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2018年高考英语考点完全题文稿:专题一 语法基础 4 WORD版含解析.DOC

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2018年高考英语考点完全题文稿:专题一 语法基础 4 WORD版含解析.DOC_第22页
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1、考点四名词和主谓一致 限时25分钟一、在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。1Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with _ (patient)答案patience 句意:无论什么时候我犯错,老师都耐心地把它们指出来。介词with后应接名词,patience“耐心”。2The US government has taken _ (measure) to prevent the campus violence from taking place.答案measures 句意:美国政府已经采取措施阻止校园

2、暴力的发生。take measures“采取措施”,为固定搭配。3Does anyone know the title _ the novel?答案of句意:有人知道这部小说的书名吗?该句考查of短语构成的名词所有格。4Dont try to persuade your boss; he wont have the _ (intent) of employing mea fresh student.答案intention 句意:不要试图说服你的老板,他不会打算聘用我这样一个应届毕业生的。intention“打算,意图”;have the intention of doing sth.“有干某事

3、的打算”。5Do you think I should wear a hat to the party?It all depends on your own _ (prefer)答案preference句意:你认为我应该戴顶帽子去参加聚会吗?这完全取决于你的个人喜好。preference“偏爱,优先权”,符合句意。6In fact, the renovation is just one move in a huge project to improve Chinese teachers housing _ (conditional) in recent years.答案conditions句意

4、:事实上,这项变革只是最近几年提高中国教师住房条件的大项目的一小步。condition表示“条件,状况”,且根据句意可知,应用名词复数形式conditions。7Bobs _ (sister) birthday is May 1st.答案sisters句意:鲍勃姐姐的生日是5月1日。根据句意可知,应用所有格形式。8Ones dream and _ (ambitious) greatly depend on ones experience.答案ambition 句意:一个人的梦想和抱负很大程度上取决于他的经历。ambitious形容词“有野心的”。这里应填其名词形式ambition“抱负”,作主

5、语。9Simple _ (direct) for fitting the model together are printed on the box.答案directions 句意:安装这个模型的简要说明印在了盒子上。由simple可知空格处填名词,且根据后面的are可知,空格处应填名词复数directions。directions“用法说明,操作指南”。10Many a teacher _ (have) been serving students heart and soul.答案has 句意:许多教师一直在全心全意为学生服务。many a后加单数可数名词,其后谓语动词用单数形式。句子时态为

6、现在完成进行时表示“一直在”。11After that incident she started to devote all her _ (energetic) to teaching rather than performing.答案energy 句意:那起事件过后,她开始将所有精力投入到教学中而不是表演。energy“体力,精力”; devote ones energy to.“把精力投入中”。12There are two _ (woman) doctors in the emergency room.答案women句意:在急救室里有两位女医生。woman作定语时,其单复数根据被修饰词的

7、单复数变化。13A modern library is being built in our school so that we students will have _ (accessible) to good books.答案access 句意:我们学校正在建设一个现代化的图书馆,以便学生能够阅读到好书。access“入口,机会,进入”;have access to固定词组,意为“可接近;可获得”,符合句意。故空格处填access。14Each man and each woman in the neighbo(u)ring villages _ (have) a bad opinion

8、of him, but he is spoken better of by the village leaders.答案has 句意:邻近村庄的每个人都对他印象不好,但是村领导对他的评价颇高。“every.and every.”,“each.and each.”等结构作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;且根据后面的is可知,应用一般现在时。故空格处应填has。15Studies show that 75 percent of women _ (consider) themselves overweight.答案consider 句意:研究表明75%的女性认为自己超重。分数或百分数充当主语的时候,其谓

9、语动词的单复数形式要根据其代替的相应名词的单复数来确定。此处的名词是women,故应在空格处填consider。16The fire was finally brought under control, but not before heavy _ (lose) had been caused.答案loss 句意:大火终于被控制了,但是在此之前已造成了严重的损失。loss名词“损失”,在句中作主语。17Is everyone here?Not yet. Look, there _ (come) a guest!答案comes空格处所在句子为倒装句,a guest作主语,谓语动词要用单数形式;此

