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2018届高三英语外研版一轮复习课件 第2部分 专题4 形容词和副词 .ppt

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1、上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习精剖析高效练专题四 形容词和副词上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习考点一 形容词和副词的类别及句法功能1形容词可分为定语形容词和表语形容词,常见的表语形容词有:afraid,alone,awake,asleep,alive,alike,ashamed,well,sorry,unable,worth,sure等。The boy is still asleep.小男孩仍然在睡觉。The old man was alone in the house.老人一个人待在房子里。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习2副词一般分为时间、地点、方式、程度、疑问、关系、连接副词等。

2、(1)时间副词。如:now,usually,often,always 等。(2)地点副词。如:here,there,out,everywhere 等。(3)方式副词。如:hard,well,fast,slowly 等。(4)程度副词。如:very,much,still,almost 等。(5)疑问副词。如:how,when,why,where 等。(6)关系副词。如:when,where,why 等。(7)连接副词。如:whether,why,when,how 等。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习Mike was usually so careful,yet this time he mad

3、e a small mistake.迈克通常很仔细,但这次他犯了个小错误。Jim went to answer the phone.Meanwhile,Harry started to prepare lunch.吉姆去接电话。在这期间,哈里去准备午饭。When to start has not been decided.什么时候出发还没有决定。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习3冠词和形容词连用的句型。(1)the形容词原级,指一类人或物。the old/poor/rich/disabled(2)the形容词比较级,指两者中“较的”那一个。the younger of the two(3)a

4、/an形容词比较级。The pen is expensive.I want a cheaper one.(4)amost形容词原级,表示最高级,意为“非常”。a most beautiful city上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习易错警示1作表语时主语不能是指人的形容词。如:(in)convenient,difficult,necessary,pleasant 等。2以-ly 结尾的形容词。如:friendly,lovely,lively,lonely,elderly 等。3仅作定语的形容词。如:little,many,live,only,elder 等。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习

5、4意义有别的同根副词 close 接近地closely 仔细地 hard 努力地hardly 几乎不 late 晚;迟lately 近来 wide 广阔地widely 广泛地 high 高highly 高度地 deep 深deeply(抽象意义的)深上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习考点二 倍数表达法常见的倍数句型主要有:1A is倍数比较级thanB2A is倍数as原级asB3A is倍数the名词(size,length,height 等)ofB4A is倍数thatofB5A is倍数what 引导的名词性从句上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习Peters jacket looked

6、just the same as Jacks,but it cost twice as much as his.彼得的夹克衫看起来与杰克的一样,但是价钱却是他的两倍。Americans eat more than twice as many vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.美国人现在每个人吃的蔬菜是 1910 年的两倍多。Smoking is harmful to peoples health,killing seven times more people each year than traffic accidents.吸烟对人

7、的健康有害,每年因抽烟而丧命的人是死于交通事故的 7 倍多。The output of cars in 2016 is four times greater than that of 2012.2016 年小轿车的产量是 2012 年的 4 倍。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习考点三 原级、比较级和最高级(一)基本用法1两者相比(甲乙),用“as原级as”表示。For cheerleaders,their sport is just as serious as baseball or football.易错警示 在同等比较级中,若同时出现形容词修饰单数可数名词,其语序为:asadj.an.a

8、s。I have never had as boring a day as today.上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习2两者相比(甲乙),用“not as/so原级as”表示。Unfortunately,my wife isnt so fond of them as I am.3两者相比(甲乙),用“比较级than”表示,(甲乙)用“less原级than”表示。Seeking information on the Internet is more convenient than searching in a library.上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习4三个或三个以上的人或事物比较,

9、表示最高程度时,用“the最高级比较范围”表示。During the 1990s,Michael Jordan was probably the best known basketball player in the world.上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习(二)特殊用法1“比较级and比较级”和“more and more原级”表示“越来越”,其反义词组为“less and less原级”。In many ways my disability has made me grow more and more independent.2“the比较级,the比较级”表示“越,就越”。The

10、more upset I got,the less I was able to concentrate.3“more原级than”表示“与其说不如说”。The girl was more frightened than hurt.上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习4“more than主语can谓语”表示“非所能;不能”。The beauty of the city is more than I can describe.5形容词比较级前一般不用冠词,但如果出现表示范围的短语时,就需要加定冠词。Of the two sisters,Mary is the cleverer.易错警示 有时形容词

11、最高级前不用 the,句中的 most 相当于 very,意为“非常;十分”。I am most happy to get your email.上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习(三)比较级表示最高级1在某个特定范围内,同类事物对比,可用以下比较级结构表示最高级含义:比较级thanany other单数名词the other复数名词anyone/anything elseany of the other复数名词China is larger than any other country in Asia.2never.a形容词比较级单数名词。I have never heard a bette

