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专题07 介词-2023年高考英语冲刺复习考点通关大全.docx

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1、专题07 介词2023年高考英语冲刺复习考点通关大全【考点详解】【命题解读】 通过研究历年高考真题不难看出,介词是高考中的必考点。介词在高考中主要体现在语法填空和短文改错中。语法填空中对代词的考查以无提示词形式呈现,短文改错中考查介词的误用或多/少词。对介词的考查主要集中在介词的基本用法上,最常见的是对介词短语的考查及固定搭配。【命题预测】预计2023年高考对介词的考查会更加灵活,以语法填空、短文改错兼顾完形填空的语篇辨析。侧重介词的基本含义和介词短语在语境中的释义。【复习建议】1.掌握方位、时间、工具、手段、方式、原因等介词的基本用法2.掌握固定搭配3注重分析语境中介词的词义和.固定搭配的积

2、累。【思维导图】考点一 (介词的用法)一、介词的句法功能:介词不能独立在句中充当成分,通常与名词、代词或动名词构成介词短语在句中充当语法成分。1作定语It was all because he happened to be the tallest boy in the last row.这一切都因为他碰巧是坐在最后一排最高的一个孩子。2作状语介词短语经常用来作状语,表示时间、地点、条件、原因、方式、让步等。Also imagine what it would be like spending the rest of your life with your eyes closed.也要想象闭着眼

3、睛度过余生会是什么样子。3作表语He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain.他没有东西吃,也没有水喝,而且疼得厉害。4作补足语I found her in low spirits when we met again.我们再次见面时,我发现她情绪很低落。【典例剖析】(2022全国高考甲卷,64) It was not widely accepted as a travel concept _ the late 1980s.【答案】until【解析】考查介词。句意:直到20世纪80年代末,它才被广泛接受为一种旅游理念。结合句意并分析句子结

4、构可知,此句含有not.until.结构,意为“直到.才”。故填until。二、 高考常考介词用法与辨析表示时间的in,on,atin表示一段时间内或一段时间之后;on总是与具体日子有关;at表示片刻的时间表示时间的since,from,throughsince指从过去到现在的一段时间,和完成时连用;from指从时间的某一点开始;through“整个”(表时间)表示时间的in,afterin与一般将来时连用指在一段时间之后;after表示某一具体时间点之后或用在过去时的一段时间之后表示地理位置的in,on,toin表示在某范围内;on指与某地毗邻,接壤;to指在某范围之外表示“在上”的on,i

5、non只表示在某物的接触表面上;in表示占去某物一部分,即在某物之内表示“穿过”的through,across,overthrough表示从内部通过,与in有关;across表示在表面上通过,与on有关;over表示在其正上方越过,并且有表示时间的用法,意为“在期间”表示“关于”的about,onabout指涉及;on指专门论述,比较正式between与among的区别between表示在两者之间;among用于三者或三者以上的之间besides, except,except for, but for的区别besides指“除了还有,还有”,其宾语包括在内;except指“除了”,其宾语不包括

6、在内;except for强调整体中的细节,意思是“只是”,前后的事物不属于同类;but for意思是“要不是”,往往用在虚拟语气的含蓄条件句中表示“用”的with,inwith表示具体的工具;in表示材料、方式、方法、度量、单位、语言、声音等as与like的区别as意为“作为,以地位或身份”;like意为“像一样”in与into的区别in通常表示位置(静态);into表示动向,不表示目的地或位置【典例剖析】(2022全国乙卷改错)In my opinion, students can benefit a lot doing some housework.【答案】在a lot后面加from【解

7、析】考查介词的基本用法。from表示“从中”,句意“在我看来,学生们可以从做家务中收益很多”。My mother had longed to play music since childhood, but his family was poor and couldnt afford lessons.母亲从小渴望演奏音乐,但是他家很穷,承担不起上课的费用。Can we talk about this over dinner?我们吃饭时能谈谈这个吗?Her parents always talk to her in German.她父母总是用德语与她交谈。三、高考常考介词的其它用法(1)介词at可

8、表示动作、感情的原因,意思是“因而;一听到(看到/想到)就”。At the boys remark, the bookseller looked at him curiously.听到男孩的那句话,卖书人好奇地看着他。(2)“on名词或动名词”结构可表示“一就”。On his arrival he went straight to the counter and spoke to the clerk in uniform behind it.他一到达就径直往柜台走去,并与柜台后边穿制服的店员说话。(3)to与情感名词连用,表示“令某人的是”。如:to ones delight/surprise

