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1、2011高考英语语言点最后冲刺解析题17【1601】 For reducing the hardship of farming, he _ interest _ making farming machines.【译文】 为了减少农业的劳动强度,他对制造农业机械很感兴趣。 A. had some; at B. was very; in C. took much; in D. got little; for【答案及简析】 C。 take interest in对感兴趣。【1602】 I bought a used Longman Dictionary yesterday. It _ me only

2、 twenty yuan.【译文】 我昨天只花了元买了本Longman 词典。 A. spent B. cost C. used D. took【答案及简析】 B。 sth. cost sb. $. 句型。【1603】 I cant find the house _ we met the strange old man last week.【译文】 我找不到我们上周遇见那个奇怪老头的房屋。 A. which B. what C. that D. where【答案及简析】 D。 定语从句,先行词the house在从句中充当地点状语。【1604】 _ made the boy terribly

3、beaten by the devil lord.【译文】 损坏机器使他遭受到狠毒上司的一顿毒打。 A. He broke the machine B. Because he broke the machine C. His breaking the machine D. His broken the machine【答案及简析】 C。 动名词短语做主语。【1605】 The officer insisted the young girl _ the robber and set her free.【译文】 军官坚持说这个年轻姑娘不是抢劫犯,并释放了她。 A. is B. is not C.

4、was D. was not【答案及简析】 D。 insist 后面的从句表达的意思如果是坚持说,就不用虚拟语气。【1606】 I have had lunch before you came back. The rest in the dishes _ for you.【译文】 我已经在你回来之前吃过午饭了。碗里剩下的是留给你的。 A. is B. are C. is not D. are not【答案及简析】 A。 rest 代替的是午饭,只能是单数。【1607】 Jim found two large cocks _ in front of the house and he took a

5、 picture.【译文】 Jim发现两只大公鸡在屋前打架,她就把它你们照下来了。 A. fight B. fighting C. fought D. to fight【答案及简析】 B。 find sb. doing 发现正在。【1608】 They were very excited to see the baby tiger _ by the mother dog.【译文】 他们很激动地看到小老虎受到了狗妈妈的悉心照料。 A. take good care of B. taking little car of C. taken good care of D. to take some c

6、are of【答案及简析】 C。 过去分词短语作宾补。【1609】 It is still a question to us all _ there is any living thing in some other places in the space.【译文】 太空中的一些星球上是否有生命,对我们来说仍然是一个问题。 A. whether B. which C. what D. where【答案及简析】 A。 whether引导的同位语从句,表示是否。【1610】 Look! Thats Harrys motorbike. He _ have come. But where is he

7、now?【译文】 看!那是Harry的摩托。他一定来了。但他在哪儿呢? A. may B. can C. must D. might【答案及简析】 C。 情态动词表推测。【1611】 The _ wolf succeeded in persuading the learned man to help him.【译文】 这只严重受伤的狼成功地劝说了这位学者帮助它。 A. wound bad B. bad wound C. wounded badly D. badly wounded【答案及简析】 D。 badly 修饰过去分词wounded。【1612】 Is he really content

8、 _ that little earning? Or can he get some extra pay?【译文】 他对他的这点点收入满意吗?还是他有其他额外的收入? A. to B. with C. for D. at【答案及简析】 B。 be content with 对满意。【1613】 Who this project is intended _ are those disabled children in the countryside.【译文】 这项工程将是为那些乡村残疾儿童建造的。 A. for B. to C. with D. upon【答案及简析】 A。 be intende

9、d for 固定搭配,将成为.【1614】 His last words were I _ die than give up my believes!【译文】 他最后的遗言是,我宁愿死也不放弃我的信仰。 A. will B. will more C. would D. would rather【答案及简析】 D。 would rather than宁愿而不愿。【1615】 Id like to read at home _ going to a film in such a cold, rainy day.【译文】 我想在家里看书而不愿在这样一个又冷又下着雨的时候去看电影。 A. but B.

