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五年高考(2011-2015)英语试题分项精析版 专题14 交际用语(解析版) WORD版含解析.doc

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1、1.【2015重庆】15. Hello Jenny, can I see Ms. Lewis? _. Ill tell youre here.A. With pleasure B. Never mind C. Youre welcome D. Just a minute【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你好,简妮,我能找一下路易斯女士吗?请稍等,我给你叫她。根据语境可知这是在打电话,故选D项。 【考点定位】交际用语。【名师点睛】对于交际用语类题目,首先要确定语境是在讲什么,再来进行判断。本题中提到Illtell her you re here可知是在打电话,再做出选择;Withpleasu

2、re用在别人请求你帮忙的时候,表示这是我的荣幸,(我很乐意去做) -Could you help me(to)look after my baby? -Withpleasure. 2.【2015重庆】5. I can drive you home._ , but are you sure its not too much trouble?A. That would be great B. Dont bother C. Im afraid not D. Take care【答案】A 【考点定位】考查交际用语。【名师点睛】交际用语顾名思义就要根据情景来进行作答,所以语境的判断是十分重要的,根据ar

3、e you sure its not too much trouble可知表示同意,故可以很顺利找到答案。注意此类题三个步骤,一 仔细审题,明确大意;二,分析圣诞,试填答案; 三 全题复读,融会贯通。3.【2015浙江】20. 一Why dont you consider a trip to, say, Beijing or Hangzhou?一 .A. I wouldnt mind that B. Then well get there quicklyC. Lets call it a day D. Its not a requirement【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:-为什么你不考虑

4、一次旅行,比如说去北京或者是杭州? -我是不会介意的。A. I wouldnt mind that 意为我是不介意的, B. Then well get there quickly意为然后我们可以快一点到那里,C. Lets call it a day 意为我们今天就到这儿吧,D. Its not a requirement意为这不是要求。根据句意,所以选A。解答此题的关键是一定要正确理解句意以及答案的相关性。问题问的是旅游,而且涉及到了两个地方Beijing or Hangzhou,所以答案应该是跟旅游这件事有关的一种表达,选项A的不介意其实是对于北京或者杭州都不介意。根据句意B选项是不用于

5、这种旅游的情况。C是一个固定搭配的形式,它用于结束某一种对话。D项中的it指代不明。【考点定位】考查交际用语【名师点睛】该题和第1题都是交际用语考查题,侧重考查学生综合运用英语的能力,考生要深入情景,注意中西方文化差异,注重礼貌和合作优先原则,利用有效的语境因素,注意言语的含义。能够做到这一些那么这些题目,自然就迎刃而解了。4.【2015浙江】1. Hi, John. Are you busy? A. Yes.I do agree.B. Yes.That would be nice.C. No.Are you sure?D. No.Whats up?【答案】D 【考点定位】考查交际用语【名师点

6、睛】交际用语是高考热点,主要以对话形式体现,以情景为依托,语料丰富,情景生动,突出实用,侧重考查学生综合运用英语的能力,考生要深入情景,注意中西方文化差异,注重礼貌和合作优先原则,利用有效的语境因素,注意言语的含义。能够做到这一些那么这些题目,自然就迎刃而解了。5.【2015天津】1. Sorry, Liz. I think I was a bit rude to you. _, but dont do that again! A. Go ahead B. Forget it C. It dependsD. With pleasure【答案】B【考点定位】考查交际用语。【名师点睛】本题考查日常

7、交际用语,首先读懂对话,弄清句意,然后抓住关键转折词but,就不难选出正确答案。应对日常交际用语考题,考生应首先需要掌握日常生活常见情景中的基本交际用语,然后判断该题所适用的情景场合,最后判断出正确答案。6.【2015天津】4. Jack, you seem excited._? I won the first prize in the English speech contest.A. Guess whatB. So whatC. Pardon me D. Who cares【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:杰克,你看起来很兴奋。猜猜看?我在英语演讲比赛中获得第一名。A. Guess wha

8、t 猜猜看;B. So what那又怎么样; C. Pardon me 请问刚才你说的什么;D. Who care谁管它呢。根据句意可知选A。【考点定位】考查交际用语【名师点睛】本题考查日常交际用语,首先读懂对话,弄清句意及各选择项在语境中的具体运用,然后抓住关键答句I won the first prize,就不难选出正确答案。应对日常交际用语考题,考生应首先需要掌握日常生活常见情景中的基本交际用语,然后判断该题所适用的情景场合,最后判断出正确答案。7.【2015四川】1.Sorry, I forgot to lock the door. _ Mike can do it later.A.