9、/horror/sorrow/joy/regret等。(4)with的用法a表示两种事物之间的相应关系或齐头并进的意思。With time passing, they have grown into big boys.随着时间的流逝,他们都长成大小伙子了。b指原因或理由。The small child trembled with fear.那小孩吓得哆嗦。(5)by的用法a含有“到的程度”的意思。This one is shorter than that one by three inches.这一个比那一个短三英寸。b表示买卖东西所用以计算的数或量或付酬所用以计算的时间。Milk is so

10、ld by the pint, butter by the pound, and eggs by the dozen.牛奶论品脱卖,黄油论磅卖,鸡蛋论打卖。c表示“按照”或“根据”的意思。By my watch, the time is half past twelve.按我的表,现在是十二点半。(6)of与抽象名词连用,表示的意义相当于该名词对应的形容词。ofgreat/much抽象名词very形容词;ofno抽象名词not形容词。It is of great/much value.It is very valuable.这个东西很贵重。(7)near, by, beside, at表示“在

11、附近/旁边”near表示“在附近”;by与beside同义,表示“靠近,在旁边”,比near距离更近;at也可表示“在旁边”,但多表示有目的的行为和所处的位置。Jennifer came up and sat beside me.詹妮弗走过来坐在我身旁。We are sitting at the desks listening to our teacher.我们正坐在课桌旁听老师讲课。(8)against的用法含义例句反对;违背;与相反They got married against her parents wishes.他们违背她父母的意愿结婚了。触;碰;撞;紧靠;倚靠Tired, Jim

12、was fast asleep with his back against a big tree.吉姆累了,背靠着一棵大树很快便睡着了。与竞争We will be competing against the best companies in Europe.我们将会和欧洲的顶级公司竞争。防备,抵御They took measures against the fire.他们采取了防火措施。以为背景,衬托The hill looks more beautiful against the blue sky.在蓝天的映衬下,小山更显美丽。(9)for的用法a.与表示“为了,因为”例如:thank sb

13、. for; make an apology to sb. for sth.; blame sb. for; b.加时间段,表示“一段时间”Having been learning English for six years, I have a good command of the language.c.用于固定短语,表达别的含义take.for granted认为是理所当然的事,【典例剖析】(2022高考)Museums must compete _ peoples spare time and money with other amusements.【答案】for【解析】考查介词。com

14、pete for意为“为而竞争”,这是for的基本意思,故填for。d.because of, due to, thanks to的用法because of通常作状语,位于句首或句尾,表示直接的原因;due to通常作表语,表示“由于,因为”;thanks to表示“多亏,幸亏”,既可用于褒义,也可用于贬义,多位于句首。The streets were flooded because of all the rain.下雨导致街道被淹了。His illness was due to smoking and drinking.他的病是由吸烟和饮酒引起的。Thanks to modern medic

15、ine, the disease can now be cured.多亏了现代药物,这种疾病现在可以被治愈了。【典例剖析】(2022高考)The answer _ this question is not clear. 【答案】to【解析】考查介词。介词to常用于用于answer, key之后作后置定语,需多背诵。限时练1单句语法填空The artist wrote _ ink/pencil (_ a pen/a pencil)The skiers red clothes stood out clearly _ the snow.I have the same book _ you (have

16、)The big stone looks _ a monkey.I know nothing about the young lady _ that she is from Beijing.She was given a scholarship _ the award.Japan is/lies _ the east of China.The Well Hotel stands in a quiet place _ the main road at the far end of the lake.Some students often listen to music _ classes to

17、refresh themselves._ then on she knew she would win.I lost my money and I have been worried _ then.Lets discuss it _ lunch.Well have finished the work _ ten oclock tomorrow.I usually take a bath _ having my breakfast.It is very considerate _ you to remind me.It is necessary _ the students to know so

18、me learning methods.It is _ me why she wants to marry Jeff.He seized me _ the arm.【答案】:in; withagainstaslikeexcept besidestooffbetweenFromsinceoverbybeforeofforbeyondby考点二 (介词短语)1常见高频介词短语at the age of 在岁时above all 最重要的是apart from 除此以外at the same time 同时;然而at dawn 在黎明at the cost of 以的代价at the mercy o

19、f 任凭的摆布at the sight of 一看到be of help/value/use/benefit 有帮助的/有价值的/有用的/有益处的be of importance 重要的be of significance 有重大意义的in the face of 面对,面临in addition to 除以外in case of 万一in charge of 负责,主管in the charge of 在的管理之下in control of 控制,掌握,管理in search of 寻找in honor of 为了纪念in exchange for 作为交换in memory of作为对的纪

