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《FRINDS老友记》第3季中英文对照完整剧本:312 THE ONE WITH ALL THE JEALOUSY.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家312 The One With All The JealousyScene: Monica and Rachels, Rachel is getting ready for her first day. Rachel: (running in from her bedroom, wearing only a towel) Okay. Hey. Umm. Does everybody hate these shoes? Chandler: Oh yeah, but dont worry. I dont think anybodys gonna focus on

2、that as long as your wearing that towel dress. Rachel: (to Ross) Tell him. Ross: (to Chandler) Its her first day at this new job. Your not supposed to start with her! Chandler: All right, I suppose I can wait a day. Hey, what are you doing Friday? Ross: Why? Chandler: I need you to come to this bach

3、elor party for my weird cousin Albert, yknow hes the botanist. Ross: Oh God. Yknow, botanists are such geeks. Chandler: Yeah. Is that a dinosaur tie? Ross: Hmm? Oh, yeah. (he makes a growling sound) Phoebe: (entering, with about 20 purses hanging around her neck) Morning. Rach, Im here with the purs

4、es! Chandler: (to Phoebe) It must take you forever to find your keys. Rachel: (running into the living room) Thank you, thank you, thank you, Pheebs. Phoebe: Your welcome, oh please not the one with the turtles. Rachel: No, no, no, no turtles scare me. I dont need that today. Ross: Honey, just relax

5、, its gonna be fine. Hey, umm,. why dont I come down there and Ill take you out to lunch? Rachel: Oh honey, thank you, but Marks taking me out. Ross: Mark is that ah, the same Mark that helped you get the job? Rachel: Yeah, its kinda like a good luck on your first day sort of thing. (to Phoebe) Is t

6、his actually a lunchbox? Phoebe: Umm, no, its a purse. And theres a thermos in it. Rachel: Oh. Chandler: (to Ross) Hey, so can you make it on Friday? Ross: What? Oh yeah, yeah I think so. Why am I invited to this again? Chandler: Well apparently Albert has no friends. Hes very excited about the bach

7、elor party though. I think actually the only reason hes getting married is so he can see a stripper. Phoebe: A stripper at a bachelor party, that is so clich? Why dont you get a magician?! Chandler: Well, if the magician can open my beer with his but cheeks, then all right. Opening CreditsScene: Cha

8、ndler and Joeys, Ross and Chandler are entering, Joey is on the phone. Ross: Shes having lunch with him. Shes having lunch with him. And you should of seen the hug she gave him when she got the job. And, and, and, (to Joey) hes really good looking. (Joey gives an enthusiastic thumbs up) What am I go

9、nna do? Chandler: Dont do anything. Keep it inside. Learn how to hide your feelings! (pause) Dont cry outloud. Joey: (hanging up the phone) Yes! Guess whos in an audition for a Broadway musical? Chandler: I want to say you but, that seems like such an easy answer. Joey: It is me! Its a musical versi

10、on of Tale of Two Cities. So I think Im gonna sing New York, New York, and ah, oh I left My Heart in San Francisco. Ross: Ah Joey, I dont think you get to pick the cities. Joey: What? Ross: Mr. Dickens gets to pick em. Joey: Who? Chandler: Ill get you the Cliff Notes. Joey: The what? Chandler: The a

11、bridgment. Joey: Oh, okay. (to Ross) The what? Scene: Rachels office, Mark is training Rachel. Mark: .and the style number, and the invoice number, and the shipping date. Good. Any questions so far? Rachel: Yeah. What kind of discount do we get? Mark: Twenty percent. Rachel: Oh! I love this job! (he

12、r phone rings) Wow! My first call. Mark: Here, let me. (answers phone) Rachel Greens line, how may I help you? Ross: (on phone) Hi, is Rachel there? Mark: And who may I say is calling? Ross: This is Ross? Mark: Ross of. Ross: Of Ross and Rachel. Mark: Oh hi. Its, its Mark. Ross: Oh hey, hey Mark. Ma

13、rk: Hey, hold on a second. Ross: Okay. Rachel: Hi honey! Ross: Hi! Whats ah, whats Mark doing answering your phone? Rachel: Oh, hes just goofing around. Ross: Ohhhhh yeah, thats, thats funny. Why ah, why isnt he goofing around in his own office? Rachel: Oh honey, this is his office too. I told you w

