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1、四川省双流中学2019-2020学年高二英语3月月考试题(含解析)第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相 应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What does the woman want to do?A. Graduate next semester.B. Get the form back.C. Meet the dea

2、n.【答案】A【解析】【原文】M: What can I do for you?W: I am just filling out this graduation form for the deans office,and I hope I will be able to graduate next semester.M: Well, as long as youve met the requirements and you hand in the form on time, you shouldnt have any problem.2.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】Where are

3、the speakers now?A. In a building.B. On a bridge.C. In a car.【答案】C【解析】【原文】M: Oh, no. I forgot my camera.W: But you used it to take a photo of the bridge before the building just now.M: I put it on the step. Drive back. Be quick.3.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Sports

4、.B. A park.C. A summer holiday.【答案】B【解析】【原文】M: I always hear about Central Park. Can you tell me something about it?W: Yeah. Central Park is obviously in the middle of Manhattan. Its really big and people go and play sports or they just hang out and walk around. Cars are not allowed, and in the summ

5、er time you see a lot of bikers.4.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What does the man remind the woman to pay?A. The phone bill.B. The water bill.C. The electricity bill.【答案】C【解析】【原文】W: My goodness! Its the first of the month already. Id better pay my phone bill. And the water bill comes due too.M: Shouldnt you pay

6、 the electricity bill, too?5.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What does the woman mean?A. She didnt like the watch.B She bought the watch for $50.C. She didnt have enough money.【答案】C【解析】【原文】M: You bought the watch you saw last week, didnt you?W: No, I didnt.M: Why? You liked it so much.W: Unfortunately, I only had

7、 fifty dollars with me.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并 标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】6. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. C

8、olleagues.C. Classmates.7. What does the woman plan to do right after lunch?A. Find Ms. Wong.B. Go to the gym.C. Have a PE class.【答案】6. C 7. A【解析】【原文】W: The pizza is delicious, right?M: Yes. Whatre you going to do after lunch?W: Well, you know, its my first day of school. I need to hand in my school

9、 fees to Ms. Wong. Do you know where she is?M: You can find her in the main office. Here, look at the map. Go out of the canteen, youll see the gym on your right. And the main office is in the building next to the gym.W: Oh, speaking of the gym, our class has PE there this afternoon. Im looking forw

10、ard to it.M: Me, too.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】8. Why does Mary call Mr. Green?A. To ask about a meeting.B. To make an appointment.C. To remind him to see a dentist.9. When will Mr. Green attend a parent-teacher meeting?A. On Thursday morning.B. On Thursday afternoon.C. On Friday afternoon.

11、【答案】8. B 9. C【解析】【原文】W: Hello, Mr. Green. This is Mary speaking. I would like to see if I can meet with you today.M: Hi, Mary. I am afraid I have an important meeting to attend today.W: Well, what time would be convenient for you, then?M: How about Thursday morning?W: I have a dentist appointment th

12、en. Is the afternoon OK?M: Well, how long would you like to meet?W: About half an hour.M: OK. The earlier, the better. I have to prepare for my daughters parent-teacher meeting at 5:30 pm on Friday.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】10. What are the speakers most probably doing?A. Booking a hotel.B.

13、 Writing a hotel review.C. Reading a brochure of a hotel.11. What does the man like most?A. Open fires.B. Afternoon tea.C. The bedroom.12. What do the speakers decide to do?A. Send a letter.B. Ask for a price list.C. Bargain over the price.【答案】10. C 11. B 12. B【解析】【原文】W: Windamere Hotel. I like this

14、 one.M: Oh, yeah, whats it like, then?W: Er, it says here, “The most pretty and popular place to stay in Darjeeling.”M: That sounds good.W: Oh, listen to this, um, “Open fires lit each night; afternoon tea served in the garden.” I rather fancy open fires in the bedroom.M: And Im most interested in t

15、he afternoon tea. What are the rooms like?W: It says here, “Bedrooms are basically equipped with”M: I wonder what they mean by “basically equipped”. And how much does it cost?W: It doesnt say. You have to send away for (寄信去索要) a price list, I suppose.M: Maybe we should e-mail them and find out price

16、s.W: Yeah, lets do that.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】13. Where does the conversation take place?A. At a cafe.B. At an airport.C. On the phone.14. How does Nick sound?A. Worried.B. Curious.C. Excited.15. Why will Mary go to San Diego?A. To study in a university.B. To spend a vacation.C. To see

17、her sister.16. What time is it now?A. About 6:00.B. About 7:00.C. About 8:30.【答案】13. C 14. B 15. C 16. A【解析】【原文】W: Hello, Nick. Sorry to call you so early, but I want to tell you something important. Im leaving for San Diego in the morning.M: San Diego? In the morning?W: Yes, Ill fly to Los Angeles

18、at 8:30 in the morning. When I arrive there, Ill take the train to San Diego.M: But why will you go there?W: Well, you know my sister, Cathy, is studying at San Diego State University in California. Im going to see her.M: Look, Mary, Id like to see you off. Do you have time for coffee?W: Lets meet a

19、t the Expresso in about an hour.M: OK. See you there at seven.听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】17. What will the listeners do first at the Cookery School?A. Make some pizza.B. Eat chocolate cakes.C. Learn to grow vegetables.18. Whats the price of the bus ticket?A. $3.55.B. $6.00.C. $9.55.19. What sh

20、ould the listeners take?A. Sandwiches.B. A notebook.C. A pencil.20. How are the parents advised to contact the speaker?A. By e-mail.B. Through the phone.C. Face to face.【答案】17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B【解析】【原文】M: Boys and girls, may I have your attention, please? Please listen to me for a moment. I want t

21、o tell you about the school trip to the Cookery School on 16th February. You have to be outside the school gate at 7:45 because the bus leaves from there at 8:00.There are some great things to see and do at the Cookery School. Well see how you can grow your own vegetables in the science room first.