20、念in favor of 赞成,支持in fear of 害怕in need of 需要in no time 立刻in a hurry 匆忙in the way 碍事,挡路in the meanwhile 与此同时in the hope of 抱着的希望in no way 决不in preparation for 为作准备in response to 作为回应in turn 依次;转而in return (for) 作为(对的)回报in sight 看得见;在视野之内in spite of 尽管,虽然in possession of 拥有in the possession of 被拥有on t

21、he contrary 相反on account of 因为;由于on behalf of 代表on condition that (only if) 在的条件下on the basis of 以为基础on the point of . 正要with regard to 关于2高频介词短语(1)表示方式的介词短语by accident 偶然地 by means of 借助于by chance 偶然地 by force 用暴力by hand 手工地 by mistake 错误地by nature 天生地 by the month 按月by turns 轮流by weight/volume 按重量

22、/体积算in cash 用现金支付 in detail 详细地in size 在大小上 with delight 高兴地with ease 轻易地 with joy 高兴地with pleasure 愉快地(2)表示状态的介词短语at a loss 不知所措at dinner 在吃晚餐at peace 处于和平状态 at rest 静止at war 在战争中 at work 在工作in anger 生气 in bed 在床上in danger 处于危险中 in debt 负债in despair 失望 in difficulty 处于困难中in doubt 不确定,拿不准 in fear 在恐

23、惧中in high spirits 情绪高昂 in need 在危难中,在穷困中in order 秩序井然 in print 发表in rags 穿着破旧 in surprise 吃惊in trouble 在困境中 in use 使用中on a trip 在旅行 on business 因公出差on display 在展出 on duty 在值班on holiday/vacation 在度假on sale 在出售;低价出售 on show 在展出on strike 在罢工 on the go 非常忙碌on the way 在途中 out of balance 失去平衡out of contro

24、l 失去控制 out of danger 脱离危险out of date 过期 out of order 出故障out of work 失业(3)表示“在”的介词短语under attack 遭到袭击under consideration 在考虑中under construction 在建造中under control 在控制之下under discussion 在讨论中under pressure 在压力下under repair 在修理中under test 在测试中限时练2单句语法填空_ the age of twenty, Alexander himself became king a

25、fter his father died.When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough to cool the house during the hot day; _ the same time, they warm up again for the night.There had been a terrible accident on the highway and, _ a result, there was a long line of traffic for at le

26、ast six miles.He taught me the trick _ condition that I never tell anyone else how to do it.He founded the charity _ memory of his late wife.【答案】:Atatasonin易错点一介词词义的误用(1)【误】The bridge on the river, which has a history of nearly 100 years, is now in danger of falling down.【正】The bridge over the river

27、, which has a history of nearly 100 years, is now in danger of falling down.分析over通常指“正对的上方”,表示两个物体之间垂直的相对位置;on指线上或面上的接触点,仅在两个物体互相接触的情况下表示“在上面”。(2)【误】In those days, we had no phones, so we had to keep in touch with writing often.【正】In those days, we had no phones, so we had to keep in touch by writi

28、ng often.分析with表示用具体的工具,此处用by表示抽象的方式。by writing意为“通过写信”。本题不是keep in touch with的固定搭配。注意造成以上错误的原因在于对词义接近的介词的用法不清,应加强对考点一第“二”点的学习。易错点二介词搭配的误用(1)【误】You should eat more fruit and vegetables, which are rich of vitamins.【正】You should eat more fruit and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins.分析be rich in是固定

29、搭配,意为“富含”。根据语境可知,把of改为in。(2)【误】He got married with her last month.【正】He got married to her last month.【正】He married her last month.分析get married to sbmarry sb 为固定表达,意为“与某人结婚”。(3)【误】Under the help of the teacher, he made rapid progress.【正】With the help of the teacher, he made rapid progress.分析with th

30、e help of sb 意为“在某人的帮助下”为固定短语。注意造成以上错误一方面在于不熟悉介词的语法功能和不同搭配,另一方面在于英汉差异而致,如误区二第(2)处和第(3)处。平时应注意短语的积累,方能避免此类问题。易错点三介词的缺失错误(1)【误】If you hear the alarm, stand in line at the door and wait your teacher to lead you outside.【正】If you hear the alarm, stand in line at the door and wait for your teacher to lea

