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2015-2016学年高二英语人教必修5练习:UNIT4 MAKING THE NEWS SECTION Ⅲ WORD版含解析.docx

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1、Section Grammar课后训练案巩固提升一、单句改错1.Never before I had been asked to do that.答案:I hadhad I2.Only by shouting he was able to make himself heard.答案:he waswas he3.At no time he gets up late in the morning.答案:he getsdoes he get4.In the doorway did a man stand with a gun.答案:did a man standstood a man5.Down d

2、id the apples fall from the tree.答案:did the apples fallfell the apples6.Nowhere found I better roses than these.答案:found Idid I find7.Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his report.答案:第一个he hadhad he8.So seriously he was hurt that he was sent to hospital at once.答

3、案:第一个he waswas he9.Late in the day did the news come.答案:did the news comecame the news10.Patient as was he,he wouldnt wait for three hours.答案:was hehe was二、把下列句子改为倒装句1.The chairman came here.答案:Here came the chairman.2.Two tall trees stand behind the building.答案:Behind the building stand two tall tr

4、ees.3.The baby is so lovely that everyone likes it.答案:So lovely is the baby that everyone likes it.4.Though they worked hard,they failed to pass the driving test.答案:Hard though they worked,they failed to pass the driving test.5.They seldom think about their mistakes.答案:Seldom do they think about the

5、ir mistakes.6.The child didnt go to sleep until his mother came back.答案:Not until his mother came back did the child go to sleep.7.The old man went back to his hometown only when the war was over.答案:Only when the war was over did the old man go back to his hometown.8.I have never seen such a terribl

6、e accident in my life.答案:Never have I seen such a terrible accident in my life.9.If I were you,I would go to attend the party.答案:Were I you,I would go to attend the party.10.A small factory lies south of the river.答案:South of the river lies a small factory.三、翻译句子1.士兵们冲了出去。答案:Out rushed the soldiers.

7、2.这儿有你的一封信。答案:Here is a letter for you.3.直到他到了学校,才发现把课本落在家了。答案:Only when he reached school did he find out that he had left his textbook at home.4.他上学很少迟到。答案:Seldom is he late for school.5.如果你不去公园,我也不去。答案:If you dont go to the park,neither will I.6.他是如此聪明,以至于他能回答我所有的问题。答案:So clever is he that he can

8、 answer all my questions.7.只有通过你的努力,你才能实现自己的梦想。答案:Only through your hard work can you realize/achieve your dream.8.孩子们冲出房间。答案:Out of the room rushed the children.9.只有在他读了汤姆的信后,他才知道自己误会了他。答案:Only after he read Toms letter did he know he had mistaken him.四、单句填空(注意倒装结构的使用)1.Not until he retired from te

9、aching three years ago he consider having a holiday abroad.答案:did2.This is not my story,nor is the whole story.答案:it3.Only after Mary read her composition the second time she notice the spelling mistake.答案:did4.The headmaster will not permit the change in the course,nor he even give it a thought.答案:

10、will5.Only when he reached the tea-house he realize it was the same place hed been in last year.答案:did6.Its nice.Never before I had such a special drink!Im glad you like it.答案:have7.John opened the door.There (stand)a girl he had never seen before.答案:stood五、完形填空导学号11610026This is the story of a moun

11、tain climber who was eager to conquer the Aconcagua.He started his climb after years of 1.But he wanted to get all the glory(荣誉),so,he went up 2.He started climbing and it was becoming 3.He did not prepare for camping,but 4 to keep on going.Soon it got dark.As he was climbing a ridge(山脊)at about 100

12、 meters from the 5,he slipped and fell.Falling rapidly he could only see 6 of darkness that passed.He had a terrible feeling of being sucked in by gravity.He kept 7 and in those terrible moments good and bad memories passed through his 8.He thought certainly he would 9.But then he felt a 10 shake th

13、at almost tore him in half.Yes!Like any good mountain climber he had 11 himself to a tree with a long rope tied to his 12.In those moments of stillness,hung in the air he had no other choice but to 13,“Help me God.Help me!”All of a sudden,he heard a deep voice from heaven,“14 do you want me to do?”“

14、Save me.”“Do you really think that I can 15 you?”“Of course,God.”“Then 16 the rope that is holding you up.”There was another moment of 17 and stillness.The man just held 18 to the rope.The rescue team says that the 19 day they found a frozen mountain climber hanging strongly to a 20two feet off the


16、知天色变晚了。4.A.decidedB.pretendedC.learnedD.refused答案:A解析:but说明他不准备宿营,而是决定继续往上爬。5.A.sideB.aboveC.topD.bottom答案:C解析:由下文可知,这里指“就在他爬到离山顶大约100米的山脊上的时候”。above是介词,作名词时与the连用,意为“上文”,不符合语境。6.A.everythingB.somethingC.anythingD.nothing答案:B解析:something of darkness指“黑乎乎的一些东西”。7.A.standingB.risingC.flyingD.falling答案