22、Well learn how to make pizza and chocolate cake in the kitchen, and then well eat them in the dining room.Now listen carefully! You need to give me $9.55 before Thursday but please tell your parents that this includes the bus and $6.00 for lunch. You dont have to make sandwiches for this trip and yo

23、u cant take any food into the Cookery School anyway.Dont forget. Youll need a pencil but you dont have to bring a notebook. Well prepare it for you. If your parents have any questions, they can phone me at my office, since this is more convenient than sending e-mails. My number is 3874928. OK. I thi

24、nk thats it for now.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationBMGF said this week it will provide up to $100 million to support action against the 2019 novel coronavirus. It says the money will help strengt

25、hen efforts to test people for the virus, separate healthy individuals from the sick and find treatment for them.Controlling the epidemic: The donation will help speed development of the “tools to bring this epidemic under control,”the chief executive officer of the Gates Foundation; Mark Suzman sai

26、d.Worldwide emergency:The Gates Foundation is giving money and working with other donors to help the World Health Organization (WHO), Chinese medical workers and others worldwide.It noted the need for an organized international effort to fight the virus.Increased efforts to find and treat the corona

27、virus:The foundation promised $20 million right away to hurry the process of identifying those who are sick, keeping them separate, and helping them get better. The goal is to stop the disease from spreading to more people and places. Money is also going to public health officials in China and other

28、 countries with coronavirus patients to help them pay the start-up cost of medical workers and supplies.Protecting at-risk groups in Africa and South Asia:Recent epidemics, such as the H1N1 influenza pandemic of 2009, have had a big effect on people living in extreme poverty. Most of those people li

29、ve in African countries south of the Sahara Desert or parts of South Asia. Another $20 million is going to public health officials in these areas to improve their emergency operations and to treat confirmed cases. One partner is the African Field Epidemiology Network, a non-profit service that curre

30、ntly operates in more than 30 African countries.Developing Vaccines:Of the total donation, $60 million will go to speed the process of making vaccines to protect against the novel coronavirus. One organization working on developing the anti-coronavirus vaccines is the Coalition for Epidemic Prepared

31、ness Innovations with Chinese public- and private-sector researchers; trying to find ways to stop the spread of the virus.21. The money donated by the BMGF will be used in the following aspects exceptA. to test people for the virusB. to separate the healthy from the sickC. to build a new hospital in

32、 ChinaD. to find treatment for the virus -infected22. How many main targets will the large sum of donated money serve for?A. OneB. FiveC. TwoD. Countless23. Which of the following statements is true?A. The money is specially donated to Chinas public health department.B. Another $20 million will be u

33、sed to help African people suffering from starvation.C. The African Field Epidemiology Network is a non- profit medical service organization only in western Africa.D. Most of the donated money will be put into the developing and innovating vaccines.24. The passage is most probably digested from .A.

34、a news reportB. a magazineC. a text bookD. a poster【答案】21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A【解析】这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了比尔和梅琳达盖茨基金会(BMGF)表示,它将提供高达1亿美元的资金来支持对抗2019年新型冠状病毒的行动。【21题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第一段中“it says the money will help strengthen efforts to test people for the virus, separate healthy individuals from the sick and fin

35、d treatment for them.”( 这笔资金将有助于加强对人们进行病毒检测的努力,将健康的人和患病的人分开,并为他们找到治疗方法。)由此可推断出,由BMGF捐赠的钱将被用于为人们进行检测;将将健康的人和患病的人分开以及找到治疗病毒的方法,并不包括在中国建立一所新医院。结合选项,故选C。【22题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第二段中“The donation will help speed development of the “tools to bring this epidemic under control,”( 这笔捐款将有助于加速开发“控制疫情的工具”);文章第三段中“The

36、Gates Foundation is giving money and working with other donors to help the World Health Organization (WHO), Chinese medical workers and others worldwide”(盖茨基金会正在捐款,并与其他捐助者合作,帮助世界卫生组织(世卫组织)、中国医务工作者和世界各地的其他人);文章第四段中“The foundation promised $20 million right away to hurry the process of identifying tho

37、se who are sick, keeping them separate, and helping them get better.”( 该基金会承诺立即投入2000万美元,以加快识别患者、隔离患者并帮助他们康复的进程。)文章第五段中“Another $20 million is going to public health officials in these areas to improve their emergency operations and to treat confirmed cases.”( 另外2000万美元将用于改善这些地区的公共卫生官员的紧急行动和治疗确诊病例。)

38、;以及文章第六段中“the total donation, $60 million will go to speed the process of making vaccines to protect against the novel coronavirus.”( 在全部捐款中,6000万美元将用于加快研制疫苗以预防新型冠状病毒的进程)。由此可知,这批巨额捐款的主要用途主要有五个。结合选项,故选B。【23题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第一段“The Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationBMGF said this week it will provide up to

39、$100 million to support action against the 2019 novel coronavirus.”(比尔和梅琳达盖茨基金会(BMGF)表示,它将提供高达1亿美元的资金来支持对抗2019年新型冠状病毒的行动)以及最后一段中“Of the total donation, $60 million will go to speed the process of making vaccines to protect against the novel coronavirus.”( 在全部捐款中,6000万美元将用于加快研制疫苗以预防新型冠状病毒的进程)由此可知,大部分

40、的捐款将被用于疫苗的研发。结合选项,故选D。【24题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第一段“The Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationBMGF said this week it will provide up to $100 million to support action against the 2019 novel coronavirus. It says the money will help strengthen efforts to test people for the virus, separate healthy individuals from th

41、e sick and find treatment for them.”( 比尔和梅琳达盖茨基金会(BMGF)本周表示,它将提供高达1亿美元的资金来支持对抗2019年新型冠状病毒的行动。该组织说,这笔资金将有助于加强对人们进行病毒检测的努力,将健康的人和患病的人分开,并为他们找到治疗方法。)以及通读全文可知,这是一则新闻报道。主要讲述了The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation所捐赠资金的主要用途。结合选项,故选A。BWorld Consumer Rights Day is celebrated annually by consumer organizations