10、 to C. besides D. rather than【答案及简析】 D。 rather than 而不愿。【1616】 China is as nearly large as USA _ area but six times larger than USA _ population.【译文】 中国和美国在疆域方面差不多,但人口方面中国是美国的六倍。 A. in; in B. at; with C. for; on D. in; on【答案及简析】 A。 in area 在疆域方面;in population在人口方面。【1617】 Her voice sounds _. Everyone

11、 loves enjoying her singing.【译文】 她的声音听起来甜美。每个人都喜欢听她的歌。 A. terrible B. terribly C. sweet D. sweetly【答案及简析】 C。 sound 是连系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。【1618】 Ive never talked with her. She _ be an American, I guess.【译文】 我从没和她谈过话,我猜,她也许是一个美国人。 A. can B. must C. may D. might【答案及简析】 D。 情态动词表示推测,might表示不肯定。【1619】 Do you th

12、ink a person _ is more clever than one _?【译文】 你是不是认为有债务的人比没有债务的人聪明一些? A. with debt; without debt B. under debt; up debt C. in debt; out of debt D. on debt; over debt【答案及简析】 C。 in debt有债务;out of debt没有债务。【1620】 What he said _. He knows nothing about the intelligence economy.【译文】 他说的没道理。他对情报经济学一窍不通。 A

13、. get some sense B. gets some sense C. make no sense D. doesnt make any sense【答案及简析】 D。 make sense固定搭配,讲得通,有道理。【1621】 She heard a terrible noise, _ bought her heart into her mouth.【译文】 她听到了一个恐怖的声音,这声音使她把心都提到嗓子眼了。 A. which B. it C. that D. what【答案及简析】 A。 定语从句,which代替前面的句子作从句的主语。【1622】 It _ during the

14、 past century that learning is a lifelong task for human being.【译文】 在过去的世纪里已经证明学习是人类终生的任务。 A. is proved B. proves C. has proved D. has been proved【答案及简析】 D。 during the past century 包括现在,因此是现在完成时态。【1623】 He is a brave man, _ never fears for his life.【译文】 他是一个勇敢的人,一个一生都不害怕的人。 A. he B. one C. who D. th

15、e one【答案及简析】 C。 定语从句,who代替前面的句子作从句的主语。【1624】 Have you ever noticed the man, _ walking with his dog over there? Thats a spy.【译文】 你注意到那个人没有?在那边和一条狗在散步的人。他是一个间谍。 A. he B. one C. who D. the one 【答案及简析】 D。 the one 作the man的同位语。【1625】 Many foreigners _ the Great Wall as the Worlds senventh Wonder.【译文】 许多外

16、国人把长城当作世界第七大奇迹。 A. look at B. look for C. look around D. look on【答案及简析】 D。 look on . as 把当作。【1626】 He had learned enough german to _ a conversation.【译文】 他学的德语足够进行对话。 A. carry out with B. carry on C. continue on D. carry【答案及简析】 B。 carry on 进行。【1627】 -You look tired.-Yes, I _ non-stop until seven oclo

17、ck.【译文】 -你看起来有点疲倦。-是的,我一直没停工作到七点钟。 A. am working B. was working C. has worked D. had worked【答案及简析】 B。 强调工作延续到七点,不能用完成时态。【1628】 It is said that the two wountries _.【译文】 据说这两个国家在交战。 A. have been in the war B. are on the war C. have been in the state of war D. are in a state of war【答案及简析】 D。 be at war

18、= be in a state of war 处于战争的状态。【1629】 Lets practise _ English when and where _.【译文】 让我们尽可能的利用时间和地点练习英语口语。 A. speaking; impossible B. to speak; possible C. speaking; possible D. to speak; impossible【答案及简析】 C。 当when, if, where引导的从句中如果是it is / was就可以省略。【1630】 Our school _ area of 18 square kilometres.【

19、译文】 我们学校的面积是十八平方千米。 A. has B. covers C. has the D. covers an【答案及简析】 D。 have / cover an area of面积是。【1631】 I _ English for _ five years.【译文】 我学习英语五年多了。 A. am studying; over B. have been studying; more than C. have begun studying; over D. started learning; more than【答案及简析】 B。 表示动作还要继续延续下去。【1632】 Keep y

20、our feet _ while I fasten your shoes.【译文】 我给你系鞋带时脚不要动。 A. quiet B. silent C. still D. calm【答案及简析】 C。 still = without moving,不动。【1633】 _ he said so was quite _.【译文】 他这样说的话令人惊讶。 A. What; surprising B. Why; surprising C. That; surprised D. What; surprised【答案及简析】 B。 surprising 令人惊讶的,表示特征。【1634】 Not unti

21、l the early years of the 19th century _ what heat is.【译文】 直到十九世纪初,人类才知道什么是热。 A. man did know B. man know C. didnt know D. did man know【答案及简析】 D。 not until 在句首,主句要部分倒装;man单数时,不加冠词,指人类。【1635】 - Tom is not coming tonight.- But he _!【译文】 -汤姆今晚不会来了。-但是他曾答应过的呀! A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. h

