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山东专版 2014届高考一轮复习英语 新人教版选修6 课时跟踪检测(二十七) POEMS WORD版含解析.doc

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山东专版 2014届高考一轮复习英语 新人教版选修6 课时跟踪检测(二十七) POEMS WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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山东专版 2014届高考一轮复习英语 新人教版选修6 课时跟踪检测(二十七) POEMS WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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山东专版 2014届高考一轮复习英语 新人教版选修6 课时跟踪检测(二十七) POEMS WORD版含解析.doc_第6页
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1、课时跟踪检测(二十七)Poems.单项填空1(2013安徽皖南八校第二次联考)Shall we have a discussion about how to spend the coming National Day of 2013?_AYou are right.BDont bother me!CThat sounds great. DHave a good time!2There are more than two million farmers, _ two thirds of the total population of the province.Abeing made up of

2、Bconsisting inCmaking up Dconsisting of3The fact that Mary was foreign made _ difficult for her to get a job in that country.Aone BthisCthat Dit4(2013宁波五校联考)Was she badly hurt?Yes, each time she moved her leg, she _ a cry.Abroke out Btook outClet out Dkept out5My money _ .I must go to the bank to dr

3、aw some of my savings out before Ive none in hand.Ahas run out Bis running outChas been run out Dis being run out6(2013临川二中高三一模)As we know, language is one of the significant means for mankind to _ thoughts and feelings.Adrive BconveyCdeliver Dtransport7(2013济南一中高三检测)I was late for school this morni

4、ng because the traffic was _ by an accident.Aused up Bgiven upCloaded up Dheld up8(2013绍兴一中质检)Its not _ books you read but the way _ you read them that decides how successfully you gain knowledge.Athe number of; / Ba number of; in whichCa good many; which Dquite a few; in which9(2013上高二中高三模拟)With th

5、e college entrance examination _near, both the parents and the students are more and more anxious.Adraws BdrawnCdrawing Dis drawing10The inventor is excited, and he is going to _ his new machine. His idea sounds fine, but we need to see how it works in practice.Amake out Bhand outCtry out Dtake out1

6、1The bride and bridegroom were _ wedding gifts when all lights went out and the hall fell into complete darkness.Apresenting BexchangingCoffering Dchanging12(2013杭州质检)The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has _ all over the country.AcompaniesBbranchesCorganizations Dbusinesses13(2013衡水高三

7、质检)The number of the deaths in the floods is _ 35, but officials say the figure wont stand because they are still getting information in.Aexactly BappropriatelyCdefinitely Dapproximately14(2013兰州质检)John is very _ if he promises to do something hell do it.Aindependent BconfidentCreliable Dflexible15I

8、f we had known that Lily planned to go abroad today, we _ at the airport.Awill see her off Bwould see her offCwould have seen her off Dmust have seen her off.阅读理解(2013杭州高三统一质量检测)I found the imagination of becoming a grandmother somewhat discouraging. I was younger than I thought a grandmother should

9、 be when I got the news that I was going to become one myself. I admit, it was not a role that I was emotionally ready to accept. I had been a young mother, and had certainly hoped my daughter would not face that same challenge. I remarried when she was a teenager, and then had two more children.On

10、getting the news that she was expecting, I remember thinking “What do I know about being a grandmother? I havent even finished raising my own kids yet!”I dont like to be unprepared, so I read a few books about grandparenting. That gave me a little help, but I was still uncertain. I thought about oth

11、er grandmothers I knew, and got a few ideas I liked and a few more that I didnt .But I couldnt quite figure out what kind of grandmother I wanted to be. Then I thought about my own grandmother, Granny, as shes known by most people, and I knew I had the answer.I didnt realize it until that moment, bu

12、t my own grandmother was the example for the kind of grandmother I wanted to be. I am fortunate that I got to spend a lot of time with my grandparents when I was a little kid. Heres what I learned from my Granny.Grandmothers always have a cookie jar. For my entire life, Granny always had a cookie ja