17、:D解析:由上文的falling rapidly,可知他在继续下落。8.A.headB.heartC.mindD.body答案:C解析:这里指在下落过程中他的脑海里浮现出了很多回忆,mind指“脑海”。9.A.dieB.stopC.liveD.end答案:A解析:由下文中的save等词,可知他认为自己必死无疑。10.A.lightB.cruelC.softD.heavy答案:D解析:结合句中的“that almost tore him in half”,可知他身体被重重地震动了一下。11.A.carriedB.foundC.fastenedD.lost答案:C解析:根据下文的hung和hang

18、ing,可知此处指他用绳索把自己的身体系在一棵树上。12.A.wristB.waistC.neckD.ankle答案:B解析:根据常识,登山时应该把绳子拴在腰上。13.A.smileB.thinkC.waitD.shout答案:D解析:由下文他的话,可知他是在大声呼叫救命。14.A.WhatB.WhenC.WhereD.Why答案:A解析:联系下文的“Save me.”可知,上帝问“你想让我做什么呢?”15.A.likeB.reachC.saveD.catch答案:C解析:你真的认为我能救你吗?16.A.repairB.cutC.keepD.throw答案:B解析:结合文章最后一句,说明他悬挂

19、的位置离地面不高,所以上帝要他把绳子割断。17.A.struggleB.surpriseC.worryD.silence答案:D解析:从上下文可知,他还是什么也没做,所以是又一阵沉默和静止。18.A.deeperB.higherC.tighterD.lower答案:C解析:相反,他把绳子抓得更紧了。19.A.nextB.lastC.firstD.other答案:A解析:第二天救援小组发现了一个冻死的登山者。20.A.stoneB.rockC.treeD.rope答案:D解析:因为没有割断绳子,所以他应是悬挂在绳子上。六、阅读理解He slept in my arms last night,wi

20、th his little head on my shoulder.I stayed awake listening to his breathing.He smiled in his sleep,and I wondered what could be funny to a one-year-old baby.I could sense the safety he felt.However,my home life is completely different from the scene that greets me each morning at work.As a lawyer at

21、 Eastlake Juvenile Court(少年法庭),I always see kids that society has labeled the worst of the worst,the “thief”,the “robber”,the list goes on.But they are still children.As I sit across from them,I have a chance to talk to them about their lives,their homes,and their dreams.I sit through tears,I sit th

22、rough anger,but mostly I sit through hurt.I see their parents,most of whom sit in the hallways day after day wanting to take their kids home.I also see mothers and fathers that come to the court ready to walk away from their children forever.Each day I see hope destroyed.I have come to realize that

23、these children are our future,even if we dont want to admit it.They also want to sleep on a mothers shoulder at night,they also had dreams and smiled in their sleep when they were babies.But then something terrible happened,which robbed(剥夺)them of that youth,that hope,and that joy.I hope one day we

24、can find how to put back the destroyed childhoods and ruined lives.Every day when I go home,I hold my children tightly in my arms and say “I love you” over and over again.And as I am filled with hope,I cannot forget those children I leave behind.I live in two worlds,one of promise,one of tragedy.No

25、matter what they are accused(指控)of,what crimes(罪行)they have carried out and what society thinks of them,they are children,they are our children and our future.1.The author mentions her son in Paragraph 1 mainly to tell readers .A.her son is lovelyB.its hard to raise a childC.what leads children to b

26、reak lawsD.children should be taken good care of答案:D解析:推理判断题。本文主要讲述孩子们应该得到好的照顾。作者在第一段提及她的儿子,目的在于引出本文要谈论的话题。故选D项。2.The underlined word “labeled” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by .A.describedB.praisedC.chosenD.designed答案:A解析:词义猜测题。由该词所在句子的句意“我总是见到那些被社会描述成最坏的孩子、小偷、抢劫犯等的孩子们”可知,labeled的含义是described

27、。3.Whats the authors attitude towards the children who break laws?A.Relaxed.B.Angry.C.Hopeful.D.Doubtful.答案:C解析:细节理解题。由第三段第一句“I have come to realize that these children are our future,even if we dont want to admit it.”可知,作者认为不管我们承认与否,这些孩子是我们的未来。短文的最后一段的最后一句也充分体现出作者对这些孩子们是充满希望的。故选C项。4.Whats the autho

28、rs purpose in writing the text?A.To show her deep love for her child.B.To win support for problem children.C.To show the difficulty of her work as a lawyer.D.To accuse those parents who ruin their childrens life.答案:B解析:主旨大意题。从整篇文章来看,作者对这些问题孩子充满了希望,认为这些孩子是我们的未来。旨在提醒人们要帮助他们。由此推出作者是在为问题孩子赢得支持。故选B项。七、短文

29、改错文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加上一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第10处起)不计分。My secret of staying young is simple:Keeping your mind awake and you will stay young all over.Be interested in world around you,and learn a

30、t least a new thing every day.Dont think that you are ever very old to go back to school.I know a man whom entered into medical college at 70.He got his degree with honours and becomes a famous doctor.Other man went to law school at 71 and is now an active lawyer.You may say that staying young is ea

31、sy only for those live in the future.In fact,you can do it whether you are careful enough to try to keep your mind awake and active,which are the only way to be always young.答案:第一句:KeepingKeep第二句:在in和world之间加the第三句:verytoo第四句:whomwho/that;去掉into第五句:becomesbecame第六句:OtherAnother第七句:liveliving或在those后加who第八句:whetherif;第二个areis


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