14、ere Joannas two assistants. Ross: Why does Joanna need two assistants, how, how lazy is she? Rachel: Oh! Oh my God! What did I just do? Ross: What? Rachel: I think I just shipped 3,000 bras to personnel. Oh honey, I gotta go. (to Mark) Mark, I need you! Ross: Okay, bye-bye. (starts slamming the rece

15、iver down in anger.) Rachel: Ow! Ross! Ross: Oh, oh, Im, Im, Im sorry sweetie, I was just trying to ah, Im dialing another number. (hangs up) Scene: The Moondance diner, Monica is cleaning up with one of the waiters, with her back turned to him she removes her fake breasts and hides them under her w

16、ig. Jeannine: (to Monica) All right, I just got changed in thirty seconds so you can be alone with him. Youd better go for it. Monica: Please, Im not going for anything. Jeannine: Well, if you dont, I will. Monica: Would you please go? Jeannine: Night Mon. Night Julio. Julio: (to Jeannine) Adios. (M

17、onica starts wiping down the stools, as Julio follows along behind her replacing the napkin holders.) Monica: Look Julio, someone left their book here. Julio: Ah actually, that is mine. Monica: Oh yeah, what are you reading? Julio: Flowers of Evil, by Beaudalire. Have you read it? Monica: Have I rea

18、d it? (pause) No, are you enjoying it? Julio: I thought I would, but the translations no good. Monica: Your a poet and dont know it. (she turns away and makes a face like I cant believe I just said that.) Julio: Actually I ah, I am a poet. Monica: Oh, then you do know it. (pause) So um what kind of

19、things do you write about? Julio: Things that move me. The, the shadow of a tree, a child laughing, or this lip. (points to her lip) Monica: Mine? (points to her lower lip) Right here? Julio: I can write an epic poem about this lip. (grabs her lower lip) Monica: How would that go? (they kiss) Well,

20、it didnt rhyme, but I liked it. Scene: Joeys audition. Joey: (singing) Youve got to pick a pocket or two. Boyyyyssss, (picks a handkerchief from the pianists pocket) youve got to pick a pocket or two. Director: Lovely, just lovely. Joey: Really? Thanks. Director: Listen Joey, we definitely want to s

21、ee you for the callback on Saturday. Joey: Excellent, Ill be there. Director: Okay, and listen dont forget to bring your jazz shoes for the dance audition. Joey: Ahhh! My ah, my agent said it wasnt a dancing part. Director: Joey, all the roles got to dance a little. But believe me with your dance ba

22、ckground itll be a piece of cake. Scene: Chandler and Joeys, Chandler is reading Joeys resume. Chandler: .three years of modern dance with Twila Tharp! Five years with the American Ballet Theater?! Joey: Hey, everybody lies on their resume, okay. I wasnt one of the Zoom Kids either. Phoebe: Well, ca

23、n you dance at all? Joey: Yeah, I can dance, yknow. (starts to dance really, really, really badly) Chandler: Oh no, no, no, no. Phoebe: (covering her mouth in shock) What, what is that? Joey: Sure, it looks stupid now, theres no music playing. (phone rings) Chandler: All right, I have to get that, b

24、ut no-no. (answering phone) Hello? (listens) (happily) Hi! Yeah listen, Im, Im in need of a stripper and I was told that you do that. (listens) Let me ask you this, what, what do you do for the extra hundred? (listens) So would I, would I have to provide the grapes? Monica: (entering) Hi! Phoebe: Oh

25、, how was last night with Julio, senorita? Monica: It was soo amazing, he is so sexy, and smart, which makes him even sexier. Oh gosh, I gotta so you this. Last night, we were fooling around and he stops to write a poem. Joey: Get out! I couldnt stop if a meteor hit me. Chandler: Okay, we have our s

26、tripper. A miss Crystal Chandelier. Joey: Well sure, you name a kid that, what do you expect them to grow up to be? Monica: Anyway um, when he left he forgot to take the poem with him. Now, I am like totally dense about poetry, but I think its pretty good all right. Check it out. (hands them the poe

27、m) Joey: (reading) The Empty Vase. Translucent beauty. Chandler: To yourself. (finishing) Hey-hey-hey, yknow what thats pretty good. Monica: Oh good, I think so too. Pheebs? Phoebe: Oh yeah. Monica: Oh, Im so glad you guys like it. Yay! All right I gotta go to work. (tries to take the poem) Joey: Wh

28、oa, Im not done. Monica: All right, just give it back to me when your done. See you guys. Chandler: Bye-bye. (Monica leaves) Phoebe: Oh my God, oh my God! Poor Monica! Chandler: What, what, what?! Phoebe: What?! He was with her when he wrote this poem. Look, (reading) My vessel so empty with nothing

