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2011届《龙门亮剑》高三一轮英语必修3 MODULE 6课时作业(陕西外研版).doc

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1、.单项填空1You wont go to Kathys wedding party,will you?Yes,_invited.Aeven ifBifCunless Das2How_did you_cleaning your classroom that afternoon?Aoften;cost Bmuch;playClong;spend Dsoon;take3Why are you so late?Bad luck.A car accident happened not far outside the town,and so we were_on the way.Astopped Bkep

2、tCheld up Dprevented4He was born and_up in this town,_he left at the age of 16.Agrew;where Bgrew;whichCbrought;where Dbrought;which5Dim lights and soft music are supposed to _a romantic atmosphere.Aproduce BtakeClook Dappear6The project under_in the city will be completed at the end of this month.Ac

3、ontrol BconstructionCdiscussion Drepair7Lizs painful story_us with a clear example of the dangers of drug abuse.Aprovides BsetsCaffords Dcharges8What do you think of the speech?The speaker said _nothing worth listening to.Anearly BhardlyCscarcely Dalmost9_twice a year,whether it is a car or a bus or

4、 a truck,is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.AExamining BExaminedCHaving been examined DBeing examined10Recently some Chinese experts_that another law on wildlife protection_as soon as possible.Asuggested;must be passedBhave suggested;be passedChave suggested;passDsuggested;would be

5、 passed11_the term is finished,Im going to rest a few days and then take a trip.ANow that BEven ifCAs if DSo that12I would have come earlier,but I_that you were waiting for me.Ahadnt known Bdidnt knowCwould have known Dhavent known13Nowadays the power of the wind is being _ to generate electricity.A

6、harnessed BmadeCproduced Dexploited14Youd better get up early.The early train is _to leave at five in the morning.Apossible BprobableClikely Dperhaps15We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun,so lets have _one this month.Athe other BsomeCanother Dother.句子翻译16他当医生的愿望实现了。(come true)_17听到这个消息,

7、她再也忍不住放声大哭。(hold back)_18这栋建筑是19世纪80年代所建。(date)_19我要求你把我的名字从你的名单里去掉。(remove)_20More importantly,with the popularity of electronic cards,less paper is used for making paper cards,which is an effective way for environmental protection._.完形填空Communicating clearlyto your boss,coworkers,friends,children,

8、and spouse (配偶)is a critical part of your success and your _21_ to improve the conditions you live and work in.Many people think that good communication is born,not _22_,and that some people are just _23_ good speakers and motivators.They think the rest of us are just _24_ to sit on the sidelines.Co

9、mmunication is a habit.And being a habit it can be _25_ and mastered.It is _26_ an important habit,in fact,that it _27_ its own step,its own place _28_ the path to success.Its also a little different._29_ the other good habits you are trying to _30_,this one is not just about selfdirected control an

10、d inner focus._31_ is interaction outside yourself,with other people,and about the _32_ to judge a situation so that you _33_ the right thing at the right time.Life is about the _34_ with other people: those above us (our boss),those _35_ us (our colleagues,friends),and those who look up to us (our

11、employees and children)The _36_ of communication is about how to make _37_ with each of these groups so that they can help you achieve your _38_,and you,in turn,can help them achieve theirs.For even though you are on the road to selfimprovement,its not a _39_ you are taking in a vacuum (真空)If you ca

12、nt communicate with people,you have dramatically _40_your chances for success.21.A.ability BpartCdesire Dintention22A.formed BbuiltCproduced Dmade23A.clearly BnaturallyCobviously Dsimply24A.supposed BdevotedCdelighted Ddecided25.A.affected BcreatedCdesigned Dlearned26A.but BjustCsuch Dso27A.deserves

13、 BdeclaresCstates Dproves28A.along BforCwith Don29A.Unlike BLikeCAs DDespite30A.maintain BtrainCnourish Ddevelop31A.Success BCommunicationCHabit DLife32A.explanation BunderstandingCability Dmethod33A.convey BspeakCtell Dtransfer34A.talking BcontactingCmixing Ddealing35A.around BbesideCunder Dby36A.n