9、No way B. Take your time C. Nothing serious D. Youre welcome【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查交际用语。选项A 意为没门;选项B意为慢慢来;选项C意为没什么大不了的;选项D意为不客气。此题上文意为:对不起,我忘了锁门;下文意为Mike稍后会做的,根据语境选择C最为恰当。【考点定位】考查交际用语【名师点睛】本题考查交际用语用语。交际用语用语考查学生在特定的语言环境中运用语言的能力,容易受到中西方文化不同思维方式的影响,指考虑语法规则而忽视礼貌得体原则。故要求考生平时要注意总结、归纳。此题主要考查了劝慰别人的话,设题较为简单,没有中式英语的

10、出现,不会影响考生作出正确的判断。8.【2015陕西】11. -Lets go to the New Years Eve party, shall we?- I guess it will be fun.A. Forget it! B. No way! C. Why not? D. What for?【答案】C【考点定位】考查交际英语【名师点睛】交际英语注重运用,首先平时要多积累常用的交际用语,解题时要在上下文中进行,特别要注意与语境语义的联系。还有要注意中英文之间的差异,千万不要用汉语的思维。对话时要考虑以礼貌用语为主。9.【2015陕西】16. Sir, could I hand in m

11、y homework a bit late?- _, since youve been unwell these days.A. You cant be serious B. Im afraid not C. Good idea D. Well, all right【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:-老师,我可以迟一些交我的作业吗?-好的,因为你最近一直不舒服。You cant be serious你一定是开玩笑吧!;Im afraid not恐怕不行;Good idea好主意;Well,all right好啊,行。所以选D。【考点定位】考查交际英语【名师点睛】对于交际用语的考查。首先平时要多

12、积累常用的交际用语,尽量避免汉语式的表达。解题时要在上下文中进行,特别要注意与语境语义的联系。还有要注意中英文之间的差异,对话时要以礼貌用语为主。10.【2015福建】35.Hi, Dr Brown! Im a little early. Should I wait outside?No. .A. Thats right B. My pleasure C. Come on in D. Take it easy【答案】C【考点定位】考查交际用语【名师点睛】交际用语是高考热点,主要以对话形式体现,以情景为依托,语料丰富,情景生动,突出实用,侧重考查学生综合运用英语的能力,考生要深入情景,注意中西方

13、文化差异,注重礼貌和合作优先原则,利用有效的语境因素,注意言语的含义。能够做到这一些那么这些题目,自然就迎刃而解了。11.【2015江苏】23.Jim, can you work this Sunday?_? Ive been working for two weeks on end.A. Why me B. Why not C. What if D. So what【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:Jim,周末你能加班吗?为什么是我?我连续工作两周了。A项“为什么是我?”;B项“为什么不呢?”;C项“要是会怎样?”;D项“那又怎么样?”。只有A项符合语境。故选A项。【考点定位】交际用语【名师

14、点睛】本题四个选项均是高考交际用语高频考点,分属不同的日常话题。B项用于“向别人提建议”;C项用于“提出假设”;D项带有“带有不服气和挑衅的意思”。考生在做题时应注意:1.形式相似的惯用语的异同;2.语境文化差异;3.积累固定的表达;4.区分道歉与道谢的答语等。12.【2015江苏】33.Why didnt you invite John to your birthday party?Well, you know hes _ .A. an early bird B. a wet blanket C. a lucky dog D. a tough nut【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:为什么你

15、没有邀请约翰出席你的生日聚会?你知道的,他是个令人扫兴的人。A项“早起的鸟儿(比喻勤劳的人)”;B项“扫兴的人或物”;C项“幸运儿”;D项“棘手的事情,难对付的人”。故选B项。【考点定位】英语俗语【名师点睛】本题四个选项中前三项都是很常见的俗语。而且,B项a wet blanket“扫兴的人或物”(正确答案)就来自于课本。因此,考生平时除了要注重积累,更要关注课本上出现过的俗语、习语和谚语。13.【2015安徽】35. How is your table tennis these days? Still playing? _. I just dont seem to find the time

16、 these days.A. Thats rightB. No, not much C Thats great D. Dont worry【答案】B【考点定位】考查交际用语【名师点睛】本题考查交际用语。四个选项的意思是“是的”;“没,不太多”;“很棒”和“不要担心”。交际用语的提示信息一般在答语中,解答本题需要从答语的后句入手,答语第二句说最近没有时间,说明最近很少练习。14.【2015安徽】21. Can you come to a party on Saturday, Peter? Oh, _Im already going out, Im afraid.A. what a pity!B.

17、 dont ask!C. how come?D. so what?【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:-皮特,你周六能来参加聚会吗?-噢,真遗憾!(到时候)恐怕我已经出去了。A真遗憾!;B别问了!;C怎么会?;D那又怎样?根据句意可知,这里指可能参加不了聚会,因此此处表示“遗憾”,故选A。【考点定位】考查交际用语【名师点睛】这是一道考查交际用语的题目。命题贴近生活实际,考生容易联系生活实际进行解答。交际用语类的题目,做题时主要看答语的后半部分,答案的提示往往在后半句有所体现。本题而言,根据“Im already going out”可知“我”到时候可能不在,由此可知,“我”不能参加晚会,这是一件

18、令人遗憾的事情。2014年高考英语分项解析精编版1.【2014全国大纲卷】21.Im sorry for breaking the cup.Oh, _ 一 Ive got plenty.A. forget it B.my pleasureC. help yourself D. pardon me【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查交际用语。句意:对不起,打坏了你的杯子。噢,没关系。我还有很多呢。此处forget it意为:得了吧;算了吧;没关系。根据句意选A。my pleasure不用谢; help yourself随便; pardon me对不起,再说一遍。【考点定位】考查交际用语。2.【201

19、4重庆卷】2. - Why not stay here a little longer? - _, but I really have to go. A. Never mind B. Id love to C. Pleased to meet you D. I cant find any reason【答案】B【考点定位】交际用语。3.【2014重庆卷】15. - Jack, Id like to have your opinions about my written report. - _. But I have one suggestion. A. Thats a good idea B.