29、 inside. Now that Ive touched you, you seem emptier still. He thinks Monica is empty, she is the empty vase! Chandler: You really think that is what he meant? Phoebe: Oh, totally. Oh, God, oh, she seemed so happy too. Joey: Done. Scene: Rachels office, her desk is covered with stuff Ross has sent he

30、r. Mark: (reaching through the flowers) Do you have the, the Ralph Lauren file? Rachel: Oh, yeah, sure, its umm. (she picks up this bug and it starts to play the theme from Love Story) Mark: Wh-whats that? Ross: Its from Ross, its a love bug. Mark: Wow! Somebody wants people to know you have a boyfr

31、iend. Rachel: Oh no, no-no-no, thats not, not, not, what he is doing. Hes just, hes just really romantic. Man: (to Rachel) Ah, excuse me, are you Rachel Green? Rachel: Yes. Man: (being joined by the rest of the barbershop quartet) One, two, three. Quartet: (singing) Congratulations on your first wee

32、k at your brand new job! It wont be long before your the boss. The Bass Barber: Omm-pah, omm-pah, omm-pah. Quartet: (singing) And you know who will be there to support. you?! Your one and only boyfriend. The Bass Barber: Its nice to have a boyfriend. Quartet: Your loyal loving boyfriend Ross. Ross!

33、Commercial BreakScene: Monica and Rachels, Ross and Rachel are entering the living room from her bedroom. Ross: Im hurt! Im actually hurt, that you would think that I would send you any of those things out of any thing other than love. Hurt! Hurt! Rachel: All right Ross! I get it! Ross: I mean my Go

34、d. Rachel: Youre hurt! Ross: .cant, cant a guy send a barbershop quartet to his girlfriends office anymorrrrre! Rachel: Oh, please, Ross it was so obvious! It was like you were marking your territory. I mean you might have well have just come in and peed all around my desk! Ross: I would never do th

35、at! Rachel: Look, I know whats going on here, okay, Mark explained it all to me. He said this is what you guys do. Ross: Yeah well if, if, if Mark said that, than Marks an idiot. Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Ross, Joey are there. Joey: Marks a genius! Ross: Why?! How?! How is he a genius? Chandler

36、: Look, dont you see whats happening here. Instead of hitting on her right away, hes becoming her confidant. Now hes gonna be the guy she goes too to complain about you. Ross: What am I going to do? Chandler: Well, why dont you send her a musical bug, op, no you already did that. All right look, you

37、re going to have to go there yourself now, okay, make a few surprise visits. Ross: I dont know you guys. Chandler: All right fine, dont do anything, just sit here and talk to us, meanwhile she is talking to him about you. And hes being Mr. Joe Sensitive, and she starts thinking Maybe this is the guy

38、 for me, because he understands me. Joey: And before you know it, shes with him. And youll be all, Ohh, man! And hell be all, Yes! And us, well be like, Wh-whoa, dude. And pretty soon youll be like, (sadly) Hhiii, and, and, and, I cant go, Rachel and Mark might be there. And well be like, Man get ov

39、er it, its been four years! Chandler: He paints quite a picture doesnt he? Scene: Rachels office. Woman: (walking up to Mark) Heres the Shelly Siegal stuff from December. Mark: (turning around) And wait, Ive got something for you. (kisses her) Woman: Mark! Mark: Its okay, Rachel knows. Woman: Yeah,

40、but even soo. (Ross appears in the hallway just outside of Rachels office.) Mark: I cant help it, Im just, Im just crazy about you. Rachel: Ohhh! That is soo sweet! (gets up to get herself a cup of coffee) (Ross is eavesdropping in the hallway.) Mark: Okay, okay look, I know Im being Mr. Inappropria

41、te today, but its just so tough, I mean see you walking around and I just wanna touch you and hold you, come on no ones around, just, just kiss me. (They start to kiss, and Ross rushes into the office to break it up.) Ross: All right thats, thats it! Get off her! Mark: What is going on? Ross: Whats

42、going on?! (throws the love bug at him) Thats whats going on! Rachel: (now standing behind Ross) Ross! (Ross finally looks at the woman kissing Mark.) Ross: I have been down in your store for twenty minutes trying to get a tie! What do I have to do to get some service?! (turns to Rachel) Hi Rach. (H