10、处叙述的又是现在的事实,所以用一般现在时。故空格处应填comes。18Listening to loud music at rock concerts _ (have) caused hearing loss in some teenagers.答案has句意:在摇滚音乐会上听很吵的音乐已造成了一些青少年的听力丧失。动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。19Nowadays, either 21st Century or other English newspapers _ (be) increasingly popular among us students.答案areeither.or.连

11、接两个主语时,按就近原则来确定谓语的单复数形式。故此处谓语应用复数形式。再根据句中的Nowadays可知,此处应填are。20Its said that a singer and TV star _ (be) coming to give us a wonderful performance next Saturday.答案is 句意:据说一位歌唱家兼电视明星下星期六要来给我们做精彩的表演。and连接两个名词,如果指同一人或者同一事物时,句子的谓语动词要用单数。故答案为is。21The head teacher, together with his students, _ (be) plann

12、ing to post the winning poems on the Campus Network.答案is主语后接由with, except, as well as, no less than, rather than, besides, together with, like, including, in addition to等构成的短语时,谓语仍保持与原主语的一致关系。故空格处应填is。22Some fruits are so easily harvested in this area that they are never of great _ (valuable)答案value

13、句意:有些水果在这个地区是如此容易收获以至于它们从来都没有太大的价值。be of great value意为“很有价值”,相当于be very valuable。23The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which _ (be) saved for other purposes.答案were句意:这家工厂使用了65%的原材料,其余的节省下来以作他用。后半句中的the rest of which中的which指的是raw materials,所以谓语动词用复数;再结合前半句中的时态可判断,正确答案为were。2

14、4The fact that so many people still smoke in public places _ (suggest) that we may need a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking.答案suggests句意:目前许多人仍然在公共场所吸烟的这一事实表明我们可能需要开展一场全国范围的运动来提高人们对吸烟危险性的意识。根据句意可知,此处应使用一般现在时,本句的主语是The fact,故谓语动词应用第三人称单数。故填suggests。25The _ (similar) betwe

15、en Mars and Earth are enough to keep alive hopes of some form of Martian life.答案similarities 句意:火星和地球之间的诸多相似之处足以让人们对火星上存在某种生物抱以希望。similarity“类似,相似点”,符合句意。谓语动词是are,故用名词复数形式。26The course aims to develop the childrens _ (appreciate) of music.答案appreciation 句意:该课程旨在培养孩子对音乐的欣赏能力。appreciation名词“欣赏,鉴别”,符合句

16、意。27The writer and the teacher _ (be) to give us a talk on American history.答案are那位作家和那位老师指两个人,谓语动词用复数,故填are。28At the graduation ceremony, the headmaster required the graduates to raise their competitive _ (aware) in modern society.答案awareness句意:毕业典礼上校长要求毕业生们在现代社会中要增强竞争意识。competitive awareness“竞争意识”

17、。29Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons, _ (hope) to go to university.So do I.答案hopes句子主语是each of the students,谓语动词应用单数形式;再根据下文do可知,应用一般现在时。30Mary is the only one of the teachers who _ (know) a little Chinese.答案knows定语从句中谓语动词的单复数应与先行词的单复数一致。从句的先行词是the only one of the teachers,强调唯

18、一的老师,谓语动词应用单数。二、改正下列句子中的错误(每句只有1处错误)。1More than one worker have been sent to the training center to improve their working skills in the past three years._答案havehas句意:在过去的三年中,不止一个工人被送到培训中心去提高他们的工作技能。more than one意为“不止一个”,从意义上讲它表示复数,但作主语时,谓语习惯用单数。2A recent survey shows that the number of children who