13、r full of cookies. When I was a little tiny girl, just at eye level with the counter, Granny would get the cookie jar down for me. When I was a little older I learned how to pull the chair over so I could reach. As I got taller, if I really stretched, I could reach the cookie jar with my finger tips

14、 and move it close enough to get it down off the counter to find out what kind of treat was inside. Always the first thing I did when I went to Grannys house was check the cookie jar, and there were always cookies in it. Many years later, Ill drive my own children to Grannys house and the first thin

15、g is get us all a cookie.So grandmothers must have a cookie jar, and on my granddaughters first Christmas, my daughter bought me my own cookie jar. She said when they came to see me, her daughter would find the treat the way she did and I did.1The writer thought it was a little discouraging to be a

16、grandmother because_.Ashe was not old enough to be oneBshe was not emotionally ready to be oneCshe thought her daughter was too young to be a motherDgrandmother should be older than she was2The underlined phrase “that same challenge” in the first paragraph refers to“_”Ataking care of a grandchildBta

17、king care of a babyCbeing a young grandmotherDbeing a young mother3It can be inferred from the last paragraph that_.Athe writer has many happy memories of her grandmothers cookie jarBthe writer always wanted to know what was inside her grandmothers cookie jarCthe writer often drove her grandchildren

18、 to see her grandmothers cookie jarDwomen of the writers age all have a cookie jar for their grandchildren4What kind of grandmother did the writer want to be?AOne who has a jar filled with many kinds of cookies for children and herself.BOne who grows up with her grandmother cookie jar with all kinds

19、 of cookies.COne who is like her own grandmother with a cookie jar to treat her grandchildren.DOne who always makes different kinds of cookies to treat her grandchildren.5Which of the following can be the best title of this text?AGrandmothers Cookie JarBGrandmothers Treat for ChildrenCGrandmothers a

20、nd GrandchildrenDHappy Memories of Cookies.阅读表达1I first heard of Judge Jeanine Pirro from her TV court show of the same name. There is always something that distinguishes one judge show from another; with Judge Jeanine, besides sense of humor, she was truly passionate.2First she was an Assistant Dis

21、trict Attorney (律师) in Westchester County and later became the first female county court judge. After she left the bench, she was elected as the first female District Attorney. Judge Jeanine worked hard to improve the laws for victims of rape, murder and domestic violence.3Her court show won an Emmy

22、 Award this year, but you wont see her on the TV bench anymore. She has moved to a desk at the Fox News Channel. Justice with Judge Jeanine is an hourlong program discussing the legal system as it relates to crime and current court cases.4Hearing about Judge Jeanines accomplishments aroused my curio

23、sity so I read her book, To Punish and Protect: Against a System That Coddles Criminals.5I was impressed by this woman who gave a voice to those without one. I admire strong women who get things done; it wasnt something I saw when I grew up. I had a mom who couldnt even protect me from the horrors a

24、nd violence going on in our own home. So someone like Judge Jeanine was unheard of in my world.6Recently, I had the privilege of asking Judge Jeanine a few questions. She was so nice to squeeze me into her busy schedule. I was a little nervous about talking to her. Fortunately, it turned out to be _

25、 and she was very open with her answers.7Ive heard she has a new book Sly Fox coming out this spring. Its about a young female prosecutor (检察官) battling the system at a time when women were not allowed to try cases. Its a series of books that takes the readers up to when she finally becomes a prosec

26、utor. It sounds like Judge Jeanines life but it is a work of fiction.1How did the TV court show Judge Jeanine Pirro differ from other judge shows?(no more than 10 words)_2What did Judge Jeanine try to improve during her time as District Attorney?(no more than 12 words)_3What does Paragraph 5 mainly

27、tell us?(no more than 8 words)_4Fill in the blank in Paragraph 6 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)_5Who is the book Sly Fox centered about?(no more than 6 words)_答 案课时跟踪检测(二十七).1.选C第一句是提出建议,因此应该用“That sounds great.”来接受对方的提议。2选Cmake up用部分作主语,表示“部分构成整体”,用于主动语态;如果用整体作主语,必须用其被动结构be made up of,这时可