22、ad promised【答案及简析】 B。 许诺的动作发生在来之前,故用过去时态。【1636】 When you come to the fence, you can see a notice _ there saying _ the grass.【译文】 当你来到栅栏处,你就会看见一个告示,上面写着:勿踏草地。 A. putting up; keep off B. put up; keep off C. putting up; keep away D. put on; keep out【答案及简析】 B。 put up搭建起;keep off the grass常用的标语勿踏草地。【1637

23、】 The naught boy _to me that the hen which _ there just now had _ two eggs the day before.【译文】 这个顽皮男孩对我撒谎说,躺在那儿的母鸡前些天下了两个蛋。 A. lied; lay; laid B. laid; lay; lain C. lied; laid; lain D. laid; laid; laid【答案及简析】 A。 lie和lay的用法区别。【1638】 -Oh, its you! I didnt recognize you.-I _ my hair cut, and I _ dark g

24、lasses.【译文】 -啊,是你呀!我没认出你来。-我刚理过发又带着一副墨镜。 A. had; was wearing B. have had; am wearing C. had; wore D. have had; wear【答案及简析】 B。 情景中的时态题,对方没有认出来的原因是刚理过发,还带着墨镜,注意此题共有四句话,就用了四种时态。【1639】 They stood there with their eyes wide _, _ what was happening.【译文】 他们站在那儿,睁大着双眼,注视着发生了什么事。 A. opened; looking at B. ope

25、n; watching over C. closed; looking at D. open; to look for【答案及简析】 B。 open 形容词,表示状态;closed没有形容词表示状态就用过去分词表示。【1640】 She cant help _ the house because she is cooking the meal.【译文】 她不能帮助打扫房子因为她在做饭。 A. cleaning B. to be cleaned C. to clean D. being cleaned【答案及简析】 C。 cant help doing sth.禁不住;cant help to

26、dosth.不能帮助做什么。【1641】 They _ the house but found nobody in it.【译文】 他们搜查了房屋但没有发现一个人在里面。 A. have searched B. searched C. searched for D. were in seach for【答案及简析】 B。 search 及物动词,表示搜查什么地方或人。【1642】 We _ a pleasant journey but for the rain.【译文】 要不是下雨,我们会有一个愉快的旅行。 A. would have B. will have C. had had D. wo

27、uld have had【答案及简析】 D。 but for 要不是,引导短语表示条件,等于if it had not been for the rain。【1643】 The boy was _ eager to get a geography book.【译文】 这男孩非常想得到一本地理书。 A. more B. too C. much D. far【答案及简析】 B。 too eager to do sth. 非常想做某事。这里不是太以至于的结构,因为句中的形容词是表示褒义的词汇。【1644】 When I was puzzled, I noticed some words on the

28、 board, which _ Turn left.【译文】 当我不知所措的时候,我注意到木板上写着几个字:向左转。 A. talked B. read C. spoke D. say【答案及简析】 B。 read 在这样的句子中应译成:上面写着。【1645】 The result of the final football match was 2 to 2, _ the satisfaction both the teams.【译文】 足球决赛的结果是比,两个队都满意。 A. with B. for C. at D. to【答案及简析】 D。 to the satisfaction of 使

29、.满意。【1646】 The boss went into the house, _ the five boys _ in the rain.【译文】 老板走进房屋,留下五个小孩站在雨里。 A. left; stand B. leaving; standing C. left; stand D. leaving; stand【答案及简析】 B。 现在分词短语表状态。【1647】 When he _ with his sister, he suddenly _ into tears.【译文】 当他和他的妹妹争吵时,他突然大哭起来。 A. was arguing; burst B. argure;

30、 burst C. had argued; was bursting D. was arguing; was burst【答案及简析】 A。 burst into tears 放声大哭。【1648】 _ you are happy, it doesnt matter what you do.【译文】 只要你快乐,你做什么都没关系。 A. As good as B. As soon as C. As long as D. As well as【答案及简析】 C。 as long as 只要;as good as和一样好.【1649】 The Chinse people always _ thei

31、r _.【译文】 中国人民一向遵守诺言。 A. keeps; word B. keep; word C. keeps; words D. keep; eords【答案及简析】 B。 keep ones word守信,遵守诺言。【1650】 Are you disappointed not _to act in the play?【译文】 你为没被选去参加演出而遗憾吗? A. being chosen B. to be chosen C. choosing D. to choose【答案及简析】 B。 be disappointed to do sth. 为感到遗憾。【1651】 The day

