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2018届高三英语北师大版一轮复习文档 第2部分 专题7 定语从句 教师用书 WORD版含答案.doc

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2018届高三英语北师大版一轮复习文档 第2部分 专题7 定语从句 教师用书 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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1、专题七定语从句考点一关系代词引导的定语从句1who,whom,whose引导的定语从句(1)who或whom均可指代人,但who在从句中作主语或宾语,whom在从句中作宾语;两者在引导限制性定语从句时常可用that替换。作主语时,who/that不可省略;作宾语时,whom/who/that可以省略。Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school who/whom/that I met in the English speech contest last year.我与好几位去年在英语演讲比赛中结识的同校同学成

2、了好朋友。I have many friends to whom Im going to send post cards.我有很多我打算给寄贺卡的朋友。(2)whose表所属关系,一般指人,也可指物,在从句中作定语。指物时相当于of which;指人时相当于of whom。(2016全国甲卷)I had an unexpected teaching assistant in class whose creativity would infect other students.我在班上有一位意想不到的助教,他的创造性经常感染其他的学生。2that,which引导的定语从句(1)which指物,在

3、从句中可以作主语、宾语,也可作定语,作宾语时可以省略。that指人或物均可,在从句中可以作主语、宾语、表语,作宾语时可以省略。She showed the visitors around the museum that/which had been constructed three years before.她带着这些游客参观了那座三年前建造的博物馆。(2016天津高考)Every day I practiced reading and writing,which I used to avoid as much as possible.每天我都练习过去尽量避免去做的阅读和写作。(2)限制性定

4、语从句中,关系代词只用that不用which的情况:先行词为不定代词anything,nothing,something,everything,all,some,none,little,few,the one等时。I refuse to accept the blame for something that was someone elses fault.我拒绝接受因别人的错误而对我进行的指责。先行词是形容词最高级或序数词,或先行词前有形容词最高级或序数词修饰时。The first place that they visited in Guilin was Elephant Trunk Hil

5、l.他们在桂林参观的第一个地方是象鼻山。先行词被the only,the very,the last,the same,any,every,each,few,little,no,some,all等修饰时。The only part of the meal that I really liked was the dessert.这顿饭只有甜点是我真正爱吃的。先行词中既有表示人又有表示物的名词时。They will never forget the things and persons that theyve seen or heard of during their long journey.他

6、们将永远不会忘记在他们的长途旅行中见到或听说过的人和事。(3)关系代词只用which而不用that的情况:关系词引导非限制性定语从句时。The boy was away from home for a week,which worried his parents very much.这个男孩离家一个星期了,这使他父母很担心。关系代词前有介词时。We live in an age in which more information is available with greater ease than ever before.我们生活在一个信息比以前更容易获得的时代。3as引导的定语从句(1)a

7、s可以引导限制性定语从句,常用于“so/such/the same先行词as.”结构中。Such machines as are used in our workshop are made in China.像在我们车间使用的机器是中国制造的。易错警示which引导定语从句代指前面整句话的内容时只能位于主句之后。He kept lying to me,which annoyed me greatly.他总是对我说谎,这事使我很恼火。(2)as也可以引导非限制性定语从句,定语从句说明整个句子,可放在主句之前、之中或之后。常用的这种类似插入语的句式有:as the saying goes,as i

8、s said above,as is mentioned above,as often happens,as is often the case,as is reported in the newspaper等。“You cant judge a book by its cover,”as the old saying goes.正如老话所说的那样:“人不可貌相。”考点二关系副词引导的定语从句1where引导的定语从句where表示地点,在定语从句中作地点状语,相当于“介词in/at/on.which”。(2016天津高考)I went to a special school where I

9、got plenty of extra help.我去了一所特殊学校,在那里我得到了足够的额外帮助。易错警示当先行词为situation,case,stage,point,activity,atmosphere等抽象名词,且引导词在定语从句中表示事情发生的情况、阶段等时,常用关系副词where引导。You reach a point where medicine cant help.你到了药物无法治疗的地步。2when引导的定语从句when表示时间,在定语从句中作时间状语,相当于“介词in/at/on/during.which”结构。(2016天津高考)We will put off the

10、picnic in the park until next week,when the weather may be better.我们将把公园的野餐推迟到下个星期,那时天气可能会更好。3why引导的定语从句why表示原因,在定语从句中作原因状语,相当于“介词forwhich”结构。Do you know the reason why/for which he didnt attend the meeting?你知道他没参加会议的原因吗?名师点津非限制性定语从句中,用for which表示原因而不用why。I had told them the reason,for which I didnt