31、d you outside.分析wait for是固定搭配,意为“等待”,由于其后有宾语your teacher,故需要加介词for。(2)【误】He is the man I just spoke.【正】He is the man I just spoke to.分析man后为省略了关系词的定语从句,对某人讲话为speak to sb,故to不可缺失。易错点四介词的多余错误【误】We, together with our teacher, visited a local nursing home in last week.【正】We, together with our teacher, v

32、isited a local nursing home last week.分析时间名词前有this,next, last等修饰时,一般不再用介词,last week前面不须加介词。注意造成以上错误的原因主要在于受汉语表达的影响,若想避免此类问题多背多练是关键。1介词必须要接宾语,宾语通常由名词、代词、动名词或者what从句充当。若设空后是名词、代词或动名词且它们在句中不作主语和动词的宾语,则要考虑介词。2.“四种方法”确定介词(1)根据介词短语与谓语的逻辑关系;(2)根据语境含义结合介词用法;(3)根据特殊的结构关系,如接复合宾语就只能用with或without;(4)根据介词与动词等的搭配

33、。【牛刀小试】语法填空1. In recent years, stress has been regarded _ a cause of a whole range of medical problems, from high blood pressure to mental illness. 2. Its unfair that he gets away _ cheating because hes a famous author.3. The mother continued to care for the young panda more than two years. 4. Which

34、 opinion you agree with is up _ you.5. Both the Summer and the Winner Olympics are held every four years _a regular basis.6. The nurse feels proud that she can help here and there, and make a difference _ peoples lives.7. We should not judge a person _ his appearance but people make that mistake fro

35、m time to time.8. Playing these games can lead _ anti-social behaviour.【答案】:1. as 2.with 3. for 4. to 5.on 6.to 7.by/from 8.to单项选择1Participating this speech serves as a fabulous opportunity to acquire a thorough and comprehensive understanding of profound history behind every character _ merely lear

36、ning to write.Ain terms ofBby turnCdue toDrather than2Chinese patriotic cartoonist Wuheqilin regards his satire illustrations which quickly go viral on Chinese social media as a way to point out justice instead of intentionally attacking western regime, western media or anything _.Ain particularBat

37、lengthCon creditDin conflict3The book discusses the extent _ family life has changed over the past 50 years.AwhereBin whichCto whichDthat4She has been awarded with many prizes in _ of her services to society.AmemoryBrecognitionCexpressionDcharge5Its pretty of Peter to know what happened at once. , h

38、e is only five years old.Asharp; After allBenthusiastic; In all;Cpessimistic; After allDaware; Above all6_leaving high school, Ernest Hemingway joined a local Kanas newspaper as a trainee reporter.AOnBAtCForDIn7Many enterprising young people present their ideas_ getting investment and advice to star

39、t their own business.Aat the cost ofBby means ofCas a result ofDin the hope of8It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money _ favor to them.Ain preference toBin placeCin agreement withDin exchange for9_ her disappointment, she _ and managed a bright smile.ARegardless of; move

40、d onBIn spite of; took offCDue to; settled downDDespite; cheered up10I have offered to paint the house _ a weeks accommodation.Ain respect ofBin exchange forCby means ofDin place of11Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these hobbies can get _ of schoolwork.Aon the wayBby the wayCin the wayDou

41、t of the way12Remember to spend some time _ your loved ones, because theyre not going to be around forever.AfromBwithCinDon13Analysts said there was no sign of relief _, judging from the depth and breadth of Januarys labor market plunge(骤然下跌).Aon the horizonBon endCon the edgeDin the distance14_ the

42、 global pollution, he recommended everybody _ the environmental protection cause.AIn terms of; be devoted toBAs for; devoted toCConcerning; would be devoted toDApart from; should devote to15_ the severe air pollution, its time we _ measures to arouse peoples awareness of environmental protection.AOn

43、 account of; takeBDespite; should takeCAccount for; should takeDDue to; took16Why does the river smell terrible?Because large quantities of rubbish _ there, and we should alert the public _ the danger of it.Ahave been thrown; ofBhas been thrown; ofChas been thrown; toDhave been thrown; to17Humans ar

44、e and will continue to become increasingly _ about the problems _ health and well-being through food.Aconcerning; concernedBconcerned; concernedCconcerning; concerningDconcerned; concerning18The doctor treated Mike _ his headache with a new drug but didnt cure him _ it.Aof; withBfor; ofCfor; byDby;

45、with19Winners of the writing competition were chosen language, content and hand-writing.Ain addition toBin memory ofCin the hope ofDon the basis of20We have to admit that there are many people nowadays _ still live happily _ of modern technology.Awho; in absenceBwhich; at absenceCthat; on presenceDw

