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湖北省黄冈市2021届高三9月月考英语试题 图片版含答案.pdf

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1、试题参考答案听力:1-5 BCBAC 6-10 ABCAA 11-15 CBCBC 16-20 AACAB阅读:21-23 BCD 24-27 BDAB 28-31 DDBA32-35 CBAC 36-40 CAFGB完形:41-55A C B C DD A D ACA B D D C语法填空:56-60realized;to improve;specially;aspects;if/when;61-65said;helping;on;have changed;it书面表达1.One possible version:Dear Jack,Knowing t hat you are eager

2、to know“the meeting commending role models in the countrys fightagainst the COVID-19 epidemic”,Im more than honored to introduce you more about it.Held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Sep 8,2020,the meeting was aimed to tocommend role models in the countrys fight against the COVID-19 e

3、pidemic.During the meeting,Xipresented the Medal of the Republic to Zhong Nanshan,and the natio nal honorary title PeoplesHero to Zhang Boli,Zhang Dingyu,Chen Wei for their outstanding contributions to the countrysfight against COVID-19.Its the role models and their spirits of“putting peoples lives

4、first”thatprotected us from the horrible virus and saved millions of lives.All Chinese show respect and worshipto them and decide to learn from them to unite together to build better communities.Pray the crisis will end as soon as possible.Best wishes!Yours sincerely,Li Hua2.One possible version:Par

5、agraph 1:A wave of guilt swept over me.I had to admit the fact that I had gone to the movies andthat was the real reason why I was late.Dad listened carefully as a sadness passed throughhim,“Im angry,not with you but with myself.You see.I realize that I have failed as a fatherif after all these year

6、s you feel that you have to lie to me.I have failed because I have broughtup a son who cannot even tell the truth to his own father.Paragraph 2:“Im going to walk home now and think where I have gone wrong all these years”,fathersaid to me.“But father,its exactly eighteen miles h ome from here,and it

7、s dark.You cantwalk back.”I begged.My protests,my apologies and the rest of my words were useless.I hadlet my father down and I was about to learn one of the most painful lessons of my life.Dadbegan walking along the dusty roads.I quickly jumped in the car and followed behind.Iapologized all the way

8、,telling him how sorry I was,but he simply ignored me.For 18 mileshe kept walking.Seeing my father in so much pain was the most awful experience that I haveever faced.However it was also the most successful lesson.试题答案解析阅读 A 篇答案:BCD选自:www.golakes.co.uk;体裁:应用文;主题:人与社会-广告-湖区景点指南;字数:228+83=311;难度:易解析:2

9、1.细节理解题,考察学生快速查找关键信息的能力,利用关键词 Lowther Castle&Gardens 定位在第一部分,从“Open:Daily from 10:00 to 17:00(16:00 in winter).”中找到答案 B。22.细节理解题,考察学生对具体的信息进行快速辨别并匹配的能力,利用关键词 LakelandClimbing Centre 定位在文章的第二部分,从“We are one of the UKs largest indoor aerialadventure Centres offering climbing and aerial activities for

10、all the family(5 years+).Ouraward-winning Centre incorporates Kendal Wall(tallest wall in the country),”可以选出答案C。23.细节理解题,考察学生查找特定信息的能力,根据具体信息“the unique traditions of LakeDistrict”定位在第三部分,得出答案 D。B 篇【答案】BDAB选自:China Daily;话题:人与社会 介绍地摊经济(文明城市里温暖的烟火气);体裁:说明文;词数:330+106=436;难度:中解析:24.细节理解题:通过第一段第二句可知25

11、推理判断题:从第二段“The large number of small-scale.thus creating a win-win situation”可判断出来26 细节理解题:第三段 To stabilize empl oyment,.For posts related to logistics 到这段末尾,可知它涵盖了不同的工种的选择27 推理判断 对态度意图的考察。从最后一段 Xu Lei 所说的话中可以揣测出来C 篇【答案】DDBA选自:CNN;话题:人与自然 介绍节能减排新举措(苏格兰初创公司用建筑垃圾造环保砖);体裁:说明文;词数:291+126=417;难度:中解析:28.细

12、节理解题:通过文章第二段可以得出29.细节加推理判断题:从第二段的 2、3 句可以判断出来30.主旨大意题:第三段将这种环保砖-K-BRIq 和传统砖进行了对比,列出了环保砖的优点。31 细节理解题:从最后一段可以找出问题的答案D 篇答案:CBAC选自:School of life;体裁:记叙文,人与社会-文学、艺术和体育-人物传记-玛格丽特.米德(人类学家);字数:305+179=483;难度:中解析:32.C 细节理解题。从第一自然段“.because she believed that such isolated culturescould serve as“laboratories”t