11、 attend the meeting.我把理由告诉了他们,为此我没有去开会。考点三介词关系代词引导的定语从句1介词和关系代词的确定若介词放在关系代词之前,关系代词指人时常用whom,指物时常用which。另外,whose也可以放在介词后,即“介词whose名词”结构。一般来说,确定关系代词前的介词,可以从以下三方面入手:(1)先行词的意义;(2)从句中的动词或形容词与先行词的固定搭配;(3)句子的意思。Trading leather shoes is the business to which the Greens are devoted.皮鞋生意是格林一家所致力于的事业。(be devot

12、ed to“献身,致力于”)I wish to thank Professor Smith,without whose help I would never have gone this far.我希望感谢史密斯教授,没有他的帮助,我永远不会走这么远。Recently I bought an ancient vase,whose price(the price of which)was very reasonable.最近我买了个古代的花瓶,它的价钱很合理。2“of关系代词”引导的定语从句在some,any,few,little,none,all,both,neither,many,most,

13、each等代词或数词的前、后表示整体与部分的关系可以用of which/whom。John invited about 40 people to his wedding,most of whom are family members.约翰邀请了大约40人参加他的婚礼,他们当中绝大部分是家庭成员。3“介词where”引导的定语从句有时“介词where”可以引导定语从句,此时要和“介词which”引导的定语从句从意思上加以区别。His head soon appeared out of the window,from where he saw nothing but trees.他的头很快从窗口探

14、了出来,从那里除了树木他什么也看不到。(from where相当于from out of the window,而不是from the window)核心考点针对练.单句语法填空1(2017江西红色七校一联)There,lying in the muddy river bed was a little dog about two months old, front legs were tightly tied with ropes.2(2017汕头二模)Sierra Leone is a country basic health facilities are lacking and many

15、people are struggling with poverty.3(2017赣州二模)We have a living room,two bedrooms with wonderful balconies and a kitchen, my mom always cooks great delicious food.4(2017青岛一模)On looking at the spot the bird had risen,I saw two eggs.5(2017烟台质检)The heartwarming story began in September last year a woman

16、 asked the primary school in her neighborhood to accept her sixyearold son.6(2017青岛质检)Some of the teachers at the college asked Dr.Naismith to invent a game can be played indoors.7(2017皖北协作区联考)If the earth is poisoned,the water,the food and the animals will be poisoned, means that we who poison the

17、earth will be poisoned too.8(2017温州返校联考)Those motorcycles, a huge umbrella is fixed,are a huge threat to people walking in the street.9(2017渭南一模)Im sorry not to have replied to your letter earlier,for ,I must say,I apologize. 【导学号:34802192】10(2017怀化一模)Almost every teenager will experience a period i

18、n their life they arent content with their parents.【答案】1whose句意:那里,在泥泞的河床里躺着一只大约两个月的小狗,它的前腿被绳子紧紧地拴在一起。先行词为a little dog,将先行词代入定语从句后为:The little dogs front legs were tightly tied with ropes.由此可见在定语从句中front legs缺少定语,故用whose引导。2where句意:塞拉利昂是一个基础医疗设备短缺、很多人都在与贫困做斗争的国家。先行词为a country,关系副词在定语从句中作地点状语,故答案为whe

19、re。3where句意:我们有一间起居室,两间有漂亮阳台的卧室,还有一间厨房,在那里我妈妈总是做出非常美味的食物。先行词为a kitchen,关系副词在定语从句中作状语,故用where引导。4where句意:我刚向那只鸟儿飞起来的地方看去,便发现了两枚鸟蛋。先行词为the spot,关系副词在定语从句中作地点状语,故答案为where。5when句意:那个温馨的故事发生在去年的九月,当时,一位女士请求她所在社区的小学接受她6岁的儿子。关系副词在定语从句中作时间状语,故用when引导。6that/which句意:那所大学的一些教师请奈史密斯博士发明一种可以在室内玩的游戏。先行词为a game,关系

20、代词在定语从句中作主语,且指“物”,故用that或which引导。7which句意:如果土地被污染了,水、食物和动物就会被污染,这意味着将土地污染了的我们也将被污染。先行词为设空处前的内容,关系代词在定语从句中作主语,故用which引导非限制性定语从句。8where句意:那些摩托车车身上都装了一把大伞,这对于街上的行人是一个巨大的威胁。先行词为those motorcycles,关系副词在定语从句中作地点状语,故用where引导。9which句意:很抱歉没能早点给你回信,对此我必须道歉。考查定语从句。从句中I must say为插入语,可忽略不计。定语从句的先行词为前面的“not to hav

21、e replied to your letter earlier”这件事,代入定语从句后为:I apologize for it.由此可见关系代词在定语从句中作介词for的宾语,故答案为which。10when句意:几乎每个青少年都会经历一段对父母不满的时期。考查定语从句。先行词为a period,将先行词代入从句后为:They arent content with their parents in the period.由此可见,关系副词在定语从句中作时间状语,故答案为when。.单句改错1Toms mother kept telling him that he should work ha