20、 You are too modest C. It looks fine to me D. You should check it first【答案】C【解析】试题分析:对方请Jack就一份书面报告说说自己的看法。A项用于对方提出建议时;B项为中式表达;D项非但不够礼貌,且与语境不符。故选择C项。It looks fine to me是对该报告的肯定。在肯定之后提出建议,符合得体交际。【考点定位】交际用语。4.【2014天津卷】10. -How long have you been learning English? -_! Your English is so good.A. You can

21、t be serious B. You got it C. I couldnt agree more D. Im stuck【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:你学英语多久了?大约4个月了。You cant be serious.别开玩笑了。You got it. 我马上照办。没问题;I couldnt agree more.我非常赞同。Im stuck. 我被困住了。根据后一句话可知选A。 【考点定位】考查交际用语及语境理解。5.【2014天津卷】2. -Ok, Ill fix your computer right now. -Oh, take your time. _.A. I cant

22、stand it B. Im in no hurry C. Thats a great idea D. Its not my cup of tea【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:-好的,我现在就给你修电脑。- 哦,别慌。我不着急。I cant stand it. 我受不了了;Im in no hurry. 我不着急;Thats a good idea.是个号主意;Its not my cup of tea. 非我所爱。 【考点定位】考查交际用语。6.【2014山东卷】3.This apple pie is too sweet, dont you think so? _. I think it

23、s just right, actually. A. Not really B. I hope so C. Sounds good D .No wonder 【答案】A【考点定位】考查交际用语。7.【2014山东卷】8.Is Anne coming tomorrow? _.If she were to come, she would have called me. A. Go ahead B. Certainly C. Thats right D. I dont think so 【答案】D【解析】试题分析:由答语中的“If she were to come,she would have ca

24、lled me.”可知,Anne没有给说话者打电话,由此可推知,说话者认为Anne明天不会来。句意为:Anne明天来吗?我想她不会来。如果她想来就会给我打电话了。A项意为“继续,可以”;B项意为“当然”;C项意为“好吧”;D项意为“我不这样认为”。根据句意可知,答案选D。【考点定位】考查交际用语。8.【2014江西卷】21.-Could I use this dictionary ?-_.Its a spare one.A. Good idea B. Just go ahead C. Youre welcome D. Youd better not 【答案】B 【知识拓展】Go ahead 常

25、用来表示允许对方的请求,根据不同情景,可译为“行,用吧,请做”等。如: “It is so hot here. Would you mind us opening the door.” “ No, go ahead ,please.”【考点定位】考查交际用语用语9.【2014四川卷】10. How about dinner tonight? Its on me. _ .A. You are welcome B. Oh, Id like to C. Well, Im afraid so D. Thats all right【答案】B【解析】试题分析: A不客气;B我愿意;C恐怕如此;D没关系。在

26、前句中对方提出一起去吃饭的建议,根据语境判断后句内容应该是说话人针对提议进行回答,由句意判断答案选B。句意:-今晚去吃饭怎样?我请客。-行啊,我很乐意。【知识拓展】提出建议有以下几种表达:What about .? How about.? Would you like to do sth ?等。同意别人提议的答语有:Sounds nice .It is a good idea .Why not ? Id like to等。【考点定位】考查交际用语。10.【2014福建卷】35. I cant remember those grammar rules!_. Practice more. A. Y

27、oure not alone B. Its hard to sayC. Im afraid not D. Its up to you【答案】A【解析】试题分析:下文说“多练习”。解题方法就是把各个选项依次带入,看哪一个符合语境。you are not alone你并不孤单;Its hard to say很难说;Im afraid not我恐怕不;Its up to you由你决定。四个选项中只有A选项最合适,所以选A。句意,上文,我记不住那些语法规则!下文,你并不孤单。多练习。【考点定位】考查交际用语。11.【2014江苏卷】35. _ ! Somebody has left the lab

28、door open.Dont look at me.A. Dear me B. Hi, there C. Thank goodness D. Come on【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查交际用语。A. dear me哎呀(表示惊讶);B. Hi, there嗨;C. Thank goodness谢天谢地;D. come on加油。句意:哎呀!有人离开实验室门还开着。不要看着我。故A正确。【考点定位】考查交际用语12.【2014陕西卷】11. I got that job I wanted at the public library. _! Thats good news.A. Go ahea

29、d B. Cheers C. Congratulations D. Come on【答案】C【考点定位】考查交际用语及语境理解13.【2014陕西卷】16. You know, I met my girlfriends parents for the first time only yesterday. _? I thought youd met them before.A. So what B. Pardon C. Really D. What for【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查交际用语及语境理解。A那又怎样?B再说一遍?C真的吗?D为何目的?此处空后是答话人原以为对方已经见到女朋友的父

