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《创新方案&湖北专版》2015届高三英语一轮复习语法全线突破(知识讲解 典题在线 创新预测)第三讲 介词和介词短语 (WORD版含答案).doc

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《创新方案&湖北专版》2015届高三英语一轮复习语法全线突破(知识讲解 典题在线 创新预测)第三讲 介词和介词短语 (WORD版含答案).doc_第1页
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《创新方案&湖北专版》2015届高三英语一轮复习语法全线突破(知识讲解 典题在线 创新预测)第三讲 介词和介词短语 (WORD版含答案).doc_第2页
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《创新方案&湖北专版》2015届高三英语一轮复习语法全线突破(知识讲解 典题在线 创新预测)第三讲 介词和介词短语 (WORD版含答案).doc_第3页
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《创新方案&湖北专版》2015届高三英语一轮复习语法全线突破(知识讲解 典题在线 创新预测)第三讲 介词和介词短语 (WORD版含答案).doc_第4页
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1、第三讲介词和介词短语考点介词短语辨析1(2013湖北高考)An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered _ a long lost antique Greek vase.Aat randomBby chanceCin turn Don occasion解析:选B考查介词短语辨析。句意:最近,一位艺术家渡船到南方的岛屿,偶然发现了一个遗失多年的古老的希腊花瓶。根据句意可知应选B,表示“偶然地”。at random“任意地,随便地”;in turn“轮流,依次”;on occasi

2、on“有时,偶尔”。2(2013浙江高考)It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner._, Ill set the table.AAs a result BOn the wholeCIn the meanwhile DAs a matter of fact解析:选C考查介词短语辨析。句意:如果你能去商店买些我们晚餐需要的东西,那就太好了。与此同时,我会布置好桌子的。in the meanwhile“同时,在此期间”,符合句意。as a result“结果”;on the whole“大

3、体上”;as a matter of fact“事实上”。3(2012湖北高考)The furniture, with its modern style and bright colors, suits modern houses and their gardens, but looks _ in the garden of a traditional home.Aout of question Bout of orderCout of sight Dout of place解析:选D考查介词短语辨析。句意:这套家具款式新潮,色泽明亮,与新式房屋和花园配套,但看起来与传统的房子和花园不相称。o

4、ut of place“不合适的;不相称的”,符合句意。out of question“毫无疑问”;out of order“次序颠倒”;out of sight“看不见”。一、常见介词的用法常用介词如in, on, for, with, against, of, beyond, out of, across等含义较多,应全面把握。1against有“违背,违逆;反对;对不利;倚;靠;碰撞;预防;衬托”之意。My mother is against my suggestion while my father is in favour of it.我母亲反对我的建议,然而我父亲赞成。2beyon

5、d可表示“范围,限度”,意为“超出,为所不及”。常用短语:beyond words/description/imagination/belief/ones reach/ones control“无法用语言形容、无法用语言描述、想象不出来、不相信、够不着、管不了”。No one hopes that the situation between China and Japan is beyond control due to the Diaoyu Islands.没人希望中日关系因钓鱼岛事件失控。3by可表示“程度或增减的幅度”,还可作“按;以计;依据”讲。As far as I know, wo

6、rkers are generally paid by the month.据我所知,工人们通常按月来付工资。4for有“就而言;从来看;达,计;为”之意。The biggest concern for most of us is the quality of public education.我们大多数人最关心的是大众教育的质量问题。I always wanted to do the job which Id been trained for.(2012浙江高考)我总想从事以前为之培训的工作。5off有“在离不远处;在沿海的海面”之意。The Well Hotel stands in a q

7、uiet place off the main road at the far end of the lake. (2012辽宁高考)Well饭店坐落于湖尽头的大路附近一个非常安静的地方。6across有“横跨”之意。Do you think this shirt is too tight across the shoulders?(2012北京高考)你觉得这件衬衫在肩膀这个地方是不是太紧了?7on/upon有“刚就;一就”之意,后接名词或动词ing形式。Rose received a big hug from her mother on her stepping out of the tra

8、in.Rose一下火车,她妈妈就给了她一个大大的拥抱。8over可表示时间,意为“在期间;直到结束”。Im sorry I didnt phone you, but Ive been very busy over the past couple of weeks.(2011山东高考)很抱歉没给你打电话,可是这几个星期我一直很忙。9within可表示范围、程度,意为“在之内”。The government was doing everything within its power to help the victims.政府正尽其所能帮助那些受害者。10of表示“在范围内”。Of all the

9、 animals Ive ever had, these two dogs are the most sensitive to the spoken word.(2012浙江高考)在我养过的所有动物中,这两只狗对口头语言最敏感。二、介词短语辨析考查介词短语辨析,往往要借助具体语境,另外,还要掌握常用的介词短语及其意义。1与介词in搭配的常用短语in a way在某种程度上in no way 没门in the way 挡住道路in vain 徒劳in general 通常,大体上in detail 详细地in turn 轮流in return 作为回报in need 需要in time 迟早2与

