故C项错误;D项错在父母给孩子不好的食物便是不好的父母,这正是第二段作者反驳的观点,故排除。6What seems to be the authors attitude toward the present thoughts about food?ADisapproving.BFavorable.CReserved. DObjective.A考查观点态度。根据第一段最后一句“Additionally,we are sold the l

20、ie that if we eat the correct foodsand follow a set of rules,we will gain health and happiness”和第一段的整体内容可推知,作者对目前有关饮食的看法是不赞同的,故选A。C 【导学号:38144028】Need for closure is a psychological term that describes a persons desire for a firm answer to a question.Our need for closure is our natural preference fo

21、r definite answers over confusion and uncertainty.Every person has their own baseline level of need for closure.It likely evolved via natural selection.What I find really fascinating is how our need for closure is affected by the situation were in.Our need for closure rises when we have to act rathe

22、r than just observe,and it matters much more when were rushed,or bored,or tired.Any stress can make our discomfort with uncertainty increase,and a high need for closure negatively influences some of our most important decisions: who we decide to trust,whether we admit were wrong and even how creativ

23、e we are.In hiring,for instance,a high need for closure leads people to put far too much weight on their first impression.Its called the Urgency Effect.In one experiment,psychologists tried to lower peoples need for closure by telling them,right before participants are about to make various judgment

24、s of a job candidate,that theyll be responsible in some way for them,or that their judgments have serious consequences.In making any big decision,its not enough just to know that we should take our time.We all know that important decisions shouldnt be rushed.The problem is that we dont keep that adv

25、ice in mind when it matters.So,one of the best solutions is to formalize the reminders.Before making important decisions,write down not just advantages and disadvantages but what the consequences could be.Also,think about how much pressure youre under.If your need for closure is particularly high th

26、at day,its even more important to think twice.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。向我们介绍了了结需求(渴望得到问题的确切答案这一心理活动)对我们所做决定的影响。7How does “need for closure” probably come into being?ABy nature.BBy accident.CBy acquiring. DBy imitating.A考查细节理解。该题问的是了结需求是如何形成的。根据第一段中的“Our need for closure is our natural preference for definite

27、answers over confusion and uncertainty.”可知,它是自然形成的。故选A。8It can be inferred that a high need for closure A. brings about more stressBcauses discomfort and uncertaintyCleads to not so good decisionsDpromotes ones creativityC考查细节理解。该题问的是高了结需求的相关情况。根据第二段中“and a high need for closure negatively influence

28、s some of our most important decisions”可知,高了结需求会对我们的决定产生消极的影响。故选C。9In the experiment the psychologists reduced participants need for closure by telling them to A. be cautious about their judgmentsBvalue their first impressionCbe responsible for their bossDpay little attention to the consequencesA考查推

29、理判断。该题问的是在实验中心理学家是如何降低参与者的了结需求的。根据第三段中“.that theyll be responsible in some way for them,or that their judgments have serious consequences.”可知,心理学家是通过告诉参与者们做判断时要谨慎来降低他们的了结需求的。故选A。10What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?A. Another strategy to escape the pressures of modern life.BSome serious consequences of making decisions.COther approaches to making important decisions.DMore helpful solutions to high need for closure.D考查推理判断。该题问的是在接下来的一段中作者会讨论什么。文章最后一段主要介绍了一些了结需求高的人在做重大决定时应采取的办法;由此可知,下文应介绍更多的针对了结需求很高的问题的有效解决办法。故选D。


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