42、worldwide.It honours the historic declaration on March 15,1962 by John F.Kennedy,the former US President,of the basic rights of consumers,which include:”the right to safety”“the right to be informed”“the right to choose”,and “the right to be heard”.This declaration has led to international recogniti

43、on by governments and the United Nations that all citizens,regardless of their incomes or social standing,have certain basic rights as consumers.Officially, World Consumer Rights Day was first observed on March 15 ,1983 and has since become an important occasion for mobilizing( 动员) citizen action ,w

44、ith recognition of consumer rights taking off around the world.On April 9,1985,the United Nations General Assembly(联合国大会) adopted the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection that provide a framework for strengthening national consumer protection policies around the world.The guidelines include Kennedy

45、s four basic consumer rights plus another four : the right to satisfaction of basic needs,the right to redress(赔偿),the right to education ,and the right to a healthy environment.Currently,the fundamental consumer rights are recognized globally.World Consumer Rights Day normally has a theme associate

46、d with an activity or development that is relevant to consumers. Whatever its objectives , it shares the same underlying aim of bringing about important and needed benefits to consumers.In recent years , progress has been made for recognition and protection of consumer rights in developing countries

47、. At least, March 15 is a day when consumers are filled with pride and satisfaction. However , there are many reports on violation of consumer rights by unethical( 不 道 德 的 ) marketing practices.25. When was World Consumer Rights Day first celebrated?A. On March 15,1962.B. On March 15,1983.C. On Marc

48、h 15,1985.D. On March 15,1986.26. How many basic consumer rights are there in the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection?A. Four.B. Six.C. Eight.D. Ten.27. The underlined phrase “taking off” in the second paragraph probably means .A. becoming popularB. removing quicklyC. flying awayD. leaving soon28.

49、 What can be inferred from the passage?A. Consumers in different countries have different basic rights.B. Consumers still have some difficulty in protecting their basic rights.C. On March 15,consumers dont need to worry about their basic rights.D. It was John F.Kennedy who declared that March 15 was

50、 the World Consumer Rights Day.【答案】25. B 26. C 27. A 28. B【解析】这是一篇说明文。本文讲述了国际消费者权益日的有关信息。【25题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Officially,World Consumer Rights Day was first observed on March 15,1983”( 1983年3月15日被正式定为世界消费者权益日。)由此可知, 世界消费者权益日是从1983年3月15日开始的。故选B。【26题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The guidelines include Kennedys fou

51、r basic consumer rights plus another four”( 这些指导方针包括肯尼迪的四项基本消费者权利和另外四项)可知,选C。故在联合国消费者保护准则中有8项消费者基本权利。故选C。【27题详解】词义猜测题。根据画线词组后的“On April 9,1985,the United Nations General Assembly(联合国大会) adopted the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection that provide a framework for strengthening national consumer pro

52、tection policies around the world.”( 1985年4月9日,联合国大会采用联合国消费者保护指南,为加强国家消费者保护政策提供了一个框架。)可知,保护消费者权利这一认知开始受欢迎。故划线词应是“受欢迎”的意思。故选A。【28题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“However,there are many reports on violation of consumer rights by unethical(不道德的) marketing practices.”( 然而,有许多报告违反消费者权益的不道德的营销行为)由此可知,消费者在保护自己的基本权利方面仍然有

53、困难。故选B。CYou try to keep your eyes wide open while watching a basketball match or a marvelous firework show in case you might miss something exciting in just the blink of an eye. But in fact, humans blink about 15 times per minute on average. Have you ever missed anything because you blinked? Probabl

54、y not. Why is that?According to a new study published in journal Current Biology in September, our brain has the ability to “skip” the temporary darkness that we see when we blink. It can keep visual information for a short period of time and then put it together to form a conclusive image without i

55、nterruption.In order to understand how this works, a group of scientists at the German Primate Center and the University Medical Center Gottingen in Germany conducted an experiment.In the study, the participants were asked to look at patterns on a screen whose orientation(方向)could be shown in differ

56、ent ways, such as horizontally( 水平的) or vertically( 垂直的).When one pattern was about to disappear and the next one was about to come, the participants had to indicate the direction that the next pattern would be oriented in.The researchers found that when the orientations of two patterns didnt match,

57、 the medial prefrontal cortex(内侧前额叶皮层)- the area in our brain which is responsible for visual memory-was activated. This same area showed less activity when two patterns were in the same direction.“The medial prefrontal cortex adjust current visual information with previously obtained information, a

58、nd thus enables us to see the world with more stability, even when we briefly close our eyes to blink,” Caspar Schwiedrzik explained in Science Daily. He is the first author of the study and also a scientist at the German Primate Center.29. What s the authors intention to write the first paragraph?A

59、. To bring out the topic.B. To show the importance of blink.C. To show some interesting event in his life.D. To give suggestions on when we should blink.30. Why cant we miss anything when blinking?A. Because the time of the blink of an eye is too short.B. Because our brain has the ability to “skip”

60、the darkness.C. Because our eyes can keep information and put it together.D. Because the medial prefrontal cortex has a special function.31. The underlined word “activated” probably means .A. be injuredB. be uselessC. start workingD. start being noticed【答案】29. A 30. D 31. C【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了当我们

61、眨眼时,我们也不会错过相应的事情。因为大脑中有对应的视觉记忆能力,帮助我们把错过的记忆拼接在一起,形成一个完整的景象。【29题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第一段中“You try to keep your eyes wide open while watching a basketball match or a marvelous firework show in case you might miss something exciting in just the blink of an eye. But in fact, humans blink about 15 times per minu

