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上海市晋元高级中学2015届高三下学期开学考试(寒假作业检测)英语试卷 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、2015届高三寒假作业检测 英语II. Grammar and Vocabulary(26)Section A(16)Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use on

2、e word that best fits each blank.AThe lack of job prospects in the UK is forcing young people _25_(consider) a move abroad to look for work, a survey claims. More than half of 18 to 25-year-olds _26_(question) said they were seriously considering emigrating.Australia is the most popular destination

3、followed by Canada and China. It found that nearly 65 per cent of young people are contemplating relocating abroad, with 52 per cent saying that it was a “serious” consideration.Adrian Jacob, of Student Currency Exchange, which _27_(survey) 1,982 young people, said: “Job prospects in the UK are extr

4、emely gloomy for young people with youth unemployment at its highest_28_records began and things dont look like theyre going to improve anytime soon”.It makes sense _29_ young people are looking to go _30_ there are more job opportunities and quite probably a better quality of life. The findings com

5、e after figures recently revealed that more 16 to 24-year-olds are out of work than ever before. Total unemployment reached a 17-year high, jumping by 27,000 in the three months to January - yet more evidence of the economic slow-down. _31_ number of young people out of work increased by 30,000 to 9

6、74,000, the highest since records began in 1992, with a record rate of 20.6 per cent.The number of people classed as economically inactive also increased - up by 43,000 to 9.33 million, including 2.3 million looking after a family. The total claiming Jobseekers Allowance fell by 10,200 last month to

7、 1.45 million, _32_(big) reduction since last June.BMany of us spend a large chunk of our waking lives at work, but rarely do we give much thought to _33_ our on-the-clock environment might be affecting how we feel around the clock.Open offices could be making you unproductive and unhappy.A 2011 rev

8、iew of studies _34_(examine) the effects of various types of office environments found that open offices - _35_they do tend to foster a spirit of innovation and a collective mission - can have a negative impact on workers when it comes to focus, productivity, creativity and job satisfaction, the New

9、 Yorker reported. Employees in open offices may also experience _36_(high) stress levels and less concentration and motivation than those working in standard offices. This may be in part due to the fact that interruptions _37_ (experience) too often by employees in open offices, _38_ can be a major

10、hindrance to productivity. A 2013 study of 42,000 U.S. workers also found that employees with private offices were more satisfied at work than those who worked in open spaces.Your work environment could be upping your stress levels.More than eight in 10 U.S. workers report being stressed about their

11、 jobs, and a recent M poll found that 42 percent of U.S. workers have left a job 39 an excessively stressful environment. The same poll also found that 61 percent of American workers believe that work stress has been a cause of illness for them.A noisy workspace could be killing your concentration.W

12、ith phones _40_(ring) and colleagues chatting, typing and moving around, open offices are notoriously noisy and distracting - and the sound levels can have a significant impact on worker well-being. A 2006 UCSF study found that workers in open offices were more likely to perceive noise than those in

13、 cellular offices, in addition to temperature-related discomfort and poor air quality.【参考答案】25. to consider26. questioned27. surveyed28. since29. that30. where31. The32.the biggest33. how34. examining35. though 36. higher37. are experienced38. which39. because of/ due to40. ringing【考查内容】定语从句38. whic

14、h现在分词34. examining;40. ringing过去分词26. questioned状语从句28. since ;30. where动词的时态语态27. surveyed;37. are experienced连词33. how;35. though 冠词31. The短语39. because of/ due to比较级、最高级32.the biggest;36. higher不定式25. to consider【易错解析】第26题: 因为句中said作谓语,所以question只能做非谓语用,此处过去分词作后置定语,相当于who were questioned。第27题:考察动

15、词时态,根据后文的said,可知时态为过去式。 第28题:考察上下文的理解以及连接词的使用,根据.in the UK have been.完成时态可知连接词应表完成,根据上下文可选择since。 第33题:考察上下文的理解,很多人大部分醒着的时间都在工作,却很少想过工作环境会对自身的情绪带来怎样的影响,可以选出连词how。第35题:考察上下文的理解,2011年据纽约客报道,一则检验不同工作环境影响的研究评论发现,开放式办公室原以为可以促发创新精神和团结合作,但其实却对员工的专注力、效率、创造力以及工作满意度等方面有着消极影响,破折号后面表让步关系,选择连接词though。Section B (