30、母,所以表现出特别吃惊。故选C。【考点定位】考查交际用语及语境理解14.【2014安徽卷】21Reading is the best way to pass time on the train. , I never go traveling without a book.AYou are joking BThats trueCI dont think so DIt sounds like fun【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:-阅读是在火车上度过时间的最好的方式。-确实是的,我从来不会不带书去旅游。四个选项的含义分别是: AYou are joking你在开玩笑, BThats true确实

31、是的, CI dont think so我不这么认为, DIt sounds like fun听起来很好玩。所以选B。【考点定位】考查交际用语15.【2014安徽卷】35 I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day. Oh great! .A. Good luck B. Cheer upC. Same to you D. Keep it up【答案】D【考点定位】考查交际用语16.【2014浙江卷】1. -I am going to Spain fort a holiday soon. - _. A. Its my plea

32、sure B. Never mind C. Leave it alone D. Good for you【答案】D【解析】试题分析:A.It is my pleasure我很高兴,乐意效劳;用于答应对方的请求; B.Never mind 没关系;C.Leave it alone不要管它; D.Good for you真好;句意:-我很快将去西班牙度假。-真好。根据句意故选D。【考点定位】考查交际用语。17.【2014浙江卷】20.Id like a wake-up call at 7:00 a.m., please!OK, _. A. help yourself B. You will cer

33、tainly make it C. just do what you like D. Ill make sure you get one【答案】D【解析】试题分析:A.help yourself请自便;B.you will certainly make it你将一定会成功;C.just do what you like做你喜欢的事;D.Ill make sure you get one我能保证你能接到电话。句意:我愿意在早晨7点有电话把我惊醒。-好吧,我能保证你能接到电话。回答的人愿意让对方接到一个,故选D。【考点定位】考查交际用语。2013年高考题【2013浙江】20. - Excuse m

34、e, but could I trouble you for some change?- _. Will pennies do?A. I know B. Never mind C. I am sure D. Let me see【答案】D【解析】句意为:对不起,有换点零钱吗?我看一下,就几个便士够吗?此处let me see表示表示“让我看一看”;其他都与上下文不一致,所以这里选D项。【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2013浙江】1. Hey, can I ask you a favor?Sure, _A. here you are. B. just as I thought.C. how is

35、it going? D. what can I do for you?【答案】D【考点定位】考查交际用语。2013陕西卷15-Im tired. Im taking next week off.- , honey. You do need a break. A. Not so sure B. Forget it C. Great idea D. No way【答案】C【解析】A项意思是:不太确信;B项意思是:算了,没关系;C项意思是:好主意;D项意思是:没门。应答句的后一分句的意思是:你的确需要休息,由此可知应答者赞成前一人的建议,故选C。句意:-我很累。我下周将休假。-好主意,亲爱的,你的确

36、需要休息。【考点定位】考查交际用语。2013课标全国卷 1Im sorry I made a mistake! _. Nobody is perfect.A. Take your time B. Youre right CWhatever you say D. Take it easy【答案】D【解析】句意:很抱歉,我犯错了!别着急。没有人是完美的。根据说话人道歉的意思,答话人给予安慰,故选D。A项表示“从容做, 不慌不忙”,B项表示“你说得对”,C项表示“无论你说什么”。【考点定位】考查交际用语。2013课标全国卷 15Are you sure you wont come for a dri

37、nk with us? _ ,if you insist.A. Not at all B. It depends C. All right then DI dont care【答案】C【考点定位】考查交际用语。2013新课标全国卷21 Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup!_,madam. Its our soup of the day.A. Let me see B. So it isC. Dont mention it D. Neither do I【答案】B 【解析】let me see 让我来看看; So it is 它的确是;

38、dont mention it 不客气; neither do I 我也不。上下句中的soup提示,双方都在说同一个汤,显然答话人认同对方的说法,故选B。句意:啊,这只不过是普通的蔬菜汤!夫人,的确是。这是我们今天的特色汤。【考点定位】本题考查交际用语。2013天津卷4 Marys been offered a job in a university, but she doesnt want to take it. _?Its a very good chance.A. Guess what B. So what CWho cares DBut why【答案】D【解析】Guess what 猜

39、猜看;So what 那又怎么样;Who cares 谁在意呢;But why为什么呢。句意:玛丽在大学里就已被提供了一份工作,但她不想接受。但是为什么呢?那是一个很好的机会。【考点定位】考查情景对话。2013四川卷1 I feel so nervous about the National English Speech Competition tomorrow. _AI really envy you BGlad to hear thatCSounds great D. Take it easy 【答案】D【考点定位】考查情景对话。2013天津卷1 Im going to Venice ne

40、xt week._Carnival will be held then. Have fun!AYoure crazy BYoure luckyCYoud better not DYou never know【答案】B【解析】Youre crazy 你疯了;Youre lucky 你很幸运;Youd better not 你最好不要去;You never know 你永远不知道。句意:我下周要去威尼斯。你很幸运。那时将举行狂欢节。好好玩!【考点定位】考查情景对话。2013山东卷32 This is a really lively party. Theres a great atmosphere,