62、te on average. Have you ever missed anything because you blinked? Probably not. Why is that?”( 你在看篮球赛或精彩的烟火表演时尽量睁大眼睛,以防眨眼之间错过什么精彩的东西。但事实上,人类平均每分钟眨眼15次。你有没有因为眨眼而错过什么?可能不会。这是为什么呢?)以及下文探究了为什么眨眼不会错过相应东西的原因。故作者写第一段的目的是引出下文。故选A。【30题详解】细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中 “The medial prefrontal cortex adjust current visual inf

63、ormation with previously obtained information, and thus enables us to see the world with more stability, even when we briefly close our eyes to blink,”( 内侧前额叶皮层利用之前获得的信息来调节当前的视觉信息,从而使我们能够更稳定地看到这个世界,即使我们只是短暂地闭上眼睛眨一下眼睛。”)由此可知,当我们眨眼时我们也不会错过信息的原因是内侧前额叶皮层有特殊的功能。故选D。【31题详解】词义猜测题。根据文章倒数第二段中“. This same are

64、a showed less activity when two patterns were in the same direction.”( 当两种模式在同一方向上时,这一区域表现出较少的活动。)由此可知,当两个模式的方向不匹配, 在我们的大脑负责视觉记忆的内侧前额叶皮质会开始活动。前后两句话表示两种相反的情况。故划线词“activated”有可能是“活跃;激活或开始工作”的意思。结合选项,故选C。【点睛】词义猜测题是阅读题中常见的出题形式。做这类题时,要根据词、词组或句子所在的语境,即上下文来判断其意义。因此熟练掌握一些猜词技巧是做好这类题的关键。比如:根据语境,根据同义关系,对比关系,因果

65、关系等,尤其需注意熟词生义。例如本题第3小题,根据文章倒数第二段中“. This same area showed less activity when two patterns were in the same direction.”( 当两种模式在同一方向上时,这一区域表现出较少的活动。)由此可知,当两个模式的方向不匹配, 在我们的大脑负责视觉记忆的内侧前额叶皮质会开始活动。前后两句话表示两种相反的情况。故划线词“activated”有可能是“活跃;激活或开始工作”的意思。结合选项,故选C。DAfter spending a year in Brazil on a student exch

66、ange program, her mother recalled, Marie Colvin returned home to find that her classmates had narrowed down their college choices. “Everyone else was already admitted to college,” her mother, Rosemarie Colvin, said from the family home. “So she took our car and drove up to Yale and said , You have t

67、o let me in . “Impressed-she was a National Merit ( 英才) finalist who had picked up Portuguese in BrazilYale did, admitting her to the class of 1978, where she started writing for the Yale Daily News and decided to be a journalist,” her mother said.On Wednesday, Marie Colvin, 56, an experienced journ

68、alist for The Sunday Times of London, was killed as Syrian forces shelled( 炮击) the city of Homs. She was working in a temporary media center that was destroyed in the attack.“She was supposed to leave Syria on Wednesday”, Mrs. Colvin said. “Her editor told me he called her yesterday and said it was

69、getting too dangerous and they wanted to take her out. She said she was doing a story and she wanted to finish it.”Mrs. Colvin said it was pointless to try to prevent her daughter from going to conflict zones. “If you knew my daughter,” she said, “it would have been such a waste of words. She was de

70、termined, she was enthusiastic about what she did, it was her life. There was no saying Dont do this. This is who she was , absolutely who she was and what she believed in :cover the story, not just have pictures of it, but bring it to life in the deepest way you could.” “So it was not a surprise wh

71、en she took an interest in journalism,” her mother said.32. From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1, we can infer that .A. Yale was her last choiceB. Marie Colvin was confident of herselfC. Yale must keep its promise to Marie ColvinD. Marie Colvin was good at persuading33. Which of the following

72、 is the correct order to describe Marie Colvins life ?a. She was doing a story in Syria and got killed. b. She was admitted to Yale University.c. She studied in Brazil as an excellent student.d. She was hired by The Sunday Times of London. e. She began to take an interest in journalism.A. decabB. bc

73、deaC. edcbaD. cbeda34. From the last paragraph, we can know that Mrs. Colvin .A. dislikes the choice of her daughter.B. cares little about her daughter.C. knows her daughter very well.D. doesnt fully appreciate her daughter.35. What can be the best title of the text ?A. Covering Stories in a Dangero

74、us Conflict Area.B. Applying for Top Universities, a Successful CaseC. Choosing Lifelong Careers Based on Your Own Interest.D. Recalling Her Daughter, a Journalist Killed in Syria.【答案】32. B 33. D 34. C 35. D【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Colvin回忆女儿Marie Colvin的一些故事。从中我们可以知道,她的女儿是一位优秀的新闻记者,在叙利亚冲突地区作报道时不幸殉职。【32题详

75、解】推理判断题。根据文章第一段中“Marie Colvin returned home to find that her classmates had narrowed down their college choices.”( 玛丽科尔文(Marie Colvin)回家后发现,她的同学们都已经被大学录取了,)以及划线句子“So she took our car and drove up to Yale and said , You have to let me in ”( 所以她开着我们的车,开到耶鲁,说,你得让我进去”)。由此可知,Marie Colvin就选择耶鲁大学,对自己很有信心。故

76、选B。【33题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第一段中“After spending a year in Brazil on a student exchange program, her mother recalled, Marie Colvin returned home to find that her classmates had narrowed down their college choices.”( 她在巴西参加了一个学生交换项目,待了一年之后,回到家时发现同学们都已经被大学录取了,”)以及第二段中“Yale did, admitting her to the class of 19

77、78, where she started writing for the Yale Daily News and decided to be a journalist,”( 印象深刻-她是在巴西学习葡萄牙语的全国优秀学生(英才)决赛入围者-耶鲁大学录取了她,让她进入1978年的班级,在那里她开始为”耶鲁每日新闻“撰稿,并决定成为一名记者。”)以及文章第三段中“On Wednesday, Marie Colvin, 56, an experienced journalist for The Sunday Times of London, was killed as Syrian forces