16、10)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. angel B. drafting C. connecting D. majored E. includesF. based G. foundation H. financial I. critical J. digital K. specializeThink you need

17、 an MBA in order to be a successful entrepreneur? Think again. There are many aspects to founding a successful business, and a foundation 41 on “business” (which is highly subjective) is just one of them. In fact, almost any degree you can imagine can bolster small business success if you look at it

18、 from the right 42 .1. Writing and English.Theres not a single business out there that doesnt need the skills of a professional writer. In fact, if you 43 in a field like search engine optimization, blogging or other aspects of technical writing, youre golden. You might even want to open your own SE

19、O company or monetize blogs for a living. Otherwise, youre a step ahead of the competition when it comes to _44_ business plans or appealing (in emails) to investors.2. Accounting or finance.You might take a couple of 101 finance courses while getting an MBA, but is that going to prepare you for cha

20、rting your finances to investors? Is it going to show you how to run the numbers while running a business? Understanding the 45 aspects of a business can make it or break it. You can also consider starting your own financial consulting company where the skys the limit for revenue.3. Communication.“C

21、ommunication” is a very diverse field and 46 spoken, written, and non-verbal cues. Getting a strong foundation on basically how to work with peopleand subtly manipulative them to do as you wishis the ultimate tool for entrepreneurs. Even if you dont get a degree in it, you certainly need to excel at

22、 communication in order to succeed.4. Computer engineering.If you _47_ in this, you already have a knack for tech savviness that can take any business to the next level. From web development to analytics, taking charge of your hosting needs to mobile readiness, you can save a lot of time, hassle and

23、 trouble if caring for even a sliver of your business web needs is in the bag. Likewise, you can start-up a tech company (Silicon Valley address optional) and make the most of the_48_ era.5. Philosophy.Yes, theres plenty more you can do with a philosophy degree than “just teach”. Learning _49_thinki

24、ng skills, thinking outside the box and elegant debating are all crucial for a small business owner. It gives you a foundation for _50_ with others, seeing different perspectives and, ultimately, getting to know what makes people (like customers) tick.【参考答案】41.F 42. A. 43. K 44. B 45. H 46. E 47. D

25、48. J 49. I 50. C【考查内容】十一选十将词汇的考查放到了语篇当中,着重强调语法和词汇知识在特定情境中的应用。答题前先判断方框里单词的含义和词性,然后判断文章中空格所需词性,尤其要注意一词多性的情况。【易错分析】:第43题: 可以与in搭配的动词,选项中有major in主修.专业;specialize in精通,擅长,根据上下文的理解,可选出K。所以,第47题就要选择D,代入原文,如果你的专业是计算机工程,你已经掌握了可以让任何一家公司更上一层楼的一大诀窍洞察科技趋势,上下通顺,可以进一步确定这两题的选择。 第48题:考察上下文的理解以及when it comes to的用法,

26、when it comes to +sth/ doing sth,所以选项中可初步确定B 或者C,draft起草,更符合文章的意思,所以选择BIII. Reading Comprehension (47)Section A (15)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Two trut

27、hs to Live ByThe art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go. For life is a paradox: It teaches us to hold fast to its many gifts even while it orders us to give them up when the time comes.Surely we ought to hold fast to life, for it is wondrous, and full of a beauty. Learn to _51

28、_ at the golden sunshine and appreciate the wonders of each day. Be thankful and learn to embrace each hour and seize each golden minute.Hold fast to life, but not so fast that you cannot let go. This is the second side of lifes coin : we must accept our losses, and learn how to let go.At every _52_

29、 of life we sustain losses-and grow in the process. We begin our independent lives only when we emerge from the womb and lose its protective _53_. We enter a progression of schools, then we leave our mothers and fathers and our childhood homes. We get married and have children and then have to let t