46、here; in presence21The president _ health system after he came into power.Awas committed to reformBcommitted himself to reformCcommitted himself to reformingDwas committing to reform22There was dead silence _ the sound of our hearts beating violently.AdespiteBexcept forCin spite ofDbesides23Most of

47、us went to see her, _ some girls.AincludeBincludingCincludedDto include24We couldnt trust them _ all their friendly manners.Aas a result ofBon the basis ofCin case ofDin spite of25This doesnt happen _; it happens by design.Aonce in a whileBby accidentCin the endDmore or less26_ his efforts to achiev

48、e peace and international cooperation, the President was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.AFar fromBExcept forCRather thanDDue to27They went into the forest _ search of the lost boy.AatBwithCforDin28Here are still some spaces which are_for cellular phones, such as aeroplanes and churches.Aon displayBbe

49、yond wordsCin placeDoff limits29In Britain 18-to-24-year-olds are spending _ time on Facebook and Instagram, its sister app, as they were four years ago.Amuch moreBas half muchCmore muchDhalf as much30In recent years, many people_Asian origin have been subjected to various forms of racial discrimina

50、tion in science.AinBofCtoDfrom31As a reward _ his contribution _ botany, Joseph Banks had a flower named _ him.Afor; to; afterBfor; for; toCto; for; afterDof; to; for32I was impressed the efficiency of the work done in the company.AinBaboutCwithDfor33You are not to take photos in the museum without

51、_.AoccasionBcontributionCimpressionDpermission34The program has made great progress _ little support from the government.Adue toBwith regard toCinstead ofDin spite of35Miss Wangs devotion teaching has won her great reputation.AasBofCtoDwith36I heard about it _ from my neighbor.Atake overBapart fromC

52、in memory ofDat first hand37Villagers here depend on the fishing industry, _ there wont be much work.AwhereBbeyond whichCby whichDwithout which38Many people cycle to work _ the governments calling for living a low-carbon lifestyle.Ain spite ofBin honor ofCin addition toDin response to39_ anxiety, CO

53、VID-19 has also brought opportunities to some industries and changes to our lifestyles.ADue toBIn spite ofCApart fromDAccording to40The girl was determined to marry the young man she fell in love with, _ her parents disagreement.Aby means ofBregardless ofCdue toDin favour of【参考答案】1D【详解】考查固定短语辨析。句意:参

54、加本次演讲是一个绝佳的机会,可以让我们深入全面地了解每个人物背后的深刻历史,而不仅仅是学习写作。A. in terms of就而言;B. by turn轮流;C. due to由于;D. rather than而不是。根据句意可知,此处为固定短语rather than“而不是”,满足句意要求。故选D项。2A【详解】考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:中国爱国漫画家乌合麒麟将其在中国社交媒体上迅速走红的讽刺插图视为一种指出正义的方式,而不是有意攻击西方政体、西方媒体或任何特别的东西。A. in particular特别;B. at length终于;C. on credit赊帐;D. in confli

55、ct有矛盾。根据“Chinese patriotic cartoonist Wuheqilin regard his satire illustrations which quickly go viral on Chinese social media as a way to point out justice”可知,中国爱国漫画家乌合麒麟并没有用作品去攻击西方西方政体、西方媒体或任何特别的东西。故选A。3C【详解】考查介词和定语从句。句意:这本书讨论了过去50年家庭生活的变化程度。extent通常和介词to搭配,to the extent.“到的程度/地步”,代替先行词extent作介词to

56、的宾语,应用关系代词which引导从句。故选C。4B【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:她被授予许多奖项以表彰她对社会的贡献。A. memory记忆;B. recognition认可;C. expression表达;D. charge掌管。根据后文“of her services to society”可知为短语in recognition of,表示“表彰”,故选B。5A【详解】考查形容词及介词短语的辨析。句意:彼得很机灵,马上就知道发生了什么事。他毕竟只有五岁。A. sharp锋利的,灵敏的;After all 毕竟;B. enthusiastic热情的,常与about 连用;In all总一

57、共,一共计;C. pessimistic悲观的;D. aware意识到,常与of连用;above all最重要的是;首要的是。根据后文“know what happened at once”可知马上就知道发生了什么事,所以是机灵的,再根据后文中的only,可知,二空处表毕竟之意。所以A项正确。6A【详解】考查介词。句意:高中毕业后,欧内斯特海明威加入了当地一家卡纳斯报纸,成为一名实习记者。A. On在上;B. At 在;C. For为了;D. In在里。分析可知,此处为固定句型on doing“一就”。故选A。7D【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:许多有进取心的年轻人提出了自己的想法,希望得到投

