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2016-2017学年高中英语北师大版选修7习题 UNIT 20-SECTION Ⅱ WARM­UP & FUTUROLOGY—LANGUAGE POINTS 学业分层测评(五) WORD版含答案.doc

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2016-2017学年高中英语北师大版选修7习题 UNIT 20-SECTION Ⅱ WARM­UP & FUTUROLOGY—LANGUAGE POINTS 学业分层测评(五) WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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2016-2017学年高中英语北师大版选修7习题 UNIT 20-SECTION Ⅱ WARM­UP & FUTUROLOGY—LANGUAGE POINTS 学业分层测评(五) WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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2016-2017学年高中英语北师大版选修7习题 UNIT 20-SECTION Ⅱ WARM­UP & FUTUROLOGY—LANGUAGE POINTS 学业分层测评(五) WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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2016-2017学年高中英语北师大版选修7习题 UNIT 20-SECTION Ⅱ WARM­UP & FUTUROLOGY—LANGUAGE POINTS 学业分层测评(五) WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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2016-2017学年高中英语北师大版选修7习题 UNIT 20-SECTION Ⅱ WARM­UP & FUTUROLOGY—LANGUAGE POINTS 学业分层测评(五) WORD版含答案.doc_第5页
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2016-2017学年高中英语北师大版选修7习题 UNIT 20-SECTION Ⅱ WARM­UP & FUTUROLOGY—LANGUAGE POINTS 学业分层测评(五) WORD版含答案.doc_第6页
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2016-2017学年高中英语北师大版选修7习题 UNIT 20-SECTION Ⅱ WARM­UP & FUTUROLOGY—LANGUAGE POINTS 学业分层测评(五) WORD版含答案.doc_第7页
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2016-2017学年高中英语北师大版选修7习题 UNIT 20-SECTION Ⅱ WARM­UP & FUTUROLOGY—LANGUAGE POINTS 学业分层测评(五) WORD版含答案.doc_第8页
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2016-2017学年高中英语北师大版选修7习题 UNIT 20-SECTION Ⅱ WARM­UP & FUTUROLOGY—LANGUAGE POINTS 学业分层测评(五) WORD版含答案.doc_第9页
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1、学业分层测评(五).单句语法填空1He couldnt make himself _ (hear)above the noise of the traffic.2This street is four times the _ (long)of that one.3If so,your points of view are bound to conflict _ his.4He assisted in _ (design)the new bridge.5This kind of new woollen sweater _ (wear)well.6I do not use the computer

2、 for student _ (assess)7It is evident that he is not equal _ the job.8He was among the few who managed to live _ the enemy prison camp.9He was found out before he could carry _ his plan.10Besides _ fun,hiking is a good way to exercise.【答案】1.heard2.length3.with4.designing5wears6.assessment7.to8.throu

3、gh9.out10for.单句改错1I hope that youll have a fun and play safely._2The plane flew ten times as higher as the kite._3The workers are made work ten hours a day._4A gardener was hired to assist in the gardening._5Mary tried to pick a quarrel with her husband, but the later just ignored her._6If the shoes

4、 do not wear good the shop will refund the money._7One thousand grams are equal with one kilogram._8John often comes conflict with his boss._9Shes looked on with the leading authority on the subject. 【导学号:73450029】_10Hes unwell today, but hes expected to carry out as usual in a day or two._【答案】1.去掉a

5、2.higher改为high3.made后加to4.in改为with5.later改为latter6.good改为well7.with改为toes后加into9with改为as10.out改为through.阅读理解In the future, the Internet will be different from what it is now. There will be many more websites. It is predicted that in the year 2100, there will be hundreds of billions of websites. This

6、 means that the use of search engines will become much more important. And there will also be many more sites in different languages. This means that on every proper website, there will be links with the language you want.Another prediction on the Internet is that data transmission (传输) speed will i

7、ncrease globally. According to Akamai Technologies, the average global data transmission speed in late 2009 was 1.7 megabits per second. Compare that to the record for data transmission speed set by Bell Labs:100 billion megabits per second. At that speed, you could transmit 400 DVDs worth of data e

8、very second. Thats an enormous gap between whats currently possible and whats commercially available. But as time passes, the costs of producing superhighspeed networks will decrease.In the future, people will live under the sea and the housing shortage will be solved. There will be lots of glass do