22、rd,that didnt work. 2This is the factory where I visited last week. 3I can recognize the book.That is the same English book as he borrows from the school library. 4The problem about that I consulted you has now been solved. 5We will start at the point which we left off last time. 【答案】1thatwhich句意:To

23、m的母亲不断地告诉他应该认真学习,这没有起任何作用。此处是which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个句子,不能用that。2wherethat/which或去掉where句意:这是我上周参观过的工厂。分析本句结构可以看出,句中含有一个定语从句。关系词在从句中作宾语,且指物,应用关系代词that或which引导定语从句,关系代词也可省略。因此把where改为that/which,或者去掉where。3asthat句意:我能认出那本书,那就是他从学校图书馆借来的那本英语书(指同一本书)。此处应用关系代词that引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词“English book”。4thatwhich句意:

24、我向你请教的那个问题现在已经解决了。此处是“介词which”引导的定语从句。介词后只能用which(指物)和whom(指人),不能用that和who,但当介词放在后面时,在限制性定语从句中,可用that代替which/whom,并且that可省略。在非限制性定语从句中只能用关系代词which/whom。5whichwhere句意:我们将从上次停下来的地方开始。分析句子的结构可知,句中包含一个定语从句,先行词point表示抽象的地点,故把which改为where。高考题型综合练.语法填空We are probably guilty at some points in our lives abou

25、t not caring for the environment as much as we should.Perhaps we drop litter without thinking,or cause pollution by using our cars when its not necessary.However,the real environmental 1 (criminal)are those big businesses 2 ignore the law.For many years,politicians 3 (attempt)to protect the environm

26、ent by making the businesses responsible 4 making sure that the chemicals they use dont add to the destruction of the environment. 5 problem for the businesses is that the protection of the environment costs money,and the businesses will always try to 6 (low)their costs if they can.Some of them do t

27、his 7 (simple)by putting chemicals into rivers when they have finished with them,leading to the 8 (create)of major problems.Although government inspectors may try to catch them 9 (do)it,it can be very difficult 10 (get)proof that a particular business is responsible for an environmental problem.【语篇解

28、读】本篇短文说明了企业和政府在环境保护方面的相关责任,解释了环境污染出现的主要原因和目前监督治理方面存在的一些问题。1criminals考查名词的数。谓语是复数时,主语也应该是复数名词。此处表示然而,真正的环境犯罪分子是无视法律的大企业。2which/that考查定语从句的关系词。先行词为businesses,定语从句中缺少主语,因此关系代词应为which/that。3have been attempting考查动词时态。从时间状语“For many years”以及语境可以看出这里应该用现在完成进行时。此处表示多年来,政府官员一直在努力通过方式保护环境。4for考查固定短语中的介词。be r

29、esponsible for“对应负责任”。此处表示企业负责保证他们使用的化学物质不会加剧环境破坏。5The考查冠词。根据语境可知,此处特指(造成污染的)企业的问题。此处表示这些企业的问题是保护环境需要花钱。故用定冠词。6lower考查形容词转换为动词。try to do something是固定用法,因此这里应用low的动词形式lower“降低”。7simply考查词性转换。该词修饰后面的介词短语,所以应该用它的副词形式simply。8creation考查词性转换。定冠词修饰的中心词一般是名词,create的名词形式是creation。此处表示导致了重大(污染)问题的产生。9doing考查非

30、谓语动词。catch sb.doing something“发现或发觉某人正在做某事”,因此这里应该用现在分词doing。10to get考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处是“itbeadj.to do.”结构,其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式短语。.短文改错 Last week,my friend asked me to visit her hometown with she.She told me that her hometown was very beautiful,I asked for my parents permission and they agreed.We

31、 decided to stay for a week.Because left home for the first time made me so happy,I was like a bird flying in a sky and breathing the free air.But when the fourth day come,I started to miss my parents,especially when night was came.The darkness made me feel alone,and I just wanted to be with my pare

32、nts.Until then do I realize that home is sweet and my parents are the most adorable persons.It is well to get home for me.What excited I was when I knew I could go home!【答案】Last week,my friend asked me to visit her hometown with .She told me that her hometown was very beautiful, I asked for my paren

33、ts permission and they agreed.We decided to stay for a week.Because home for the first time made me so happy,I was like a bird flying in sky and breathing the free air.But when the fourth day ,I started to miss my parents,especially when night came.The darkness made me feel ,and I just wanted to be with my parents.Until then I realize that home is sweet and my parents are the most adorable persons.It is to get home for me. excited I was when I knew I could go home!


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