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2011年高考英语总复习大纲版知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测:第一册UNIT 13 HEALTHY EATING.doc

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1、第一册Unit 13 Healthy eatingI单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器高考须掌握的词汇:1examination 2energetic 3chemical 4sleep;sleep 5taste 6Mix高考须掌握的短语:1junk 2to 3of 4with 5make 6for 7then 8up考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分一、重点词汇1fjt adj健康的;适合的eg: Jogglng can help you keep fit慢跑有助于保持身体健康。 She is not a fit person to be in charge of s

2、inail children她不是适合看管小孩子的人。相关链接:fit v适合;装配,安装eg: This dress doesnt fit me这件衣服不适合我。 were having new locks filtted on all the doors我们正在给每道门装上新锁。用法拓展:keep fit保持健康be fil to do sth适合干某事be fit for sth:适合某事特别提醒:“It flted/fitfitted/fit的反义词是unfit案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三考题1-1 (典型例题分)His great height fitted him basketba

3、ll games. A. to B. for C. With D. by考题1-2 . He runs 3 miles every morning, thats why hes so A. fit B. fits C. fitted D. fitting考题11点拨:答案为B。sthfit sbfor sth/to do sth某事使某人适合某事/适合干某事。句意为:“他身材高大,适合参加篮球运动。”考题12点拨:答案为A。fit adj健康的;适合的;fitted adj定做的;fitting adj恰当的;得体的。句意为:“他每天早晨跑三英里,因此才那么健康。”2gain vt增加;获得e

4、g: Im new in the job,but Im already gaming experience 在这个工作上我是生手,但我已开始有经验了。 The car gained speed as it went down the hill 这部车下山坡时速度增加了。相关链接:gain增加;获益No pains,no gains不劳无获。用法拓展:gain a prize获奖 gain a reputation获得声誉 gain speed加速gain time时间走得快gain welght增加体重考题2-1 (典型例题My watch_ five minutes a day, so I

5、have to set it hack. A. gains B. wins C. gets D. loses考题2-2 (典型例题)We were wild with joy at the news that our team the football match. A. had gained B. had won C. had beaten D. had defeated考题21点拨:答案为A。根据句中set it back“调回”,可知表走快了,所以选gain。gain time表示(钟表)时间走得快,反义词词组为lose time。考题22点拨:答案为_R。gain可表示“获得、赢得”,

6、也可表示“增加、改善”。如果后面宾语是the war/battle/game/match/race/ argument等词时,用win而不用gain。句意为:“我们听到我们的球队赢了那场足球赛时欣喜若狂。”3hurt v使疼痛;感到疼痛 n疼痛eg: The new shoes hurt me穿这双新鞋我脚疼。 His injured left leg st11 hurts他受伤的左腿还在疼。 This failure was a great hurt to me这次失败对我来说是一种巨大的痛苦。相关链接:hurt adj受伤的 a hurt arm受伤的手臂 hurt feelings受伤的

7、感情用法拓展:get hurt受伤(可指身体上或情感上) It wont hurt sb/sth对某人/某物没有害处。考题3 (典型例题) It wont you to change the plan now. You know, it is not practical. A. wound B. pain C. hurt D. get hurt考题3点拨:答案为c。It wont hurt sbto do sth干某事对某人没有害处。句意为:“现在改变计划对你没害处,你知道,这个计划是不切实际的。”二、重点短语 4oughtto应当;应该 eg: we really ought to buy

8、a new car,oughtnt we?我们真该买一部新车,对不对? The old coat ought to have been thrown away years ago这件旧大衣好几年前就该扔掉了。用法拓展:(1)ought to是情态动词词组,后接动词原形,疑问句是把ought提前,否定句在ought后加not。 (2)aIght to可表示责任或义务有时表示劝说。 eg: You oughtnt to go out to play before finishing your homework 没完成作业,你不该出去玩。 (3)ought to可表示推测。 eg: The new

9、coat ought to be ready on Thursday新大衣应该在周四能准备好。(4)ought to have done本应该做某事却没做。 eg: I ought to have helped him。but 1 wasnt able to 我本应该帮他,但我帮不了。 (5)oughtnt to have done本不应该做某事却做了。 eg: You oughtnt to have spoken to him in that way你本不应该那样对他讲话。考题4-1 (典型例题Our house is on the top of the hill, and in winte