9、mes (穹状建筑物) under the sea, which allow people to look all around into the sea. Air will be provided via air pipes which lead to the open air. You can travel from one dome to another via a kind of submarine which will also be made of glass. The domes will be so beautiful and the view under the sea wi

10、ll be so impressive that many people will prefer to live under water, and less people will prefer to live on land. This will have a positive effect on the environment on land.In the future we wont use oil or gas as energy any more. We will make use of sunlight, water and wind. Cars will run on water

11、. Just fill your tank with water, and you can drive further than you could drive with the same amount of gasoline. Also, the exhaust wont be damaging to the environment, because itll just be water vapor. So the water cycle wont change, well keep the same amount of water on the earth, and we wont run

12、 out of water. Also, all energy will be supplied by natural sources: sunlight, wind and water.【语篇解读】文章对互联网、人类居住环境、能源应用等的未来做出了预测。1What can we know about the Internet in the future from the first two paragraphs?AIt will be more important to use search engines.BMost of the websites will be designed in

13、English.CPeople not knowing a foreign language will find it hard to surf the Internet.DThere will be great gaps between developed countries and developing countries in Internet usage.【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段“This means that the use of search engines will become much more important.”可知,答案为A。【答案】A2Why are su

14、perhighspeed networks not available to the public at present?ABecause the cost is too high.BBecause there are technical difficulties.CBecause Bell Labs doesnt want to sell its technique.DBecause governments havent recognized their value.【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句可知,虽然现在达到这一传输速度在技术上可行,在商业上还不能推广,但今后建造这种超高速网络

15、的成本会降低,从而可推知公众目前不能使用这种网络的原因是成本太高。【答案】A3The underlined word “exhaust”in Paragraph 4 probably refers to “_”Aoil productBwaste airCsolar energyDwind energy【解析】词义猜测题。从该句后半句“因为它将只是水蒸气”,可推测exhaust指的是未来汽车排放的“废气”。【答案】B4What can we infer from the text?AThe Internet is the most advanced invention in history.B

16、Water will run out sooner than we have expected.CHouses under the sea will be made from metal.DSunlight, wind and water will benefit people more in the future.【解析】推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“Also,all energy will be supplied by natural sources:sunlight,wind and water.”可知。D项正确。【答案】D.完形填空(2016全国甲卷)Hundreds of peopl

17、e have formed impressions of you through that little device(装置) on your desk.And theyve never actually _1_ you.Everything they know about you _2_ through this device sometimes from hundreds of miles away._3_ they feel they can know you _4_ from the sound of your voice.Thats how powerful the _5_ is.P

18、owerful, yes, but not always _6_For years I dealt with my travel agent only by phone.Rani, my faceless agent whom Id never met _7_, got me rockbottom prices on airfares, cars, and hotels.But her cold voice really _8_ me.I sometimes wished to _9_ another agent.One morning, I had to _10_ an immediate

19、flight home for a family emergency.I ran into Ranis office _11_The woman sitting at the desk,_12_ my madness,sympathetically jumped up.She gave me a _13_ smile,nodded while listening patiently,and then printed out the _14_ immediately.“What a wonderful lady!”I thought.Rushing out _15_ I called out o

20、ver my shoulder,“By the way, whats your name?”“Im Rani,”she said.I turned around and saw a _16_ woman with a big smile on her face waving to wish me a safe trip.I was _17_! Why had I thought she was cold? Rani was,well,so _18_Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport, I figured it all out.Ra

21、nis _19_her warm smile, her nods,herIm here for you_20_were all silent signals that didnt travel through wires.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。多年来作者都是通过电话与旅行代理人联系,觉得对方说话的声音冷冰冰的。但是有一次订机票的时候作者亲自来到代理人的办公室,发现自己先前的判断是错误的。1A.acceptedBnoticedCheardDmet【解析】上下文语境题。根据上文的have formed impressions of you,on your desk和下文的sometimes

22、 from hundreds of miles away,only by phone,再结合全文可知that little device是指电话,由此可判断选D项:他们从来没有见到(meet)过你。accept接受;notice注意;hear听说;meet遇见。【答案】D2A.cameBmovedCranDdeveloped【解析】上下文语境题。他们对你的了解全部通过这台装置,有时是来自数百英里之外。come from“来自”,符合语境。come来;move移动;run跑;develop开发,培养。【答案】A3A.ThusBYetCThenDIndeed【解析】上下文语境题。前文提到“他们对你