19、come from the countryside with their parents are nearly 320,000 in Beijing._答案areis句意:最近的一项研究表明,在北京和父母一起从农村来的孩子的数量将近320000。“the number of名词复数”作主语,谓语动词用单数;而“a number of名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。3The computer system crashed and I lost three hours worth of work._答案hourshours句意:电脑系统瘫痪了,我失去了三个小时的工作价值。三个小时为复数概念,因

20、此hour应用复数形式。4On the contrary, I think it is Truman, rather than you, are to blame._答案areis当主语是介词with, together with, along with, as well as, like, but, rather than, including等连接的两个名词或代词时,谓语动词应与第一个名词或代词的数保持一致。5Bill was standing at the side of the car, talking to two men who was helping him to repair

21、it._答案第二个waswere因先行词two men是复数,所以修饰该先行词的定语从句的谓语动词也应用复数。6Playing football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit._答案givegives由not only及but also可知,gives与makes为平行结构,构成并列谓语动词。7I have an appoint with Dr Smith, but I need to change it._答案appointappo

22、intmenthave an appointment with sb.意为“与某人有个约会/预约”。82016福建南平质检Often she buys some toy for him to play with, especially on his birthday._答案toytoys句意:她经常为他买一些玩具来玩,尤其是在他的生日那天。some意为“一些”,故需将后面的名词toy改为复数形式。9Now my picture and prize is hanging in the library._答案isare因为主语是my picture and prize,故谓语动词要用复数。10If

23、 I listen to my own records, there are no need to spend money._答案areisthere be结构中的be动词是由紧跟在be后的那个名词的单复数来决定,此处no need是单数,所以用is。11Her parents were in Shanghai, and so was his._答案waswere后一分句中主语his为his parents的省略形式,为复数,所以应用were。12As is known to us all, remembering English words are not easy._答案areis句子主语

24、为动名词短语remembering English words,故其谓语动词要用单数。13In the last 25 years, the population of Singapore have doubled to more than five million._答案havehas 句意:在过去的25年里,新加坡的人口翻了一番,达到500多万人。此处的population为集合名词,可以看成一个整体,故谓语动词用单数。14Each student should make good preparation for the college Entrance Examination._答案pr

25、eparationpreparationspreparation为可数名词;make preparations for.“为做准备”,固定搭配。15As a consequent, he was sentenced to death for murder._答案consequentconsequenceconsequent形容词“随之发生的,必然的”;consequence名词“结果”。as a consequence“因此”,为固定短语。名词一、可数名词单数变复数规则1规则变化一般情况下,在词尾直接加s;以s, x, sh, ch结尾的在词尾加es;以辅音字母y结尾的,把y变成i,再加es;

26、以f或fe结尾的多数变f或fe为v再加es。2不规则变化(1)变内部元音footfeet 脚manmen 男人womanwomen 女人 toothteeth 牙mousemice 老鼠 goosegeese 鹅gentlemangentlemen 绅士(2)单复数同形的名词sheep 绵羊 deer 鹿spacecraft 太空船 aircraft 飞行器Chinese 中国人 Japanese 日本人Swiss 瑞士人 means 方法crossroads 十字路口 headquarters 总部series 连续 species 种类works 工厂 head 头(量词)(3)常以复数形

27、式出现的名词clothes 衣服glasses 眼镜chopsticks 筷子trousers 裤子 goods 商品,货物 contents 目录sands 沙滩 woods森林,树林 times时代lines 台词 surroundings 环境 belongings 财产earnings 收入 arms 武器 manners 礼貌forces 军队(4)有两种复数形式的名词peoplefish(5)集体名词的数只表示复数意义的集体名词people 人,人们police 警察cattle 牛侧重成员时表示复数意义,侧重整体时表示单数意义的集体名词这类集体名词侧重于成员时,表示复数意义,不再