10、r the winds be pretty cold. A. must B. ought to C. can D. need考题4-2 (典型例题-Has the doctor arrived yet? No, she an hour ago. A. has to come B. ought to have come C. should come D. used to come考题4-3 (典型例题 分)You this morning if you really wan-ted to see it yourself. A. ought to come B. could come C. oug

11、ht to have come D. must have come考题41点拨:答案为C。must必须,一定;ought to应当,应该;can会,有时会;need需要。句意为:“我们的房子在山顶上,所以在冬天风有时候会很冷。”can在此表示“有时候会”,而ought to仅表示“应当,应该”。考题42点拨:答案为B。ought to have come本应该来到但实际上却没有,表示过去应该做却没做的事,含有责备语气。考题43点拨:答案为C。原因同42。5plenty of许多;大量的eg: There is plenty of rain in the area of the country这

12、个国家的这个地区雨水充足。 There are plenty o(chairs for each guest to have one 有足够多的凳子能让每位客人拥有一个。用法拓展:表示“多”这一概念并用来修饰可数名词的词组有:many/a great (good)many/many a/dozens of/scores of/hundreds of/thousands of/ millions of/bIllions of/a large number of 用来修饰不可数名词的词组有:mnch/a great(good)deal of a large amount of/large amou

13、nts of 既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词的词组有: a lot of/lots of/plenty 6fJ/piles of/a 1arge quantity of/large quantities of考题5-1 (典型例题) It was once reported that whales came to the coast to die together. A. score of B. a good many C. a great deal of D. a large number考题5-2 (典型例题 分)-Is there rain in your country? No.

14、 So crops dont grow well and we have to bring in some advanced machines to in-crease rainfall. A. a lot of B. lots of C. enough D. plenty of考题51点拨:答案为B。whales是可数名词的复数形式,不能用a great deal of来修饰,A、D项的正确表达应是scores of,a large number of,所以用a good many来修饰whales。考题52点拨:答案为c。a lot of/lots of/plenty of后可接可数或不可

15、数名词,但通常不用于否定句和疑问句中,在否定句和疑问 白巾常用enouih/much/many等替代 6keep up with不落在后面,跟上eg: He walked so fast that she couldnt keep up with him他走得很快,使她无法跟上。用法拓展:keep up(使)居高不下;持续不停考题6 (典型例题) Will the fine weather ? -Yes, I hope so. A. keep up B. keep C. keep on D. keep up with考题6点拨:答案为A。keep up持续不停;keep可以作不及物动词,但在此

16、句中意思不成立keep on doing继续干某事;keep up with不落在后面,跟上。 7HoW and then时而;不时;偶尔 eg:I dont think about my horrletown very mueh,only HoW and then我不十分想念家乡,只是偶尔想想。相关链接:now and again偶尔;有时 every now and then/again偶尔;有时 a littk now and then/again偶尔;有时考题7 (典型例题)We were good friends when living in that small village,

17、and now we keep in touch with each other by E mail A. by and by B. more or less C. now and then D. step by step考题7点拨:答案为C。by and by不久以后;more or less差不多,或多或少;now and then时而,不时,step by step逐渐地。句意为“当我们住在那座小村子时,我们是好朋友,现在我们偶尔通过E-mail保持联系。”三、重点交际用语8本单元的语言交际是“Seeing the doetor,注意学会医生及病人常用句的表达。 Patient Doct

18、or Ive got a pare here There is something wrong with I dont feel welI Lie down and let me examine you Let me have a loo k Where does it hurt? Drink plenty of water and get some rest考题8-1 ( 典型例题 分) Mum, Ive cut my finger. Its bleed ng! _ a. Let me see B. Dont worry C. Be careful D. Let me have a look

19、考题8-2 (典型例题分) You dont look very well, Mr Baker. Is anything wrong? _ A. Yes, I have B. Thank you C. I have a headache D. Fhere is something 考题81点拨:答案为D。A项Let me see是“让我想一想”的意思,不合题意。B项Dont worry“别担心。”应在看了孩子受伤情况后讲;C项Be careful“小心。”应在孩子准备做事之前讲,在此显然不合情理。孩子伤了手指,母亲说:“让我看看(Iet me have a loo k)。”是一个自然的答语。