13、hat would reveal ways of living that the modern worldhad forgotten about but needed to remember.”可以得出答案为 C。33.B 推理判断题。从第二自然段“But in her 1935 book,“Sex and Temperament inThree Primitive Societies”,Mead studied tribes in Papua New Guinea and recordedthat.”及第三段“Meads striking conclusion is that.”可以推断得出

14、作者认为任何性别特征都不是简单的人性。34.A 代词指代题。从第三自然段“the same potentialities always exist,occurringgeneration after generation,only to perish because society has no place for them.”可以看出 them 指的是 the same potentialities,故选 A。35.C 写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文作者是在向读者介绍著名的人类学家玛格丽特.米德。阅读七选五本文是一篇说明文,选自 China Daily 2020 主要介绍了微信等应用越来越受

15、欢迎的原因。36.C.解释关系。微信和抖音近些年特别受欢迎,接下来分别介绍微信和抖音的受欢迎程度。37.A.递 进关系。人们信任微信在我们技术推进社会结构进步方面的安全作用,广州的居民用它来保存身份证,海淀法庭允许诉讼当事人使用微信与律师进行联系。38.F.顺承关系。在没有标签的情况下浏览网页,并在应用程序中与其他离线内容一起保存文章的能力简化了在线体验,用户不必不断地从一个应用程序切换到另一个应用程序,以及后面的“.combine the comprehensive nature of the web experiencewith the simplistic convenience of

16、mobile apps”将网络体验的综合性质与移动应用程序的简单方便结合起来。39.G.总分关系。在线和离线浏览体验的连续性使微信如此的成功,它使我们的注意力保持在我们的手机显示上。一个例子是,用户在打开像 We Chat 这样的 PWA 应用程序时,不需要加载白屏,只需一开始就能看到以前浏览过的内容,从而让他们能够从上次停下来的地方继续,就像读一本书一样。40.B.递进关系。前面说到微信不仅是与家人朋友联系的 App,更是可以用来购物付款,呼叫打车等服务。完形填空:【语篇导读】:本文改编自Global Reading高三第 16 期阅读D篇。主要讲述了作者对重视与顾客关系的经营理念的传承与坚

17、守。41.A根据常识和单词辨析,我们了解到作者的店是 1983 年开的。Ruin:to destroy or spoilsomething completely;discount:to regard sth as unlikely to be true or important;to reduce the price ofsomething.42.Cserve sb sth=serve sth to sb,I serve做定语修饰much of the food.43.B根据常识得知和下文“farm 种植”得知,作者的食物来自于作者的先祖们祖祖辈辈种植的那片土地。44.C考查单词辨析,expa

18、nd:If a company,business etc expands,or if someone expands it,theyopen new shops,factories etc.Drag:to pull something along the ground,often because it is too heavy tocarry.45.Doccupy:to fill or use a space,an area or an amount of time.“我们的菜单不断的丰富,后来,在五个地方都有分店”46.D”并不是最大化利润“,profits:the money that y

19、ou make in business or by selling things,especially after paying the costs involved.47.A根据下文得知,作者注重authentic relationships.48.Dold-fashioned“传统的”;neat-handed“手指灵巧的”;short-sighted“目光短浅的”;hard-earned“来之不易的”。49.A”当我做决定的时候,会自然而然地将决定基于大家的共同利益之上。“50.C同上51.Ainvolved:taking part in sth;being part of sth or

20、connected with sth52.B根据上下文逻辑关系我们知道这个答案。正因为作者知道后面的事实,所以,他才愿意坚守本心,做一个“小”企业。53.D考查动词词组辨析和上下文。“因为我知道当我们规模不断扩大的时候,我们会失去一些很重要的东西.”。take up:着手;开始做;从事;carry out:执行;实施。54.D根据第一段“How beautiful our business can be”和第三段开头“grow”可知答案是成功。55.C根据文章上下文和中心词“relationships”可知作者注重精神层面的东西,注重与邻里之间的感情。语法填空:文章改编自:http:/ imp

21、rove考查不定式做后置定语58.specially考查副词修饰动词。59.aspects考查名词的单复数60.if/when考查逻辑关系与状语从句的引导词。61.said考查含有同位语成分的句子中谓语动词的识别。62.helping考查动词ing形式做介词宾语。63.on考查介词on在常见的搭配中的运用。来源:学科网ZXXK64.have changed考查谓语动词与现在完成时态。65.it考查代词it做形式宾语。听力录音稿Text 1 问询:41 词W:When do you think that I can go home,doctor Smith?M:Well,you came in