41、 isnt there?_. The hosts know how to host a party.A. Dont worry B. Yes, indeedC. No, there isnt D. It all depends【答案】B【解析】从答语中的“主持人知道怎样主持晚会”可知同意上述的观点。Dont worry“别着急”;Yes, indeed“是的,的确如此”;No, there isnt是否定的回答;It all depends“根据情况而定”。【考点定位】考查交际用语。2013山东卷23 How far can you run without stopping? _. Ive n

42、ever tried.A. Dont mention it B. Thats all rightCI have no idea D. Go ahead【答案】C【考点定位】考查交际用语。2013辽宁卷 21What do you think of the house?_ Its everything weve been looking for.APerfect! BGood idea!CNot bad. DSoso.【答案】A【解析】句意:-你认为这间房子怎么样?-太完美了。它是我们一直梦寐以求的一切。Perfec完美无缺的;Good idea好主意,用在别人提出建议时;Not bad还不错;

43、So-so一般情况。根据语境,特别是空后的一句话,是解好本题的关键。【考点定位】考查情景对话。 2013辽宁卷 35Im afraid you have the wrong number.Sorry! _ASee you later BI didnt know thatCHold on, please DI hope I didnt bother you 【答案】D【解析】根据语境“I am afraid you have the wrong number”意思“恐怕你打错号码了”,所以对方表示歉意,I hope I didnt bother you我希望我没打扰你,所以选D。 【考点定位】考

44、查情景对话。2013江苏 35Thank you for the flowers._I thought they might cheer you up.AThats right BAll right CIm all right DIts all right【答案】D【解析】句意为:谢谢你的花。不客气。我认为他们或许会使你振奋起来D项意为“不客气,没关系”,符合语境。A项意为“没错”;B项意为“好吧”;C项意为“我很好”。 【考点定位】考查交际用语。2013江西卷 21Thanks a lot for your book. I found it very interesting._. Im gl

45、ad you enjoyed it.A. All the best B. It is nothing C. No thanks D. Very well【答案】B【考点定位】考查情景对话。2013江苏 22The Tshirt I received is not the same as is shown online._ ?But I promise you well look into it right away.AWho says BHow come CWhat for DWhy worry【答案】B【解析】句意为:我收到的T恤衫跟网上展出的不一样。怎么会那样呢?我向你保证我们将立刻调查。

46、How come意为“怎么会”,符合语境。A项意为“谁说的”;C项意为“为何目的”;D项意为“为何担忧”,均与语境不符。【考点定位】考查交际用语。2013福建卷33 Would you mind answering some questions on shopping habits? _A. Yes, with great pleasure B. No, I am afraid I cant make itC. Yes, it is worth the time D. No, as long as it doesnt take long【答案】D【考点定位】考查交际用语。 2013安徽卷35H

47、ow did your interview with the manager go?_ He seemed interested in my experience, but he didnt ask for references. APerfect! BIm not sure. CThats right. DCouldnt be better.【答案】B 【解析】由答语“他好像对我的经历感兴趣,但没有问起介绍人”推断,说话者也不清楚自己的面试情况到底怎么样。故选B。【考点定位】考查交际用语。2013安徽卷 25This is your order, a hamburger and an app

48、le pie. _?Ill have it here.AAnything else BIs that OKCFor here or to go DSomething to drink【答案】C 【解析】由答语“我就在这吃”推断,前面服务员问的是“您是在这吃还是带走”,故选C。【考点定位】考查交际用语。2013重庆卷 22Would you like a glass of wine?_. I dont drink.ANo, thanks BYes, please CI dont like it DIts my favorite【答案】A 【解析】本题的关键在于空后的“I dont drink”,

49、据此可知,答案应该是否定的,排除选项B,D;从礼貌角度看,排除选项C,正确答案是A。句意:要一杯酒吗?不了,谢谢,我不喝酒。【考点定位】考查交际用语。2013重庆卷 35Forgotten something? I can keep an eye on your kids if you want to go and get it._Thank you all the same.AIts very kind of you. BOh, how careless of me!CI might as well go and get it. DWell, I can do without it.【答案】

50、D【考点定位】考查交际用语。2013陕西卷23Shall we go for a drink at one oclock this afternoon? - . Will two oclock be OK? A. Sure, its up to you B. Sure, no problem C. Sorry, I cant make it D. Sorry, Im not available today【答案】C【解析】A项意思是:当然,由你决定;B项意思是:当然,没问题;C项意思是:对不起,(一点钟)不行;D项意思是:对不起,我今天不行。问句是表示征求意见,而根据应答句的后一分句Will

51、two oclock be OK可知一点钟不行,故选C。句意:-今天下午一点我们能出去喝一杯吗?-对不起,一点不行。两点可以吗?【考点定位】考查交际用语。2012高考题【2012江西卷】27Have you paid? Whats my share of the bill? . It wasnt very much.ADont worry about it.BIts my shareCNone of your business.DIts up to you.【答案】A【解析】句意为”你付了钱吗?我的那份账单是多少?”,”不用担心,这不是很贵的.”选项A:不用担心。选项B:这是我的那份。C:不管