32、 we have long looked forward to _ at last.【译文】 我们盼望的这一天终于来到了。 A. come B. coming C. came D. has come【答案及简析】 D。 从定语从句的时态判断,该句应该是现在时态。【1652】 Never _ time come again.【译文】 逝去的时间决不会再来。 A. has lost B. will lose C. will lost D. lose【答案及简析】 C。 否定词在句首,要部分倒装,lost time是丢失的时间。【1653】 -why didnt you call her last

33、night? -I _ her, but the line was busy then.【译文】 -你昨晚为什么没给她打电话呀?-我打了的呀,但老是占线。 A. had really called B. didnt call C. did call D. was calling【答案及简析】 C。 对谓语动词强调用助动词do。【1654】 Only_ that.【译文】 只有医生能做那件事。 A. can a doctor do B. a doctor can do C. can do a doctor D. can a doctor does【答案及简析】 A。 only 在句首,要部分倒装

34、。【1655】 Both _ and _ laughter do harm to your health.【译文】 突然大哭或突然大笑都对健康有害处。 A. burst into tears; burst into B. to furst into tear; to burst into C. bursting into tears; brusting into D. tear; /【答案及简析】 C。 不定式短语或动名词短语都可以作主语,但不定式的这个短语有错误。【1656】 -where are you staying all day long? -_.【译文】 -你一整天呆在那儿的?-在

35、史密斯家里。 A. At Smiths B. At Smiths C. At the Smiths D. At the Smiths【答案及简析】 D。 at the Smiths 表示在某人家里。【1657】 Once he listens to music, he sings a song _ it.【译文】 只要他在听音乐,他就随着音乐唱歌。 A. with B. to C. at D. by【答案及简析】 B。 do sth. to the music 伴随音乐做某事。【1658】 There is something more _ to stop pollution, but hun

36、mans wont pay more attention.【译文】 应该采取更多的措施制止污染,但是人们不太重视。 A. to be done B. to do C. being done D. doing 【答案及简析】 A。 do something to do sth. 采取某些措施做.。【1659】 Anyone _ this opinion may speak out.【译文】 反对这个意见的人可以说出来。 A. that against B. which is against C. that is against D. who against【答案及简析】 C。 定语从句代替人用w

37、ho 或that,但D中没有谓语动词。【1660】 Such a small child as he _ a ticket.【译文】 像他那样的小孩不需要票。 A. mustnt B. hasnt C. doesnt need D. neednt【答案及简析】 C。 need 这里是实意动词,表示必要。【1661】 Ill reply _ this letter as soon as possible.【译文】 我将尽快给这封信回信。 A. on B. to C. for D. /【答案及简析】 B。 reply to回答。【1662】 Her new dress cost her _ $8,

38、900.【译文】 她的新衣服花了她多达8,900美元。 A. as much as B. as high as C. so much as D. as expensive as【答案及简析】 A。 as much as 多达。【1663】 At present pupils are kept _ a lot of exercises not only in school but also at home.【译文】 现在学生们被忙于做许多练习题,无论在学校还是在家里了。 A. on doing B. busy doing C. to do D. done【答案及简析】 B。 keep sb. b

39、usy doing sth. 使某人忙着干某事。【1664】 Compared with Tom, John was always _ well and neatly.【译文】 和汤姆比较,约翰总是穿得既好又整洁。 A. dressed B. wearing C. having on D. putting on【答案及简析】 A。 be dressed well 穿得好。【1665】 She cant be interested in the lessons, _ that she always arrives late.【译文】 以她总是迟到来看,他不可能对学习感兴趣。 A. telling

40、 B. noticing C. judging D. seeing【答案及简析】 C。 judge by / from 以来判断。【1666】 It is near the place _ there is a tomb _ we found the dead man.【译文】 在这个地方附近有一个坟墓,在这儿我们发现的这个死人。 A. where; where B. where; that C. that; where D. that; that【答案及简析】 B。 强调句型中考查定语从句,第一个空是定语从句。【1667】 - What are you busy doing these da

41、ys?- _ the college entrance examinations.【译文】 -这些天来你在忙些什么呀?-忙着准备高考。 A. To make prepareations for B. Preparing myself for C. To prepare myself for D. Myself preparing【答案及简析】 B。 be busy doing sth. 忙着做。【1668】 All _ present and all _ going on well, said the teacher.【译文】 所有的人都到了,一切都进展顺利,老师说道。 A. is; is B