28、变复数形式;侧重整体时表示单数意义,表示多个这样的整体时有复数变化形式。class 班级 family 家庭 team 队public 大众 army 军队 government 政府二、名词所有格1s所有格表示人或其他有生命的东西的名词常在词尾加s或,表示所有关系。my sisters telephone number 我姐姐的电话号码(1)表示两者或多者各自的所有关系时,分别在每个名词的词尾加s或;表示两者或多者共有时,在最后一个名词词尾加s或。Toms and Jims father 汤姆的父亲和吉姆的父亲Tom and Jims father 汤姆和吉姆的父亲(2)表示店铺、办公室或某

29、人的家时,名词所有格后被修饰的名词一般省略。at the barbers 在理发店at my uncles 在我叔叔家2of所有格表示无生命的事物的名词通常用of所有格表示所有关系;名词短语或有定语修饰的有生命的名词也常用of所有格。the window of the room 房间的窗户3双重所有格构成用法名词ofs所有格/名词性物主代词a friend of Jacks some friends of mine表示部分概念,被修饰词前通常有限定词a(n), one, some, many等Some friends of my sisters will join us in the game

30、.带s所有格的名词必须是明确限定的、指人的a book of Marys三、名词作定语名词作定语往往是说明被修饰词的材料、用途、类别等,作定语的名词通常用单数。gold chain 金链子 coffee cup 咖啡杯mountain village 山村 winter holiday 寒假注意:常以复数形式出现的名词作定语时用复数;man和woman作定语时,其单复数根据被修饰词的单复数变化。sports meeting 运动会 sales manager 销售经理men doctors 男医生 women teachers 女教师限时25分钟一、用括号内单词的正确形式填空。12016全国卷

31、But for tourists like me, pandas are its top _ (attract)答案attraction句意:但是对于像我一样的游客来说,大熊猫是最大的吸引。形容词top“头等的;最重要的”,后面跟名词形式。22016全国卷The nursery team switches him every few _ (day) with his sister so that while one is being bottlefed.答案days句意:护理团队每隔几天就把他和他的妹妹互换一下,这样当他们中的一个在被人工喂养的时候。every few days“每隔几天”。3

32、2016全国卷Then, handle the most important tasks first so youll feel a real sense of _ (achieve)答案achievement句意:然后,首先处理最重要的任务,那么你会感到真正意义上的成就。介词of后应用名词作宾语。42016全国卷Recent _ (study) show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks regularly.答案studies句意:最近的研究显示,如果我们有规律地进行短暂的休息的话,我们工作的效率会

33、更高。study“研究”为可数名词,本句的谓语动词为show,说明主语应用名词复数studies。52016全国卷Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius, who lived from roughly 551 to 479 BC., influenced the _ (develop) of chopsticks.答案development句意:一些人认为,大约生活于公元前551年到479年间的中国伟大学者孔子影响了筷子的发展。根据空格前面的the及空格后面的介词短语of chopsticks作名词的后置定语可知,所

34、填词应用名词形式。62016四川高考Any smell might attract natural _ (enemy) that would try to eat the little panda.答案enemies句意:任何气味都有可能吸引那些想要吃掉熊猫宝宝的天敌。根据常识可知,此处表示吸引了天敌,故填可数名词enemy的复数形式。72016浙江高考It is important to pay your electricity bill on time, as late _ (pay) may affect your credit.答案payments句意:准时付电费很重要,因为支付晚了会

35、影响你的信用。前面有形容词late修饰,此处应用名词形式;payment可用作可数名词,根据句意及句子结构,所以用复数形式。82016浙江高考We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our _ (different) unite, rather than divide us.答案differences句意:当我们学会求同存异,而不是分崩离析的时候,我们就能获得很多。物主代词our后面接名词,这里是指“我们的差异”,所以用复数形式。92015江苏高考Some schools will have to make _ (adjust) in agreeme