30、hem go. We confront the death of our parents and our spouses. Someday we will grow old and tasks that are yet to be _54_ will be passed on to our children.But why should lifes _55_ demands be followed? Why should we _56_ things of beauty when beauty is bound to leave us? Why give our heart in love w

31、hen those will _57_ be torn from our grasp?In order to _58_ this paradox, we must seek a wider perspective, viewing our lives as through windows that open on eternity. Once we do that, we realize that though our lives are finite; our deeds on earth weave a _59_ pattern.Life is never just being. It i

32、s a becoming, a flowing on. Our parents live on through us, and we will live on through our children. The institutions we build _60_, and we will last through them. The beauty we create cannot be _61_ by death. Our flesh may perish, our hands will grow old, but what they create in beauty and goodnes

33、s and truth lives on for all time to _62_.Dont spend and waste your lives _63_ objects that will only turn to dust and ashes. Pursue not so much the material as the ideal, for ideals alone _64_ life with meaning and are of enduring worth.Add love to a house and you have a home. Add fairness to a cit

34、y and you have a community. Add truth to a pile of red brick and you have a school. Add justice to the human attempt and you have civilization. Put them all together, _65_ their present imperfections, and you will have a future lighted with the radiant colors of hope.51. A. watchB. look C. marvelD.

35、surprise52. A. conditionB. stage C. situationD. occasion53. A. shadeB. shadow C. shelterD. strength54. A. fulfilledB. started C. stoppedD. quit55. A. worryingB. puzzling C. comparingD. concerning56. A. admireB. fashion C. fancyD. set57. A. lastB. later C. eventuallyD. previously58. A. decideB. resol

36、ve C. revolveD. analyze59. A. limitedB. countless C. timelessD. spaceless60. A. endureB. stay C. remainD. stand61. A. darkenedB. clouded C. dimmedD. misted62. A. goB. come C. passD. undergo63. A. assemblingB. decreasing C. losingD. gathering64. A. giveB. burden C. empowerD. invest65. A. go beyondB.

37、go about C. go afterD. go against【参考答案】51. C 52. B 53. C 54. A 55. B 56. B 57. C 58. B 59. C 60. A61. C 62. B 63. D 64. D 65. A【考查内容】综合考查学生词汇和上下文语篇的理解能力。【易错解析】52.考查动词的选择,在人生的每个阶段我们都会蒙受损失,选择stage。56.考查上下文的理解能力和动词的选择,但是我们为何要去创造终会消亡的美?fashion创造、生产。58.考查动词,要解决这一矛盾,我们必须寻找一个更为广阔的视角,resolve解决。59.考查上下文的理解能力

38、,只有这样我们才知道虽然生命有限,但我们的业绩终究能成为一种永恒的模式,timeless永恒的。60.考查上下文理解以及动词的选择,只有这样我们才知道虽然生命有限,但我们的业绩终究能成为一种永恒的模式。我们所建立的制度能长存,endure持续,和下文的last近义。61. 考察上下文理解,我们所创造的美不会因死亡而暗淡,dim黯淡。64. 考察动词词组,因为理想本身使人生具有意义和永恒的价值,invest with赋予65. 考察动词词组,go beyond超出,胜过,把这一切结合起来,使之超越现有的不完善,加上对人类的富裕、和平的憧憬,你就会有一个闪耀着绚丽的希望之光的未来。Section

39、B 24Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. ATo decide how to get

40、 around in Beijing requires weighing cost and convenience. A traditional bus measures up well in both criteria.Since last year Ive given up driving and taken the bus to work every day, which has aroused quite a bit of curiosity among colleagues because bus riding is still a rarity in my office.My ea

41、sy explanation about the change is that after navigating the streets in one of the most congested capitals in the world for more than a decade, Im tired of driving, and taking the bus allows me to think before my work starts. I also like to be given a ride home after a long, rough day.But most of my

42、 colleagues, especially the younger ones who aspire to own a car, have responded with disbelief, as they picture me walking to the bus stop under smoggy skies, stuck in a packed, rumbling bus and constantly leery of jostling, bad breath, loud talking on cellphones and dirty shopping bags.I believe t

43、hey would be amused if they read the findings of a study of British workers, which found that commuting by bus or train has the beneficial effects of being physically active, as most journeys will involve walking to the station or stop but also include time to read or talk to friends while traveling