22、on Monday and today is Friday.Id say that you could probably lea vetomorrow,but I dont want you to go back to work in several weeks.Text 2 看电视:25 词W:Shall I turn off the TV since you are not watching anything?M:Wait!Im going to watch a special programme in a minute.来源:学科网 ZXXKText 3 买字典:29 词M:Im loo

23、king for an English-Chinese dictionary.Do you have any?W:Yes,we do.Youll find them in the dictionary section on the top shelf.Text 4 看表演:42 词M:Hi,Anne.Im not going to see the performance tonight,but John is.Do you need a ride?来源:学科网W:Yeah.But Michael,do you suppose hed mind picking me up?M:I dont th

24、ink so.Text 5 学英语:18 词W:Jason,you look unhappy today!M:Yes.However hard I try,my English is still not good enough.Text 6(97 词)广告M:Do you remember the agent we met,the one who said Lily might be the child actress theyare looking for.W:Oh,I remember.He gave us his card,and I threw it away.M:I picked i

25、t out of the trash.Theyre shooting a childrens-furniture-store advertisementtoday.And they want Lily!W:Look,I threw away that card for a reason.M:Come on,itll be fun,and Lily will be on TV,and we can put the money in her collegeaccount.W:No,lets just give our daughter a normal childhood,huh?Text 7(1

26、19 词)请病假W:Shall I phone and tell your boss youre not going today?M:Yes,please,dear.Tell her Ive got a cold and a headache.Youd be tter say Im staying inbed.W:But youre not in bed!Do you want me to tell a lie?M:Oh,its only a very little one,dear.Im not making a false excuse.I really have a badheadach

27、e.W:Then put the cigarette out.M:Well,dear.Youre quite right.W:Look,heres some boiling water.Do as I tell you now.Ive put something in the water,thatll do you a lot of good.Put your nose over the water.Thats right.Breathe in deeply.来 源:学&科&网Z&X&X&KM:It smells nice.Text 8(152 词)演唱会插曲M:Betty,how was t

28、he concert last night?W:It was fine.But I didnt enjoy it because I had an argument with a person.M:You?Its unbelievable that you could have an argument with anybody.What happened?W:It was a woman,with her son,about 6 years old.They sat behind me and talked all theway through the concert.It was so an

29、noying.M:So you argued with them?W:No.I just told them not to talk and they nodded.But a minutelater,they begantalking again.The boy even kicked my seat.I felt quite uncomfortable so I turned my headand stared at them.Guess what?The woman said I should be nice to kids.Then we started toargue.What wo

30、uld you have done?M:I wouldnt have argued with her.I would have asked the security guard to remove her.W:Youre right.Text 9(165 词)报名暑期班M:Hi,Id like to have some information about the summer courses at Swan School.W:Certainly,Sir.We have two full-time summer courses.The first course begins on July3rd

31、 and lasts until July 20th,and the second from July 24th till August 10th.M:What about the fees for each course?W:The former course costs 500,and the latter costs 50 higher.M:I see.Do we have to find our own accommodation?W:No,we have a lady who arranges the accommodation for you with Oxford familie

32、s here.M:Good,how much does it cost?W:140 a week.M:OK.Id like to choose the second course,please.W:Sure,Sir.Can I have your name and nationality,please?M:Dominick Dobuwa.D-O-B-U-W-A.Im from France.W:OK,Mr.Dobuwa,you choose the second course from July 24th to August 10th.Pleasepay before July 15th th

33、rough our official website.M:OK,Im looking forward to going to your school in person.Text 10(194 词)地铁W:Study the faces of the subway riders,and youll see what it means to live in a city.Theyare all traveling in a busy world that exists under another busy world.The New York subwayis one of the oldest

34、 public transportation systems in the world-it has been underneath thiscity for 110 years now,and Ive been riding it for half that time.When Iwas a kid,therewasnt any fear-only adventure.I would stand at the window of the front car and dreamthrough the great network of tunnels,watching the red and g

35、reen lights go by.A subway islike a secret,a childs game.You go in one hole and you come out another.You move fast-much faster than a taxi,or walking or running.Years ago,a woman named Rosie Ruiz triedto steal a victory in the New York marathon by taking a s ubway to the finish line.Rosie wasright.The subway was faster.I think what people like most about t he subway,apart frombasic transportation,still comes from the magic feeling of rushing around fast in a trainunderground.来源:学科网


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