36、nt with the national soccer reform.答案adjustments句意:为了与国家的足球改革保持一致,一些学校将必须作出调整。adjustment“调整,适应”,符合句意。make adjustments意为“做出调整”,固定用法。102015江苏高考Go and say sorry to your Mom, Dave.Id like to, but Im afraid she wont be happy with my _ (apologize)答案apology/apologies句意:戴夫,去向你妈妈道歉。我想去,但我害怕她对我的道歉不会满意。空格处应用ap

37、ologize的名词apology,也可用其复数形式。112015浙江高考One of the most effective ways to reduce _ (stressful) is to talk about feelings with someone you trust.答案stress 句意:减轻压力最有效的方法之一就是与你信任的人谈谈感受。设空处作动词reduce的宾语,故用名词形式。reduce stress“减压”。122015安徽高考There is no need to tell me your answer now. Give it some _ (think) and

38、 then let me know.答案thought句意:现在没有必要把你的答案告诉我。考虑一下,然后告诉我。give sth. some thought意为“考虑一下某事”。thought 为think的名词形式。132015湖北高考When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his _ (balance) and had a bad fall.答案balance句意:男孩在追赶他哥哥的时候失去了平衡,狠狠地摔了一跤。根据句意可知,这里应用balance表示“平衡”,此处用作名词。lose ones balance“失去平衡”。1

39、42015湖北高考He gave himself a new name to hide his _ (identify) when he went to carry out the secret task.答案identity句意:当他去执行这项秘密任务时,他给自己取了个新名字以掩盖他的身份。形容词性物主代词(his)之后应跟名词。identity,意为“身份”。152015湖南高考It is important to remember that success _ (be) a sum of small efforts made each day and often _ (take) yea

40、rs to achieve.答案is; takes句意:成功是每一天作出的小小的努力的总和,而且常常需要很多年才能获得,记住这一点是重要的。that引导的宾语从句的主语是单数名词success,两个空是并列的谓语,谓语动词都需用单数形式,又因句子的主体时态是一般现在时,故填is和takes。162016石家庄二模The offer of talks with Moscow _ (mark) a significant change from the previous western position.答案marks 句意:与莫斯科举行会谈的提议标志着先前的西方立场的一个重大转变。主语为the

41、offer,所以谓语mark应用第三人称单数形式。172016青岛一检Onethird of the country is covered with trees and the majority of the citizens _ (be) black people.答案are句意:这个国家的三分之一被树覆盖,而且大多数公民是黑人。the majority后面的citizens为复数意义,故谓语动词用复数形式。182016合肥三检It is no _ (useful) trying to persuade him to have a holiday because he always puts

42、 the work first.答案use 句意:努力说服他去度假是没用的,因为他总是把工作放在第一位。It is no use doing sth. 是固定句型,意为“做某事是没用的”。192016天津一模Among the members of the committee those who are in favour of the plan are in the _ (major)答案majority句意:在委员会的成员中,支持这个计划的人占大多数。in the majority意为“占大多数”。202014安徽高考Why not buy a secondhand car first i

43、f you dont have enough money for a new one?Thats a good _ (suggest)答案suggestion因其前有不定冠词a及形容词good,故此处用单数名词形式suggestion。212014湖北高考Her _ (motivate) for writing was a desire for women to get the right to higher education.答案motivation形容词性物主代词后用名词形式,此外后面的谓语动词为was,故此处用名词单数形式。222016山西联考If we make enough _ (

44、prepare), we will succeed.答案preparationsmake之后应跟名词作宾语,同时preparation通常使用复数形式。232016陕西一模We should look up to him as a shining example of _ (devote) to duty.答案devotion句意:他是一个忠于职守的模范,我们应该尊敬他。介词of后面接动词ing或名词形式,由其后的to可知,应该用名词形式。242017山东检测At some point we need to make sure that our _ (expect) are the same