78、shelled( 炮击) the city of Homs.”( 周三,56岁的伦敦星期日泰晤士报资深记者玛丽科尔文在叙利亚军队炮击霍姆斯市(炮击)时遇害。)由此可知,Marie Colvin先参加了在巴西的一个交换生项目,然后被耶鲁大学录取,接着她对新闻业产生兴趣,被伦敦星期日泰晤士报雇佣,最后在叙利亚做报道时被杀害。结合选项,故选D。【34题详解】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“Mrs. Colvin said it was pointless to try to prevent her daughter from going to conflict zones. “If you knew

79、 my daughter,” she said, “it would have been such a waste of words. She was determined, she was enthusiastic about what she did, it was her life. There was no saying Dont do this. This is who she was , absolutely who she was and what she believed in :cover the story, not just have pictures of it, bu

80、t bring it to life in the deepest way you could.” “So it was not a surprise when she took an interest in journalism,” her mother said.”( 科尔文夫人说,试图阻止她的女儿去冲突地区是没有意义的。“如果你了解我女儿,”她说,“那就是白费口舌了。”她很坚定,她对自己所做的事情充满热情,这是她的生活。没有人说不要这样做。这就是她,绝对的她是谁,她的信仰是什么:报道这个故事,不仅仅是照片,而且要用你能做到的最深层次的方式让它栩栩如生。“。“所以,当她对新闻业感兴趣时,这

81、并不令人惊讶,”她的母亲说。)由此可知,Mrs. Colvin非常了解自己的女儿。故选C。【35题详解】标题判断题。根据根据文章第一段中“After spending a year in Brazil on a student exchange program, her mother recalled, Marie Colvin returned home to find that her classmates had narrowed down their college choices.”( 她在巴西参加了一个学生交换项目,待了一年之后,回到家时发现同学们都已经被大学录取了,”)以及文章第

82、三段中“On Wednesday, Marie Colvin, 56, an experienced journalist for The Sunday Times of London, was killed as Syrian forces shelled( 炮击) the city of Homs.”( 周三,56岁的伦敦星期日泰晤士报资深记者玛丽科尔文在叙利亚军队炮击霍姆斯市(炮击)时遇害。)可知,文章主要叙述了Mrs. Colvin对女儿的回忆,一个在叙利亚冲突地区被杀害的记者。故D(Recalling Her Daughter, a Journalist Killed in Syri

83、a.)作为标题,能够概括文章大意。故选D。第二节(共 5 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Writing a film analysis essay is an assignment that is less likely to terrorize those who fear the idea of writing an essay, because it allows them to write about something most people enjoy._36_ .Then watch it

84、again. Take notes during the first viewing and, if you are analyzing a movie that is available on DVD, be ready with your remote control to pause and rewind.Critically engage the movie so that you can effectively produce a strong essay. _37_ . Ideas for essays taking this route could include an anal

85、ysis of how the film is photographed, how the movie relates a historical event in a dramatic way without compromising the facts or how a single sequence within the film relates to larger cinematic concepts, like overlapping dialogue or the use of dramatic irony._38_ . Include the name of another tec

86、hnician on the film if your analysis will be focusing on that aspect. Write your film analysis with the movie at hand if this possible.Provide a brief overview of the story, but avoid the temptation to pad your word count by writing what amounts to a synopsis(outline) of the story rather than analys

87、is. _39_ .Familiarize yourself with technical languages related to the art of filmmaking. Write about subjective camera work if the analysis is dealing with a part of the movie shot from the point of view of one of the characters. _40_.A. Reveal plots if they relate directly to your analysis.B. Rely

88、 on your memory to write your film analysis.C. Watch the movie carefully.D Write about the emotional tone of the film.E. Introduce the film and its major participants.F. Properly using filmmaking terms will strengthen your essay.G. Focus on a single thematic concept related to the film.【答案】36. C 37.

89、 G 38. E 39. A 40. F【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要关于怎样写一篇电影分析文章给出了几天建议。【36题详解】根据下文“.Then watch it again.”然后再看一遍。故上文应是与观看电影有关。故C项(Watch the movie carefully.)仔细看这部电影。承接下文,符合题意。故选C。【37题详解】根据下文“Ideas for essays taking this route could include an analysis of how the film is photographed, how the movie relates a histor

90、ical event in a dramatic way without compromising the facts or how a single sequence within the film relates to larger cinematic concepts, like overlapping dialogue or the use of dramatic irony”( 采取这一路线的论文的想法可能包括分析电影是如何拍摄的,电影如何在不损害事实的情况下以戏剧性的方式讲述历史事件,或者电影中的单个序列如何与更大的电影概念相关,比如重叠的对话或戏剧反讽的使用。)由此可知,本段是告

91、诉读者写电影分析应该从哪些方面入手。故G项(Focus on a single thematic concept related to the film.)把注意力集中在与电影相关的单一主题概念上。承接下文,符合题意。故选G。【38题详解】根据下文“Include the name of another technician on the film if your analysis will be focusing on that aspect. Write your film analysis with the movie at hand if this possible.”(如果你的分析重

92、点放在这一方面,那就在胶片上加上另一位技术人员的名字。如果可能的话,用手头的电影写你的电影分析。)由此可知,本段的主要内容是建议加上参与电影制作者的名字。故E项(Introduce the film and its major participants.)介绍影片及其主要参与者。承接下文,符合题意。故选E。【39题详解】根据上文“Provide a brief overview of the story, but avoid the temptation to pad your word count by writing what amounts to a synopsis(outline)