44、, according to recent British media reports.Perhaps everybody would be more convinced if I told them that I take the bus because its dirt cheap, while driving a car is expensive and inconvenient.A bus trip costs 0.4 yuan or 6-7 cents with the use of a stored value card, which is almost free if you c

45、onsider a Coke costs five times that or more. Beijing has a flat-rate subway fare with unlimited transfers of 2 yuan per single-trip ticket. I would take the more comfortable subway, if it was closer to my home and workplace.66. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons the author gave up dri

46、ving around?A. He tried to avoid the traffic jam.B. He could have time to relax himself.C. He could contribute to environmental protection.D. He could save certain amount of money.67. What can you learn from the passage?A. It is not an economical way to go around by public transports.B. Most of the

47、authors young colleagues commute by private cars.C. You can travel to wherever you want with no more than 2 yuan by bus in Beijing.D. Commuting by bus has benefits to peoples health.68. The author quoted the findings of a study of British workers so as to _.A. illustrate how cheap it is to commute b

48、y bus and metro.B. convince the public Coke is much more expensive than a subway fare.C. explain the benefits of doing exercises.D. back up his decision to resort to public transport.69. What is the main idea of the passage?A. To persuade the citizens in Beijing to choose public transports.B. To des

49、cribe how terrible the traffic and air in Beijing are.C. To present and defend his choice in commuting.D. To compare different methods of transportations.【参考答案】66-69: CDDC【易错解析】66. 解析:细节题,原文第三段以及第六段分别提到ABD,所以选择C。BThe iPhone 5 is a thing of beauty, writes MATT SUN, with sophisticated engineering, a f

50、aster processor and more features than its predecessorsAPPLES iPhone 5 is a beautifully engineered handset with new features including three microphones and noise-cancelling technology. The most obvious change is the longer screen, which allows an extra row of icons. It may not seem exciting, but it

51、s more comfortable in the hand and also while holding the handset to your ear. The 16:9 ratio means widescreen videos can be played within minimal letterboxing, if any.Apple has increased the colour-saturation specs of the retina display although the resolution is the same as the previous 4S and 4 m

52、odels. It looks more sophisticated with shiny angled edges and aluminium replacing the glass back. But buy a cover to avoid scratches. The A6 chip delivers faster app loading, too. Resuming a Grand Theft Auto III saved game from the main menu took seven seconds on an iPhone 5 compared with 13seconds

53、 for an iPhone 4S. Another major upgrade is 4G compatibility, which provides faster data downloads and uploads on websites and Facebook. Users can download apps to 50Mb using mobile networks. Downloading a 44.3Mb app took an average 22 seconds using the iPhone 5 connected to Telstras 4G LTE network

54、while the same app took an average 50 seconds to download using an iPhone 4S connected to the Telstra 3G network. At the moment, 4G is restricted to areas close to capital city CBDs. iPhone 5s camera does not produce higher-resolution photos than the 4S but redesigned optics provide improvement in l

55、ow light. One iPhone 5 exclusive feature is the ability to snap a photograph while you are recording video by pressing an onscreen shutter button. Battery life has been the bugbear of Apples iPhones and, while things have not significantly improved, they have not got worse. Apple says the iPhone 5s

56、life battery life is “comparable” with the iPhone 4S. There are a few other goodies in the iPhone 5 box. Apple EarPods, in an egg shape and also available separately for $35, replace the Apple earbuds. These are designed for fit comfortably while blocking out exterior sounds and they do this well. M

57、ultiple speakers within the pods provide a much clearer sound. The most welcome design change is the larger volume controller. If you are still getting around with an iPhone 3GS and are still in love with Apple, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to upgrade. For iPhone 4S users, your 24-month

58、 contract will likely be up soon. Buying outright is also an option as swapping to a nano-SIM is relatively easy. In terms of hardware, the iPhone 5 processor is two generations better than the iPhone 4s A4 chip. Its a tough choice for iPhone 4S owners. Theres no doubt the iPhone 5 is a superior han