58、资和开始自己事业的建议。A. at the cost of以为代价;B. by means of 用;C. as a result of 由于;D. in the hope of怀着的希望。根据句意可知,年轻人提出自己的想法是希望得到投资和建议,故in the hope of符合题意。故选D。8D【详解】考查介词短语词义辨新。句意:公职人员向人们索取礼物或金钱以换取对他们的帮助是违法的。A.in preference to优先于;B.in place在对的位置;C.in agreement with与一致;;D.in exchange for交换。根据句意可知,公职人员向人们索取礼物或金钱以换

59、取对他们的帮助是违法的。故选D项。9D【详解】考查介词短语和动词。句意:尽管她很失望,但她还是振作起来,露出了灿烂的笑容。A. regardless of不管,不顾,moved on继续;B. in spite of 尽管,took off起飞;C. due to因为,settled down定居;D. despite尽管,cheered up振作起来。分析句子,前后构成让步关系,表示“尽管”用despite或者in spite of,根据后文managed a bright smile,此处应并列cheered up。故选D。10B【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:我已提出粉刷房子以换取一周的

60、住宿。A. in respect of关于;B. in exchange for交换;C. by means of依靠;D. in place of代替。此处指“粉刷房子以换取一周的住宿”应用in exchange for。故选B。11C【详解】考查介词短语。句意:许多青少年都有爱好。但有时这些爱好会妨碍学业。A. on the way在路上;B. by the way顺便说一下;C. in the way妨碍;D. out of the way把移开。根据前文but可知本句与前句表示的是转折关系。get in the way of意为“妨碍”符合句意。故选C。12B【详解】考查介词。句意:记

61、得花些时间和你爱的人在一起,因为他们不会永远在你身边。A. from 从,来自;B. with和,伴随;C. in 在里面;D. on 在上面。由句意可知,记得花时间“和”爱人在一起,spend time with somebody 表示“花费时间和某人在一起”,故答案为B。13A【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:分析师表示,从1月就业市场暴跌的深度和广度来看,目前还没有缓解的迹象。A. on the horizon即将来临的;B. on end连续地;C. on the edge坐立不安;D. in the distance在远处。根据上文“there was no sign of relie

62、f”指还没有缓解的迹象来临,故选A。14A【详解】考查固定短语和虚拟语气。句意:关于全球污染问题,他建议大家致力于环境保护事业。in terms of“就而言”,as for“关于,至于”,concerning“考虑到,鉴于”,apart from“除了外”;根据句意可知,空格一处涉及固定短语“in terms of”,意为“关于,就而言”;空格二所在句为“that”引导的宾语从句,省略了“that”,句中“recommended”意为“建议”,其后宾语从句要用虚拟语气,谓语动词为“(should)+动词原形”,“should”可省略,“be devoted to”意为“致力于”,句中表示“致

63、力于环境保护事业”,故空格二应填“be devoted to”。故选A项。15D【详解】考查介词短语和虚拟语气。句意:由于严重的空气污染,是时候采取措施提高人们的环境意识了。A项中On account of 译为“由于”;B项中Despite 译为“尽管”;C项中Account for 译为“说明(原因、理由等),是的原因”;D项中Due to译为“由于”;在It is (high) time句型中,time后的句子中的谓语要用一般过去时或should+do来表示对现在情况提出建议的虚拟语气。结合句意,第一空表示“由于”,排除BC两项,第二空应用took或should take,故排除A。综上

64、,故选D项。16D【详解】考查主谓一致和介词搭配。句意:为什么这条河散发着恶臭?因为大量的垃圾被扔在那里,我们应该提醒公众注意它的危险。quantities of既可以修饰可数名词,又可以修饰不可数名词,谓语动词用复数,故排除B、C项;alert sb to sth“使意识到,提醒某人注意某事”固定搭配。故选D项。17D【详解】考查形容词和介词。句意:人类现在和将来都将越来越关注通过食物带来的健康和福祉问题。分析句子结构,第一个空应该使用形容词作表语,concern为动词,意为“关心,与有关系”,其形容词有两种,以ed结尾的描述人的感受,以ing结尾的形容词修饰事物和情形。sb. be con