93、of the story rather than analysis.”( 提供一个简短的故事概述,但是要避免写类似于故事概要而不是分析的文章来增加字数的诱惑)由此可知,要写与电影相关的东西,而不是去凑字数。故A项(Reveal plots if they relate directly to your analysis.)如果情节与你的分析直接相关,就把它们展示出来。承接上文,符合题意。故选A。【40题详解】根据上文“Familiarize yourself with technical languages related to the art of filmmaking. Write abo

94、ut subjective camera work if the analysis is dealing with a part of the movie shot from the point of view of one of the characters”( 熟悉与电影制作艺术相关的技术语言。如果分析是从其中一个人物的角度来处理电影拍摄的一部分,请写下主观的摄影作品。)由此可知,本段是建议合理使用电影制作相关术语。故F项(Properly using filmmaking terms will strengthen your essay.)适当地使用电影术语会使你的文章更有说服力。承接上

95、文,符合题意。故选F。第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡 上将该项涂黑。I remember I was just eighteen when Grandma Julie died. Until the lawyer read her _41_ , I would never fully _42_ the depth of Grandmas love. It was a moment I will never

96、 forget - a day that made me the _43_ kid in town.After _44_ the distribution of Grandmas legacies(遗产), the lawyer said, “There are three more things.” He _45_ his briefcase and brought out a small _46_ box, which contained my Grandmas wedding ring. “These letters and notes are also for you,” he _47

97、_.Grandmas letter began, “Dear Jeffrey, Im _48_ you one of my most precious treasures - my memories. These memories are the letters your _49_ wrote me. They are both _50_ and valuable - a(n) _51_ that will teach you how to love and understand people, and how to respect and maintain your integrity(正直

98、). When you read them you will _52_ the love and passion of a good man for a good woman, and youll learn how love can become the _53_ of your life.“I have been _54_, since I loved a wonderful man who also loved me. Love is like a beautiful _55_ you store in an album. You can enjoy its beauty each ti

99、me you stare at it _56_ . Ive just shown you how priceless his love notes are. Please learn from them. Then find the right girl to love and love her _57_. This love will _58_ both your lives and make you both happier.”“As for being valuable, save the envelopes. Its said the old _59_ are worth far mo

100、re than the rest of my wealth. And, the personal hand-written note from General Pershing is even more valuable than the stamps. Have a _60_ , meaningful life. God bless you.”41. A. wishB. wordsC. decisionsD. will42. A. appreciateB. measuresC. admireD. find43. A. happiestB. luckiestC. richestD. lonel

101、iest44. A. deliveringB. sharingC. announcingD. writing45. A. got intoB. reached intoC. searched intoD. looked into46. A. toolB. paperC. letterD. jewelry47. A. addedB. remarkedC. whisperedD. joked48. A. buyingB. leavingC. passingD. providing49. A. DadB. MomC. GrandpaD. parents50. A. pricelessB. benef

102、icialC. lovelyD. serious51. A. directionB. guidebookC. introductionD. approach52. A. noticeB. missC. shareD. feel53. A. centerB. edgeC. processD. trouble54. A. honestB. strongC. fortunateD. ambitious55. A. photographB. articleC. memoryD. record56. A. at easeB. in wonderC. on purposeD. by chance57. A

103、. carefullyB. immediatelyC. respectfullyD. passionately58. A. saveB. strengthenC. enrichD. design59. A. stampsB. notesC. lettersD. envelops60. A. satisfactoryB. lovingC. unforgettableD. successful【答案】41. D 42. A 43. C 44. C 45. B 46. D 47. A 48. B 49. C 50. A 51. B 52. D 53. A 54. C 55. A 56. B 57.

104、D 58. C 59. A 60. B【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者的祖母在去世时留下的遗嘱,表达了祖母对作者深深的爱以及后辈们能够相亲相爱,快乐的过一生的愿望。【41题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:直到律师宣读了她的遗嘱,我才充分体会到奶奶的爱有多深。A. wish愿望;B. words话语;C. decisions决定;D. will遗嘱。根据上文可以推断,奶奶去世之后,律师会宣读她的”遗嘱”。故选D。【42题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:直到律师宣读了她的遗嘱,我才充分体会到奶奶的爱有多深。A. appreciate欣赏,领会;B. measures测量;C. admire钦

105、慕;D. find发现。根据上下文可以得知,直到奶奶去世,作者才明白奶奶对他的爱是如此之深(以至于把最值钱的财产都留给了他)。故选A。【43题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那是使我成为镇上最富有的孩子的一天。A. happiest最快乐的;B. luckiest最幸运的;C. richest最富有的;D. loneliest最孤独的。根据文章最后一段的信息可以了解到,奶奶给作者留下了很多值钱的遗产,所以,”我”成为了全城最”富有的”孩子。故选C。【44题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:在宣布奶奶的遗产的分布后。A. delivering递送;B. sharing分享;C. announcing

106、宣布;D. writing写。根据常识,律师会”宣读”逝者遗嘱中的财产分配方案。故选C。【45题详解】考查动词词组词义辨析。句意:他把手伸进公文包,拿出一个小珠宝盒,里面装着我奶奶的结婚戒指。A. got into陷入;B. reached into伸进去;C. searched into调查;D. looked into调查。根据下文信息,律师从手提箱拿出来一个盒子,所以这里应该是”伸手进入(手提箱)”。故选B。【46题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:他把手伸进公文包,拿出一个小珠宝盒,里面装着我奶奶的结婚戒指。A. tool工具;B. paper纸;C. letter信;D. jewelry

107、珠宝。根据下文信息,盒子里面是结婚戒指,所以应该是一个”首饰盒”。故选D。【47题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“这些信件和便条也是给你的,”他补充道。A. added补充;B. remarked评论;C. whispered耳语;D. joked开玩笑。根据上下文信息,律师所说的内容是对上文的”补充”。故选A。【48题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:亲爱的杰弗里,我要给你留下我最珍贵的东西之一我的记忆。A. buying买;B. leaving留下;C. passing经过;D. providing提供。在遗嘱中,逝者会给生者”留下(遗产)”。故选B。【49题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些