59、dset but, unless your are flush with cash, you can afford to wait another year for the iPhone 5S/6.70. The most apparent change of iphone 5 is _. A. its wider screen B. its longer screen C.the 3G compatibility D. an extra row of icons71. What does the underlined part “ you are flush with cash” mean

60、in the last paragraph? A. you can make the money flow B. you are lacking in money C. you are on a budget D. you have more than enough money 72. Which is the best title of the passage above?A. Shes Apples B. You cant miss a new Apple C. Apple is coming D. Dont buy an iphone73. Whats the writers attit

61、ude towards buying the iPhone 5 according to the passage? A. optimistic B. positive C. indifferent D. neutral【参考答案】70-73: BDAD【易错解析】72. 解析:文章题目选择,这种类型的题目主要从两点考虑:文章主旨大意、题目的吸引性,通读全文,BCD都可以明显排除,根据全文大意,也可选出A73. 解析:作者的态度,文章中没有出现感情色彩特别浓厚的形容词,作者既没有迫切地鼓励人们买iphone5,也没有对此大加批评,所以持中立态度,DCEnergy independence. It

62、 has a nice ring to it. Doesnt it? If you think so, youre not alone, because energy independence has been the dream of American president for decades, and never more so than in the past few years, when the most recent oil price shock has been partly responsible for kicking off the great recession.“E

63、nergy independence” and its rhetorical (修辞的) companion “energy security” are, however, slippery concepts that are rarely though through. What is it we want independence from, exactly?Most people would probably say that they want to be independent from imported oil. But there are reasons that we buy

64、all that old from elsewhere.The first reason is that we need it to keep our economy running. Yes, there is a trickle(涓涓细流)of biofuel(生物燃料)available, and more may become available, but most biofuels cause economic waste and environmental destruction.Second, Americans have basically decided that they

65、dont really want to produce all their own oil. They value the environmental quality they preserve over their oil imports from abroad. Vast areas of the United States are off-limits to oil exploration and production in the name of environmental protection. To what extent are Americans really willing

66、to endure the environmental impacts of domestic energy production in order to cut back imports?Third, there are benefits to trade. It allows for economic efficiency, and when we buy things from places that have lower production costs than we do, we benefit. And although you dont read about this much

67、, the United States is also a large exporter of oil products, selling about 2 million barrels of petroleum products per day to about 90 countries.There is no question that the United States imports a great deal of energy and, in fact, relies on that steady flow to maintain its economy. When that flo

68、w is interrupted, we feel the pain in short supplies and higher prices, At the same time, we derive massive economic benefits when we buy the most affordable energy on the world market and when we engage in energy trade around the world.74. What does the author say about energy independence for Amer

69、ica?A. It sounds very attractive.B. It ensures national security.C. It will bring oil prices down.D. It has long been everyones dream.75. Why does America rely heavily on oil imports?A. It wants to expand its storage of crude oil.B. Its own oil reserves are quickly running out.C. Its own oil product

70、ion falls short of demand.D. It wants to keep its own environment intact.76. What does the author say about oil trade?A. It proves profitable to both sides. B. It improves economic efficiency.C. It makes for economic prosperity.D. It saves the cost of oil exploration.77. What is the authors purpose

71、in writing the passage?A. To justify Americas dependence on oil imports.B. To arouse Americans awareness of the energy crisis.C. To stress the importance of energy conservation.D. To explain the increase of international oil trade.【参考答案】74-77: ADBA【易错解析】77. 解析:主旨题,根据文章第三段“Most people would probably

72、say that they want to be independent from imported oil. But there are reasons that we buy all that old from elsewhere.”以及最后一段“There is no question that the United States imports a great deal of energy and, in fact, relies on that steady flow to maintain its economy. ”可以选出A。Section CDirections: Read

73、the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.The question of whether our government should promote science and technology or the liberal arts in higher education isnt an either/or proposition(命题),although the current emphasis on preparing y

74、oung Americans for STEM(science, technology, engineering, maths)-related fields can make it seem that way.The latest congressional report acknowledges the critical importance of technical training, but also asserts that the study of the humanities (人文学科)and social sciences must remain central compon