14、ature BcraftCart Dway37A.friends BcontactCpeace Dthrough38A.results BeffectsCpurpose Dgoals39A.journey BrouteCprocess Dcourse40A.lost BruinedCnarrowed Dworsened.阅读理解For many managers,“team building” means two days spent doing roleplaying exercises in a conference hotel far from head office.But perha

15、ps a more effective way to build teams is simply by playing real team sports,such as soccer,cricket or softball.David Clark,a project manager at Atisreal UK,is one of the organizers of the companys two soccer teams.He says the main point is fitness but it also has another advantage:“It gives the guy

16、s a chance to meet and relax with their peers (同等地位的人) from other departments.It builds crosscompany relationships.”Louise Aston,a human resources director,takes a similar view,pointing out that as well as bringing_disparate_divisions_together,sport cuts through hierarchies (等级制度):“Not only does it

17、promote health,it can knock leadership on the head.The person whos best at soccer could well be a person who works in the warehouse (库房)Then his confidence will be built.”Another reason companies would like to promote team sports is that they are relatively cheap.Peter Mills,chief health officer at

18、Vielife,says:“The contributions a company might make towards running a sports teampaying its league fees,for exampleare pretty small compared to other expenditure in the field of wellbeing.”However,he warns,there is a potential downside.Sports are,by their nature,competitive and not everyone is good

19、 at them:“There are people who can be a bit selfconscious and you need to ensure you dont marginalize (忽视) them.So you might use introductory days that only beginners go to.”“The emphasis was on sports such as soccer and netball,but by way of recognition that not everyone likes sweaty exercise,there

20、 was also chess,”he added.41How many advantages of team sports are mentioned in the passage?ATwo. BThree.CFour. DFive.42The underlined part“bringing disparate divisions together”might refer to_.Abuilding crosscompany relationshipsBcutting through hierarchiesCpromoting healthDbringing fun to the empl

21、oyees43We can learn that by cutting through hierarchies,_.Athe ordinary employees may be more confidentBthe employers positions will be threatenedCeveryone will be equal regardless of sex,age and incomeDno one will be prejudiced inside the company44The disadvantage of team sports is that_.Apeople wh

22、o like sports are too competitiveBsomeone bad at sports might not feel at home when playing sportsCselfconscious people are not competitiveDchess is not included in the team building programs45The purpose of the passage is to_.Aintroduce the meaning of “team building”Bexplain why team sports is a ne

23、w way of “team building”Cnarrate the characteristics of the team sportsDstress different people have different characters课时作业答案.单项填空1B连词辨析。答语Yes后面省略了I will (go to Kathys wedding party),意思是:不,我去,如果我被邀请的话,if I am invited。2C此句为spend time (in) doing sth.结构,所以要用how long来提问。句意为:你那天下午用了多长时间打扫教室?3C此句应表示“我们受

24、阻”,而A、B、D三项须与from doing连用。4Dgrow up为不及物动词短语,意为“长大”;bring up为及物动词短语,此处为被动语态;引导非限制性定语从句的引导词在从句中作宾语,故用which。5A句意为“暗淡的灯光、柔和的音乐应当营造一种罗曼蒂克的气氛”。选项A与句意吻合。6Bunder construction在建设中;under control在控制之下;under discussion在讨论中;under repair在修理中。句意为:这项正在建设中的工程将于这个月底完成。7A句意为“里兹伤心的故事给我们提供了吸毒危险的例子”。provide sb.with sth.向

25、某人提供某物;set sb.an example树立榜样。8Dhardly与scarcely这类表示否定意义的副词与anything搭配,不能与nothing连用;与含有no的合成词连用时,只能用almost,不能用nearly。9Dwhether引导的让步状语从句把主句隔开了,可以把它提到句首,不难看出,选项在句子中作主语,因为车辆是被检查,所以用动名词的被动形式作主语。10B本句中suggest意为“建议”,要求其宾语从句使用“(should)动词原形”这一结构,因为law与pass之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以使用其ed形式。11A考查原因状语从句。句意为:既然这学期已经结束了,我打算休息