24、he sound of your voice而错选B项“voice”,但是文章开头说到“that little device”,因此这里讲的是“你书桌上的那台小装置”,下文也提到only by phone和travel through wires,因此本题选A项“电话”。telephone电话;voice嗓音;connection联系;impression印象。【答案】A6A.directBusefulCeasyDaccurate【解析】下文语境题。通读下文可知,作者开始时因为瑞妮在电话里的声音很冷淡而生气,但见面后,却发现她是个wonderful lady,因此该空选accurate“准确的

25、”,此处是说(电话是)强大的,但不总是准确的。direct直接的;useful有用的;easy容易的;accurate准确的。【答案】D7A.in personBby myselfCin publicDon purpose【解析】上文语境题。in person表示“亲自”,never met in person与上文的faceless相呼应。in person亲自;by oneself独自;in public公开地;on purpose故意地。【答案】A8A.annoyedBinterestedCdiscouragedDconfused【解析】上文语境题。作者的这个旅行代理人总能给他最低价格(

26、rockbottom prices),但是她冷冰冰的声音让作者不开心,根据语境可知选A项“annoyed”。annoyed生气的;interested感兴趣的;discouraged沮丧的;confused困惑不解的。【答案】A9A.promoteBtrainCfindDknow【解析】上文语境题。作者对瑞妮冷冰冰的语气很是气恼,有时希望另外找个代理人。promote提升;train训练;find找到;know知道。【答案】C10A.arrangeBpostponeCconfirmDbook【解析】下文语境题。由下文的a family emergency可知,作者家中有急事,需要马上坐飞机回家

27、,故选book“预订”。arrange安排;postpone推迟;confirm证实;book预订。【答案】D11A.for the first timeBat any timeCfrom time to timeDin good time【解析】上文语境题。上文提到,作者之前与瑞妮从来没有见过面,因此这里选for the first time“第一次”。for the first time第一次;at any time随时;from time to time不时,偶尔;in good time及早,有足够的时间。【答案】A12A.expectingBseeingCtestingDavoidi


29、 immediate flight home),因此此处说的是给作者打印飞机票(ticket)。bill账单;form表格;ticket票;list清单。【答案】C15A.hopefullyBdisappointedlyCgratefullyDregretfully【解析】上文语境题。作者遇到这么热心的旅行代理人,当然是心存感激(gratefully)。hopefully有希望地;disappointedly失望地;gratefully感激地;regretfully遗憾地。【答案】C16A.carefulBseriousCnervousDpleasant【解析】下文语境题。此处应与下文的a b

30、ig smile,waving to wish me a safe trip相呼应,故用pleasant“令人愉悦的”。careful仔细的;serious严肃的;nervous紧张的;pleasant愉悦的。【答案】D17A.amusedBworriedChelplessDspeechless【解析】上下文语境题。作者想到自己当初对瑞妮的错误判断,而眼前的瑞妮是那么热心,因此一时竟不知道该说什么(speechless)了。amused逗乐的;worried担心的;helpless无助的;speechless说不出话的。【答案】D18A.calmBniceCproudDclever【解析】上文

31、语境题。由上文可知,作者亲眼见到瑞妮后发现她是一个wonderful lady,于是反问自己“我之前怎么会认为她冷冰冰呢?哦,瑞妮是这么友好(nice)”。calm冷静的;nice友好的,和蔼的;proud骄傲的;clever聪明的。【答案】B19A.forgivenessBeagernessCfriendlinessDskillfulness【解析】下文语境题。破折号后的“她温暖的微笑,她的点头,她的我在这里为你服务”是对该空格的解释,对比四个选项,friendliness(友好)最符合语境。forgiveness宽恕;eagerness急切;friendliness友好;skillfulness熟练。【答案】C20A.explanationBattitudeCconceptDbehavior【解析】上下文语境题。结合上文引号中的内容“我在这里为你服务”及下文的silent signals判断B选项“attitude”符合语境。explanation解释;attitude态度;concept概念;behavior行为。【答案】B


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