65、cerned about sth意为“某人关心某事”,第一空中的主语是humans,故第一空使用concerned。分析句子结构,第二空应该使用介词构成介词短语作状语。concerning可以作为介词,意为“关于”,符合句意。故选D。18B【详解】考查固定短语。句意:医生用一种新药治疗迈克的头痛,但没有治好。分析句子可知,空格一处涉及固定短语“treat sb. for sth.”,意为“治疗某人的某病症”,故空格一处应填介词“for”;空格二处涉及固定短语“cure sb. of sth.”,意为“治愈某人的某种病症”,故空格二处应填介词“of”。故选B项。19D【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句

66、意:写作比赛的优胜者是根据语言、内容和书写选出的。A. in addition to 除之外;B. in memory of纪念; C. in the hope of 怀有的希望;D. on the basis of以为基础。结合空前“Winners of the writing competition were chosen”及空后“language, content and hand-writing.”可知,此处指根据语言、内容和书写来决定获胜者。故选D。20A【详解】考查定语从句和固定短语。句意:我们必须承认,现在有很多人在没有现代技术的情况下仍然过着幸福的生活。分析句子可知,句子为限制

67、性定语从句,先行词为“people”,指人,在从句中作主语,故应用关系代词“who”或“that”引导从句,排除“B”和“D”,根据句意可知,句中指“在没有现代技术的情况下仍然过着幸福的生活”,“in absence of”意为“在没有时”,故空格二应填“absence of”,排除“C”。故选A项。21C【详解】考查固定短语。句意:总统上台后致力于改革卫生系统。表示“致力于”短语为commit oneself to doing sth./be committed to doing sth.,结合后文came可知为一般过去时。故选C。22B【详解】考查介词词义辨析。句意:四周一片死寂,只除了我

68、们心脏猛烈的跳动声。A. despite尽管;B. except for除以外;C. in spite of尽管;D. besides除之外(还)。结合句意可知,此处表示“除了我们心脏猛烈的跳动声以外,四周一片死寂”,故排除A、C项;except for意为“除以外”,表示“减”的概念,且往往用于非同类事物之间;besides意为“除外,还有”,表示“加”的概念。根据题干中的“dead silence”和“the sound of our hearts beating violently”可知,心跳声不属于死寂的范畴,属于“减”的概念,且二者为非同类事物,设空处应用except for。故选B

69、项。23B【详解】考查介词。句意:我们大多数人都去看她了,包括一些女孩。空格处用介词including表示“包括”,故选B。24D【详解】考查固定短语词义辨析。句意:尽管他们处处显得很友善的样子,但我们还是不能信任他们。A. as a result of由于的结果;B. on the basis of以为基础;C. in case of万一;D. in spite of尽管。根据句中“couldnt trust them”和“all their friendly manners”可知,句中指尽管他们处处显得很友善的样子,但我们还是不能信任他们,“in spite of”意为“尽管”,符合语境。

70、故选D项。25B【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:这不是偶然发生地;这是故意地。A. once in a while偶尔;B. by accident偶然地;C. in the end最终;D. more or less或多或少。结合语意,这是故意地,所以不是偶然发生地。故选B项。26D【详解】考查短语词义辨析。句意:由于他为实现和平和国际合作所做的努力,总统被授予诺贝尔和平奖。A. Far from远离,一点也不;B. Except for除了;C. Rather than而不是;D. Due to由于。根据“the President was awarded the Nobel Peace

71、Prize.” 由于为实现和平和国际合作所做的努力,所以获得诺贝尔和平奖。故选D。27D【详解】考查介词词义辨析和固定短语。句意:他们到森林里去寻找那个走失的男孩。A. at在岁时;B. with和;C. for为了;D. in在里面。in search of是固定短语,意为“寻找”,故选D。28D【详解】考查固定短语辨析。句意:这里还有一些空间是禁止使用手机的,比如飞机上和教堂里。A. on display展览;B. beyond words无法用语言表达;C. in place在适当的位置;D. off limits禁止使用。由“such as aeroplanes and churche

72、s”可知,飞机和教堂是不允许使用手机的,因此空格处是“禁止使用”。故选D。29D【详解】考查固定短语。句意:在英国,18到24岁的年轻人花在Facebook和Instagram(其姊妹应用)上的时间是四年前的一半。根据空后的as可知,此处考查as much.as结构,排除A、C项,much后接被修饰的不可数名词time,half作为倍数,应置于第一个as之前,故选D项。30B【详解】考查介词。句意:近些年来,许多亚裔人在科学上遭受到了各种形式的种族歧视。A. in在.里面;B. of属于.的;C. to向、朝着;D. from来自。由语意可知,那些有亚洲血统的人在科学方面遭受到了种族歧视,因此