43、es puts his hand on her shoulder and she knocks it away.) Scene: Joeys dance audition, Joey is warming up. Director: Ah Joey. Joey Tribbiani. Listen Joey, I got a problem, I just got a call from my dance captain, hes having a relationship crisis and cant get out of Long Island. Joey: So, does that m

44、ean the audition is off? Director: Listen Joey, seeing as youve got the most experience, I want you to take these dancers and show them the combination. Joey: What?! Director: Aw come on Joey, its easy. Yknow, its hand, hand, head, head, (very quickly, Joey watches stunned) up, pas de bouree, pas de

45、 bouree, big turn here, grand sissone, sissone, sissone, slide back, step, step, step, and jazz hands! Joey: Its ah, step-ity, step and jazz hands. Director: Have fun. Joey: Bye. (does the jazz hands) Scene: Monica and Rachels, Monica is tying a ribbon to a vase. Phoebe: (entering) Hey! Monica: Hey.

46、 Phoebe: What are you wrapping? Monica: Oh-ho, look what I got Julio. Phoebe: Yeah, its a vase. Monica: Yeah, just like the one in the poem. Phoebe: Well not exactly like the one in the poem. Monica: What do you mean? Phoebe: Remember how you said you were really dense about poetry? Oh. (hugs her) S

47、cene: The Moondance Diner. Monica: (to Julio) So! Im just an empty vase, huh? Julio: What? Monica: Yknow, so I dont read as many important books as you do, and I dont write trick poems that seem to be about one thing but are actually about something else. And yknow what, I get excited about stupid s

48、tuff, like when I my People magazine comes on Saturday, and the new Hold Everything catalog. Yknow but that does not mean that Im empty, I care about things. I care about my friends and family. You have no right to make that kind of judgment about me. Julio: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Monica: You dont even k

49、now me. Julio: Whoa, whoa, whoa, the poem is not about you. Monica: What? Julio: The Empty Vase is not about you. My baby, you make me so sad that you would think this. Monica: Im sorry, my friend Phoebe. Julio: No, its about all women. Well, all American women. You feel better now? Monica: (sarcast

50、ically) Oh yeah. Scene: Joeys audition, the director has returned and wants to see the combination. Director: All right, lets do it! (The group does the same horrible dance that Joey did earlier in the show, except theyre all out of sync and they do the jazz hands at the end.) Director: No, no, no.

51、What was that? Joey: I know, it was the best I could get out of them. Director: Well, people! Joey: People, people, people. Director: Lets try it again, and this time lets watch everybody watch Joey. (to Joey) Show em how its done. (to the pianist) Count it off. (The pianist starts to play, and Joey

52、 readies himself, and then runs out of the audition.) Scene: Central Perk, Chandler and Rachel are there. Rachel: So ah, did you have fun at the bachelor party last night? Chandler: Oh yeah, yeah! Look what I got, look what I got. (holds up a pen) See, shes fully dressed, right? Rachel: Right. Chand

53、ler: And then you click it and, uh-oh, shes naked. And then, and then you click it again and shes dressed. Shes a business woman, shes walking down the street, shes window shopping, and (clicks pen) whoa-whoa-whoa, sh-shes naked! (Rachel just stares at him.) Ross: (entering) Hi. Rachel: Hello. Chand

54、ler: Yknow what, Im, Im gonna spend some alone time with the pen. Ross: (sits down next to her) Im sorry, I was an idiot. Rachel: A big idiot. Ross: A big idiot. Just you have to realize is, this whole Mark thing is kinda hard for me. (Gunther is eavesdropping in the background.) Rachel: Honey, why

55、is it hard, I mean weve been together for almost a year now? Ross: Well, I was with Carol for like eight years and I lost her. And now if its possible I think I love you even more. So, its hard for me to believe that Im not gonna, well that someone else is not going to take you away. Gunther: Let it

56、 be me! Let it be me! Rachel: Honey, thats very sweet, it just seems to me though, that if two people love each other and trust each other, like we do, theres no reason to be jealous. (she kisses him) Ross: I gotta get going. Bye Chandler. Chandler: Oh, okay Ross. Listen, this pen is kinda getting b

57、oring, so can you pick me up some porn? Rachel: Where ya going? Ross: Oh, Ive got to go pick up Ben, weve got a play date this afternoon. Rachel: Ohh, with who? Ross: Oh, just this woman that I met last night at the party. Rachel: There was a woman at the. (realizes) The stripper?! Ross: Yeah. Rache