10、out of搭配的常用短语out of date/time 过时/过期out of question 毫无疑问out of the question 没门/绝不可能out of shape 变形out of fashion 不流行out of order 出了故障out of reach 遥不可及3“in名词of”常用搭配in honor of 为纪念in charge of 负责,掌管in terms of 依据,根据in praise of 赞扬in favor of 支持,赞同in need of 需要4与介词at连用的常用短语at no time 决不at a time 一次/每次at

11、 one time 一度/曾经at times 不时地/有时at ones request 应某人的要求at a loss 不知所措5其他常考短语on behalf of 代表by chance/accident 偶然after all 毕竟,别忘了regardless of 不管,不顾on the whole 总的说来on the contrary 相反1.We havent seen each other for many years, so I am quite _ the plan that we have a party this weekend.Ain place of Bin f

12、avor ofCin honor of Din need of解析:选B考查介词短语辨析。句意:我们已经很多年没有见面了,所以我非常赞成这周末办个聚会的计划。in place of“代替”;in favor of“支持;赞同”;in honor of“为了向表示崇敬”;in need of“需要”。根据句意可知应选B项。2(2014武汉调研)If you are _ then exercise, or the movements you make, will cause you some degree of physical harm.Aout of breath Bout of workCo

13、ut of luck Dout of condition解析:选D考查介词短语辨析。句意:如果你的健康状况不好,那么你所进行的锻炼或运动将在一定程度上给你造成身体上的伤害。out of breath“上气不接下气”;out of work“失业”;out of luck“不走运”;out of condition“身体状况不好”。根据题意选D。3Once the puzzle is finished, theres a special treat _: Mickey and his friends will move around, speaking and singing wellknown

14、 songs your children will love.Ain hand Bin needCin charge Din store解析:选D考查介词短语辨析。句意:一旦猜出谜语,会有特别的奖励:米老鼠和它的朋友就会四处走动,说唱你的孩子将会喜欢的著名歌曲。in hand“在手中”;in need“在贫困中”;in charge“负责;主管”;in store“等待着;快要发生”。4Having lived in the town for many years, Mr.Smith no longer felt _ among the local people.Aout of control

15、 Bout of touch Cout of place Dout of use解析:选C考查介词短语辨析。句意:史密斯先生在镇上生活了多年后,不再感觉与当地人格格不入。out of place“不在适当的位置,格格不入”,符合题意。out of control“失控”;out of touch“失去联系”;out of use“废弃”。5(2014咸宁调研)_ providing financial aid to the victims, the organization also sent trained volunteers to help in the rescue operation

16、.AAccording to BFar fromCApart from DRegardless of解析:选C句意:除了给那些受害者提供经济援助外,这个组织还派训练有素的志愿者参与救援工作。apart from“除以外”,符合题意。according to“根据,按照”;far from“远离,完全不”;regardless of“不管,不顾”。6(2014孝感调研)_ air the speed of the object depends only on the time of the fall, and does not depend on the objects weight.AIn t

17、he shape of BIn the process ofCIn the absence of DIn the direction of解析:选C句意:在没有空气的情况下,物体的速度只取决于下落的时间而不取决于物体的重量。in the absence of .“不在时,没有时”,符合题意。in the shape of“呈的形状”;in the process of“在的过程中”;in the direction of“朝的方向”。7(2013江苏高考)I am always delighted when I receive an email from you._ the party on

18、July 1st I shall be pleased to attend.AOn account of BIn response toCIn view of DWith regard to解析:选D考查介词短语辨析。句意:收到你的电子邮件,我总是很开心。至于七月一日的聚会,我很乐意参加。根据句意可知,with regard to“关于,至于”正确。on account of“由于,因为”;in response to“响应,对有反应”;in view of“鉴于,考虑到”。8Nowadays more and more people have come to realize the fact

19、 that we shouldnt develop economy _ the environment.Aat the expense of Bin the face ofCin spite of Don account of解析:选A考查介词短语辨析。句意:现在越来越多的人意识到我们不应该以牺牲环境作为代价来发展经济这一事实。at the expense of“在牺牲(或损害)的情况下”,符合句意。in the face of“面对问题”;in spite of“尽管”;on account of“由于,因为”。9(2014襄阳五校联考)The system can actually war

20、n us _ when our behavior might lead to a negative outcome, so that we can avoid making a mistake.Ain advance Bin briefCin charge Din vain解析:选A考查介词短语辨析。句意:当我们的行为可能导致消极的结果时,这个系统能够提前给我们发出警报,让我们避免犯错误。这里用in advance表示“提前”。in brief“简言之”;in charge“主管,照管”;in vain“徒劳,无结果”。10(2014武昌调研)Success in life doesnt happen _; its the result of devoting your time and energy to what youve set out to do.Aby force Bby choiceCby design Dby accident解析:选D句意:生活中的成功并非偶然发生的;是投入时间和精力去做你既定目标的结果。by accident“偶然,意外地”,符合题意。by force“强迫地”;by choice“出于选择”;by design“故意地”。


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