20、考题82点拨:答案为C。根据问句1s anything wrong?“怎么啦?”可知答语应选C。四、重点句型9We had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat 我们最好学会正确选择吃什么和怎样吃。相关链接:had better do;sth最好去做某事,否定形式为had better not do sth 最好不要做某事,否定或疑问形式借助于had,在口语中可以出现Better do sth/Better not do sth最好干/最好别干某事。考题9 Youd better _ instead o

21、f doing nothing. A. doing something B. do something C. do anything D. not to do anything考题9点拨:答案为B。had better后接动词原形,可排除A、D项,句意为:“你最好做些事情而不要无所事事。,10only in that way wiIl we be ready for the challenges and Opportunities in Iife 只有用那种方式我们才会为生活中的挑战和机会做好准备。用法拓展:以副词only+介词短语/副词/状语从句开头的句子,主句用部分倒装的形式。 eg:on

22、ly in this way can you work it out只有用这种方式你才能解决这个问题。 only when one is away from home does one realize how nice home is 只有当一个人离开家时他才会意识到家有多么美好。 Only then did he come to know he was wrong 到那时他才开始知道自己错了。考题10 ( 典型例题 分 ) Only when possible to settle the problem. A. does the chief editor come will it be B.

23、 the chief editor comes will it be C. has the chief editor come it will be D. the chief editor comes it will be考题10点拨:答案为B。only+when引导的时间状语从句中,when引导的从句用陈述语序,后面的主句要用倒装形式。句意为“只有当主编回来,这个问题才可能解决。”五、词语辨析11fit,suit 这两个词都可表示“适合,合适”。fit强调大小方面的适合,可引申为“吻合”;suit强调颜色、款式的适合,还可表示时间、条件等的适合。 eg:The coat doesnt fit

24、 meIt is too large这件外套不适合我,它太大了。The coat doesnt suit meIt is too bright这件外套不适合我,它太鲜艳了。是表语形容词,通常作后置定语,习惯上用fast/sound进行修饰,不用 very修饰。 eg: Im sleepy and ld like to go to bed我很困,想去睡觉。 Please wake the sleeping boy up请把那个正在睡觉的孩子叫醒。 He fell asleep as soon as he got into bed他一上床就睡着了。 Hes fast/sound asleepdon

25、t wake him up他睡得很熟/香别吵醒他。考题11 (典型例题 分)ld invite you to my home for dinner. Does Saturday evening you? A. fit B. fit for C. suit D. suitahle for考题11点拨:答案为c。B、D项排除的原因是没有系动词be,A项中的fit不能用于时间方面的适合,suit可用于时间方面的适合。12sIeepy,sleeping,asieep sleepy表示“有困意的,想睡觉的”,sleeping表示“正在睡觉的”,asleep考题12 Please be quiet. Th

26、e little boy-is asleep in bed.A. much B.very C. sound D. well考题12点拨:答案为c。asleep是表语形容词,不用very、much等修饰,而习惯上用fast、sound等修饰,表示“酣睡”。13a bita little a bit一点儿。与a little同义,而a little可作形容词,直接修饰不可数名词,但a bit 不能作形容词后须加of+不可数名词。Theres little milk in the bottle瓶子里还有一点儿牛奶。I have a bit of advice to tell you我有一点儿劝告要给

27、你讲。用法拓展:not a bit一点儿也不not a little非常,很eg: Im not a bit tired我一点儿也不累。 Im not a little tired我非常累。考题13(典型例题)Mary was not frightened; in fact, she was nearly frightened to death. A. a bit B. at all C. a little D. much考题13点拨:答案为c。not a bit一点儿也不,not a little非常,很。句意为:“玛丽非常害怕,事实上她差点被吓死。”语法归纳 精通规则 游刃有余 情态动词(

28、一)had better,should,ought to的用法 1had better表示“最好”,用于向别人提出建议或表明自己的主张、看法,其后接不带to的不定式,否定形式为had better not。 eg: Youd better get some resI你最好休息一下。 Youd better not eat fruit that isnt ripe你最好别吃没有熟的水果。 2should的用法总结如下: 用法 例句表示应该做,且有一种道义的责任,也可表示劝告、建议。I should help him because he is in trouble noW我应该帮助他因为他现在正