75、ents of Americas educational system at all levels. Both are critical to producing citizens who can participate effectively in our democratic society, become innovative(创新的)leaders, and benefit from the spiritual enrichment that the reflection on the great ideas of mankind over time provides.Parents

76、and students who have invested heavily in higher education worry about graduates job prospects as technological advances and changes in domestic and global markets transform professions in ways that reduce wages and cut jobs. Under these circumstances, its natural to look for what may appear to be t

77、he most “practical” way out of the problem “Major in a subject designed to get you a job” seems the obvious answer to some, though this ignores the fact that many disciplines in the humanities characterized as “soft” often, in fact, lead to employment and success in the long run. Indeed, according t

78、o surveys, employers have expressed a preference for students who have received a broadly-based education that has taught them to write well, think critically, research creatively, and communicate easily.Moreover, students should be prepared not just for their first job, but for their 4th and 5th jo

79、bs, as theres little reason to doubt that people entering the workforce today will be called upon to play many different roles over the course of their careers. The ones who will do the best in this new environment will be those whose educations have prepared them to be flexible. The ability to draw

80、 upon every available tool and insightpicked up from science, arts, and technologyto solve the problems of the future, and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves, will be helpful to them and the United States.78. What does the latest congressional report suggest?79. _ is the top

81、 concern of students when they choose a major.80. According to surveys, employers are now looking for job applicants who _.81. What advice does the author give to college students?【参考答案】78. The humanities and STEM subjects should be given equal importance.79. Their chances of getting a good job80. h

82、ave received a well-rounded education 81. Adopt a flexible approach to solving problems.【考查内容】要求考生仔细阅读文章,用尽量少的词回答问题或把句子填写完整。此项目的增加,旨在尽量避免考生在做阅读的时候,凭猜测而取得分数,从而更深入地考查学生对于语段的理解以及灵活准确地回答问题的能力。【试题解析】78. 本题属于观点型细节题,问最近的一次国会报告提出了什么建议。根据题干定位词latest congressional report 定位到文章第二段第一句。Acknowledge意为“承认”,引出观点。79.

83、 题目问学生选择专业时主要关心什么。结合顺序原则可以大致定位到第三段,本段前两句话讲述了家长和学生们在为高等教育做出巨大投资之后所以担心的问题就是市场的变化可能会导致孩子们将来就业机会变少以及工资降低。并且根据这个大背景提出了一个公认的解决的办法,也就是由题干中的major定位到的本段第三句,“Major in a subject designed to get you a job”。80. 老板想找什么类型的应聘者,答案出自第三段最后一句话,employers have expressed a preference for students who received a broadly-ba

84、sed education that has taught them how to write well, think carefully, research creatively, and communicate easily. 81. 定位到最后一段的最后两句话。第二卷I. Translation 22Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the bracket. 1. 这就意味着所有的责任都将落在年轻人的身上。(fall)2. 当他决定开始研究时,没有什么能

85、阻止他继续下去。(determined)3. 有些科学家相信,人类只是开发和使用了自己大脑的一小部分而已。(portion)4. 尽管条件极其艰苦,全体员工还是不负众望圆满地完成了这项艰巨的任务。(in spite of)5. 虽然严重的空气污染并没有阻止众多长跑爱好者报名参加上海国际马拉松赛,但他们也采取了一系列保护措施。(discourage)1.【参考答案】Itmeansthatthetotalresponsibilitywillfallontheyoung.2.【参考答案】As soon as he was determined to take up research, nothing

86、 could stop him from keeping it up.3.【参考答案】Some scientists believe that humans have exploited and used only a portion of their brains.4.【参考答案】In spite of the extremely difficult conditions, all the staff lived up to expectations and successfully completed the arduous task.5.【参考答案】Although the seriou

87、s air pollution did not discourage most runners to enter for the Shanghai International Marathon, they stilled adopted a series of protective measures.II. Guided Writing 25Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数120-150字左右。1. 简要描述下图内容。2. 详细畅述你对该图的理解3. 开头已为你写好,不计词数参考词汇: 彩虹 rainbow 岩石 rockAs can be seen in the picture, a boy is climbing a high mountain, .


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