42、. are; are C. are; is D. is; are【答案及简析】 C。 主谓一致问题,第一个all代表的是人,用复数;第二个all代表的是事不可数用单数。【1669】 The headmaster suggested me _ to see a doctor at once.【译文】 校长建议我马上看医生。 A. going B. go C. to go D. went【答案及简析】 A。 suggest ones doing sth.中的ones可以用宾格代词代替。【1670】 - Would you please lend me a hand?- _.【译文】 -请你帮我一个

43、忙好吗?-十分乐意。 A. It doesnt matter B. Its my pleasure C. Go ahead, please D. With pleasure【答案及简析】 D。 答应帮助人家,用with pleasure表示乐意帮忙。【1671】 Its cold and windy outside; you _ cold with only a shirt on.【译文】 外面又冷又有风,只穿了一件衬衣你一定现在觉得冷。 A. must feel B. must be feeling C. could feel D. could be feeling【答案及简析】 B。 mu

44、st be feeling 表示现在一定觉得冷。【1672】 When I was training in the gym, I had my leg _.【译文】 在体操训练时,我把脚伤着了。 A. to hurt B. to injure C. hurt D. injuring【答案及简析】 C。 have sth. done遭遇到某种情况。【1673】 -Excuse me, could you tell me if there is a hospital near here?- _.【译文】 -劳驾,你能告诉我附近有医院吗?-对不起,我也是陌生人。 A. Yes, why not B.

45、 No, I couldnt C. Sorry, Im a stranger here D. My pleasure【答案及简析】 C。 情景英语,只有C才符合此句的情景。【1674】 He _ you more help, even though he was very busy.【译文】 即使他很忙,他还是可以给你帮助。 A. might have given B. might give C. may have given D. may give【答案及简析】 A。 对过去发生的事情做一个不十分肯定的推测。【1675】 A computer _ think fir itself, it m

46、ust be told what to do.【译文】 一台电脑不能自己思维,只能告诉它做什么。 A. cant B. couldnt C. may not D. might not【答案及简析】 A。 表示对现在不可能发生的事的推测。【1676】 She prefered _ with us _ a song alone.【译文】 她宁愿和我们一道跳舞也不愿单独一人唱歌。 A. dancing; to sing B. dancing; rather than sing C. to dance; rather than sing D. to dance; rather than to sing

47、【答案及简析】 C。 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.结构。【1677】 You _ throw waste everywhere, or you _ be punished for that.【译文】 严禁乱丢废纸,否则要受处罚。 A. neednt; cant B. mustnt; may C. shouldnt; need D. darent; can【答案及简析】 B。 mustnt do sth. 严禁做。【1678】 _ the help of our teacher, we have greatly imporved our spoken

48、 English.【译文】 在老师的帮助下,我们极大地提高了我们的英语口语。 A. Under B. Because C. With D. By【答案及简析】 C。 with the help of sb. 在某人的帮助之下。【1679】 _ books you may read, they should be of real value.【译文】 无论你读什么书,它们都是有益处的。 A. Which B. What C. Whichever D. Whatever【答案及简析】 D。 whichever指在一定范围内选择。【1680】 Professor Smith, many studen

49、ts want to see you. _ they wait here or outside?【译文】 史密斯教授,许多学生想见你,是让他们在这儿等呢,还是在外面等? A. Do B. Will C. Shall D. Would【答案及简析】 C。 shall用于一,三人称的疑问句中,表示征求意见或者提出建议。【1681】 -Thank you for the great trouble youve had _ me with my computer work.-That is nothing.【译文】 -十分感谢你帮做电脑工作。-没啥。 A. with helping B. helpin

50、g C. to help D. to have helped【答案及简析】 B。 have trouble doing sth. 麻烦,费劲做。【1682】 -The light is on. Could you have forgotten to turn it off?- Yes, I _.【译文】 -灯是亮着的。你可能忘记关灯了。-是呀,我可能忘了。 A. could B. ought have C. must D. might have【答案及简析】 D。 情态动词加完成时态,才表示对过去的推测。【1683】 -We dont have enough books. What would

51、 you like to _?-How about two of us _one?【译文】 -我们没有足够的书籍。你有什么建议?-两人用一本如何? A. suggest; sharing B. say; share C. suggest; share D. say; sharing【答案及简析】 A。 how about 后面接动名词,这儿是动名词的复合结构。【1684】 When she left college, she had her hair cut short and _ it short ever since.【译文】 大学毕业时,她把头发剪短了,从那时起她就一直留着短发。 A.