29、处于困境中。Now you know what you should do现在你知道该做什么了吧。表示推测,但可能性较小。They should be back by noW,他们现在应该回来了。表示说话人惊奇、失望、忧虑、惋惜、愤怒、欢欣等情绪。Its unfair that they should treat black people like that!他们竟然那样对待黑人,真是不公平!后接不定式的完成式,用于肯定句中表示应该做某事却没做;用于否定句中。表示不该做某事却做了。You should have helped each other你们本应该互相帮助。We shouldnt ha

30、ve bought the IBM PC586我们本不应该买IBM PC586电脑的。表示委婉、谦逊。I should think so我可是这样想的。You are,mistaken,I should say据我看,你可搞错了。后接不定式的进行式,表示对正在进行的行为的看法。He should be wai。ting for them at the gate他总该在门口等他们吧。用于疑问句中,表示惊讶、难以相信或不应该的事。Should she do such a thing?她会做这种事吗?How should I know?我怎么会知道?(意为:我不知道。)3ought to的用法总结如

31、下: 用法 例句表示责任或义务,有时表示劝诫。You ought to finish your work before you go home你应该在回家前把工作做完。I ought to go homeI have to cook supper for my grandmother我该回家了。我得为我奶奶做晚饭。表示推测。 Look at the skyit ought to be a fine afternoon看看天下午一定很晴朗。You have practised for a long timeThere ought to be nodifficulty for you你练了很久,该

32、不会有困难了。后接不定式的进行式,表示对正在进行的行为的看法。We ought to be making preparations for the meeting now我们现在应该做开会的准备了。You ought to be saving money你该存些钱。后接不定式的完成式,用在肯定句中表示对过去发生动作的推测或表示过去应该做而未做的事,常含有责备的语气;用在否定句中,表示过去不应该做某事却做了。I ought to have helped them,but 1 wasnt able to我本来应该帮助他们的,但我帮不了。You oughtnt to have spoken toth

33、em in that way你不应该对他们那样讲话。考题1 ( 典型例题 分 )-Why ask the teacher to explain the problem? - I think to work it out by ourselves. A. not; better B, dont we; it better C, do you not; us better D, dont you; wed better考题2 (典型例题 分) Jenny have kept her word. I won- der why she changed her mind. A. must B. shou

34、ld C. need D. would考题3 ( 典型例题分 ) Its nearly midnight oclock. Mary be at home at any moment. A. must B. need C. should D. ought考题4 (典型例题) You ought to have made an apology to Mary last night. -Yes, I know I A. ought to B. have to C. should have D. must have考题1点拨:答案为B。就第一空来说,选A、B、D都正确,但就第二空来说,it为形式主语,

35、better是宾语补足语,后面的不定式短语才是真正的宾语。 考题2点拨:答案为B。should have done本应该做某事却没做;must have done肯定做了某事;need have done本需要做某事却没做;would have done本要做某事却没做。句意为:“詹妮本应该信守诺言的,我不知她为什么改变了主意。”考题3点拨;答案为c。should表“(按常规/常理推测)应该”。 考题4点拨:答案为C。should have是should have made an apology to Mary的省略形式,相当于ought to have(made an apology toM

36、ary)。句意为:“你本应该昨晚向玛丽道教的。是的,我本应该那样做。”IV专题探究 由点及面 由表及里专题探究:专题详解:如何提高英语听力能力,是很多学生都想了解并解决的问题。听力技巧因人而异,但以下问题应是关键所在:1要有良好的心理状态实践证明,心理因素对听力影响至关重要。首先要充满信心,心态平稳不带任何心理包袱,有助于发挥自己的最大潜能。在任何情况下都要心态平和,急躁是听力的大忌。特别是对于中下水平的学生,容易陷入一种恶性循环:未听之前先担心,然后注意力分散听不懂,听不懂就急躁,急躁就会漏掉听力的关键内容,最后导致听力考试失败。实际上所听内容有些与答题无关,听不懂也不影响答题。因此,听力考