45、as our _ (friend) expectations.答案expectations; friends句意:在某种意义上来讲,我们需要确保我们的期望与朋友们的期望相同。根据前面的our可知,此处填expect的名词复数形式,另谓语are是复数,故应用复数名词的所有格修饰复数名词expectations。252016唐山二模Peoples _ (choose) of colo(u)rs is also influenced by their bodies reactions towards them.答案choice句意:人们对颜色的选择也受身体对颜色的反应的影响。根据前面的peoples

46、可知,此处应该用choose的名词形式为choice。262016银川二模I have got to buy some new clothes and then finish my _ (apply)答案application句意:我必须买些新衣服,并完成我的申请表。根据my可知,此处应填apply的名词形式application。272016石家庄一模I watch people passing by and start my _ (imagine)答案imagination句意:我看着人们一个个经过,开始了我的想象。根据前面的my可知,此处应填imagine的名词形式imagination

47、。282014湖南高考All we need _ (be) a small piece of land where we can plant various kinds of fruit trees throughout the growing seasons of the year.答案is 句意:我们所需要的就是一小片土地,我们可以在一年中播种的季节里在那儿种植各类果树。根据题干可知,all指代的是a small piece of land,所以谓语动词要用单数形式;整句话的语境为一般现在时,故填is。292016湖南联考Our school along with many other b

48、rother middle schools _ (be) to take another joint test next month.答案is句意:我们学校和许多其他兄弟中学计划在下个月举行一次联考。主语由along with等介词(短语)连接时,谓语取决于其前面的主语,故填is。302017长沙月考He has donated some money to those who live in poverty, which _ (be) of great help.答案is句意:他已捐些钱给那些生活在贫困中的人,这是非常有帮助的。which引导的非限制性定语从句,说明前面一件事,故谓语动词用单数

49、形式。二、改正下列句子中的错误(每句只有1处错误)。12016全国卷My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest._答案honesthonesty句意:我叔叔告诉我他成功的关键就是诚实。此处是指诚实是他成功的关键,应用名词形式。22016全国卷The teenage year from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me._答案yearyears句意:13到19岁的青春期是我最艰难的一段时光。根据句中的13 to 19 were可知,year应该用复数形式。32016四川高考

50、Mom has a fulltime job, but she has to do most of the houseworks._答案houseworkshousework句意:妈妈有一份全职工作,但还是要做大部分的家务。housework为不可数名词,没有复数形式。42015全国卷One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent.he turned around and found that his parents were missing._答案parentparents句意:一天,小托尼跟父母亲去购物中心。由下

51、文的“.he turned around and found that his parents were missing.”可知,是父母两个人,所以此处用复数形式。52015四川高考As I told you last time, I made three new friend here._答案friendfriends句意:正如我上次跟你说的,我在这儿交了三个新朋友。名词friend为可数名词,其前有three修饰,故用复数形式。62014浙江高考A passenger realized he couldnt find his ticket.Yet, they had so quickly

52、offered the strangers their help._答案strangersstranger后面一句句意:然而,他们迅速地给陌生人提供了帮助。本句中的陌生人就是指上文中提到的那个丢了车票的乘客,是一个人,应用单数形式。72014四川高考Stay close to your teacher and classmate._答案classmateclassmates句意:靠近老师和同学们待着。从句意可知,此处表示同班同学应为复数形式。82014广西高考The understanding between two friends mean both of them have similar

53、 ideas and trust each other._答案meanmeans句意:两位朋友之间的理解意味着两个人有相似的想法及相互信任。本句的主语是the understanding,谓语动词要使用单数形式。92014辽宁高考The early morning barking have been disturbing us as we are often up all night with the baby._答案havehas句意:由于我们夜晚常要照顾小孩,因此清晨的狗叫一直在打扰着我们。本句的主语是动名词短语the early morning barking,谓语动词要使用单数形式。1