58、l: You have a play date with a stripper?! Chandler: Man, I gotta get a kid. (looks at the pen and starts laughing) Ross: Ah, yeah, yeah. Umm, we started talking after she yknow, did her thing. And it turns out shes got a boy about Bens age, so were taking them to a gym-boree class. Why, is that okay

59、? Rachel: Sure, is she married? Ross: Ahh, no. Rachel: Oh. (starts shaking the sugar down in a packet really hard.) Ross: Are you jealous? Rachel: Noo, I yknow I dont see why she has to play with you, thats all. I mean doesnt she have any yknow other stripper moms friends of her own? Ross: You are t

60、otally jealous. Rachel: Im not jealous. All right this is about, umm, people feeling certain things yknow about strippers. And yknow, and um, I. Ross: Honey, I love you too. Rachel: Ugh. Wait, wait, wait. Ross: What? (She runs over and gives him a very passionate kiss.) Ross: Huh. Rachel: (to Chandl

61、er) Well, theres a kiss that he wont forget for a couple of hours, yknow. Chandler: Yeah. Either that, or you just turned him on and sent him off to a stripper. Closing CreditsScene: The Moondance Diner. Man: (entering) Is there a Julio here? Julio: (to him) I am Julio. (The rest of barbershop quart

62、et enters, and joins him.) Man: (singing) Mister Pretensous, (Monica stands up in the background) you think theres no one finer, well but your poems are unpublished, and you work in a diner. Quartet: Your no Gods gift to women, thats all in your headdddd. You are just a buttmunch. Bass Singer: No on

63、e likes a buttmunch. Quartet: And your also bad in bedd-edd-edd!. (Monica waves at Julio.) End312 嫉妒你们都觉得这双鞋很丑吗?对别担心,没有人会注意的只要你穿着那件浴巾装你跟他说吧这是她履新职的第一天你不该一早就开她玩笑好吧,我可以等到晚上再说你星期五有节目吗?干嘛?你得来参加我的怪堂哥艾勃特的告别单身派对你知道,他是植物学家老天植物学家都神神经经的那是恐龙领带吗?早安瑞秋,我拿皮包来了找钥匙就要找老半天吧谢谢,菲比不客气,拜托你用这个乌龟包包不,乌龟让我害怕今天尤其不是时候亲爱的,别紧张,没问题





68、种名字长大了还能做什么?但他忘了把这首诗带走我看不懂诗不过我觉得这是一首好诗你们看看“空花瓶”半透明的美不要念出来写得很好对,我也觉得,菲比?太棒了我真高兴你们都喜欢我得去上班了看完再还给我回头见再见我的天可怜的摩妮卡怎么了?他在跟她亲热的时候写这首诗我的花瓶如此美丽内里空无一物如今我伸手触摸你看似更加空洞她觉得摩妮卡很空洞她是个空花瓶你真的觉得他是这个意思?一点都没错老天,她看起来好幸福看完了你有圣罗兰的档案吗?当然有,就在那是什么?是罗斯送的,爱的金龟他想向全世界宣告你已经名花有主了他不是这个意思他只是非常浪漫罢了对不起,你是瑞秋格林吗?1 2 3恭喜你履新职的第一周要不了多久你就会当老板





73、爱她更深所以我很难相信我不会别人不会把你夺走让我夺走她吧亲爱的,你的话好窝心我只是觉得如果两个人彼此相爱彼此信任,像我们这样就没有理由嫉妒我得走了再见,钱德这枝笔有点无聊了可以帮我拿几本色情杂志吗?你要去哪里?我得去接班带他跟别人出去玩跟谁?跟我昨晚在派对上认识的女人昨晚派对的女人?,脱衣舞娘?你跟脱衣舞娘一起出去玩?老天,我得生个孩子才行她跳玩脱衣舞之后我们开始聊天她有个和班年龄相仿的儿子我们要带孩子去上健保园可以吗?当然可以,她结婚没有?你嫉妒吗?我不懂她干嘛跟你出去玩她没有其他当妈妈的脱衣舞娘朋友吗?你嫉妒得要命我才没有嫉妒这是因为人们对脱衣舞娘都有某种看法,你知道我也爱你再见等等干嘛?这个吻可以让他回味好几个小时否则,你刚煽起他的火来反而便宜了脱衣舞娘胡利欧在这里吗?我就是胡利欧你非常自以为是以为自己好得不得了你的诗都没出版你在餐厅工作你不是上帝对女人的恩赐这只是你自以为是你只是个马屁精没人喜欢马屁精你的床上工夫也很烂10 版权所有高考资源网


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