37、试中一定要调整好心态,切忌因为个别词语而放弃全篇。2了解常见的提问方式 听力试题常在以下几个方面设问。 (1)询问谈话地点或其他地点。 eg:Where are the two speakers?Where does this conversation take place?Where is the woman going?Where .is the cinema?Where did this conversation most probably take place?(2)询问事件发生的时间。 eg:What time does the train leave?When should Sus

38、an go to meet Professor Brown?On which day will the Japanese Music Concert be held?At what time does the train toLeeds leave?(3)询问发生的事件。 eg:What are the two speakers doing?What has John promised to do?What happened in the west?What did Paul do this morning?What has Nancy agreed to do with Bob next S

39、aturday?(4)询问数字、号码,有时需要计算。 eg:What is Toms telephone number?What is the womans house number?(5)推理判断。 eg: Why is the man unhappy about their weekends? Why are many roads closed in the north? What can we learn about the man from the conversation?Why does Tom ask Sally and John to call him? Why cant th

40、e man turn left? What is the relationship between the two speakers? Which of the following words best describes the day the speaker had?3在听之前预测内容听之前快速浏览题干和选项,能够大致预测要听的内容,比如谈话双方的身份、地点等。要善于利用各段落之间的停顿时间,最大限度地捕捉信息,带着问题去听,这样有助于听时抓住重点。4抓住重点和关键词、句 浏览题干和选项内容,想一想重点要听哪些内容,比如姓名、地点、数字、日期和事件等。 eg:Where did this

41、conversation most probably take place? A. At a concert. B. At a flower shop. C. At a restaurant.听力原文:M:The music and flowers are lovely. W:-Yes. I hope the food is good. too.若能抓住关键词food,便能准确选择C项。 有时需要注意重读、连续、弱读及失去爆破等现象。请看下题:Howmany people are there in the mans family? A. Four. B. Five. C. At least s

42、ix.听力原文: W: How many people are there in your family? M: Besides my parents and me, theres my brother and my sisters.考生需要听出parents和sisters均为复数,才能选对C项。5边听边记录 由于听的内容较多,即使当时听得很清楚,听完整个独白也可能就忘掉了。考生可以边听边在草稿纸上记下重点内容,如数字、人名、地名等,尤其是数字更容易记错,需要格外注意。V考题类型一网打尽 蓦然回首 灯火阑珊回顾1 测试语法 (典型例题)I often see lights in that e

43、mpty house. Do you think I report it to the police? A. should B. may C. will D. can1A点拨:should-表示有责任、有义务干某事。句意为:“我经常看到那所空房子里亮着打,你认为我应该把这件事告诉警察吗?”回顾2 测试语法 (典型例题Mr White at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt shoW up. A. should have arrived B. should arrive C. should have had arrived D. shouldbe arriwn

44、g2A点拨:此句表达过去本应做某事而事实上却没做,故用should have done句式。but后是对过去事实的陈述这也是本题的难点所在,必须看清楚句意表达的是“怀特先生本应在8:30到达会场,但他却没出现。”回顾3 (典型例题) No, lm afraid he isnt in. This is his secretary speaking. Can I help you? A. Oh,.you will B. Oh, thats a pity C. I should think so D. Well, I look forward to hearing from you3c点拨:本题切人

45、点在于看出要回答问句“Can I help you?”,故用、l should think so“我可是这样想的。”回顾4 测试语法 (典型例题was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car. They at least 150 kilometres an hour. A. should have been doing B. must have been doing C. could have done D. would have done4B点拨:must have been doing表示对过去正在发生

46、事情的肯定推测,意为。必定正在”,其余选项均无此用法。回顾5 测试考点 10 (典型例题Only when your identity has been checked A. you are allowed in B. you will be allowed in C. will you allow in D. will you be allowed in5D点拨:only引导的状语或状语从句开头的句子,主句需要部分倒装。VI2011年高考题预测 高瞻远瞩 占尽先机一、考情预测 年考情预测预测1:情态动词should/ought to的用法 预测根据:should/oughl to均可表示“应