12、r voice.上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习易错警示 以下形容词及其副词无比较级和最高级:relative,absolute,perfect,entire,senior,golden,afraid,unique,present,simply,right,wrong,sure,round,empty,wonderful 等。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习.单句语法填空1(2017江西红色七校一联)He sat down and started(gentle)talking to the dog.gently 句意:他坐了下来开始温柔地和狗谈了起来。此处需用副词 gently作 talk

13、ing 的状语。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习2(2017双流中学 3 月月考)Poor student behaviour seems to be an(increase)widespread problem and I think that modern lifestyles are probably responsible for this.increasingly 句意:学生糟糕的行为似乎成了一个越来越普遍的问题,我认 为 这 种 现 象 是 现 代 生 活 方 式 造 成 的。设 空 处 要 用 副 词 来 修 饰 形 容 词widespread。increasingly 越来越

14、多地。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习3(2017山东下学期综合测试)(similar),when Ron Webster borrowed a book from the library of the University of Liverpool,he forgot to return it,too.Similarly 句意:同样,当 Ron Webster 从利物浦大学图书馆借书时,他也忘记还书了。副词 similarly 置于句首修饰整个句子。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习4(2017泰安一模)A wise man came along and asked them,“Oh,my

15、 dear friends,why are you crying?”“We were ten but now we are only nine,”they replied,and cried even(hard)harder 句意:一位智者走了过来,问道:“噢,我亲爱的朋友们,你们为什么哭啊?”“我们本来 10 个人,可现在我们只有 9 个人了。”他们回答道,甚至哭得更厉害了。根据句意以及设空处前的 even 可知此处需用副词的比较级形式作 cried 的状语。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习5(2017凉山州二次诊断)And if he wants to live(comfort),he

16、has to fortably 句意:并且如果想过得安逸,他就得工作。此处需用副词修饰动词 live。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习6(2017汕头二模)My aunt advised that I needed to go to hospital,and the treatment she provided gave my parents(value)time to take me to the hospital.valuable 句意:我姑姑建议我得去住院,她给我提供的治疗给了我父母宝贵的时间将我送去了医院。名词 time 前需用形容词作定语,故答案为 valuable。上一页返回首页

17、下一页高三一轮总复习7(2017江西师大附中、鹰潭一中 4 月联考)We will give 99%of our Facebook sharescurrently about$45 billionto advance this(value)mission.valuable 句意:为了推动此项有价值的任务,我们将给出我们脸书股份的99%目前大约 450 亿美元。名词前需用形容词作定语,故答案为 valuable。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习8(2017 山东下学期综合测试)Ron had a(success)career and worked for Ford before retirin

18、g and leading a relaxed life.successful 句意:在退休过轻松日子之前,罗恩在福特公司工作,他的事业很成功。名词 career 前需用形容词作定语,故答案为 successful。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习9(2017青岛质检)As they couldnt play outdoors,they were(happy),and some even got into fights from time to time.unhappy 句意:由于他们不能去外面玩,所以他们不高兴,甚至有些孩子不断地打架斗殴。根据上下文逻辑可推知设空处应为形容词 unhapp

19、y(不高兴)作表语。【导学号:60312249】上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习10(2017山西协作体二模)I had the(mean)mother in the world.meanest 句意:我有一个世界上最小气的母亲。根据上下文及设空处前的the 可推知设空处为形容词最高级,故答案为 meanest。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习.单句改错1(2017龙岩 3 月质检)I could not stay calmly and shouted rudely at him.calmlycalm 句意:我没能保持镇定并向他粗鲁地喊了起来。stay 在本句中为系动词,后需加形容词作表语

20、。2(2017中原名校联盟 4 月仿真)When I was a kid,my friend Liz became very sicker.sickersick 句意:当我小的时候,我的朋友 Liz 病得很厉害。副词 very修饰形容词原级,故将 sicker 改为 sick。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习3(2017黄冈 3 月质检)Although I was later for school today,I felt very proud of what I had done.laterlate 句意:虽然今天我上学迟到了,但我为我所做的感到非常骄傲。be late for 意为“迟

21、到了”。4(2017湖北七市 3 月联考)I fully understand why we are not comfortable about it,but theres no need to feel too sadly.sadlysad 句意:我充分理解我们为什么对此感到不舒服,但我们没有必要感到太悲伤。feel 作系动词,后需加形容词作表语。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习5(2017温州联考)To my greatly relief,he brought text books with him and helped me with my lessons.greatlygreat 名

22、词(relief)需用形容词修饰,故将 greatly 改为 great。6(2017山东实验中学一模)Anyway,Im great grateful to you for your kind invitation.greatgreatly 句意:尽管如此,对于你的热情邀请我深表感谢。需用副词修饰形容词,故将 great 改为 greatly。上一页返回首页下一页高三一轮总复习7(2017南平 3 月质检)She treats him so good.goodwell 句意:她对待他如此之好。需用副词作 treats 的状语。8(2017焦作一模)It was extreme cold last Monday morning.extremeextremely 句意:上周一早上极冷。cold 为形容词,故应用副词修饰形容词。


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