28、以和consist of互换;consist of常用整体作主语,表示“由组成(或构成)”,不能用于被动语态;consist in意为“存在于”。3选Dit在此是形式宾语,真正的宾语是for her to get a job in that country。4选C答句句意:是的。她每动一下腿,就叫一声。break out “爆发;发生”;take out “取出;带出;扣除”;let out “发出;放出”;keep out “使不进入”。故C项符合句意。5选B考查时态和语态。run out意为“用完”,不及物动词短语,所以不用被动语态,根据第二句可知“我的钱还没有用完”而是快要用完,所以用现

29、在进行时表示将来。故选B。6选Bconvey表示“传递;表达”,主要指传递和表达思想、意思、感情,符合句意。drive “驱使”; deliver “递送(物品、包裹、信件等)”; transport “(用交通工具)运送;运输”。7选D考查动词词组。句意:今天早晨我上学迟到了,因为一起事故造成了交通堵塞。hold up“延迟;阻挡”,符合句意。use up“用完;用光”;give up“停止;放弃”;load up“装满/完”。8选A句意:并不是你读的书的数量,而是你阅读的方式决定了你获得知识的成功性。the number of .“的数量”;the way 作定语从句的先行词时,引导词若在

30、句中作方式状语,则引导词可用that/in which/不填。9选C考查with的复合结构。With the college entrance examination drawing near是with的复合结构,the college entrance examination与draw near 之间是主动关系,该结构的意思是“随着高考的临近”。10选C句意:这位发明家很兴奋,他要试一下他的新机器。他的主意听起来不错,但我们要看它实践中的效果。try out“测试;试验”,符合句意。make out“辨认出;理解”; hand out“分发”;take out“带出去;清除”。11选B考查动

31、词辨析。句意:新娘、新郎正在交换结婚礼物,这时所有的灯都灭了,整个大厅里一片漆黑。present “授予;呈现”;exchange“交换”;offer“提供;提出”;change“改变”。12选B句意:这家银行的总部在北京,但是它在全国各地都有分行。branch作名词,在此处表示“分行”,和句中的head office相对应。company “公司”,范围太大; organization “组织”; business作可数名词时,表示“公司;商店”。13选D考查副词词义辨析。句意:这场洪水中的死亡人数大约是35。但是官方说这个数字不可靠,因为他们不断收到死亡的信息。 exactly“准确地”;

32、appropriately“适当地”;definitely“确定地”;approximately“大约”。14选C考查形容词辨析。句意:约翰很可靠。如果他答应做某事,他一定会做的。reliable “可靠的;可信赖的”,符合句意。independent “独立自主的;不受约束的”; confident “有信心的;有把握的”; flexible “灵活的;易弯曲的;柔韧的”。15选C虚拟语气用于条件句中,与过去事实相反。if条件句谓语用“had过去分词”;主句谓语用“would/could/should/mighthave过去分词”。.语篇解读:作者想象将怎样成为一个好的外祖母,通过对自己外祖

33、母的叙述,表达了对外祖母甜饼罐的美好回忆,同时也找到了问题的答案。1选B细节理解题。根据第一段中I admit, it was not a role that I was emotionally ready to accept.可知,她不情愿成为外祖母。2选D推理判断题。根据 I had been a young mother, and had certainly hoped my daughter would not face that same challenge.可知,这个挑战是当一个年轻的妈妈。3选A推理判断题。通过最后一段的叙述,作者表达了对外祖母甜饼罐的美好回忆。4选C推理判断题。

34、根据.my own grandmother was the example for the kind of grandmother I wanted to be. I am fortunate that I got to spend a lot of time with my grandparents when I was a little kid. Heres what I learned from my Granny.可知C正确。5选A主旨大意题。作者通篇都围绕 Cookie Jar 展开叙述,所以A正确。.1.It featured Judge Jeanines humor and passion.2The laws for victims of rape, murder and domestic violence.3The writer was impressed by Judge Jeanine.4a great interview5A young female prosecutor.


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