54、02014陕西高考Suddenly the arrows was flying down at us from the sky._答案waswere句意:突然,许许多多的箭从天上朝我们飞来。本句的主语是复数名词arrows,所以谓语动词使用复数形式were。112016浙江金丽衢十二校联考She took the lift to the eleventh floor, and the secretary showed her where her desk and her computer was._答案waswere句意:她乘电梯到十一楼,秘书指给她看她的办公桌及电脑的所在地。在where引导

55、的宾语从句中,主语是desk和computer,谓语动词用复数形式。122016甘肃兰州一中高三月考Each student learn a foreign language, mostly English, from Day One of their compulsory education._答案learnlearns句意:每个学生从义务教育第一天起就学一门外语,主要是英语。主语是each student,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。132016长春外国语学校检测You are the most considerate person who know exactly what I need

56、 in our class._答案knowknows句意:你是我们班上最体贴的人,很了解我需要什么。know是定语从句中的谓语动词,其形式由先行词person确定。由于person是单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。142016浙江嘉兴一中高三测试He get easily frustrated when they play with his favorite toy cars._答案getgets句意:当他们玩他最喜欢的玩具车时,他很容易变得沮丧。由于主语是He,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。152016福建福州期中About one thousand graduates took exams

57、 for it, but only a few was chosen and I was one of them._答案第一个waswere句意:大约一千名毕业生参加了考试,但是只挑选了几个人,而我就是被选上的人之一。根据主语only a few可知,谓语动词用复数形式。主谓一致一、主谓一致的概念及原则主谓一致即在句子中谓语动词的数必须和主语的数保持一致。一般可根据三个原则来确定:语法一致原则(主语的单复数决定谓语动词的单复数)、意义一致原则(形单意复的名词或形复意单的名词,要根据其意义来决定谓语动词的单复数)、就近一致原则(谓语动词的单复数取决于离它最近的主语)。二、主谓一致常考考点1表示一

58、类人的the poor/rich/dead/injured/wounded等作主语时,谓语动词用复数。The rich are to help the poor.2“主语with/along with/together with/as well as/rather than/but/except名词”,谓语动词的形式与主语一致。A gift together with many flowers was sent to me on Teachers Day by my students.3由either.or., neither.nor., not only.but (also)., or, n

59、or连接的并列成分作主语,以及there be句式中,谓语动词的形式与最靠近的主语一致。Either you or I was wrong in this matter.4被every, each, many a, more than one等修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。Every boy and (every) girl has adapted to the new teacher.More than one student wants to join the army.5复合不定代词anyone, somebody, everything, nothing, each等作主语,谓语

60、动词用单数。If anyone sees Lisa, ask her to call me.6两个单数名词由and连接表示同一人或物时,谓语动词用单数。The scientist and professor has made great contributions to the research.7class, family, crew, team, group, crowd, government等集体名词作主语时,若侧重整体,谓语动词常用单数;若侧重成员,谓语动词用复数。The football team is made up of 22 members.The football team

61、 are taking their training course on the playground.8表示由两部分构成的物体的名词,如:trousers, pants,jeans, glasses, shorts等作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。但如果这类名词前用了a pair of或two/three/.pairs of来修饰,谓语动词在数上要与pair的数保持一致。These trousers need cleaning.This pair of glasses is mine.9表示时间、距离、重量、体积、价格等的复数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。I think $5,000 is a

62、 large sum of money for him.10分数或百分数作主语,谓语动词根据分数或百分数所指代的名词而定。Two thirds of his income has been spent on books.Seventy percent of the population in that country are still in poverty.11“a number of复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用复数;“the number of复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用单数。A number of new products have been successfully produced.

63、The number of people doing fitness training is on the increase.12a large quantity of与large quantities of修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词根据quantity的单复数形式而定。A large quantity of trees has been planted on either side of the road.13从句、不定式或动名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。When the meeting will be held has not been decided yet.Reading in the sun does harm to our eyes.14定语从句中,关系代词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与先行词保持一致。Mr. Smith, who is now downstairs, is asking to see you.The Smiths, who are now downstairs, are asking to see you.


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