47、该”,且should have done/ought to have done表示“过去本应该做某事却没做” shouldnt have done/oughtnt to have done表示“过去本不应该做某事却做了”,这是高考命题的一个重点。另外。should在口语中表示委婉、谦逊或惊奇、失望、惋惜等情绪的用法,对考生来说是一个难点,要特别留意。 命题角度预测:should/ought to的这几种用法通常会在单项选择或完形填空题中考查到且会与其他的情态动词放在一起进行辨析。需要考生根据所提供的具体语境作出判断。预测2:only放在句首的倒装句型 预测根据:only后接介词短语、状语从句或

48、副词时,放在句首,会引起主句倒装。这一要点是考查倒装句型时一个重要的出题点需要引起考生的重视。 命题角度预测:only置于句首引起倒装的句型会在单项选择中出现。考生务必搞清楚只有only后接状语时才会引起倒装形式。 预测3:辨析:fitsuit 预测根据:动词的辨析是高考考查的重点内容之一。fit,suit均可表“适合;合适”,但fit强调大小方面,可引申为“吻合”; suit强调颜色、款式方面的适合也可表示时间、条件等的适合。 在不同的语境中应选择出一个合适的词与之对应,这是高考考纲的要求。 命题角度预测:fitsuit的辨-析会在单项选择或完形填空中出现。要求考生根据所提供的语境,作出适当

49、的选择。预测4:Seeing the doctor时的交际用语 预测根据:看病是与我们日常生活密切相关的一个话题,如何表达与这一类话题有关的交际用语是高考题对交际用语考查的一个重点。 命题角度预测:Seeing the doctor时的交际用语考查通常会在听力测试部分进行考生应熟知表达这一话题时的习惯用语,准确听出医生和病人之间对话时所传达的信息。预测5:话题预测 本单元的话题是健康饮食,是与我们生活密切相关的一个话题。高考题目中与之相关的话题最有可能在完形填空或阅读理解中出现文章可以介绍某种食品并评价其优劣,也可以对与我们生活习惯有关食物的优劣进行评价以及对一些饮食习惯表达自己的看法等等。二

50、、考题预测备考1测试考点 10 Only when you have finished your work go home. A. can you B. would you C. you will D. you can1A点拨:only+状语从句放在句首,后面的主句用倒装形式。备考2测试考点 13 He was so lucky that he was not hurt in the fire.A. a bit B. a little C. any D. less2A点拨:前面有He was so lucky说明他没有受伤,所以用not a bit“一点儿也不”,而not a little表示

51、“非常”,不合题意。备考3测试考点 8 Ive got a bad headache and cant sleep at night. - Let me examine you.A. Dont mind B. Take it easy C. You should go to see the doctor at once D. Youll be feeling well soon3B 点拨:Take jt easy别担心,不要紧。医生安慰病人的用语。 备考4测试语法 -Oh, Ive missed the good chance. -.Yes. You the job when it was A

52、. should have taken; offered B. should take; offered C. might have taken; offering D. had taken; offered4A点拨:should have taken the job本应该接受这份工作,所以自己认为“Ive missed the good chance”,另外,job与offer 之间是被动关系,应用offer的过去分词形式,所以答案为A。备考5测试考点 7 the boy looked up at his father to see if his father was taking noti

53、ce of him. A. Now and then B. From now on C. Up to now D. Now that5A 点拨:noW and then时而,偶尔;from now on从现在起,up to now一直到现在;now that既然,由于。句意为:“那孩子不时地抬头看他的父亲是否在注意他。”备考6测试考点 11 I dont like the dress. The bright red colour doesnt me. A. fit B. suit C. match D. suitable6B点拨:fit指大小的适合。可引申为“吻合”l suit指颜色、款式,时

54、问安排方面的合适match指“相配,匹配”;suitable是形容词。在此不合适。备考7测试考点 2 He is a diligent person. His persistence his victory.A. gaining B. gains C. is gaining D. gain7B点拨:根据句子结构知空白处需填谓语,故先排除A,又根据上句可知要用一般现在时,所以排除c、D。 备考8测试考点 3 I hope I havent offended her. She sounded rather on the phone. A. hurting B. hurts C. hurt D. to hurt8c点拨:sounded为系动词,所以其后须填写hurt的过去分词作表语。.精品资料。欢迎使用。.精品资料。欢迎使用。高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u


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