52、你的事。D:这取决于你。【考点定位】考查交际用语【2012重庆卷】35.Look, here comes your dream girl. Invite her to dance._W hat if she refuses me?A.I dont know B. Why me? C. With pleasure D. So what?【答案】A【解析】分析语境可知,对于是否邀请对方跳舞拿不定主意,害怕对方拒绝。在四个选项中,A选项符合语境。因此,正确答案为A选项。【考点定位】交际用语【2012重庆卷】26.The Modern Art Exhibition in the City Museum

53、 has been cancelled. Oh, no!_. A. Its a pity B. It doesnt matter C.I knew it already D. Its not interesting at all【答案】A【解析】分析题干语境可知,答语表示的是对于现代艺术展览活动的取消表示遗憾。因此,正确答案为A选项。【考点定位】交际用语【2012辽宁卷】23. Im terribly sorry to interrupt, but may I use your phone? Its rather urgent. Yes, . A. with pleasure B. no hu

54、rry C. it doesnt matter D. of course【答案】D【考点定位】交际用语 1【2012四川卷】. Excuse me. How much is the shirt? _.A. Extra Large B. 50 each C. It sells well D. Altogether there are 5 【答案】 B 【解析】句意为“打扰一下,这衬衫多少钱?”“_。”A意为“超大号”,B意为“每件50”C意为“它很畅销”,D意为“总共有5(件)”。根据语境,故选B。【考点定位】本题考查交际用语。【2012四川卷】3.Goodbye, John. Come bac

55、k again sometime. 高666考%资&源Sure. _.A. I did B. I do C. I shall D. I will【答案】 D 【解析】根据上句“再见,约翰。(欢迎)找个时间再来。”而选D,意为:我会的,我愿意。【考点定位】本题考查交际用语。【2012陕西卷】16.Im sorry for being late. I should have phoned you earlier._. Ive just arrived.A. Thats no trouble B. You are welcomeC. Thats all rightD. You can never t

56、ell【答案】C 【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2012陕西卷】21.The trip shouldnt take more than an hour. _.It is at least two hours. A. I guess so B. Thats itC. You must be joking D. It depends【答案】C 【解析】A项意思是:我想是这样;B项意思是:就是它;C项意思是:你一定在开玩笑;D项意思是:看情况。题干中前一分句意思是:旅行不该超过一小时。而应答句的后一分句意思是:至少两小时了,根据情景选C。【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2012全国II】20. Try n

57、ot to work yourself too hard. Take it easy. Thanks. _A. So what? B. No way C. What for? D. You, too.【答案】D【解析】此处So what? 那又怎么样呢?No way没门儿;What for?为什么; You, too.你也是。句意:-不要让自己太累了。放松点儿。-谢谢。你也是。【考点定位】考查情景对话。【2012全国II】6. What shall we do tonight then? _whatever you want.A. Help yourself B. Its a deal C.

58、No problem D. Its up to you 【答案】D【考点定位】考查情景对话。【2012天津卷】You have to believe in yourself. No one else will, if you dont._. Confidence is really important.A. Its not my cup of teaB. Thats not the pointC. I dont think soD. I couldnt agree more【答案】D【解析】根据语境,特别是从后句 “Confidence is really important.”可知,第二个人

59、非常同意第一个人的观点,故选D。 I couldnt agree more.我非常赞同。【考点定位】此题考查交际用语。【2012天津卷】Can I have a day off tomorrow, Mr. Johnson?_. I can manage without you.A. Forget it B. Im afraid notC. It dependsD. Of course【答案】D【解析】根据“I can manage without you”可知同意对方请假,故选D。【考点定位】此题考查交际用语。【2012全国新课程】21.Which one of these do you wa

60、nt? . Either will do .A. I dont mind B. Im sureC. No problem D. Go ahead【答案】A【解析】此处I dont mind我不介意; Im sure我确信;No problem 没问题;Go ahead继续做。句意:-你想要这些中的那一个?-我不在乎。任何一个都行。【考点定位】考查情景对话。【2012山东卷】22. Sorry Im late. I got stuck in traffic. _. Youre here now. Come in and sit down. A. You are welcomeB. Thats r

61、ight C. I have no idea D. Never mind【答案】D【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2012福建卷】21.What are you going to do this weekend? . If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.A. Dont mention it B. It doesnt matter C. Forget itD. It depends【答案】D【解析】根据题中的语境,特别是答语的后半部分“If time permits”,可知“看情况决定”选择故选择A项“It depends”,表

62、示同意,其它选项不合题意。【考点定位】交际用语征求意见或看法 【2012浙江卷】20. Im going to San Francisco for a couple of days. . I wish I could get away for a while.A. It doesnt matter B. Forget itC. I really envy you D. I cant agree more【答案】C【解析】根据句意:我要去圣弗朗西斯科几天。真羡慕你(I really envy you)。我多么希望我也可以离开一会儿呀。与I wish相呼应,故答案C符合语境。It doesnt m