108、回忆是你爷爷写给我的信。A. Dad爸爸;B. Mom妈妈;C. Grandpa爷爷;D. parents父母。根据上下文可以推断,奶奶所表述的是“爷爷”与她的情感。故选C。【50题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它们是无价的和宝贵的。A. priceless无价的;B. beneficial有益的;C. lovely可爱的;D. serious严肃的。根据下文信息可以得知,这些信件既”值钱”,又宝贵。priceless强调worth a lot of money。故选A。【51题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:它是一本指南,教你如何去爱和理解的人,以及如何尊重和保持你的正直。A. direct

109、ion方向;B. guidebook指南;C. introduction介绍;D. approach方法。根据下文内容”that will teach you how to love and understand people, and how to respect and maintain your integrity(正直).”可以得知,只有guidebook才会这样的作用。故选B。【52题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你读它们的时候,你会感受到一个好男人对一个好女人的爱和激情,你会学到爱是如何成为你生活的中心的。A. notice注意到;B. miss思念;C. share分享;D.

110、feel感受。根据上下文和常识可以推荐,读信的时候,我们可以”感觉”到作者的情感。故选D。【53题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:当你读它们的时候,你会感受到一个好男人对一个好女人的爱和激情,你会学到爱是如何成为你生活的中心的。A. center中心;B. edge边缘;C. process过程;D. trouble麻烦。根据上下文可知,爷爷对奶奶的爱已成为奶奶的中心。故选A。【54题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很幸运,因为我爱上了一个同样爱我的人。A. honest诚实的;B. strong强壮的;C. fortunate幸运的;D. ambitious有野心的。能够找到自己的爱人,这是

111、很”幸运的”。故选C。【55题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:爱就像相册里美丽的照片。A. photograph相片;B. article文章;C. memory记忆;D. record记录。根据下文的”album”可知,这里指的是相片。故选A。【56题详解】考查介词词组词义辨析。句意:每当你惊叹地凝视它时,你都能欣赏到它的美丽。A. at ease舒适地;B. in wonder惊奇地;C. on purpose故意地;D. by chance偶然的。in wonder表示”惊奇地”。每次你惊奇地看着它,你都会享受到、感知到它的美。故选B。【57题详解】考查副词词词义辨析。句意:然后找到合适的

112、女孩去爱,并且充满激情地爱她。A. carefully小心地;B. immediately立刻,马上;C. respectfully尊敬地;D. passionately热情地。根据上文”When you read them you will _the love and passion of a good man for a good woman, and youll learn how love can become the _of your life.”可以得出答案。爷爷对奶奶有着热烈的爱,奶奶希望孙子今后对妻子或女友也是如此。故选D。【58题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这份爱将会丰富你

113、们的生活,让你们更幸福。A. save拯救;B. strengthen加强;C. enrich丰富;D. design设计。根据常识,热烈真诚的爱会让人的一生更”充实、丰富”。故选C。【59题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:据说这些旧邮票比我其余的财产值钱多了。A. stamps邮票;B. notes笔记;C. letters信; D. envelops信封。根据下文”And, the personal hand-written note from General Pershing is even more valuable than the stamps.”可知,此处指的是邮票。故选A。【60

114、题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:拥有一个充满爱的,有意义的生活。A. satisfactory令人满意的;B. loving有爱的;C. unforgettable难忘的;D. successful成功的。根据全文内容可以得知,奶奶希望孙子能够过上”有爱”和有意义的生活。故选B。第二节(共 10 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Mandarin(普通话) Chinese is the most_61_ (use) non-European language for children to learn, UK

115、parents believe. It would boost(促进) their childrens career prospects (前景), according to 51% of parents, while 56% felt it would open their childrens minds_62_ an “exciting and dynamic culture”. Arabic and Japanese, _63_ were both picked by 14% of parents, were the other key non-European languages. T

116、he figures were gained after 1, 138 UK adults with children aged under 18 _64_ (be) questioned in a survey _65_ (conduct) by the Mandarin Excellence Program (MEP). French, Spanish and German were the top choices overall for young people in the UK_66_(learn) after being picked by 57%, 54% and 40% of

117、parents respectively.Mark Herbert of the British Council said: “With the global economy _67_(become) more interconnected and the drive to boost exports, language skills are increasingly important for work and life. Mandarin Chinese is one of the_68_ (language) that matter most to the UKs future pros

118、perity. If the UK is to remain competitive on the world stage, we need far more of our young people leaving school with a good grasp of Mandarin in order to_69_ ( success) work abroad or for businesses here in the UK. Learning Mandarin is also a fascinating process that brings_70_ valuable understan

119、ding of the Chinese culture.”The MEP aims to help at least 5, 000 young people in England to speak fluent Mandarin Chinese by 2020.【答案】61. useful 62. to 63. which 64. were 65. conducted 66. to learn 67. becoming 68. languages 69. successfully 70. a【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了随着经济的发展,普通话在全球范围内越来越重要。文章以英国,

120、日本等国为例,说明了普通话的重要性。【61题详解】考查形容词。句意:英国的父母认为,普通话是对儿童学习最有用的非欧洲语言。空后的non-European language是名词,故应用形容词来修饰。故填useful。【62题详解】考查介词。句意:而56%的家长认为这将打开孩子的思维,让他们了解一种“令人兴奋和充满活力的文化”。to在此意为“去;到”。分析句意可知,此处表示56%的家长认为这将打开孩子的思想到一种有趣的,充满活力的文化中。故填to。【63题详解】考查定语从句。句意:阿拉伯语和日语是其他主要的非欧洲语言,这两种语言都被14%的家长选中。分析句子可知,此处是一个非限制定语从句,先行词