52、wore B. has worn C. had worn D. was wearing【答案及简析】 B。 ever since引起的短语与完成时态连用。【1685】 Was it in the cinema _ Mr Smith met you _ you saw the film?【译文】 你看电影的时候是不是史密斯先生在电影院碰到你的? A. that; when B. whom; then C. there; what D. which; where【答案及简析】 A。 强调句中带一个表示时间的定语从句。【1686】 You will be late _ you leave immed

53、iately.【译文】 如果你不马上出发,你会迟到的。 A. until B. unless C. if D. or【答案及简析】 B。 unless = if not 如果不;除非。【1687】 I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please _?【译文】 我听不见收音机的声音。请开大一点! A. turn it on B. turn it down C. turn it up D. turn it off【答案及简析】 C。 由于听不见,要求人家把收音机的声音开大一点。【1688】 After Mary gave a report about t

54、he school, she _ the guests around it.【译文】 做了关于学校情况的报告后,她又带着客人参观学校。 A. went on showing B. went on with showing C. went on to show D. keep on showing【答案及简析】 C。 go on to do sth. 接着干另一件事;go on doing sth.接着原来的事干。【1689】 - White works hard at English. -_ and _.【译文】 -怀特学习英语很努力。-是呀,你也一样。 A. so he will; so d

55、o you B. So he does; so do you C. So you do; so is he D. So does he; so you do【答案及简析】 B。 so do sb.某人也是一样;so sb. do表示对前面说法的认可。【1690】 -Dont worry. I have a car _ at the school gate.- Its very kind of you.【译文】 -不要着急。我让车在校门外等着的。-谢谢你。 A. waited B. waiting C. to wait D. wait【答案及简析】 B。 have sth. doing sth.

56、 让一直做。【1691】 _ is Charlies pen friend?【译文】 你认为谁是查理的笔友? A. Whom do you think B. Do you think whom C. Do you think whose D. Who do you think【答案及简析】 D。 do you think是插入语。【1692】 Please read the text fast to _.【译文】 请快速阅读课文然后得出大意。 A. make an idea B. get a general idea C. find a good idea D. have an idea【答案

57、及简析】 B。 get a general idea 得出课文大意。【1693】 Sara showed Betty _ her garden for she wanted to show her flowering roses _ her.【译文】 沙拉带领贝蒂参观她的花园,她想把正在开放的玫瑰给她看。 A. around; for B. for; to C. around; to D. in; for【答案及简析】 C。 showaround 带领参观;show sth. to sb.给某人看。【1694】 _ does Mary prefer _ pears?【译文】 玛利喜欢梨吗? A

58、. what; to B. Which; to C. What; rather D. How; to【答案及简析】 D。 prefer to喜欢,有了宾语,只能选how表示程度。【1695】 I dont know if my brother _ tonight.【译文】 我不知道哥哥是否今晚回来。 A. will return B. is returning C. has returned D. returns【答案及简析】 A。 tonight预示是将来时态。【1696】 The doctor spent _ operating _ the wounded soldier.【译文】 医生花

59、了一整个晚上给受伤的士兵做手术。 A. long all night; with B. all night long ; on C. all night long; to D. long all night; at【答案及简析】 B。 给某人做手术是operate on 。【1697】 If you see Tom today, say hello _ her _ me.【译文】 如果你今天见到汤姆,请代我向他问好。 A. at; from B. to; for C. from; to D. to; from【答案及简析】 D。 say hello to sb. from sb.代某人向某人问

60、好。【1698】 I havent seen her _ the time _ she had the accident.【译文】 自从她除了事故后,我就一直没见到她。 A. for; that B. since; when C. since; as D. for; when【答案及简析】 B。 when 引起的定语从句,修是先行词time。【1699】 _ I shouted at the top of my voice _ turn his head.【译文】 直到我大声地对他吼叫,他才转过头来。 A. Not until; did he B. Not until; he did C. Until; he did not D. Until; did he not【答案及简析】 A。 not until 在句首,主句要部分倒装。【1700】 Can you make sure _ the gold ring?【译文】 你能确信阿丽丝把金戒指放在何处? A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice put C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put【答案及简析】 C 宾语从句应该用陈述语序。


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