63、atter ,没有关系;forget it别提了;I cant agree more完全赞同,均不符合语境,故排除。【考点定位】交际用语征求意见或看法【2012浙江卷】1. Is there anything else to discuss?_. I guess.A. Not at allB. No, thats all C. Yes, Im sure D. Yea, of course【答案】B【考点定位】交际用语征求意见或看法【2012江苏卷】33. Honey, the cats stuck in the tree. Can you turn off the TV and get a l

64、adder?Oh, it jumped off. .A. Never mind B. All rightC. No problemD. Take care【答案】A【解析】A项意为“别介意,别放在心上”,。B项意为“好吧”;C项意为“没问题”;D项意为“当心”。 句意为:亲爱的,那只猫被困在树上。你可以关电视,拿梯子?哦,它会跳下来。别放在心上。根据上面是在担心,故后面是安慰,故选A项。【考点定位】交际用语安慰【2012江苏卷】24.Dont worry, Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu._! Ill tell Dad theres nothi

65、ng serious.A. What a relief B. Congratulations C. How surprising D. Im so sorry【答案】A【解析】句意为:妈妈,别担心。医生说只是流感。我可以松口气了。我要告诉爸爸没有什么严重的。A项意为“可以松口气了”,符合语境。B项意为“祝贺”;C项意为“多么令人惊讶啊”;D项意为“我很抱歉”。根据句意,应选A项。【考点定位】交际用语安慰 【2012安徽卷】32. I love the Internet. Ive come to know many friends on the Net. . Few of them would

66、become your real friends.A. Thats for sure B. Its not the caseC. I couldnt agree more D. Im pleased to know that【答案】B【解析】 Its not the case.表示 “不是那么回事”。 根据Few of them可判断答话人不同意这种看法。【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2012安徽卷】22.May I help you? You seem to be having some problems. , thanks. I think I can manage. A. All righ

67、t B. No problem C. Itall right D. Theres no way 【答案】C【考点定位】考查交际用语。2011高考题【2011全国卷I 35】Artistic people can be very difficult sometimes.Well, you married one. _ . A. You name it B. Ive got it C. I cant agree more D. You should know【答案】D【解析】句意:艺术家有时生活挺困难的。嗯,你嫁给了一个艺术家,应该是了解的。根据题意应选D。A. You name it表示全部说出

68、来;B. Ive got it表示我明白了;C. I cant agree more表示我完全同意。【考点定位】考查交际用语【2011全国卷I 21】We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party. Yes, _ ? Ill give them a call right now. A. why not B. what for C. why D. what【答案】A【解析】句意:我们邀请约翰和芭芭拉来参加周五的派对好么?好啊,我现在就给他们打电话。从题意可知,说话人B同意了A的观点,why not为什么不,表赞成,故选A。【考

69、点定位】考察交际用语。【2011全国卷II 6】Did you forget about my birthday? _ Ive booked a table at Michels restaurant for this evening. A. What then? B. Im afraid so. C. How could I? D. For sure.【答案】C【解析】根据”Ive booked a table at Michels restaurant for this evening.”可知,答话人并没有忘记对方的生日,因此选择C,How could I?表示“我怎么能忘呢?”。What

70、 then?“那便会怎么样呢?”,Im afraid so.“恐怕是这样。”,For sure.“肯定;确定。”,均不符合语境。【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2011全国卷II 20】So you gave her your phone?_she said shed return it to me when she could afford her own. A. My pleasure B. Not exactly C. No doubt D. All right【答案】B【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2011山东卷 22】Im sorry I broken the vase. Oh, _. I

71、t wasnt very expensive. A. youd better notB. Im afraid notC. as you wishD. thats all right【答案】D【解析】句意:对不起,我打碎了花瓶。-哦,没关系,它不很贵。根据句子情境上下文,用来回答sorry.其他选项不符合英语表达习惯A.“你最好别那样做”。B“我恐怕不是这样”C“正如你期待的”。【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2011山东卷 29】Are you going to Toms birthday party? _.I might have to work.A. It dependsB. Thank yo

72、uC. Sound greatD. Dont mention it【答案】A【解析】句意“-你要去参加汤姆的生日聚会吗?-看情况而定。我可能得工作。”根据回答的后半句推测句意选A.C为“听起来不错”,用于接受某人的提议 D为“不用提了”用于回答别人说“thank you”.【考点定位】此题为考查交际用语。【2011江西卷 21】 We need three single rooms for the first week in June. _. The hotels not busy then. A. No problemB. Dont botherC. Never mindD. It does

73、nt matter【答案】A【解析】No problem没问题。Dont bother.别打扰。Never mind.没关系。It doesnt matter.没关系前句问我是否可以预定六月第一周的房间吗?从后一句答语没问题,宾馆在之后是不忙的。所以前一句答语应该是肯定的并且语气十分肯定。答案:A。【考点定位】考察交际用语【2011江苏卷 35】You could always put the decisions off a little bit longer. _ If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.A. Thats reason

74、able advice. B. Isnt it a good idea?C. Do you think so? D. I cant agree more.【答案】C【解析】根据后面的句子If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.可判断,第二个人并不赞同第一个人的说法,因此反问“你这样认为吗”。其他三项均表示赞同对方的说法或建议。【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2011安徽卷 23】Oh, you sounded just like a native. _, I still have trouble expressing myself.A. W

75、ell, not quite B.I dont careC. Yes, youre right D. Im glad you like it【答案】A【解析】句意为:“哦,听起来你说地就像说母语的人一样。”“那里啊,我要表达自己的看法仍然有些困难”。A项为“并非完全”;B项为“我不介意”;C项为“你说的对”;D项为“你能喜欢我很高兴”。根据句意选择A项。【考点定位】考查情境交际。【2011安徽卷 29】You can have a pet dog, but suppose you get bored with it in a few days? _?We wont, we promise!A.