26、几天然后去旅行。now thatsince意为“既然”,常用于句首。even if意为“尽管,即使”;as if意为“好像”;so that意为“为了,以便”。12B根据I would have come earlier可知是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,but后面是表示过去的客观事实,因此应用一般过去时。13A14.C15C句意为“上学期我们进行过一次野餐,好玩极了;因此,咱们这个月再来一次”。.句子翻译16His dream of being a doctor has come true.17Hearing the news,she couldnt hold back her tears.18

27、The building dates back to the 1880s.19I asked you to remove my name from your list.20更重要的是,随着电子贺卡的普及,制造纸质贺卡的纸张就省掉了,对环保有利。.完形填空【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。交流是一种习惯,但又与其他习惯不同,本文对此做了阐释:交流在我们日常生活与工作中发挥着重要作用。21A句中and连接两个并列成分,因此所选项应与your success意思相近;又根据逻辑,能提高工作与生活状况的应该是一个人的能力。22D根据下文内容以及逻辑,许多人认为良好的交流能力是天生的,即不是后天创造的。故用

28、made。23B句中and连接两个宾语从句,根据前句Many people think that good communication is born.可知,许多人认为有些人天生就是演讲者。24A根据前句内容“有些人天生就是演讲者”,可知其余的人就被认为是听众。25D根据逻辑以及后文and mastered可知,由于交流是一种习惯,所以是可以学会并掌握的。26C根据in fact后面的内容及句子结构分析,应用such。27A交流是如此重要的一个习惯,以至交流应有自己的步调。28Don the path to success表示“在通向成功的道路上”。29A根据前句Its a also a li

29、ttle different.可知,交流不像其他习惯。30D根据习惯搭配,习惯应是“养成”的。31B由上下文语境分析,此处仍然讲的是“交流”,故用communication。32C句意为:交流是一种能判断形势的“能力”(ability)。33A根据上文Communication is interaction outside yourself可知,交流是与其他人的互动,所以用convey,意思是“表达”。34D根据后文those above us (our boss).and those who look up to us (our employees and children)可知,生活即与其

30、他人打交道。35A根据逻辑,应是我们身边的同事和朋友。36C根据下文communication is about how to make.可以推断,这里指的是“交流的艺术”。37B根据本段首句可知用contact构成短语,make contact with表示“和接触”。38D根据逻辑与搭配,应是“达到目标”。39A根据前句For even though you are on the road to selfimprovement可得出答案。40C根据文中第一句话并推理可知,不能与他人交流,你就极大地限制了成功的机会。.阅读理解【语篇解读】本文主要论述团体运动是公司团队建设的好举措,并重点讨论

31、了这一举措好在哪里。41C推理判断题。第二段先介绍了这一举措的一个好处;健身;然后说明它的第二个好处:给大家提供相互见面和放松的机会,增进公司各个部门横向交流;下一段讲了另一个好处:突破公司纵向的等级制度;紧接着讲了它的最后一个好处:节省成本。共计四个好处。42A词义猜测题。第三段第一句话的意思是“除了可以bringing disparate divisions together,这一举措还可以突破等级制度。”这说明bringing disparate divisions together应指上文刚提到的It builds crosscompany relationships。43A推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句话可知,比赛的胜利者极有可能是公司的一个普通的仓库管理员,而这样的胜利会极大地增强像他这样的普通员工的自信心。44B细节理解题。由最后一段中的There are people who can be a bit selfconscious and you need to ensure you dont marginalize them可知,有些不擅长运动的员工在活动中自我意识强,容易被忽视,即在团体中感到不舒服,没有归依感。45B写作目的题。本文主要解释为什么团体运动是公司团队建设的好举措。故答案B比较合适。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m


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