73、,空处前面的many people与空处后面的Asian origin之间是所属关系。故选B项。31A【详解】考查介词。句意:作为他对植物学贡献的奖励,Joseph Banks有一朵以他的名字命名的花。根据句意及句子结构可知,第一空考查短语a reward for,表示“因为的奖励”,故第一空填for;第二空表示“对有贡献”,故用contribution to,故第二空填to;第三空表示“以命名”,故用be named after,故第三空填after。故选A。32C【详解】考查介词词义辨析。句意:我对公司工作的效率印象深刻。A. in在里;B. about关于;C. with在方面;D. f

74、or为了。be impressed with sth.表示“对某物印象深刻”,所以空处应用介词with。故选C项。33D【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:未经允许,你不能在博物馆里拍照。A. occasion场合;B. contribution贡献:C. impression印象;D. permission同意,许可。根据句意,此处考查介词短语without permission,意为“未经许可”,作状语。故选D项。34D【详解】考查介词短语。句意:尽管政府给予很少的支持,但这个项目仍取得了巨大的成就。A. due to 由于;B. with regard to 关于,至于;C. instead

75、 of 而不是;D. in spite of 尽管,虽然。根据句意可知,此处应用in spite of,表示“尽管”,表让步,为状语。故选D项。35C【详解】考查介词词义辨析。句意:王老师对教学的奉献为她赢得了声誉。A. as作为;B. of属于;C. to对于,关于;D. with具有。此处考查ones devotion to (doing) sth,意为“某人对的奉献”,为固定搭配。设空处应填介词to。故选C项。36D【详解】考查动词和介词短语词义辨析。句意:我是直接从我的邻居那里听说这件事的。A. take over接管;B. apart from除了;C. in memory of为了

76、纪念;D. at first hand直接。分析句子句意可知,句意表明的是从邻居那直接听到的。故选D项。37D【详解】考查介词+关系代词引导的非限制性定语从句。句意:这里的村民以渔业为生,没有了渔业就不会有太多的工作。分析句子结构可知,空处所在句子应为非限制性定语从句,对主句内容进行补充,关系代词which指代先行词fishing industry,结合句意,村民离开了渔业就无以为生,所以用介词without。故选D项。38D【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:许多人骑自行车上班,以响应政府倡导的低碳生活方式。A. in spite of尽管;B. in honor of为了向表示敬意;C. in

77、 addition to除了以外;D. in response to响应。由语意可知,许多人骑自行车上班,这是一种低碳生活方式,说明这些人响应了政府所提倡的低碳生活方式。故选D项。39C【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:除了焦虑,新冠肺炎也给一些行业带来了机遇,改变了我们的生活方式。A. Due to由于;B. In spite of尽管;C. Apart from除了;D. According to根据。根据语境可知,新冠肺炎除了带来焦虑,也带来了一些机遇,此处表示“除了”用Apart from。故选C项。40B【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:这个女孩不顾父母的反对,决心嫁给她爱上的那个年轻人

78、。A. by means of用的方法,凭借;B. regardless of不管,不顾;C. due to由于;D. in favour of支持。根据“The girl was determined to marry the young man she fell in love with,”可知,女孩不顾父母的反对,决心嫁给她爱上的人。故选B。【真题实战】语法填空1.(2022高考全国甲卷)It was built originally to protect the city _ the Tang Dynasty and has now been completely restored.2

79、. (2020全国卷)The far side of the moon is of particular interest to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters (环形山), more so _ the familiar near side.3. (2021全国卷)The artist was finally humbled (谦卑) by the greatest artist _ earth, Mother Nature.4. (2021浙江高考)Some time after 10,000 BC, people made t

80、he first real attempt to control the world they lived _, through agriculture.5. (2020全国卷)Modern methods _ tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid1980s.答案:1.in 2.than 3.on 4.in 5.of/for单句改错1(2020全国卷)After that I poured oil into a pan and turned off the stove, I waited pa

81、tiently unless the oil was hot._2(2022全国卷)I told my father that I planned to return for every two years._3(2020全国卷)Still I was unwilling to play the games for them sometimes._4(2021全国卷)I came to a sudden stop just in the middle on the road._5(2020全国卷)They have also bought for some gardening tools._6(2020全国卷)My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in a short period of time._【答案】:1.offon 2.去掉for 3.forwith 4.onof 5.去掉for 6.dreams后加of/about


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