76、 Then what B. All right C. How come D. So what【答案】C【考点定位】考查情境交际。【2011安徽卷 35】We got here Tuesday afternoon. _Why didnt you call us earlier? A. Good luck! B. You did? C. Its no surprise. D. You are welcome【答案】B【考点定位】考查情境交际。【2011江苏卷 29】Linda didnt invite us to the party._? I dont care.A. For what B. So

77、 what C. Whats on D. Whats up【答案】B【解析】根据后面的句子I dont care.可判断,此处表示“那又怎么样”,表示满不在乎或无所谓的态度。A项表示“为了什么”,C项表示“在展览什么”;D项表示”怎么了,发生什么啦”。【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2011浙江卷 1】Im sorry I didnt make it to your party last night._, I know youre busy these days.A. Of courseB. No kiddingC. Thats all nightD. Dont mention it【答案】C【解

78、析】句意为:对不起,我昨天没到你的party那去,没关系,我知道你忙。选C。【考点定位】本题考查交际用语。【2011浙江卷 17】Can I come and have a look at your new house? Yes, _! A. with pleasure B. I like it C. I quite agree D. by all means【答案】D【解析】句意为:我可以看到您的新房子吗?随时可以。选D。【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2011浙江卷 20】I dont think Ill be able to go mountain-climbing tomorrow. _?

79、 A. And how B. How come C. Hows it going D. How about it【答案】B【解析】句意为:我明天可能不会去爬山。为什么?A. And how对,正确,当然啦。B. How come为什么,怎么会。【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2011四川卷 1】Im sorry I didnt finish it on time. _. A. Fine,thanks B. No,thanks C. Thanks a lot DThanks anyway【答案】D【解析】句意为:抱歉我未能按时完成。无论如何我还是得谢谢你。D符合语境。A为见面招呼用语,B用于委婉拒绝

80、,C在表示非常感谢时用。【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2011四川卷 5】How could you be so rude as to walk in here in the middle of my class? _A. Nothing much B. Nothing serious C. Never again D. Never mind【答案】C【解析】根据第一句“你怎么会如此粗鲁地走进这里我的教室中间来?”可知答案为Never again(绝不再)。A意为“没什么”;B意为“没什么大问题”;D意为“没关系;别介意”。【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2011天津卷 14】I need to a

81、dvertise for a roommate for next term._? Mary is interested.A. Why bother B. Why not C. So what D. What for【答案】A【考点定位】考察交际用语。【2011天津卷 2】Just a moment. I havent finished packing my suitcase. _ . Its high time we left for the airport.A. Go ahead B. Take it easy C. Hurry up D. Thats fine【答案】C【解析】句意为:请稍

82、等。我还没有打完包我的手提箱。快点- -我们将马上离开机场。Go ahead开始,前进;进行;Take it easy 不着急;Hurry up 快点;Thats fine那很好。【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2011陕西卷 18】Jack,you seem in high spirits._We won the match 4-0. A. Guess what? B. So what? C. No wonder. D. No double【答案】A【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2011重庆卷 23】Are you going to take part in the speech contest?

83、_Its too good an opportunity to miss.A. No problem! B. Thats for sure.C. Why me? D. Why bother?【答案】B【解析】句意为“你打算去参加演讲比赛吗?”“那是必须的。这是一个十分难得的机会,怎能错过呢?”只有B符合语境。【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2011重庆卷 35】Do you have Marys phone number?Sorry,_.A. I dont know B. forget itC. here you are D. I cant remember it【答案】D【解析】此题容易误选A。

84、但是注意语境,“你有Mary的电话号码吗?”“对不起,我忘了。”肯定不可能是“我不知道我有没有Mary的电话号码”,而选A正是这个意思,故排除。【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2011辽宁卷 35】 I probably shouldnt have any more cake. Oh, _. It wont kill you. A. go ahead B. hold on, please C. youre welcome D. thatll do【答案】A【考点定位】考查交际用语。【解析】或许我不应该再吃蛋糕了。别这样,它又不会要你命。【2011陕西卷 21】We can give you a r

85、ide into town._Thank you. A. Yes, why not? B. Oh, it would be my pleasure. C. Yes, please. D. Oh, that would be great.【答案】D【考点定位】考查交际用语。【2011福建卷 35】My teacher says shes canceling the class play. I just cant understand._ .You were looking forward to it.A.It doesnt matter B.Its very unwise of her C.Dont worry about it D.You must be disappointed【答案】D【解析】上文说到老师取消了the class play,很是不明白。下文又提到你们都很期待,当然就非常失望了。【考点定位】考查交际用语。


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