121、为Arabic and Japanese,在从句中充当主语。故填which。【64题详解】考查主谓一致。句意:这些数据是在普通话卓越计划(MEP)进行的一项调查中对1138名孩子在18岁以下的英国成年人进行调查后得出的。分析句子可知,此句的主语是138 UK adults,且此处描述的是过去的事情。故填were。【65题详解】考查过去分词做后置定语。句意:这些数据是在普通话卓越计划(MEP)进行的一项调查中对1138名孩子在18岁以下的英国成年人进行调查后得出的。分析句子可知,此处的conducted by the Mandarin Excellence Program (MEP)是surve

122、y的后置定语,表示被动。故填conducted。【66题详解】考查不定式。句意:在分别有57%、54%和40%的父母选择法语、西班牙语和德语后,法语、西班牙语和德语分别成为英国年轻人学习的首选。分析句子可知,此处的to learn是动词不定式表目的。故填to learn。【67题详解】考查with的复合结构。句意:随着全球经济联系更加紧密,推动出口,语言技能对工作和生活的重要性与日俱增。分析句子可知,此处是with的复合结构,become与global economy是主动关系。故填becoming。【68题详解】考查名词复数。句意:普通话是对英国未来繁荣最重要的语言之一。One of意为“之

123、一”,其后应用名词复数。故填languages。【69题详解】考查副词。句意:以便在国外成功工作或为英国本土的企业工作。分析句子可知,此处的successfully修饰动词work。故填successfully。【70题详解】考查冠词。句意:学习普通话也是一个令人着迷的过程,让人对中国文化有了宝贵的了解。a valuable understanding of 为固定搭配,意为“对有宝贵的了解”。故填a。【点睛】分析定语从句关键抓住两点:第一、找准先行词;第二、看先行词在定语从句中所作的成分。先行词往往为名词或代词,如本题第3小题中先行词为名词先行词为Arabic and Japanese,再分

124、析先行词Arabic and Japanese在定语从句中所作的成分,将先行词Arabic and Japanese带到从句中可知,在从句中充当主语。故填which。第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)71.假设英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处错误,每句中最 多有两处错误。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出该加词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1. 每处错误

125、及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。Ladies and gentlemenIts my honor to give a speech here. After-school activities play a important part in our school life. Proper activities help enrich our lives, broaden our horizons or develop our personalities.Mine own experience can serve as a case in poin

126、t. When I was in Senior One, I become a member of our drama club, that I used to visit on weekends. Since my participation in various activities organizing by the club ,I achieved a lot.These activities bring me a lot of funs, provide me with good opportunities to develop new friendships and open a

127、window through which I have a brand-new outlook. With so much advantages shown above, why not to join us at once?【答案】a anor andMine Mybecome becamethat whichorganizing organizedachieved前面加上havefuns funmuch many去掉to【解析】【分析】这是一篇演讲。文章主要讲述了课外活动在我们的学校生活中起着重要的作用。适当的活动有助于丰富我们的生活,开阔我们的视野或发展我们的个性。【详解】1. 考查冠词

128、。play an important part in为固定搭配,意为“扮演重要角色”。important第一个字母为元音“i”,故应用an来限定。故把a改为an。2. 考查连词。句意:适当活动能够丰富生活,拓展视野以及发展个性。分析句意可知,三者都是活动的好处,故应是并列关系。故把or改为and。3. 考查形容词性物主代词。分析句子可知,experience为名词,应用形容词性物主代词来修饰。故把Mine改为My。4. 考查时态。分析句子可知,此句描述的是当作者在高一的事情,故应用一般过去时。故把become改为became。5. 考查非限制性定语从句。分析句子可知,此处是一个非限制定语从句。

129、先行词为drama club,且先行词在从句中做visit的宾语,故应用关系代词来引导。that不能用于非限制性定语从句。故把that改为which。6. 考查过去分词做后置定语。分析句子可知,organize与activities之间是被动关系;此处的organized by the club做activities的后置定语。故把organizing改为organized。7. 考查时态。根据句中的since可知,此处应用现在完成时。故在achieved前加have。8. 考查名词。fun为不可数名词。故把funs改为fun。9. 考查形容词。much修饰不可数名词;advantages为可

130、数名词,故应用many来修饰。故把much改为many。10. 考查固定用法。Why not do sth?为固定用法。故去掉to。第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)72.假定你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华,你校组织了一场关于抗击冠状病毒的校园安全讲座, 请你就此写一则通知。内容包括;1.讲座的时间、地点;2.讲座的主要内容;3.其他注意事项。 注意:1.词数 120 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.标题和结尾已为你写好。 参考词汇: coronavirus 冠状病毒NOTICE_The Students Union【答案】NOTICEA campus safely lectur

131、e, which is about how to fight against novel coronavirus, will be held in the school hall at 3;30 this Friday afternoon and it will last two hours. Everyone is welcome to attend the lecture.The lecture is believed to be meaningful and practical because you will have a better understanding of novel c

132、oronavirus and how to combat it in campus. For example, wash your hands frequently, which is very important because a close mouth catches no flies.In addition, pay attention to wear masks to prevent the spread of infection and exerise more to build up your body. I think you will benefit from the lec

133、ture.If you are interested in the lecture, please enter the school hall ahead of time and keep quiet during the leture.The StudentsUnion【解析】【分析】这是一则通知。假定你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华,你校组织了一场关于抗击冠状病毒的校园安全讲座, 请你就此写一则通知。【详解】写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括: 1.讲座的时间、地点;2.讲座的主要内容。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题対于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的开篇布局的能力

134、和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。【点睛】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如: For example, wash your hands frequently, which is very important because a close mouth catches no flies.非限制性定语从句;A campus safely lecture will be held in the school hall at 3;30 this Friday afternoon。运用了被动语态;If you are interested in the lecture, please enter the school hall ahead of time and keep quiet during the leture.运用了条件状语从句以及祈使句。


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